In-game content(English.txt):
Simplified Chinese|简体中文
Daily bonus|日常奖励
Take away|获得
Level |关卡
Points: |得分:
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall |
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch |使用两个图形的技能获得一根火把
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star. | 你可以在暂停菜单中选择一张图. 用来替换星星中的圆圈
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|使用三角的技能获得一根火把
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck! | <size=80>恭喜!</size>现在尝试通过全部关卡吧!祝你好运!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size> | <size=80>方块</size><size=55>使用方块在墙上行走</size>
Click to continue.|点击继续
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size=80>圆圈</size><size=55>像球一样弹跳 – 灵活运用它吧</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>星形</size><size=55>摧毁3个危险物品</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size=80>三角</size><size=55>制造自己的分身. 之后用来与其他图合成</size>
+1 life|+1生命
+1 copy|+1分身
Level |关卡
Best time: |最佳时间:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|我花了 {1}秒通过了{0}关.你能比我更快吗? 击败我并分享#Rebons话题吧.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.|同时你只能使用两个图形
Go to the store to open the triangle.|到商店打开三角形
Go to the store to open the star.|到商店打开星形
Collect more crystals!|收集更多水晶!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|恭喜!你获得了{0}水晶!
Code has already activated or entered incorrectly|兑换码已被使用或输入错误
Do you want to receive training?|你想接受训练吗?
Enter the promotional code|输入推广码
Do you want to quit?|你确定退出吗?
Internet connection is required|需要连接互联网
Day |日
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size=80>关闭.</size><size=55>完成之前的关卡.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size=65>你喜欢这个游戏吗?</size><size=50>在Steam上留言反馈吧!</size>
No, thanks|不了,谢谢
More games|更多游戏
Not enough tickets|没有足够门票
Not enough crystals|没有足够水晶
Go to the store to open the octagon|到商店开启八边形
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size=80>八边形</size><size=55>在墙上行走并可进行小的旋转 </size>
+1 ticket.|+1门票
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size=80>八边形</size><size=55>拥有方形的所有属性, 但是速度更快并避开小的旋转</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon.|到商店购买八边形
Red won.|红色获胜.
Blue won.|蓝色获胜.
You don't have tickets.|你没有门票.
Cooperative |合作模式
1 against 1|一对一
Create a new level|创建一个新的关卡
Edit a level|编辑关卡
Pass a level|跳过关卡
You need to set finish|你需要设置终点
You need to set start|你需要设置起点
The level is saved|关卡已被保存
The level is uploaded |关卡已上传
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours|在{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}小时后获得礼物
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|恭喜!你获得了一个方形的皮肤
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|恭喜!你获得了一个圆圈的皮肤
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|恭喜!你获得了一个三角形的皮肤
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|恭喜!你获得了一个星形的皮肤
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|恭喜!你获得了一个八边形的皮肤
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|恭喜!你获得了一列火车({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|恭喜!你获得了{0}钻石
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets|恭喜!你获得了{0}门票
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|恭喜!你获得了一个"超级"大奖,但是我们并不会发给你.
To create an object|创建一个物体
To delete an object|删除一个物体
To move an object|移动一个物体
To select an object|选中一个物体
To manage a camera|管理镜头
Camera scale|镜头比例
Enter the name of the level|输入关卡名称
Delete save |删除存档
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|你确定要删除存档吗?
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels.|Rebons是一个有独特物理碰撞的硬核游戏。用你的机敏来通过所有关卡。
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way.|与你朋友竞争排行榜。准备好面对更多的挑战。
Features of figures:|图形的特性
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight|方形 - 可以粘在墙壁上并有一定的重量
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light|圆圈 - 在地板及墙上反弹,重量极轻
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure|三角形 - 制造自己的分身并用来合成其他图形
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited|星形 - 摧毁陷阱,但是生命数量有限
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines|八边形 - 拥有方形的所有属性,并可进行小的旋转
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I'll translate to Brazilian Portuguese:
Brazilian Portuguese | Português Brasileiro
Daily bonus | Bônus diário
Take away | Retirar
Level | Nível
Points: | Pontos:
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall | Mude para outra figura para se separar da parede
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch | Use a habilidade de duas figuras para pegar a tocha
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star. | Você pode escolher a figura no menu pause. Substitua o círculo pela estrela.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch | Use a habilidade de um triangulo para pegar a tocha
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck! | <size=80>Congratulações!</size>Agora tente passar todos os níveis! Boa sorte!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size> | <size=80>Quadrado</size><size=55>Use-o para andar nas paredes</size>
Training | Treinamento
Click to continue. | Clique para continuar.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size> | <size=80>Círculo</size><size=55>Pula como uma bola – use sabiamente</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size> | <size=80>Estrela</size><size=55>Destrói 3 objetos perigosos</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size> | <size=80>Triangulo</size><size=55>Cria cópias de si mesmo. Use posteriormente em combinação com outras figuras</size>
+1 life | +1 vida
+1 copy | +1 cópia
Level | Nível
Best time: | Melhor tempo:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time. | Eu passei o nível {0} em {1}s. Você pode fazer mais rápido? Estabeleça o #Rebons e bata meu tempo.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time. | Você pode usar somente duas figuras ao mesmo tempo
Go to the store to open the triangle. | Vá até a loja para abrir o triangulo
Go to the store to open the star. | Vá até a loja para abrir a estrela.
Unlock | Desbloquear
Collect more crystals! | Colete mais cristais!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals! | Congratulações!Você tem {0} cristais!
Code has already activated or entered incorrectly | Código já ativado ou incorreto
Do you want to receive training? | Você quer receber treinamento?
Yes | Sim
No | Não
Enter the promotional code | Entre com o código promocional
Enter | Entre
Back | Voltar
Do you want to quit? | Você quer sair?
Close | Fechar
Skins | Películas
Improvements | Melhorias
Crystals | Cristais
Get | Obter
Internet connection is required | Necessário conexão de internet
Day | Dia
Base | Base
Pixel | Pixel
Notebook | Notebook [if you mean a computer. if not than it's] Caderno
Cartoon | Desenho
Neon | Neon
Easy | Fácil
Hard | Difícil
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size> | <size=80>Quase. [if you mean almost. if you mean close as close the door, than it's] Fechar.</size><size=55>Complete o nível anterior.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size> | <size=65>Você gosta deste jogo?</size><size=50>Deixe sua qualificação na Steam!</size>
Estimate | Estimativa
No, thanks | Não, obrigado
Later | Depois
More games | Mais jogos
Not enough tickets | Sem tickets suficientes
Not enough crystals | Sem cristais suficientes
Go to the store to open the octagon | Vá até a loja para abrir o octógono
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size> | <size=80>Octógono</size><size=55>Anda pelas paredes e em pequenos espinhos </size>
Language | Linguagem
Settings | Configurações
Music | Música
Effects | Efeitos
+1 ticket. | +1 ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size> |<size=80>O octógono</size><size=55>tem a habilidade do quadrado mas é mais rápido e consegue evitar pequenos espinhos.</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. | Entre na loja para comprar o octógono.
Red won. | Vermelho venceu.
Blue won. | Azul venceu.
You don't have tickets. | Você não tem tickets.
Shop | Loja
Editor | Editor
Cooperative | Cooperativo
1 against 1 | 1 contra 1
Create a new level | Crie um novo nível
Edit a level | Edite um nível
Pass a level | Pule um nível
You need to set finish | Você precisa definir o fim
You need to set start | Você precisa definir o início
The level is saved | Nível salvo
The level is uploaded | Nível carregado
Customization | Customização
Settings | Configurações
Editing | Edição
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours | Ganhe um prêmio após {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} horas
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square | Congratulações!Você ganhou uma película de quadrado
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle | Congratulações!Você ganhou uma película de círculo
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle | Congratulações!Você ganhou uma película de triangulo
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star | Congratulações!Você ganhou uma película de estrela
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon | Congratulações!Você ganhou uma película de octógono
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0}) | Congratulações!Você ganhou um trem ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds | Congratulações!Você ganhou {0} diamantes
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets | Congratulações!Você ganhou {0} tickets
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you. | Congratulações!Você ganhou um super prêmio mas nós não vamos lhe dar.
Pull | Puxe
Spin | Gire
Twist | Torça
Prizes: | Prêmios:
To create an object | Para criar um objeto
To delete an object | Para deletar um objeto
To move an object | Para mover um objeto
To select an object | Para selecionar um objeto
To manage a camera | Para gerenciar a câmera
Camera scale | Escala de câmera
Enter the name of the level | Entre com o nome do nível
Trails | Rastro
Plumes | Penas
Season: | Temporada: or Estação: [if you mean seasons like winter, summer]
Preview: | Prévia
Rarity: | Raridade:
Standard | Padrão
Normal | Normal
Rare | Raro
Mythical | Mítico
Legendary | Legendário
Delete save | Deletar o save
Are you sure you want to delete the save? | Tem certeza de que deseja deletar o save?
Done | Terminado
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels. | Rebons é um jogo difícil com física única. Use sua agilidade para passar por todos os níveis.
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way. | Dispute com seus amigos e suba de posição na tabela. Prepare-se para enfrentar muitos desafios pelo caminho.
Features: | Recursos:
Features of figures: | Recursos das figuras:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight | Quadrado - Pode grudar nas paredes e é bastante pesado
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light | Círculo - Salta pelas paredes e pelo chão e é bastante leve
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure | Triangulo - Cria cópias de si mesmo e é usado em conjunto com outra figura
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited | Estrela - Destrói armadilhas mas tem um número de vidas limitado
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines | Octógono - Tem as propriedades de um quadrado e pode superar pequenos espinhos
Co-op and in-game speed control: | Controle de velocidade no cooperativo e dentro do jogo:
First player (W,A,S,D) Second player (↑ ↓ → ←) | Primeiro jogador (W,A,S,D) Segundo jogador (↑ ↓ → ←)
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Hi, i can do Hungarian (and Italian, but it's already done), some of my past works can be found on my Steam profile page.
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Hello, no translate what we have is bad, if u can do, please.
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Insane community please message me and i'll give key for Rebons
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Store page file done in French|Français :-)
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels.|Rebons est un jeu difficile avec un modèle physique unique. Utilisez votre agilité pour tracer votre chemin au travers de tous les niveaux.
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way.|Rivalisez avec vos amis en grimpant dans le classement. Soyez prêts à affronter de nombreux défis durant votre progression.
Features of figures:|Propriétés des formes géométriques :
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight|Carré - Peut rester collé aux murs et pèse très lourd
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light|Cercle - Rebondi sur les murs et les sols et est très léger
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure|Triangle - Créé des clones de lui-même et peut être utilisé conjointement avec une autre forme
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited|Etoile - Détruit les pièges, mais possède un nombre de vies limité
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines|Octogone - Possède les propriétés du carré et peut passer outre les petites épines
Control in CO-OP:|Contrôles en mode multijoueur coopératif :
First player (W,A,S,D) Second player (↑ ↓ → ←)|Premier joueur (W,A,S,D) Second joueur (↑ ↓ → ←)
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Game file in French|Français
Daily bonus|Bonus quotidien
Take away|Récupérer
Points:|Points :
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Utilisez une autre forme pour vous détacher du mur
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|Utilisez les propriétés de deux formes pour attraper une torche
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|Vous pouvez choisir une forme via le menu pause. remplacez le cercle par une étoile.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|Utilisez les propriétés du triangle pour attraper une torche
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size=80>Félicitations!</size>Maintenant tentez de compléter tous les niveaux! Bonne chance!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size=80>Carré</size><size=55>Utilisez-le pour marcher sur les murs</size>
Click to continue.|Cliquez pour continuer.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size=80>Cercle</size><size=55>Saute comme une balle - utilisez-le avec discernement</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>Etoile</size><size=55>Détruit 3 objets dangereux</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Créé des clones de lui-même. Utilisez-le plus tard en combinaison avec les autres formes</size>
+1 life|+1 vie
+1 copy|+1 copie
Level |Niveau
Best time: |Meilleur temps
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|J'ai terminé le niveau {0} en {1}s. Seras-tu plus rapide ? Lance #Rebons et tente de me battre.
// Info : proper English sentence is "Can you be faster" (than me) and not "Can you faster", please correct this in English language. :-)
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.|vous ne pouvez utiliser que 2 formes en même temps.
Go to the store to open the triangle.|Allez au magasin pour débloquer le triangle
Go to the store to open the star.|Allez au magasin pour débloquer l'étoile
Collect more crystals!|Récupérez plus de cristaux!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|Félicitations!Vous avez {0} cristaux!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|Le code a déjà été activé ou a été mal saisi
// Info : proper English sentence is "has been already activated" and not "has already activated", please correct this in English language. :-)
Do you want to receive training?|Voulez-vous suivre un entraînement?
Enter the promotional code|Entrez un code promotionnel
Do you want to quit?|Voulez-vous quitter?
Internet connection is required|Une connexion internet est requise
Cartoon|Dessin animé OR Cartoon|Cartoon
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size=80>Verrouillé.</size><size=55>Complétez le niveau précédent.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size=65>Avez-vous apprécié le jeu ?</size><size=50>Laissez une évaluation sur Steam!</size>
No, thanks|Non merci
Later|Plus tard
More games|Plus de jeux
Not enough tickets|Pas assez de tickets
Not enough crystals|Pas assez de cristaux
Go to the store to open the octagon|Allez dans le magasin pour décloquer l'octogone
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size=80>Octogone</size><size=55>Marche sur les murs et passe outre les petites épines</size>
+1 ticket.|+1 ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size=80>Octogone</size><size=55>Possède les propriétés du carré mais est plus rapide et peut éviter les petites épines.</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon.|Allez au magasin pour acheter l'octogone.
Red won.|Le Rouge a gagné
Blue won.|Le bleu a gagné
You don't have tickets.|Vous n'avez pas de tickets
1 against 1|1 contre 1
Create a new level|Créer un nouveau niveau
Edit a level|Editer un niveau
Pass a level|Passez un niveau
You need to set finish|Vous devez définir une arrivée
You need to set start|Vous devez définir un départ
The level is saved|Niveau sauvegardé
The level is uploaded |Niveau uploadé
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours|Recevez un cadeau après {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} heures
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné une apparence de carré
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné une apparence de cercle
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné une apparence de triangle
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné une apparence d'étoile
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné une apparence d'octogone
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné un entraînement ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné {0} diamants
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets|Félicitations!Vous avez gagné {0} tickets
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|Félicitations!Vous avez remporté un super prix mais nous n'allons pas vous le donner
Prizes:|Prix :
To create an object|Créer un objet
To delete an object|Effacer un objet
To move an object|Déplacer un objet
To select an object|Sélectionner un objet
To manage a camera|Gérer la caméra
Camera scale|Distance de la caméra
Enter the name of the level|Entrer le nom du niveau
// Are you sure it is "trails" and not "trials" ? If it is "trials then it should be Trials|Essais
Season:|Saison :
Preview:|Prévisualisation :
Rarity:|Rareté :
Delete save |Effacer la sauvegarde
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|Etes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer la sauvegarde ?
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I can help you to translate your game's steam store page in Greek, but I don't want to take the risk of translating your game, because some words need to be explained before they get translated, since they have multiple meanings or no greek translation at all. So, please let me know if you're just interested in that.
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Anyway, I did the greek translation of the steam store page, even if it's not enough without the game's translation! xD
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels. |Το Rebons είναι ένα ζόρικο παιχνίδι με μοναδικά φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά. Χρησιμοποίησε την ευκινησία σου για να περάσεις όλες τις πίστες.
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way. |Ανταγωνίσου τους φίλους σου ανεβαίνοντας τον πίνακα βαθμολογίας. Προετοιμάσου να αντιμετωπίσεις πολλές προκλήσεις στο δρόμο σου.
Features: |Χαρακτηριστικά:
Features of figures: |Χαρακτηριστικά των γεωμετρικών σχημάτων:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight |Τετράγωνο - Μπορεί να προσκολληθεί στους τοίχους και έχει πολύ βάρος.
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light |Κύκλος - Αναπηδά στους τοίχους και στο πάτωμα και είναι πολύ ελαφρύ.
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure |Τρίγωνο - Δημιουργεί αντίγραφα του εαυτού του και χρησιμοποιείται σε σύνδεση με κάποιο άλλο γεωμετρικό σχήμα.
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited |Αστέρι - Καταστρέφει παγίδες, αλλά ο αριθμός των ζωών είναι περιορισμένος.
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines |Οκτάγωνο - Έχει τις ιδιότητες ενός τετραγώνου και μπορεί να ξεπεράσει τα μικρά αγκάθια.
Control in CO-OP: | Πλήκτρα χειρισμού στο CO-OP:
First player (W,A,S,D) Second player (↑ ↓ → ←) |Πρώτος παίχτης (W,A,S,D) Δεύτερος παίχτης (↑ ↓ → ←)
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You are welcome. I hope that your game will become a huge success. :)
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I just saw that you made a mistake considering the greek translation in the game's greek store page. You wrote both the english and the greek text. Specifically, you wrote:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight |Τετράγωνο - Μπορεί να προσκολληθεί στους τοίχους και έχει πολύ βάρος.
Why did you write the english part too in the game's greek store page? :P Please correct it by removing the enligh text and leave a comment here afterwards. :)
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Dutch Translation:
Daily bonus|Dagelijkse bonus
Take away|Afhalen
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Wissel naar een ander figuur om weg te breken van de muur
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|Gebruik de vaardigheden van twee figuren om een fakkel te pakken
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|Je kan een figuur kiezen in het pauze menu. Vervang de cirkel op de ster
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|Gebruik de vaardigheid van een driehoek om de fakkel te pakken
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size = 80> Gefeliciteerd! </ size> Probeer nu alle niveaus te passeren! Succes!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size = 80> Vierkant </ size> <size = 55> Gebruik deze om op muren te lopen </ size>
Click to continue.|Klik om verder te gaan.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size = 80> Cirkel </ size> <size = 55> Springt zoals een bal - gebruik deze verstandig </ size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>Ster</size><size=55>Vernietigt 3 gevaarlijke objecten</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size = 80> Driehoek </ size> <size = 55> Creëert kopieën van zichzelf. Gebruik het later in combinatie met andere figuren </ size>
+1 life|+1 leven
+1 copy|+1 kopie
Best time:|Beste tijd:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|Ik heb het niveau {0} in {1} s gepasseerd. Kun je sneller zijn? Stel #Rebons in en overtref mijn tijd.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.| Je kunt slechts 2 figuren tegelijk gebruiken
Go to the store to open the triangle.| Ga naar de winkel om de driehoek te openen.
Go to the store to open the star.| winkel om de ster te openen.
Collect more crystals!|Verzamel meer kristallen!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|Gefeliciteerd! Je hebt {0} kristallen!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|Code is al geactiveerd of verkeerd ingevoerd
Do you want to receive training?|Wilt u training krijgen?
Enter the promotional code|Voer de promotiecode in
Do you want to quit?|Wil je stoppen?
Internet connection is required|Internetverbinding is vereist
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size = 80> Sluiten. </ size> <size = 55> Voltooi het vorige level. </ size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size = 65> Vind je dit spel leuk? </ size> <size = 50> Laat je feedback achter op Steam! </ size>
No, thanks|Nee, bedankt
More games|Meer spellen
Not enough tickets|Niet genoeg kaartjes
Not enough crystals|Niet genoeg kristallen
Go to the store to open the octagon|Ga naar de winkel om de achthoek te openen
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size = 80> Octagon </ size> <size = 55> Loopt op de muren en kleine stekels </ size>
+1 ticket.|+1 kaartje.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size = 80> De achthoek </ size> <size = 55> heeft de eigenschappen van een vierkant, maar deze is sneller en kan de kleine stekels ontwijken. </ size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. |Ga naar de winkel om de achthoek te kopen.
Red won.|Rood heeft gewonnen.
Blue won.|Blauw heeft gewonnen.
You don't have tickets.|Je hebt geen tickets.
Cooperative |Coöperatieve
1 against 1|1 tegen 1
Create a new level|Maak een nieuw niveau aan
Edit a level|Een niveau bewerken
Pass a level|Passeer een niveau
You need to set finish| Je moet de eindstreep instellen
You need to set start| Je moet start instellen
The level is saved| Het niveau is opgeslagen
The level is uploaded |Het niveau is geüpload
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours |Krijg een cadeau na {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} uur
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een skin voor vierkant gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een skin voor cirkel gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een skin voor driehoek gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een skin voor ster gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een skin voor achthoek gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een trein gewonnen ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt {0} diamanten gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets||Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt {0} kaarten gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|Gefeliciteerd!Je hebt een superprijs gewonnen maar we geven deze niet aan u.
Create an object|Maak een object
Delete an object|Verwijder een object
Move an object|Verplaats een object
Select an object|Selecteer een object
Manage a camera|Beheer een camera
Camera scale|Camera schaal
Enter the name of the level|Voer de naam in van het niveau
Delete save |Verwijder opslaan
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|Weet je zeker dat je de opslag wil verwijderen
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actually translate what we have now was by translators but all they are scamers anb i just lose 200$ for translate. Community better i think.
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Then you did not pick the correct company to do that. I am a part of a localization team working between English-Turkish language pair. Let me know if you need your game translated. The price is given depending on how many words there are in your game. $200 sounds too much just for 1 language, it doesn't look like Rebons is full of dialogues.
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for a game like this (not talking about quality but about size and price) a communitytranslation is a good choice.
Most indiedevs would not even think about translation. I mean, the game is 3,99€ on steam and will prob. sell way less than 10k copys.
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Not really, because as a team we translated many indie games like this, both for Windows and Android. How can you know the Norwegian guy is not filling your game with political statements, curses at religions, stupid memes and jokes? You can't verify it unless you know the language. Or you can work with a professional translation team with references. If it's a small indie game it's going to cost very little to get it translated anyway.
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Daily bonus|Tägliche Belohnung
Take away|Mitnahme
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Wähle eine andere Form, um die Wand zu zerstören
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|Nutze die Fähigkeiten von zwei Formen, um eine Fackel aufzunehmen
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|Du kannst die Form im Pausenmenu wählen. Ersetze den Kreis auf dem Stern.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|Nutze die Kraft des Dreieckes, um eine Fackel zu greifen
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size = 80>Glückwunsch!</ size> Probiere nun, alle Level durchzustehen! Viel Glück!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size = 80>Quadrat</ size> <size = 55>Nutze es, um auf Wänden zu laufen</ size>
Click to continue.|Weiter..
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size = 80>Kreis</ size> <size = 55>Springt wie ein Ball - setze es bedacht ein</ size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>Stern</size><size=55>Zerstört 3 gefährliche Objekte</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size = 80>Dreieck</ size> <size = 55>Kopiert sich selbst. Nutze es später mit anderen Formen</ size>
+1 life|+1 Leben
+1 copy|+1 Kopie
Best time:|Beste Zeit:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|Ich hab das Level {0} in {1}s geschafft. Bist du schneller? Setze #Rebons und schlage meine Zeit..
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.| Du kannst nur 2 Formen auf einmal nutzen.
Go to the store to open the triangle.| Geh zum Laden, um das Dreieck zu öffnen.
Go to the store to open the star.| Geh zum Laden, um den Stern zu öffnen.
Collect more crystals!|Sammle mehr Kristalle!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|Gratulation! Du hast {0} Kristalle erhalten!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|Der Code wurde bereits aktiviert oder falsch eingegeben
Do you want to receive training?|Willst du eine Einführung?
Enter the promotional code|Gebe den Gutscheincode ein
Do you want to quit?|Willst du aufhören?
Internet connection is required|Eine Internetverbindung ist benötigt
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size = 80>Schließen.</ size> <size = 55> Schaffe das vorherige Level.</ size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size = 65>Magst du dieses Spiel?</ size> <size = 50>Schreibe ein Review auf Steam!</ size>
No, thanks|Nein, danke.
More games|Mehr Spiele
Not enough tickets|Nicht genügend Tickets
Not enough crystals|Nicht genügend Kristalle
Go to the store to open the octagon|Wechsle zum Laden, um das Achteck zu öffnen
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size = 80>Achteck</ size> <size = 55>Läuft an Wänden und kleinen Stacheln</ size>
+1 ticket.|+1 Ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size = 80>Das Achteck</ size> <size = 55>hat die Eigenschaften eines Quadrats, ist aber schneller und kann kleinen Stacheln ausweichen.</ size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. |Geh zum Laden, um ein Achteck zu kaufen.
Red won.|Rot hat gewonnen.
Blue won.|Blau hat gewonnen.
You don't have tickets.|Du hast keine Tickets.
Cooperative |Kooperativ
1 against 1|Einer gegen einen
Create a new level|Erstelle ein neues Level
Edit a level|Bearbeite ein Level
Pass a level|Sende ein Level
You need to set finish| Du musst ein Ziel erstellen
You need to set start| Du musst einen Start erstellen
The level is saved| Das Level wurde gespeichert
The level is uploaded |Das Level wurde hochgeladen
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours |Erhalte nach {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} Stunden ein Geschenk
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Quadrat gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Kreis gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Dreieck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Stern gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Achteck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|Glückwunsch! Du hast eine Reihe gewonnen ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Diamanten gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets||Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Tickets gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Superpreis gewonnen. Aber wir werden dir diesen nicht geben.
Create an object|Ein Objekt erstellen
Delete an object|Ein Objekt löschen
Move an object|Ein Objekt bewegen
Select an object|Ein Objekt auswählen
Manage a camera|Eine Kamera bewegen
Camera scale|Kamerawinkel
Enter the name of the level|Gebe den Namen des Levels ein
Delete save |Speicherstand löschen
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|Bist du dir sicher, den Speicherstand löschen zu wollen?
Comment has been collapsed.
Habs nur kurz überflogen und paar Fehler geunden...:
Das "Ein/e" sollte entfernt werden...
Create an object|Ein Objekt erstellen
Delete an object|Ein Objekt löschen
Move an object|Ein Objekt bewegen
Select an object|Ein Objekt auswählen
Manage a camera|Eine Kamera bewegen
"get" wurde flssh übersetzt...
Am besten alles nochmal püfen...!
Comment has been collapsed.
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Wähle eine andere Form, um die Wand zu zerstören
Mit figure bezieht man sich auf die Spielfigur also müsste es wähle einen anderen Charakter/Figur lauten
Correct Version:!!!!!! Please Update
Daily bonus|Tägliche Belohnung
Take away|Mitnahme
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Wähle eine andere Spielfigur, um die Wand zu zerstören
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|Nutze die Fähigkeiten von zwei Spielfiguren, um eine Fackel aufzunehmen
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|Du kannst die Spielfigur im Pausenmenu wählen. Ersetze den Kreis auf dem Stern.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|Nutze die Kraft des Dreieckes, um eine Fackel zu greifen
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size = 80>Glückwunsch!</ size> Probiere nun, alle Level durchzuspielen! Viel Glück!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size = 80>Quadrat</ size> <size = 55>Nutze es, um auf Wänden zu laufen</ size>
Click to continue.|Clicke zum weiterspielen..
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size = 80>Kreis</ size> <size = 55>Springt wie ein Ball - setze es bedacht ein</ size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>Stern</size><size=55>Zerstört 3 gefährliche Objekte</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size = 80>Dreieck</ size> <size = 55>Kopiert sich selbst. Nutze es später mit anderen Formen</ size>
+1 life|+1 Leben
+1 copy|+1 Kopie
Best time:|Beste Zeit:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|Ich hab das Level {0} in {1}s geschafft. Bist du schneller? Setze #Rebons und schlage meine Zeit..
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.| Du kannst nur 2 Formen auf einmal nutzen.
Go to the store to open the triangle.| Geh zum Laden, um das Dreieck zu öffnen.
Go to the store to open the star.| Geh zum Laden, um den Stern zu öffnen.
Collect more crystals!|Sammle mehr Kristalle!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|Gratulation! Du hast {0} Kristalle erhalten!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|Der Code wurde bereits aktiviert oder falsch eingegeben
Do you want to receive training?|Willst du eine Einführung?
Enter the promotional code|Gebe den Gutscheincode ein
Do you want to quit?|Willst du aufhören?
Internet connection is required|Eine Internetverbindung ist benötigt
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size = 80>Schließen.</ size> <size = 55> Schaffe das vorherige Level.</ size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size = 65>Magst du dieses Spiel?</ size> <size = 50>Schreibe ein Review auf Steam!</ size>
No, thanks|Nein, danke.
More games|Mehr Spiele
Not enough tickets|Nicht genügend Tickets
Not enough crystals|Nicht genügend Kristalle
Go to the store to open the octagon|Wechsle zum Laden, um das Achteck zu öffnen
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size = 80>Achteck</ size> <size = 55>Läuft an Wänden und kleinen Stacheln</ size>
+1 ticket.|+1 Ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size = 80>Das Achteck</ size> <size = 55>hat die Eigenschaften eines Quadrats, ist aber schneller und kann kleinen Stacheln ausweichen.</ size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. |Geh zum Laden, um ein Achteck zu kaufen.
Red won.|Rot hat gewonnen.
Blue won.|Blau hat gewonnen.
You don't have tickets.|Du hast keine Tickets.
Cooperative |Kooperativ
1 against 1|Einer gegen einen
Create a new level|Erstelle ein neues Level
Edit a level|Bearbeite ein Level
Pass a level|Sende ein Level
You need to set finish| Du musst ein Ziel erstellen
You need to set start| Du musst einen Start erstellen
The level is saved| Das Level wurde gespeichert
The level is uploaded |Das Level wurde hochgeladen
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours |Erhalte nach {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} Stunden ein Geschenk
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Quadrat gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Kreis gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Dreieck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Stern gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Achteck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|Glückwunsch! Du hast eine Reihe gewonnen ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Diamanten gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets||Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Tickets gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Superpreis gewonnen. Aber wir werden dir diesen nicht geben.
Create an object|Ein Objekt erstellen
Delete an object|Ein Objekt löschen
Move an object|Ein Objekt bewegen
Select an object|Ein Objekt auswählen
Manage a camera|Eine Kamera bewegen
Camera scale|Kamerawinkel
Enter the name of the level|Gebe den Namen des Levels ein
Delete save |Speicherstand löschen
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|Bist du dir sicher, den Speicherstand löschen zu wollen?
Comment has been collapsed.
If you need help add me on steam ;)
Daily bonus|مكافأت يومية
Take away|أبعد
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|قم بالتبديل لشكل أخر لتحطيم الجدار
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|استخدم قدرات لشخصين لامساك الشعلة
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|يمكنك اختيار الشكل في القائمة. استبدل الدائرة على النجمة.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|استخدم قدرة المثلث لمسك الشعلة
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|والآن حاول تجاوز جميع المستويات! حظاً موفقاً!<size=80>تهانينا!</size>
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size=55>استخدمه للسير على الجدران</size><size=80>مربع</size>
Click to continue.|انقر للاستمرار.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size=55>اقفز كالكرة - استخدمه بحكمة</size><size=80>دائرة</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=55>دمر ثلاثة عناصر</size><size=80>نجمة</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size=55>قم بإنشاء نسخ من ذاته. استخدم في وقت لاحق لتركيبه مع أشكال أخرى</size><size=80>مثلث</size>
+1 life| +1 حياة
+1 copy| +1 نسخة
Level | مستوى
Best time: | :افضل وقت
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|لقد اجتزت الـ {0} مستوى في {1}ث. أيمكنك أن تكون أسرع من ذلك؟ قم بتعيين #Rebons وحطم وقتي.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.|يمكنك استخدام شكلين فقط في نفس الوقت.
Go to the store to open the triangle.|اضغط على المتجر لفتح المثلث.
Go to the store to open the star.|اضغط على المتجر لفتح النجمة.
Collect more crystals!|اجمع المزيد من الكريستالات
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|تهانينا!لديك {0} كريستالات!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|الرمز مفعل بالفعل او خطأ
Do you want to receive training?|هل تريد تلقي دروس تدريبية؟
Enter the promotional code|إدخل رمز
Do you want to quit?|هل تريد الخروج؟
Internet connection is required|يتطلب اتصال انترنيت
Day |يوم
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size=55>أكمل المستوى السابق.</size><size=80>قريب.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size=50>اترك ملاحظاتك في برنامج ستيم!</size><size=65>هل تحب هذه اللعبة؟</size>
No, thanks|لا، شكرا
More games|مزيد من الألعاب
Not enough tickets|لا توجد تذاكر كافية
Not enough crystals|لا توجد كريستالات كافية
Go to the store to open the octagon|اذهب للمتجر لفتح المثمن
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size=55>يسير على الجدران والأشواك الصغيرة </size><size=80>مثمن</size>
+1 ticket.|+1 تذكرة
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size=55>لديه خصائص المربع ولكنه أسرع ويمكنه تجنب الأشواك الصغيرة.</size><size=80>المثمن</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon.|إدخل المتجر لشراء المثمن
Red won.|انتصر الأحمر.
Blue won.|انتصر الأزرق.
You don't have tickets.|ليست لديك تذاكر.
Cooperative |لعب تعاوني
1 against 1| 1 ضد 1
Create a new level|إنشاء مستوى جديد
Edit a level|تحرير مستوى
Pass a level|اجتياز مستوى
You need to set finish|بحاجة لتحديد النهاية
You need to set start|بحاجة لتحديد البداية
The level is saved|المستوى قد تم حفظه
The level is uploaded |المستوى قد تم تحديثه
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours|ساعات {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} احصل على هدية بعد
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|لقد ربحت شكل المربعتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|لقد ربحت شكل الدائرةتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|لقد ربحت شكل المثلثتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|لقد ربحت شكل النجمةتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|لقد ربحت شكل المثمنتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|لقد ربحت سلسلة ({0})تهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|لقد ربحت {0} الماساتتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets|لقد ربحت {0} تذاكرتهانينا!
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|لقد ربحت جائزة كبيرة ولكننا لن نعطيها لك.تهانينا!
Create an object|إنشاء عنصر
Delete an object|احذف عنصر
Move an object|حرك عنصر
Select an object|اختر عنصر
Manage a camera|إدارة الكاميرا
Camera scale|مستوى الكاميرا
Enter the name of the level|ادخل أسم للمستوى
Rarity: |:ندرة
Delete save |حذف المحفوظ
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف المحفوظ؟
Comment has been collapsed.
Daily bonus|일일 보너스
Take away|얻기
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|다른 도형으로 변경하여 벽에서 떨어져 보세요
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|두 도형의 능력을 사용하여 횃불을 획득하세요
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|일시정지 메뉴에서 도형을 선택할 수 있습니다. 원을 별로 변경해보세요.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|삼각형의 능력을 사용하여 횃불을 획득하세요
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size=80>축하합니다!</size>이제 모든 레벨을 클리어해보세요! 행운을 빕니다!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size=80>사각형</size><size=55>벽을 탈 때 사용하세요</size>
Click to continue.|계속하려면 클릭하세요.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size=80>원</size><size=55>뛰는 공입니다. 현명하게 사용하세요</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>별</size><size=55>위험한 오브젝트 3개를 파괴합니다</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size=80>삼각형</size><size=55>자신의 복제품을 만듭니다. 다른 도형들과 함께 사용하세요</size>
+1 life|목숨 +1
+1 copy|복제품 +1
Best time:|최단 시간:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|저의 레벨 {0} 최단 시간 기록은 {1}초입니다. 저보다 빠를 수 있겠습니까? #Rebons을 설치한 후에 제 기록을 깨보세요.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.|도형은 동시에 2개만 사용할 수 있습니다.
Go to the store to open the triangle.|상점에서 삼각형의 잠금을 해제할 수 있습니다.
Go to the store to open the star.|상점에서 별의 잠금을 해제할 수 있습니다.
Unlock|잠금 해제
Collect more crystals!|크리스탈을 더 모으세요!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|축하합니다!크리스탈 {0}개를 얻었습니다!
Code has already activated or entered incorrectly| 코드가 이미 활성화되었거나 잘못 입력하였습니다
Do you want to receive training?|훈련을 받으시겠습니까?
Enter the promotional code|프로모션 코드를 입력하세요
Do you want to quit?|종료하시겠습니까?
Internet connection is required|인터넷 연결이 필요합니다
Day 1|1일
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size=80>잠겨 있습니다.</size><size=55>이전 레벨을 클리어하세요.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size=65>이 게임이 마음에 드시나요?</size><size=50>그렇다면 Steam에 평가를 남겨주세요!</size>
No, thanks|아니요, 괜찮습니다
More games|다른 게임들
Not enough tickets|표가 부족합니다
Not enough crystals|크리스탈이 부족합니다
Go to the store to open the octagon|상점에서 팔각형의 잠금을 해제할 수 있습니다
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size=80>팔각형</size><size=55>벽을 탈 수 있으며 작은 가시도 통과할 수 있습니다 </size>
+1 ticket.|표 +1.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size=80>팔각형</size><size=55>기본적으로 사각형과 같은 속성을 가지고 있지만, 이동 속도가 더 빠르며 작은 가시를 피할 수 있습니다.</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon.|상점에서 팔각형을 구매할 수 있습니다.
Red won.|빨강 승리.
Blue won.|파랑 승리.
You don't have tickets.|가지고 있는 표가 없습니다.
1 against 1|1대1
Create a new level|새로운 레벨 만들기
Edit a level|레벨 수정하기
Pass a level|레벨 통과하기
You need to set finish|도착점을 설정하세요
You need to set start|시작점을 설정하세요
The level is saved|레벨이 저장되었습니다
The level is uploaded|레벨이 업로드되었습니다
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours|{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} 후에 선물 획득 가능
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|축하합니다!사각형의 스킨을 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|축하합니다!원의 스킨을 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|축하합니다!삼각형의 스킨을 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|축하합니다!별 스킨을 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|축하합니다!팔각형의 스킨을 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|축하합니다!({0})꼬리를 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|축하합니다!다이아몬드 {0}개를 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets|축하합니다!표 {0}개를 얻었습니다
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|축하합니다!엄청난 상품을 탔습니다만, 저희가 그것을 당신께 드리진 못할 것 같습니다.
To create an object|오브젝트 생성
To delete an object|오브젝트 삭제
To move an object|오브텍트 이동
To select an object|오브텍트 선택
To manage a camera|카메라 설정
Camera scale|카메라 크기
Enter the name of the level|레벨의 이름을 입력하세요
Delete save|저장 데이터 삭제
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|저장 데이터를 삭제하시겠습니까?
Write to developers|개발자에게 보내는 글
Small Thorn|작은 가시
Big Thorn|큰 가시
Moving Saw|움직이는 톱
Phisic|물리 현상
Teleport|순간 이동
Clear All|모두 지우기
Zoom|확대 및 축소
Active Sprite|활성화된 스프라이트
Active Object|활성화된 오브젝트
Enter Description Level...|레벨의 설명을 입력하세요...
Enter Tag Level...|레벨의 태그를 입력하세요...
AutoSave|자동 저장
New Level Workshop|워크샵의 새로운 레벨
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels.|Rebons는 독특한 물리 법칙이 적용된 하드코어 게임입니다. 당신의 민첩성으로 모든 레벨을 통과해보세요.
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way.|친구와 경쟁할 수도 있습니다. 마음을 단단히 먹고, 수 많은 도전에 뛰어드세요.
Features of figures:|도형의 특성:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight|사각형 - 무거우며 벽에 붙을 수 있음
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light|원 - 매우 가벼우며 벽과 바닥을 튕김
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure|삼각형 - 자신의 복제품을 생성하고 다른 도형과 함께 사용됨
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited|별 - 함정을 파괴할 수 있으나 제한된 목숨의 개수
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines|팔각형 - 사각형과 같은 속성을 지녔고, 작은 가시 극복 가능
Co-op and in-game speed control:|협동 및 게임 속도 조절:
First player (W,A,S,D) Second player (↑ ↓ → ←)|1P (W,A,S,D) 2P (↑ ↓ → ←)
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Won 1 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 1개 클리어
Pass 1 level of difficulty: easy|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 1개 통과하기
Pass 1 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 1개 클리어
Pass 1 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 1개 통과하기
Die 10 times|10번 죽음
Die 10 times|10번 죽기
Won 1 Level on gold|금메달로 레벨 1개 클리어
Pass 1 level on gold|금메달로 레벨 1개 통과하기
Get ticket|표 획득
Get the first ticket|처음으로 표 얻기
Won 5 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 5개 클리어
Pass 5 levels of difficulty: easy|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 5개 통과하기
Buy 1 skin|스킨 1개 구매
Buy 1 skin in shop|상점에서 스킨 1개 사기
Won 10 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 10개 클리어
Pass 10 levels on difficulty : hard|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 10개 통과하기
Scroll the wheel of fortune|행운의 돌림판 돌리기
Play with a friend on a speed game 1 times|친구와 스피드 게임 한 판
Play with a friend on a speed of 1 times|친구와 스피드 게임 한 판 즐기기
Won 5 Level on gold|금메달로 레벨 5개 클리어
Pass 5 level on gold|금메달로 레벨 5개 통과하기
Die 100 times|100번 죽음
Die 100 times|100번 죽기
Won 1 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 1개 클리어
Pass 1 level on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 1개 통과하기
Buy "Star"|"별" 구매
Buy "Star" in shop|상점에서 "별" 사기
Won 10 Level on gold|금메달로 레벨 10개 클리어
Pass 10 level on gold|금메달로 레벨 10개 통과하기
Pass 1 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 1개 클리어
Pass 1 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 1개 통과하기
Pass 5 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 5개 클리어
Pass 5 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 5개 통과하기
Won 20 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 20개 클리어
Pass 20 levels on difficulty : hard|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 20개 통과하기
Destroy 1 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 1개 파괴
Destroy 1 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 1개 파괴하기
Destroy 10 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 10개 파괴
Destroy 10 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 10개 파괴하기
Won 5 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 5개 클리어
Pass 5 level on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 5개 통과하기
Buy "Triangle"|"삼각형" 구매
Buy "Triangle" in shop|상점에서 "삼각형" 사기
Buy "Octagon"|"오각형" 구매
Buy "Octagon" in shop|상점에서 "오각형" 사기
Destroy 100 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 100개 파괴
Destroy 100 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 100개 파괴하기
Destroy 50 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 50개 파괴하기
Destroy 50 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 50개 파괴하기
Won 40 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 40개 클리어
Pass 40 levels on difficulty : hard|난이도 쉬움의 레벨 40개 통과하기
Won 25 Level on gold|금메달로 레벨 25개 클리어
Pass 25 level on gold|금메달로 레벨 25개 통과하기
Pass 5 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 5개 클리어
Pass 5 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 5개 통과하기
Won 10 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 10개 클리어
Pass 10 level on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 10개 통과하기
Won 1000 diamonds|다이아몬드 1000개 수집
Win 1000 diamonds|다이아몬드 1000개 모으기
Pass 10 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 10개 클리어
Pass 10 level from the first time|처음으로 레벨 10개 통과하기
Buy 10 skins|스킨 10개 구매
Buy 10 skins in shop|상점에서 스킨 10개 사기
Upgrade Star|별 업그레이드
Buy all the extra life for the Star|별의 모든 추가 목숨 사기
Upgrade triangle|삼각형 업그레이드
Buy all the copies of the triangle|삼각형의 모든 복제품 사기
Buy 40 skins|스킨 40개 구매
Buy 40 skins in shop|상점에서 스킨 40개 사기
Buy 80 skins|스킨 80개 구매
Buy 80 skins in shop|상점에서 스킨 80개 사기
Won 20 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 20개 클리어
Pass 20 levels on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 20개 통과하기
Play with a friend on a speed game 5 times|친구와 스피드 게임 다섯 판
Play with a friend on a speed of 5 times|친구와 스피드 게임 다섯 판 즐기기
Play with a friend on a speed game 10 times|친구와 스피드 게임 열 판
Play with a friend on a speed of 10 times|친구와 스피드 게임 열 판 즐기기
Won 55 Level on gold|금메달로 레벨 55개 클리어
Pass 55 levels on gold|금메달로 레벨 55개 통과
Won 40 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 40개 클리어
Pass 40 levels on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 40개 통과하기
Destroy 500 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 500개 파괴
Destroy 500 obstacle by a star|별로 장애물 500개 파괴하기
Buy all skins|모든 스킨 구매
Buy all skins in shop|상점에서 모든 스킨 사기
Won 60 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 60개 클리어
Pass 60 levels on difficulty : hard|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 60개 통과하기
Play with a friend on a speed game 50 times|친구와 스피드 게임 오십 판
Play with a friend on a speed of 50 times|친구와 스피드 게임 오십 판 즐기기
Pass 10 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 10개 클리어
Pass 10 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 10개 통과하기
Won 60 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 60개 클리어
Pass 60 levels on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 60개 통과하기
Won 80 Hard Level|어려움 레벨 80개 클리어
Pass 80 levels on difficulty : hard|어려움 난이도의 레벨 80개 통과하기
Pass 60 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 60개 클리어
Pass 60 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 60개 통과하기
Pass 40 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 40개 클리어
Pass 40 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 40개 통과하기
Pass 20 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 20개 클리어
Pass 20 level in co-op|협동 모드로 레벨 20개 통과하기
Die 10000 times|10000번 죽음
Die 10000 times|10000번 죽기
Won All Hard Level|모든 어려움 레벨 클리어
Complete all levels on difficulty: hard|어려움 난이도의 모든 레벨 통과하기
Won All Easy Level|모든 쉬움 레벨 클리어
Complete all levels on difficulty: easy|쉬움 난이도의 모든 레벨 통과하기
Won All Level on gold|금메달로 모든 레벨 클리어
Pass all levels on gold|금메달로 모든 레벨 통과하기
Won 80 Easy Level|쉬움 레벨 80개 클리어
Pass 80 levels of difficulty: easy|쉬움 난이도의 레벨 80개 통과하기
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Why didn't you read my comment above? xD I wrote:
I just saw that you made a mistake considering the greek translation in the game's greek store page. You wrote both the english and the greek text. Specifically, you wrote:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight |Τετράγωνο - Μπορεί να προσκολληθεί στους τοίχους και έχει πολύ βάρος.
Why did you write the english part too in the game's greek store page? :P Please correct it by removing the enligh text and leave a comment here afterwards. :)
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German Store Page: Some Mistakes
Finished Text:
Rebons ist ein Hardcore-Spiel mit einzigartiger Physik.
Verwenden Sie Ihre Agilität, Reaktion und logisches Denken, um durch alle Ebenen zu kommen.
Konkurrieren Sie mit Ihren Freunden oder passieren Sie Ebenen zusammen in kooperativen Modus, steigen Sie in der Rating-Tabelle auf.
Sei bereit, vielen Herausforderungen auf deinem Weg zu begegnen.
Besonderheiten der Figuren:
Quadrat - Kann an den Wänden haften und hat viel Gewicht
Circle - Prallt von Wänden und Boden ab, hat wenig Gewicht
Dreieck - Erstellt Kopien von sich selbst und wird in Verbindung mit einer anderen Figur verwendet
Asterisk - Fallen töten ihn nicht, aber die Anzahl seiner Leben ist begrenzt
Octagon - Besitzt die Eigenschaften eines Platzes und ist in der Lage, kleine Stacheln zu überwinden
Management in der Genossenschaft und das Spiel der Geschwindigkeit:
Erster Spieler (W, A, S, D) Zweiter Spieler (↑ ↓ → ←)
Betriebssystem: Windows XP,Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
Prozessor: 1.5+ GHz
Arbeitsspeicher: 512 MB RAM
Grafik: Intel Core HD Graphics or dedicated GPU with OpenGL 2.0 Support
Speicherplatz: 150 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
Only Issue i have is with: Octagon - Besitzt die Eigenschaften eines Platzes und ist in der Lage, kleine Stacheln zu überwinden
I am not sure what you mean wiht "Platzes"
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Rebons – хардкорная гульня з унікальнай фізікай. Выкарыстоўвайце свой спрыт, рэакцыю і мысленне, каб прайсці ўсе ўзроўні. Спаборнічайце са сваімі сябрамі або праходзіце ўзроўні сумесна ў рэжыме кааператыва, прасоўваючыся ўверх па рэйтынгавай табліцы. Будзьце гатовыя сутыкнуцца з мноствам выпрабаванняў на сваім шляху.
Асаблівасці гульні:
Асаблівасці фігур:
Квадрат - Умее ліпнуць да сцен і валодае вялікай вагай
Круг - адскоквае ад сцен і падлогі пры гэтым вельмі лёгкі
Трохкутнік - Стварае копіі самога сябе і выкарыстоўваецца ў звязку з iншай фігурай
Зорачка - Знішчае пасткі, але колькасць жыццяў абмежавана
Васьмікутнік - Валодае ўласцівасцямі квадрата і ўмее пераадольваць маленькія калючкі
Кіраванне ў кааператыве і гульні на хуткасць:
Першы гулец (W, A, S, D) Другі гулец (↑ ↓ → ←)
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Ежедневный бонус | Штодзённы бонус
Забрать | Забраць
Уровень | Узровень
Очков: | Ачкоў:
Переключись на другую фигуру, чтобы оторваться от стены | Пераключысь на іншую фiгуру, каб адарвацца ад сцяны
Используйте способности двух фигур, чтобы схватить факел. | Выкарыстоўвайце здольнасці двух фігур, каб схапіць факел.
Вы можете выбрать фигуры в меню паузы. Замени круг на звезду. | Вы можаце выбраць фігуры ў меню паўзы. Замяні круг на зорку.
Используй способности треугольника, чтобы схватить факел. | Выкарыстоўвай здольнасці трыкутніка, каб схапіць факел.
<size=80>Поздравляем!</size>Теперь попробуйте пройти все уровни! Удачи! | <size=80>Віншуем!</size>Цяпер паспрабуйце прайсці ўсе ўзроўні! Удачы!
<size=80>Квадрат</size><size=55>Используйте его, чтобы ходить по стенам</size> | <size=80>Квадрат</size><size=55>Выкарыстоўвайце яго, каб хадзіць па сценах</size>
Обучение | Навучанне
Нажми, чтобы продолжить. | Націсні, каб працягнуць.
<size=80>Круг</size><size=55>Прыгает как мяч – используйте это с умом</size> | <size=80>Круг</size><size=55>Скача як мяч - выкарыстоўвайце гэта з розумам </size>
<size=80>Звезда</size><size=55>Уничтожает 3 опасных объектов</size> | <size=80>Зорка</size><size=55>Знішчае 3 небяспечных аб'ектаў</size>
<size=80>Треугольник</size><size=55>Создает копии самого себя. Используйте его позже в сочетании с другими фигурами</size> | <size=80>Трыкутнік </size><size=55>Стварае копіі самога сябе. Выкарыстоўвайце яго пазней у спалучэнні з іншымі фігурамі </size>
+1 жизнь | +1 жыццё
+1 копия | +1 копія
Уровень | Узровень
Лучшее время: | Лепшы час:
Я прошел {0} уровень за {1}с. Можешь быстрее? Установи #Rebons и побей мое время. | Я прайшоў {0} ўзровень за {1} с. Можаш хутчэй? Усталюй #Rebons і пабі мой час.
Вы можете использовать только 2 фигуры одновременно. | Вы можаце выкарыстоўваць толькі 2 фігуры адначасова.
Перейдите в магазин, чтобы открыть треугольник. | Перайдзіце ў краму, каб адкрыць трохкутнік.
Перейдите в магазин, чтобы открыть звезду. | Перайдзіце ў краму, каб адкрыць зорку.
Разблокировать | Разблакаваць
Соберите больше кристаллов! | Збярыце больш крышталяў!
Поздравляем! Вы получили {0} кристаллов! | Віншуем! Вы атрымалі {0} крышталяў!
Код уже активирован либо введен неверно | Код ужо актываваны альбо уведзены няслушна
Хотите пройти обучение? | Хочаце прайсці навучанне?
Да | Так
Нет | Нет
Введите промокод | Увядзіце промакод
Ввести | Увесці
Назад | Назад
Хотите выйти? | Хочаце выйсці?
Закрыть | Зачыніць
Скины | Скіны
Улучшения | Паляпшэння
Кристаллы | Крышталі
Получить | Атрымаць
Требуется подключение к Интернету | Патрабуецца падлучэнне да Інтэрнэту
День | Дзень
Базовый | Базавы
Пиксель | Піксель
Тетрадь | Сшытак
Мультяшный | Мульцяшны
Неон | Неон
Легкий | Лёгкі
Тяжелый | Цяжкі
<size=80>Закрыто</size><size=55>Пройдите предыдущий уровень</size> | <size=80>Зачынена </size><size=55>Прайдзіце папярэдні ўзровень</size>
<size=65>Понравилась игра?</size><size=50>Оставте свой отзыв на Steam!</size> | <size=65>Спадабалася гульня?</size><size=50>Пакіньце свой водгук на Steam! </size>
Оценить | Ацанiць
Нет, спасибо | Не, дзякуй
Позже | Пазней
Больше игр | Больш гульняў
Недостаточно билетов | Недастаткова квіткоў
Недостаточно кристаллов | Недастаткова крышталяў
Перейдите в магазин, чтобы открыть восьмиугольник | Перайдзіце ў краму, каб адкрыць васьмікутнік
Восьмиугольник - ходит по стенам и маленьким колючкам. | Васьмікутнік - ходзіць па сценах і маленькім калючкам.
Язык | Мова
Настройки | Налады
Музыка | Музыка
Эффекты | Эфекты
1 Билет | 1 Квіток
Восьмиугольник обладает свойствами квадрата, но имеет большую скорость и способность преодолевать маленькие колючки. | Васьмікутнік валодае ўласцівасцямі квадрата, але мае вялікую хуткасць і здольнасць пераадольваць маленькія калючкі.
Зайдите в магазин, чтобы купить восьмиугольник. | Зайдзіце ў краму, каб купіць васьмікутнік.
Победил красный | Перамог чырвоны
Победил синий | Перамог сіні
У вас нет билетов | У вас няма квіткоў
Comment has been collapsed.
Магазин | Крама
Редактор | Рэдактар
Кооператив | Кааператыў
1 против 1 | 1 супраць 1
Создать новый уровень | Стварыць новы ўзровень
Редактировать уровень | Рэдагаваць ўзровень
Пройти уровень | Прайсці ўзровень
Нужно поставить финиш | Трэба паставіць фініш
Нужно поставить старт | Трэба паставіць старт
Уровень сохранен | Узровень захаваны
Уровень загружен | Узровень загружаны
Кастомизация | Кастамiзацыя
Настройка | Настройка
Редактирование | Рэдагаванне
Получите подарок через {0:00}:{1:00} часов | Атрымаеце падарунак праз {0:00}: {01:00} гадзін
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли скин на квадрат | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі скін на квадрат
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли скин на круг | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі скін на круг
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли скин на треугольник | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі скін на трохкутнік
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли скин на звезду | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі скін на зорку
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли скин на восьмиугольник | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі скін на васьмікутнік
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли ({0}) шлейф | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі ({0}) шлейф
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли {0} алмазов | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі {0} алмазаў
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли {0} билетов | Віншуем! Вы выйгралі {0} квіткоў
Поздравляем ! Вы выиграли супер-пупер приз, но мы вам его не дадим.| Віншуем! Вы выйгралі супер-пупер прыз, але мы вам яго не дамо.
Дернуть | Тузануць
Спин | Спiн
Крутить | Круціць
Призы: | Прызы:
Создать объект | Стварыць аб'ект
Удалить объект | Выдаліць аб'ект
Перемещение объекта | Перасоўванне аб'екта
Выделить объект | Вылучыць аб'ект
Управление камерой | Кіраванне камерай
Маштаб камеры | Маштаб камеры
Введите название уровня... | Увядзіце назву ўзроўню ...
След / Следы | След / Сляды
Шлейф / Шлейфы | Шлейф / Шлейфы
Сезон: | Сезон:
Предпросмотр: | Прадпрагляд:
Редкость: | Рэдкасць:
Стандартный | Стандартны
Обычный | Звычайны
Редкий | Рэдкі
Мифический | Міфічны
Легендарный | Легендарны
Удалить сохранения | Выдаліць захавання
Вы уверен, что хотите удалить сохранения ? | Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдаліць захавання?
Готово | Гатова
Comment has been collapsed.
Start Shop Texts Upadted: GERMAN
Rebons ist ein Hardcore-Spiel mit einzigartiger Physik.
Verwenden Sie Ihre Agilität, Reaktion und logisches Denken, um durch alle Ebenen zu kommen.
Konkurrieren Sie mit Ihren Freunden oder passieren Sie Ebenen zusammen in kooperativen Modus, steigen Sie in der Rating-Tabelle auf.
Sei bereit, vielen Herausforderungen auf deinem Weg zu begegnen.
Einzigartige körperliche Merkmale der Figuren!
Vielzahl von Spielstilen, mehrere Standorte und Dutzende von Skins für Figuren!
60 Stufen an 3 Standorten mit jeweils 2 Schwierigkeitsstufen.
Nutzen Sie die einzigartigen Fähigkeiten der verschiedenen Formen, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen!
Fordern Sie sich an die Grenzen Ihrer Fähigkeiten!
Bestehe die Levels, um gegen deine Freunde lokal oder über das Internet zu spielen.
Besonderheiten der Figuren:
Quadrat - Kann an den Wänden haften und hat viel Gewicht
Circle - Prallt von Wänden und Boden ab, hat wenig Gewicht
Dreieck - Erstellt Kopien von sich selbst und wird in Verbindung mit einer anderen Figur verwendet
Asterisk - Fallen töten ihn nicht, aber die Anzahl seiner Leben ist begrenzt
Octagon - Besitzt die Eigenschaften eines Platzes und ist in der Lage, kleine Stacheln zu überwinden
Management in der Genossenschaft und das Spiel der Geschwindigkeit:
Erster Spieler (W, A, S, D) Zweiter Spieler (↑ ↓ → ←)
Start Ingame Texts Upadted: GERMAN
Daily bonus|Tägliche Belohnung
Take away|Mitnahme
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall|Wähle eine andere Spielfigur, um die Wand zu zerstören
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch|Nutze die Fähigkeiten von zwei Spielfiguren, um eine Fackel aufzunehmen
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star.|Du kannst die Spielfigur im Pausenmenu wählen. Ersetze den Kreis auf dem Stern.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch|Nutze die Kraft des Dreieckes, um eine Fackel zu greifen
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck!|<size = 80>Glückwunsch!</ size> Probiere nun, alle Level durchzuspielen! Viel Glück!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size>|<size = 80>Quadrat</ size> <size = 55>Nutze es, um auf Wänden zu laufen</ size>
Click to continue.|Clicke zum weiterspielen..
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size>|<size = 80>Kreis</ size> <size = 55>Springt wie ein Ball - setze es bedacht ein</ size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size>|<size=80>Stern</size><size=55>Zerstört 3 gefährliche Objekte</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size>|<size = 80>Dreieck</ size> <size = 55>Kopiert sich selbst. Nutze es später mit anderen Formen</ size>
+1 life|+1 Leben
+1 copy|+1 Kopie
Best time:|Beste Zeit:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Set #Rebons and beat my time.|Ich hab das Level {0} in {1}s geschafft. Bist du schneller? Setze #Rebons und schlage meine Zeit..
You can use only 2 figures at the same time.| Du kannst nur 2 Formen auf einmal nutzen.
Go to the store to open the triangle.| Geh zum Laden, um das Dreieck zu öffnen.
Go to the store to open the star.| Geh zum Laden, um den Stern zu öffnen.
Collect more crystals!|Sammle mehr Kristalle!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals!|Gratulation! Du hast {0} Kristalle erhalten!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly|Der Code wurde bereits aktiviert oder falsch eingegeben
Do you want to receive training?|Willst du eine Einführung?
Enter the promotional code|Gebe den Gutscheincode ein
Do you want to quit?|Willst du aufhören?
Internet connection is required|Eine Internetverbindung ist benötigt
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size>|<size = 80>Schließen.</ size> <size = 55> Schaffe das vorherige Level.</ size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size>|<size = 65>Magst du dieses Spiel?</ size> <size = 50>Schreibe ein Review auf Steam!</ size>
No, thanks|Nein, danke.
More games|Mehr Spiele
Not enough tickets|Nicht genügend Tickets
Not enough crystals|Nicht genügend Kristalle
Go to the store to open the octagon|Wechsle zum Laden, um das Achteck zu öffnen
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size>|<size = 80>Achteck</ size> <size = 55>Läuft an Wänden und kleinen Stacheln</ size>
+1 ticket.|+1 Ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size>|<size = 80>Das Achteck</ size> <size = 55>hat die Eigenschaften eines Quadrats, ist aber schneller und kann kleinen Stacheln ausweichen.</ size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. |Geh zum Laden, um ein Achteck zu kaufen.
Red won.|Rot hat gewonnen.
Blue won.|Blau hat gewonnen.
You don't have tickets.|Du hast keine Tickets.
Cooperative |Kooperativ
1 against 1|Einer gegen einen
Create a new level|Erstelle ein neues Level
Edit a level|Bearbeite ein Level
Pass a level|Sende ein Level
You need to set finish| Du musst ein Ziel erstellen
You need to set start| Du musst einen Start erstellen
The level is saved| Das Level wurde gespeichert
The level is uploaded |Das Level wurde hochgeladen
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours |Erhalte nach {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} Stunden ein Geschenk
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Quadrat gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Kreis gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Dreieck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für den Stern gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Skin für das Achteck gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a train ({0})|Glückwunsch! Du hast eine Reihe gewonnen ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds|Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Diamanten gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets||Glückwunsch! Du hast {0} Tickets gewonnen
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you.|Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Superpreis gewonnen. Aber wir werden dir diesen nicht geben.
Create an object|Ein Objekt erstellen
Delete an object|Ein Objekt löschen
Move an object|Ein Objekt bewegen
Select an object|Ein Objekt auswählen
Manage a camera|Eine Kamera bewegen
Camera scale|Kamerawinkel
Enter the name of the level|Gebe den Namen des Levels ein
Delete save |Speicherstand löschen
Are you sure you want to delete the save?|Bist du dir sicher, den Speicherstand löschen zu wollen?
Hope these Imporvements Help :D
Comment has been collapsed.
Spanish | Español
Daily bonus | Bonus diario
Take away | Retirar
Level | Nivel
Points: | Puntos:
Switch to another figure to break away from the wall | Cambia a otra figura para separarte de la pared
Use the abilities of two figures to grab a torch | Usa la habilidad de dos figuras para tomar la antorcha
You can choose the figure in the pause menu. Replace the circle on the star. | Puedes elegir las figuras en menu de pausa. Reemplaza el circulo por la estrella.
Use the ability of a triangle to grab a torch | Usa la habilidad del triangulo para tomar la antorcha
<size=80>Congratulations!</size>Now try to pass all levels! Good luck! | <size=80>Felicitaciones!</size>Ahora intentá completar todos los niveles! Buena suerte!
<size=80>Square</size><size=55>Use it to walk on walls</size> | <size=80>Cuadrado</size><size=55>Usalo para caminar por las paredes</size>
Training | Entrenamiento
Click to continue. | Click para continuar.
<size=80>Circle</size><size=55>Jumps as a ball – use it wisely</size> | <size=80>Circulo</size><size=55>Salta como una pelota – usala con sabiduria</size>
<size=80>Star</size><size=55>Destroys 3 dangerous objects</size> | <size=80>Estrella</size><size=55>Destruye 3 objetos peligrosos</size>
<size=80>Triangle</size><size=55>Creates copies of itself. Use it later in combination with other figures</size> | <size=80>Triangulo</size><size=55>Crea copias de ti mismo. Usalas en combinacion con otras figuras</size>
+1 life | +1 Vida
+1 copy | +| Copia
Level | Nivel
Best time: | Mejor tiempo:
I passed the {0} level in {1}s. Can you be faster? Install #Rebons and beat my time. | Complete el nivel {0} en {1}s. Eres rapido? Instala #Rebons y vence mi tiempo.
You can use only 2 figures at the same time. | Solo puedes usar 2 figuras al mismo tiempo.
Go to the store to open the triangle. | Ve a la tienda y abre el triangulo.
Go to the store to open the star. | Ve a la tienda y abre la estrella.
Unlock | Desbloquear
Collect more crystals! | Colecciona mas cristales!
Congratulations!You got {0} crystals! | Felicitaciones!Conseguiste {0} Cristales!
Code has been already activated or entered incorrectly | El codigo ya fue activado o fue ingresado incorrectamente
Do you want to receive training? | Te gustaria recibir entrenamiento?
Yes | Si
No | No
Enter the promotional code | Introduce el codigo promocional
Enter | Entrar
Back | Atras
Do you want to quit? | Quieres salir?
Close | Cerrar
Skins | Skins
Improvements | Mejoras
Crystals | Cristales
Get | Conseguir
Internet connection is required | Se requiere una conexión a internet
Day | Dia
Base | Base
Pixel | Pixel
Notebook | Cuaderno de notas
Cartoon | Caricatura
Neon | Neon
Easy | Facil
Hard | Dificil
<size=80>Close.</size><size=55>Complete the previous level.</size> | <size=80>Cerrado.</size><size=55>Completa el nivel anterior.</size>
<size=65>Do you like this game?</size><size=50>Leave your feedback on Steam!</size> | <size=65>Te gusta el juego?</size><size=50>Dejanos tu opinion en Steam!</size>
Estimate | Estimacion
No, thanks | No, gracias
Later | Luego
More games | Mas juegos
Not enough tickets | No tienes suficientes tickets
Not enough crystals | No tienes suficientes cristales
Go to the store to open the octagon | Ve a la tienda y abre el octagono
<size=80>Octagon</size><size=55>Walks on the walls and small spines </size> | <size=80>Octagono</size><size=55>Camina por las paredes y en pequeñas espinas </size>
Language | Lenguaje
Settings | Ajustes
Music | Musica
Effects | Efectos
+1 ticket. | +1 ticket.
<size=80>The octagon</size><size=55>has the properties of the square but it is faster and can avoid the small spines.</size> | <size=80>El octagono</size><size=55>tiene las propiedades del cuadrado pero es mas rapido y puede evadir espinas pequeñas.</size>
Enter the shop to buy the octagon. | Ve a la tienda y compra el octagono.
Red won. | Rojo es el ganador.
Blue won. | Azul es el ganador.
You don't have tickets. | No tienes suficientes tickets.
Shop | Tienda
Editor | Editor
Cooperative | Cooperativo
1 against 1 | 1 contra 1
Create a new level | Crear un nuevo nivel
Edit a level | Editar un nivel
Pass a level | Pasar un nivel
You need to set finish | Debes establecer la finalizacion
You need to set start | Debes establecer el inicio
The level is saved | Se ha guardado el nivel
The level is uploaded | El nivel se ha subido
Customization | Personalizacion
Settings | Ajustes
Editing | Editando
Get a gift after {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} hours | Consigue un regalo luego de {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00} horas
Congratulations!You have won a skin of square | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una skin del cuadrado
Congratulations!You have won a skin of circle | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una skin del circulo
Congratulations!You have won a skin of triangle | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una skin del triangulo
Congratulations!You have won a skin of star | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una skin de la estrella
Congratulations!You have won a skin of octagon | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una skin del octagono
Congratulations!You have won a trail ({0}) | Felicitaciones!Has ganado una estela ({0})
Congratulations!You have won {0} diamonds | Felicitaciones!Has ganado {0} diamantes
Congratulations!You have won {0} tickets | Felicitaciones!Has ganado {0} tickets
Congratulations!You have won a super-prize but we won’t give it to you. | Felicitaciones!Has ganado un super-premio pero no te lo daremos.
Pull | Tirar
Spin | Girar
Twist | Giro
Prizes: | Premios:
Create an object | Crear un objeto
Delete an object | Eliminar un objeto
Move an object | Mover un objeto
Select an object | Seleccionar un objeto
Manage a camera | Manejar una camara
Camera scale | Escala de camara
Enter the name of the level | Introduce el nombre del nivel
Trails | Estelas
Plumes | Plumas
Season: | Temporada:
Preview: | Vista previa:
Rarity: | Rareza
Standard | Estándar
Normal | Normal
Rare | Raro
Mythical | Mitico
Legendary | Legendario
Delete save | Eliminar progreso
Are you sure you want to delete the save? | Estas seguro que quieres eliminar tu progreso?
Done | Hecho
-----------Second Part - Store-------------
Rebons is a hardcore game with unique physics. Use your agility to go through all the levels. | Rebons es un juego hardcore con una fisica unica. Usa tu agilidad para ir a través de todos los niveles.
Compete with your friends by moving up the rating table. Be prepared to face many challenges on your way. | Compite contra tus amigos para subir lugares en la tabla de clasificación. Preparate para todos los desafios que se pondran en tu camino.
Features: | Caracteristicas:
Features of figures: | Caracteristicas de las figuras:
Square - Can stick to the walls and has a lot of weight | Cuadrado - Puede adherirse a las paredes y tiene mucho peso
Circle - Bounces off walls and floor and is very light | Circulo - Rebota de las paredes y el piso, y es liviano
Triangle - Creates copies of itself and is used in conjunction with another figure | Triangulo - Crea copias de si mismo y es usada en conjunto con otra figura
Star - Destroys traps, but the number of lives is limited | Estrella - Destruye trampras, pero su numero de vidas es limitado
Octagon - Has the properties of a square and can overcome small spines | Octagono - Tiene las propiedades del cuadrado y puede pasar por espinas pequeñas
Control in CO-OP: | Controles en Cooperativo:
First player (W,A,S,D) Second player (↑ ↓ → ←) | Primer jugador (W,A,S,D) Segundo jugador (↑ ↓ → ←)
Ready! I hope you liked and help you! :D
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16,703 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by wigglenose
162 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Trancephyre
18 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by JavyX
126 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Superefg
261 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DaveFerret
48 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Carenard
48 Comments - Last post 50 seconds ago by CSLocura
366 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by steveywonder75
2 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by snbac
7 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by snbac
5 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by Rapt0rz
41 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by mmm29
9,899 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by UlverHausu
There are a few phrases and small text to translate in various languages. If you speak English and can translate it into your native language with all the grammar, write a comment below. Translation must be manual. If you do this, you will get some reward. ;)
Here it is:
You should know some things. For phrases, please translate right part (after "|"), not left part (however I can edit it myself, no problems). First string (e.g. "|English") must contain language selfname in that language (e.g. not "|Russian", but "~|Русский").
For better understanding of how to translate you may want to watch game video and screenshots:
Notice that store page supports not all languages. The game itself should support all languages except RTL ones.
Currently existing translations:
Language Game Store page
Arabic ✓ ¹ ✗ ¹ ⁴
Belarusian ✓ ✓ ³
Brazilian Portuguese ✓ ✓ ²
Czech ✗ ¹ ✓ ¹
Danish ✗ ¹
Dutch ✓ ¹ ✗ ¹
English ✓ ✓
Estonian ✗ ¹ ✗ ³
Finnish ✗ ¹ ✗¹
French ✓² ✓¹
German ✓¹ ✓¹
Greek ✗ ¹ ✓¹
Italian ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Japanese ✗ ¹
Korean ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Polish ✗ ¹ ✗ ¹
Portuguese ✗ ✗ ¹
Romanian ✗ ¹ ✗ ¹
Russian ✓ ✓
Simplified Chinese ✓ ¹ ✓ ¹
Spanish ✓ ² ✓ ¹
Swedish ✗ ¹ ✗ ¹
Thai ✗¹ ✗ ¹
Traditional Chinese ✗ ¹ ✗ ¹
Turkish ✗ ¹ ✗ ¹
Ukrainian ✓ ✓ ¹
³ Not supported.
⁴ Not supported by store page.
Necronomicron (Developer), sorry i steal ur post but we also need a community help
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