Hey, who said contributors can't be dicks too? One side hates another, while actually there is no reason for that. One will die without another.

Don't mind harsh or sick people who tries to insult you or make you look like a raff/elitist. I know a lot of people, who are nice or at least alright in real life, but completely different individuals over the internet. You can always prove yourself as a good and interesting person just by obeying the rules and staying active (chat, forum, events). Giveawaying is always an option.

What I mean is, that comments number, value of games being given away - those are not a perfect signs that user is that cool and awesome. I know one who already contributed over 500$, has huge amount of comments by merely pasting same thanks in every possible giveaway. But... said user never comments on forum, never contribute to chat in form of talking and - most sad part of it all - never ever plays won games. At all. Heck, even so called "silent leechers" are better. Majority of them will play the hell out of freebie or at least they will try to.

Shortly, there is no actual difference between contributors and non-contributors. It is not your profile, but rather your behaviour what makes you either magnificent or loathsome person. You always got a chance to change that and you don't have to make giveaways for that.

Stay cool. I love you.

12 years ago*

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Well im new to this site and its good to know there's nothing different between them.Well i would donate if i could but i dont have the money to do it.

12 years ago

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I don't waste my time thanking giveaway creator.

12 years ago

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That's real nice of you !

Remind me to do a re roll if you ever win one of mine !

12 years ago

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That's not nice :/

12 years ago

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Why? He hasn't won anything. It's totally legitimate. If and when he wins he can thank the person then. If someone posts a giveaway it should be done without expectations. If someone WINS the polite thing to do is thank, but these THANKS THANKS THANKS posts repeated over and over contribute nothing to anyone. It's a nice sentiment but unnecessary and to go to the point of calling someone not nice or even demanding a re-roll because they didn't thank you along with 800 other people is outrageous.

Sorry but even though I know it's 'the thing to do' here I just can't agree with it.

12 years ago

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well barked

12 years ago

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I said what I did in the heat of the moment and I didn't really mean it. It was just the words "waste my time" that grated on me. I certainly wouldn't do a re-roll if someone didn't thank me, absolutely not. I will always play by the rules. If contributors didn't waste their time and money, we wouldn't be here now. I'm thankful to each and every one of them :)

I enjoy doing giveaways and I'm sure that most of the other contributors do as well. I'm a nice guy after all :) I have no expectations when I give something away, although a thank you is always a nice touch :)

12 years ago

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We love you too Hichigo <3

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Im relatively new, just made my first little contribution deally-o the other day and I too was bothered by everyone who just copied and pasted thanks... Something as simple as mentioning my name would be nice enough for me :c

12 years ago

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thanks hakmed :3

12 years ago

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Daaw Thanks Monukai :D

12 years ago

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It's bizarre but it's the thing to do here like zombie lemmings or something. If you don't do it some people get really pissy about it. I absolutely don't understand that at all but it's some weird Steamgifts culture thing 'WOT U DIDN'T SAY THANKS?' RAGE!

Personally I say this:

Don't give something away with an expectation. Give it away because you want to.
If you have an actual comment to make then by all means make it but no one really needs to see "thanks" posted 100 times over.
Don't thank me if you haven't won, there's no point. I appreciate the sentiment but the whole point of the site is people giving things away which is obvious, however until you win there's no need to thank. If and when you do it would be nice but not essential as far as I am concerned.

I seem to be in the minority with these opinions since everyone just does the THANKS THANKS THANKS thing constantly and they will even talk smack about people who don't and call them leechers. I'm not a leecher. I give stuff away and will continue to do so, I just see no point in thanking for something I haven't gotten yet and posting something that basically adds nothing and is in no way personal. When I have made thanking comments I at least attempt to add some comment and say something else specific.

12 years ago

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"it's some weird Steamgifts culture thing"

Actually, it's what used to be referred to as common courtesy. People used to be taught things like manners. They would learn to use phrases like 'please' and 'thank you' to demonstrate things like gratitude and appreciation. Now we have absentee parents and others who can't even be bothered to give their children the most basic of social skills, the internet and the GIFT, and all of this has led up to people not only eschewing any form of social grace in favor of a sense of entitlement and constant complaints, but actually denigrating those people who do take the time to be courteous and demonstrate their ability to rise above the level of the socially retarded.

12 years ago

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Entering a giveaway and not at least thanking does seem like you don't appreciate the kind act the contributor has done/is doing. Perhaps you are entering too many giveaways and you are already stupefied, which isn't a good sign. I think the point of thanking is to show off your gratitudeness to the gifter, not to yourself. What do you know about people's motives and what a person may see in a simple "thanks"?

Sure the same letters over and over again may start to seem pointless, but it's about what you are willing to do. If you really want to say thanks to someone, you don't care how many times it has been said, you just say it.

Also I think you belong to the majority as the numbers are from 8 to 10 percent of the entrants who comment on a public giveaway. Maybe it doesn't reflect the exact amount of people like you but it's a rather good indicative.

12 years ago

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Hichigo is best pony. <3

Personally, I try to keep active despite being shy, and always like to thank gifters to at least show some gratitude (although I do really love it when there's something to reply to in the description, so I don't look like I'm just pasting thanks everywhere --- otherwise, I usually just don't know what to say past "thank you").

...And I do feel bad if I haven't played a won game. I'll always bump them to the top of my list, even if there was something else I'd been dying to play. I won't lie; right now I've got a few that need to get bumped up. I've been throwing up more giveaways lately to at least try to give back and show gratitude for all the great things I've won.

The only time I've had a problem with non-contributors is when the whining about contributor-only giveaways, whining about not seeing the games they want, general ungratefulness, etc. pops up. I'm sure there are plenty of irritating contributors, but begging and such seems awfully prevelant with non-contributors, and to be blunt, that's really, really aggravating to see someone bitch and moan for games, but not even think of the fact that someone else is buying them without expecting something in return or think of giving back themselves.

Otherwise, I have no problem at all with non-contributors. Go ahead and win all you want. I'm really, truly not expecting anything back and understand financial hardship firsthand, if that's the case. And hell, if you just don't feel like gifting, I understand that too. Giveaways aren't forced, and they shouldn't be. Just be polite and grateful --- and that goes for contributors as well.

...Eh, that got long-winded. Hope it's halfway decent. I got interrupted multiple times while typing. lol

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Nice post. Very nice. :)

12 years ago

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I love hichigo, steamgifts, nestea and cinnamon rolls

12 years ago

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I think I can agree with all of the above.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Goes both ways.



12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That description could somehow be applied on me, if you look at it from a new user/s.gifts regular's point of view.

So yeah, I'm not going to assume things, but for my defense (just in case) I do try my best to play every game I win.

"S.Gifts" group chat talking shouldn't be a way to judge users, they could be talking elsewhere, and commenting elsewhere, there are many other groups that are better than S.Gifts chat content-wise and user-wise.

And the forums? If there's interesting things posted in it to start with, sure, why not. But the majority of the threads are random users who get trolled by others.

12 years ago

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But the majority of the threads are random users who get trolled by others.
So... create decent one?

12 years ago

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great post :)

12 years ago

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couldn't have been said any better than that

12 years ago

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I don´t dislike nons and will (somewhere in the future) give away stuff for free like usual, no entry limit. Maybe except for high quality games just being released, but everything else? Why? That´s the aim of SG. Give things away. If i would be here for the thanks, i would be wrong here!

12 years ago

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I wanted to ask for an example of a bad contributor

Too bad you can't call out users in public forum

12 years ago

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Thank you Hichigo <3 This makes up for what the ponies did!

12 years ago

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Show me on the doll where the pony touched you.

12 years ago

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Hichigo is best pony. I will make you sum checklists.

12 years ago

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I want to share all my chocolate with you.

12 years ago

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thank you for the very insightful post, really makes you think.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Hichigo.