Was a console player before Steam and I would switch platform by the standard of upgrading generations but as for PC, maybe would've just kept to Uplay and/or GOG
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If I didn't have a lot of games on Steam already, then yes, absolutely.
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Steam has a lot more features than most, like user reviews, maybe not counting GOG. Even if you don't use them, it's nice to know they are there.
I also have quite a few games in GOG. But Epic, origin, uplay, they don't offer anything.
Well, the only one I dislike is Epic "if you want a forum, go to reddit" store
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I stopped using Steam client for launching games and now I don't care about any specific platform - I launch games from my library via Playnite (where I got all my libraries combined) and it doesn't matter to me that the platform clients are running in the hidden Windows tray panel when they need to. This is what I did to stop being too much reliant on Steam.
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I've been mostly running my steam games without steam for a long ,long time ,thanks to a great scene that makes it possible
Originally it was because i had a potato PC and didn't want unnecessary processes running.
But now i prefer it , it just makes sense to want to run your game clean without any encumbrances.
But Steam is great for storing my digital library (6000 - 7000 games) + the steam community and long may it continue.
Though like most people i have all the other libraries too , like Gog ,Uplay ,Origin ,Itch ,e.t.c ,.e.t.c. .
I might check out that "Playnite" thing and see what it's like.
I do miss walking into old second-hand shops and snapping up great PC titles for pennies ,getting home and playing them straight away from the disc .
At the most ,if at all ,you might have needed a 10mb download to install an update patch :)
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Do what's best for you as a consumer. Shop around; brand loyalty is meaningless.
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I don't understand why you think needs to be all-or-nothing. You don't have to "leave Steam behind" in order to play a game on a different client. It's simply a few mouse clicks.
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Yes if gog offered same games with full transfer, i would switch to DRM-free store gog.
It would be much better to play offline.
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Can't see how it could happen, really. I consistently find better prices on Steam (and that if the game in question is even available elsewhere), I use most of their features on a regular basis, and they're currently the platform with the greatest long-term stability by a country mile. I can honestly say this absurd event is the first time I've had any issue with Steam in the best part a decade...
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I don't really know much about Dota Underworlds since I haven't played it, but isn't one of the characteristics of auto-chess games the inherent unbalanced aspect of it? Like with every Battle Royale game?
As to the bugs, some do report it too. That should be fixed. Though it's not a huge problem looking at the reviews and considering negativity bias.
But the event doesn't force you to do anything. It's just a bonus for buying games. It's your own fault if you're expecting the opposite. That you should buy so you can click "boost". It's a pretty jilted view on the event in my opinion, but who am I to say. It feels like a person complaining about not having the ability to solely play Gwent in The Witcher 3.
Thanks for elaborating.
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Honestly what's keeping me on Steam are the achievements. It shouldn't be this way but achievements motivate me to actually play and finish a game. If there are no achievements, I'll just... get bored at some point. I have yet to fully finish a Far Cry game. While there are uplay achievements, I somehow just don't care about those.
So tl;dr: most likely not.
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I feel achievements are like two edged sword to me. When I had more time to play they were nice but nowadays it feels like work to try to get achievements and I even turned off achievement notifications. So I try to focus to game and play the game not the achievements. I am still on my first playthrough on Witcher 3 and I will quite the same with side quests. I try too much to complete all the side quests. Luckily they are good on Witcher 3. :)
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I'm not sure what you mean by "if you weren't so invested into Steam?" and looking at the responses, others don't really as well.
If my games would be transferred? Maybe to GoG.
If nothing was transferred? I doubt it.
Steam's got way more functionality, as much as we like to rag on them.
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Seems I wasn't clear enough, sorry. What I meant was that people don't know what that hypothetical entails. Whether that reference to the "investment" means you can transfer it, whether you can can't, etc. People have responded in multiple ways to this question since often the response relies on the answer to that question. Regardless, I have the same situation. Steam's gotten most of my money that I've put into games.
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I don't care about the platform as long as I can play my games. I don't need achievements, cards or a community hub. nice things to have but not a must have.
Priority for me:
I would even switch to good streaming services or systems like Xbox Gamepass because I mostly play singleplayer games and finish most of them only one time.
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steam has way more features than any client,so im sticking only with it.
edit: MANY SAY that valve is taking 30% is so much, ok, i see EA got Origin and ubisoft got uplay, their games isnt down even for a cent with 0 % cut, just good luck there.
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nope, i can get "free" money(wallet) on steam, why would i change???
literally any games i buy on steam for the last 3-4 year is "free"
besides, there's better SALE on steam than most "platform"
cheaper than console too
and for the most part i need to buy with "real" money in other platform (just like i write above)
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I mostly get games for Steam because I can trade and give them away with relative ease.
GOG being DRM free is nice, but sadly they don't have very many games on their service. (it took me months to go through every one on Steam, I went through all the games on GOG in less then a day).
I used to be a console gamer, but I only buy physical games on consoles and way too much shady stuff was going on there (retail game boxes having nothing but a download code in them). Digital games are a no go because I don't trust purchases to carry over from one generation to the next, or even to be available for re-download within a few years of a generation ending.
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Price is the most important factor, and steam usually has the low prices, or at least the bundle sites with steam keys do. The only reason I started buying games on steam was for mods and sometimes multiplayer capabilities. If it's a simple SP game, I wouldn't care where I bought it.
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Maybe GOG if they do a big Steam Connect blowout and get a whole bunch more games.
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Not really sure why it has to be an either/or thing. If someone else starts offering better bargains than Steam, that would become my go-to for new games moving forward, and I'd fire up Steam when I wanted to play the older stuff that's already in my library.
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I would in a heartbeat. But I can't since I have spent so much money buying games, leveling up my account, etc. I couldn't even force myself. to leave. The only way I could ever see myself leaving is if the opposing platform allowed me to transfer my entire library at one time. No like how GOG does timed transfers.
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