I do like the other way round as well, if you register yourself without an invite code but instead start a giveaway worth 20$ you should become a full member as well!
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I believe the following:
This is good. I like this. Puts a cap, and makes people think before inviting people.
Maybe Completing a Gift Giving should generate an invite for a gifter? For example: I make a giveaway. giveaway completes. I give the steam serial/code/gift, they click 'gift received', bam, I have an invite.
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What if we had a noobed down version of this site, that way people can 'register' a sort of sub account, and then they can enter noobed down 'giveaways' for entries. That way the people who want in and don't know how to get started have a chance.. maybe like 1 giveaway a day or a week or something (the giveaways are simply for an invite code). This could generate more traffic, introduce new members at a slower rate but also give the people without any sources a chance to get in. Any opinions?
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Any chance of lowering the generation cost? I've had a number of people approach me and say that they want to invite friends - but the 50P cost in doing so really turns them away.
I think 30P would keep people being picky about who to invite, while making invites more accessible.
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Greedy answer: no! Less people means more chances for me!
Selfless answer: let's just let everyone be a member!
Practical answer:
50 is the perfect amount because it' s meant to slowly grow the community, those whiners will eventually invite their freinds don't worry
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The one thing I dislike, is that normally for ANY other website, you GAIN it by inviting people, now I fully understand the community and how it operates. But it still feels a bit out of place, and like it needs to be tweaked some how, not for greed, but rather to help bolster the community.
You can think about it for two ways; Either as a member invites another, and that member leeches people, or that member puts up games, It's a 5:1 ratio I would think, but still, that :1 ratio is all you need to satisfy someone for a long long time with a game.
In my opinion? 50 pts to generate an invite, a nominal return of the points(say 10-15pts) and you EARN 20pts-40pts per giveaway they start, depending on how much the game is worth(with sales and stuff, this is tricky, exclude stuff as the humble bundles I would say, but that is preferential.) It would show that bringing members in that help the community are best, but you can still invite someone that might contribute in some other way. Now, or at a later date. It is a flawed system in my eyes, and should be slightly more detailed.
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There's the other side of the coin: people selling invites...
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We were tossing around ideas on how to distribute invites, and RJackson had a great suggestion to use the point system. If you head over to Account & Invites, you're now able to generate an invite code for a friend, by using 50 points. At any given time, you can have a max of 10 unactivated invites. What do you guys think? We thought it would be a nice way to slowly expand the user base by allowing members to create invites as needed. As well, in the future, we'll try to get some extras for giveaway contributors setup, and additional invites might be one of those extras.
Edit: Modified to 50 points.
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