I actually, truly have dreams about blocks falling into place and disappearing.
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Mid 90s should be sufficient. I played DotT 98-ish.
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The walls are adorned with POSTERS advertising various games, such as Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Against the east wall is a DESK with a COMPUTER and some VIDEO GAMES resting on it. A BED lies on the western side of the room. Dividing the room is a SHELF containing various books and toys. To the north are two DOORS; one leads to a CLOSET and the other leads out of the room.
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Early computer games were entirely text-based. You would give a one or two-word command, like "open drawer" and the game would respond with sentences or paragraphs of information about the result of your command, usually new visual information.
Devron gave a great example of a response to twelfthdr's command. He capitalized the nouns the way some games would capitalize the interactable objects.
In the game Zork, you needed a lit lantern to nagivate dark places. Even if you knew where you were, and the path back to a lit room, the game would comment "it is pitch black, you are likely to be eaten by a grue" every time you left one room for another. Make a wrong move, and the game would announce your death, "You have been eaten by a grue."
Zork can be played free online, and the entire Zork anthology is on Steam.
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Ah, Zork.... I doubt I will ever forget my earliest attempt at playing that:
Me: Go east
Game: You cannot go that way
Me: Eat me
Game: Auto-cannibalism is not the answer
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Portal. One of the best puzzle platformers of all time.
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when i write exams, i always search for a save point. where are they?
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I can barely see the wasd prints on my keyboard :/
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I had to google this, for those who don't know:
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that causes numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and forearm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand β the median nerve β is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. In most patients, carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse over time.
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I think I got a milder version of it - tendonitis? - when I was working on finishing my master's thesis and learning (lots of writing involved) to my final exam. It got to the point that I could not write for more than a few seconds without burning pain, and had to wear gloves (in the summer) to prop my wrist up a bit from the table, being it laying down was painful :D
Proof than higher education is more harmful than videya
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is an affliction usually affecting individuals over thirty years old. However, some children have also displayed some of its symptoms. The injuries include bursitis, tendonitis, and related injuries that are becoming more common to young kids. Nintendo thumb or Nintendonitis is the name called by most parents to the constant usage of video games causing strain injuries which is repetitively occurring. This also characterizes carpal tunnel syndrome. Video systems used for homes are not the only contributor, but also video systems that are portable which include handheld game systems.
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This might sound stupid, but I was recommended (by multiple people) Turmeric pills/capsules that are high in curcuminoids for my Carpel / Overuse Syndrome Inflammation--and it works! (The turmeric works much better with something like Bioperene as an additive/reactive agent -- the Bioperene etc makes the curcuminoids--the actual anti-inflammatory part of the turmeric plant--absorb up to 20x better than that same pill without the Bioperene). My inflammation cleared up after a few weeks.
(Something like this)
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Don't worry mate, I couldn't decide between this and "War never changes" but I didn't want to use the phrase exactly like it was used in the game and with the conflict in the Ukraine I used the BG reference even though Fallout is my favorite game ever. BTW, I like your cats :-)
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I'm a potential mass shooter, a probable psycho, and a confirmed glasses bearer.
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And you know what ? what really, really drives me mad, is orange juice.
Ofc I'm joking, I'm usually some kind of a human teddy bear in real life :-)
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I've come to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all outta gum.
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Yep, the same goes for "Hail to the king baby" and "Groovy!" phrases Duke used, came from the mouth of Ash in Evil Dead series. Probably there were more but those two came to my mind in this moment. I think mostly old farts remember those things...and nerds. I am both :-\
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I'll give you a better one... I'll tell you I'm a gamer AND an average SG member in one:
I have a 10 EUR coupon and now I have to decide what to buy. This one seems interesting...
But what if it gets bundled? And in the near future! :O
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More devilishly good music:
BFG Division (Rip & Tear is the "meme song", but imo this is the real deal)
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
DOOM / Eternal fan-stuff that I love (Miracle of Sound):
Hell to Pay
Big Guts And Bigger Guns
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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (vocal tracks) (I really need to play the whole game, apparently it has great music + awesome gameplay + actual, deep story, not just cutting everything up)
Some DMC5 Character themes: Dante, Nero, Virgil (I don't really like V's theme, but it's out there, too :D )
Played only a bit of MGR and none of DMC5, but listened the tracks to bits already, especially Virgil's theme. As the theme is built up at the beginning, just starting with a violin... *chef kiss*
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Listen to this too
From Guilty Gear Strive or
From Halo Infinite
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Persona 3FEZ: https://youtu.be/5SLd2VaIvJw or https://youtu.be/DBwmWDfbmfs
Persona 4: https://youtu.be/6GmXoN65pnA or https://youtu.be/d-x3ojOGWa8 (I literary put this on my car audio when I driving)
(anime from game)PERSONA3 THE MOVIE: https://youtu.be/GGDa525fU20
Ori: https://youtu.be/DcuEVjS6urk
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Let's end this week with a BANG. So, tell me you're a gamer without telling me you're a gamer.
Make it fun, you can use meme's as long as they are appropriate and don't break the Guidelines.
Here's an example: "I'm extremely violent according to the media."
Thank you and have fun! π
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