All keys were sent out.

If you didn't receive yours, then go check the support thread here:

Also, READ THE FAQ. There are a lot of ineligible people or those who just aren't reading.

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up!

10 years ago

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Looks like a cute little game.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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so, you vote for a game and if it gets greenlit, you get a chance to win it.

10 years ago

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The developers have said they'll do everything they can to make sure everyone gets one.

10 years ago

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You don't even have to vote, just join the group and wait for the giveaway to pop up on SteamGifts when the game is eventually Greenlit.

10 years ago

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But voting helps! :)

10 years ago

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Just so we're clear, do we all get the game when its Greenlit or will there be a steamgifts giveaway so we all get a chance to win it? Both is an option too of course, but i'm mainly interested do we all get a key presumably pmed by the developer

10 years ago

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From what I gather from reading the details, I think there will be at least a 10,000 key giveaway and maybe more depending on interest.

10 years ago

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I understood something similar, but if they make a steamgifts giveaway, its likely that not everybody will get it, so thats too bad. Not even a guarantee the people that voted will get it

10 years ago

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But there is a good chance that 10.000 people will be able to get it. Just because some of us are not going to, then it doesn't mean you have not to vote for it, if it's worthy of course.

10 years ago

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They're going to make it more. As I said earlier, the initial prediction was 10,000 but it looks like there are more people than that who are interested.

10 years ago

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Based on what I've seen, they'll probably need at least 25,000 keys for everyone to get one (that's the amount of entries developer giveaways usually get)

10 years ago

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That's fair enough to say

10 years ago

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If the interest is more (and it's likely that will be the case) then enough copies will be provided for everyone in the giveaway.

10 years ago

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Thanks for letting us know! :)

10 years ago

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Thanks. Looks like a fun game. :)

10 years ago

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I hate this type of voting. So many stupid games can go throught Greenlight with this "free code" tactic.
I'm glad that Steam will end Greenlight, I just want good indie games, not some free browser game.

10 years ago

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You do realize what they mean is anyone can post a game without a voting process, similar to Google Play store?

10 years ago

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^this :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thanks :D ps. Bump

10 years ago

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This is why greenlight is going to die.

10 years ago

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here we go again with the same rant

10 years ago

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Just saying that I think it's not fair. Everyone knows that a lot of people vote by simple interest and deserving or not the game can get on Steam. For me it reduces the quality of service. But let's see what Valve will do about it ... =)

10 years ago

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They've already stated they're getting rid of it actually.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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My language supported!Thanks!

10 years ago

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Wonder how the devs are gonna deal with the people that took part in this but then were unable to create a steamgifts account (due to steam acc needing to have $100 unbundled value to become a member here) Yay for CV!
(taking away gifts I received recently, my account wouldn't even qualify as of today to become a new member because the only non bundled games I bought have become bundled by now (for e.g. CiV)). Yay for CV!

10 years ago

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Huh wat?

10 years ago

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What is unclear?

10 years ago

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unable to create a steamgifts account (due to steam acc needing to have steamgifts account (due to steam acc needing to have $100 unbundled value to become a member here) Yay $100 unbundled value to become a member here) Yay for CV!

I did not know one can only create sg acc if they have nonbundled games of $100 in their steam library. Even if it did,i still fail to see the connection with cv. Anybody can confirm what the guy just posted?

10 years ago

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Maybe he means it's thanks to Civilization V for making him go over the $100?

10 years ago

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Pretty sure he meant that one can not be a member of sg unless he/she has unbundled games of $100 in the steam library. It is the first time ive heard aboot this and would like to know if its true or just random ramblings.

10 years ago

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And yeah, when I joined CiV was pretty much the only game I owned that hasn't been bundled by then and I barely breached that 100 CV. Today it is bundled too. If you are an indie game lover or simple can not afford at least ~3 AAA titles (which CiV used to be too) then you can not become a member on sg.

10 years ago

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That is news to me but I guess it stops people from spamming the giveaways.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Let me get this straight. The OP is an admin of the group that is advertised to join to get a code.

So by shamelessly self-promoting his group on here, he can easily bribe the community to join his group, cleverly acquiring more attention towards it and help continue the trend of 'vote for my game, no matter how unworthy it is, and get a free Steam code when Greenlit.'

And look, the same team that made this game also made Draw a Stickman: EPIC (What a true representative for what kind of games should be on Steam / sarcasm)

Lazy Guys Studio, these guys, and so many others keep repeating this cheap method of sneaking their way onto Steam, how pathetic. Worse thing is, the community continues to fall for it every time.

Simply put, games should be Greenlit because they deserve it and enough people want to see it succeed, not because enough people see 'FREE' and feed their obsession of collecting games on Steam.

10 years ago

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This, Greenlight is now a popularity contest and not a way for the comunity to evaluate the product quality or espress what they want on Steam.

10 years ago

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all voting is a popularity contest, and bribing the electorate is a time honored method of winning it

10 years ago

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While I agree with you to an extent about screwing other games out of the chance to get greenlit, I kinda think you need to get your head out of your ass. While there are some people who genuinely like to feed their "free addiction" as you call it, there are others I'm sure, like me who actually thought that game, and draw a stickman epic, looked entertaining.

There are plenty of other games that I want to get greenlit that don't stand a icecube's chance in hell of getting greenlit UNLESS they do some promotional thing like this.(even if nobody did do this kind of thing) Are my desires more invalid than yours?

Even so with that "free addiction" people get entertainment out of that kind of thing, not necessarily the game itself. this could be true for many big name games as well. all you are doing here is favoring yourself, your own opinions and the games you like over those of others, a pretty rational thing to do, but we as empathetic beings should strive to remove ourselves from.

10 years ago

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I do not mean to sound as insulting as the post suggests. I know opinions will differ, but the point was reflecting towards the games out there that do not seem developed enough to be considered a full-fledged game to put for sale on Steam.

Basically the difference between putting up a full-length game like BioShock, and a mobile game like Angry Birds. But you know what, I'm not totally against the idea of 'casual' games on Steam. So in that argument, call me split.

Promoting a game is not bad, in many cases it is indeed needed. It's just doing it in such a way that doesn't try to let the community read into the game, watch videos, etc specifically. This tactic used is strictly a cheap and easy way to get their game Greenlit, without any actual effort of showcasing the game's features or design.

How about instead of what so many developers are trying to do here, they do it the old fashion way of tactics like word-of-mouth, advertisements, and see if they can put out a free demo to give everyone a good idea of what their game is like. (I'm not saying this is easy or guaranteed to bring them success, mind you.)

People clearly get enjoyment out of getting games for free; we all love getting things for free. I used to blindly vote for games doing this at first, until I realized just what I was contributing to.

I was not intending to show bias at all, nor did I state any games I prefer over others. I understand small name indie developers have it hard, all I'm saying is, don't sell yourself out from the get-go and show desperation and laziness by bribing votes. Game developers did not resort to this in the past, what makes it a required thing to do now?

10 years ago

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Well I am glad you aren't blinded by the hate that I took your first post for :) sorry for sounding like an ass myself.

while I agree things should just be the older tactics and not so much the vote for us get a free key thing, it is still saddening to me that even if all the greenlight games adhered to those types of promotions, many of the ones I personally would really like to have on steam wont get there, things like Oil Blue which has been on greenlight since it first began.

that problem is with the whole greenlight system though, In some ways I am looking forward to what valve does when they open the floodgates and attempt to allow many more devs to publish on steam without the greenlight process.

10 years ago

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It's quite alright, sometimes being harsh is the best way of getting the point across.

Agreed, hopefully Valve find a worthy replacement that gives the games and their developers who deserve it a chance, without letting abuse like this to occur to make it easy for frauds to slip in.

Unfortunately though, no matter what happens, there will always be that one great game out there to never make it; just the way things tend to work.

10 years ago

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The thing is that even if the game is unworthy, you will have no problem with it at all. You don't like? You don't buy it! It's that simple.

10 years ago

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You are not being very clear with what you are trying to say. You are admitting the game could be unworthy in your view, as you stated 'even if'. And I do have a problem with it, and many others do as well who do not support these kind of underhanded tactics.

So, sorry, but that overused 'Don't like it, don't X it' retort holds no argument, nor helps any given situation in the least bit. It's like oh sure, there is this thing happening and I don't like it. Better just ignore it, shut my mouth, and do something else so that those who enjoy it can continue, right?

Wrong. Criticism, and in this case, getting others to stop partaking in this kind of thing is what needs to occur to stop the problem. Or we can be like you and only see negatively, without understanding the points being made, that many other people have understood clearly, and try to silence it.

10 years ago

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Well I had already voted on it because I believe the game looks fun for a quick diversion title, so I'm not really going to complain about a chance to get it for free simply by joining a group. Now if I didn't believe it looked fun, I wouldn't go for it or vote for it, library count doesn't matter to me when the number of games to play and enjoy mean so much more.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

10 years ago

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thanks!!!! this is GREAT!

10 years ago

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Wish Steam would set some basic ground rules for greenlight preventing crap like this from happening...

10 years ago

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they are already looking to move on and scrap it

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Which was the another game about 2 months ago, who happened the same, you vote and follow the group and you get the free game when it's greenlighted. I don't remember the name.

Thanks for the heads up :)

10 years ago

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There were two: Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart and recently Paranormal State: Poison Spring, both greenlit but not released yet. You probably thought about the second one.

10 years ago

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Went to check Greenlight page, had already voted no. Nothing of value was lost.

10 years ago

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Not sure if id play if they paid me to.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the info

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Carlmundo.