Thank you for your answer. I don't have problem with hidden files. Windowsapps folder pretends to be system directory. So I cannot edit or copy files into it. And every Windows user will have this problem, when he/she will try to use my localization file, so write instructions with step to use Linux is not very good idea.
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*:¥Program Files¥WindowsApps
WindowsApps(Folder)>Open properties>Security(tab)>Advance setting > Owner (TrustedInstaller) > Change > (Your login Name) > Name chack > ok > Yay FileControl
I do not carelessly make mistakes.
Don't forget to create a system restore point.
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It should work, but it doesn't. I have find this solution on many sites, but nobody said that it worked for them, with this solution you can only access that directory or delete some files... but that is all. When I try to copy any file into it, access for this change is still denied. Some people have tried to use my translated files and have done this, but it doesn't work. But thank you.
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If the file is in use it will be like that.
Usually, it is safe to uninstall from "Apps and Features".
Is it awkward condition you can't do that?
How to Uninstall and Restore Windows 10’s Built-in Apps
There is also a way to remove it from PowerShell commands.
Well, even if you do not get there, you may be able to delete it by logging in from safe mode and working.
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I can copy files right to WindowsApp folder, but if I try to copy files in game directory or any subdirectory access is denied. It is not just my problem, but everyone who has tried this has had this problem. I don't want to delete that app, but I am trying to edit its files.
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Please check Starwhites opinion as well. (There is also the possibility) (o'Θ'))yup yup
[windows - Editing/Creating files in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps - Super User]
I have solved this myself nonetheless:
I think that the sentence which starts from this line of this page will be helpful when it does not go well after all.
However, I usually feel like I didn't need it.
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Starwhites' opinion is good, but it is working only with new empty folders as he showed in his image.
I have read that topic, there is only question and under that solution is another discussion where is said that when you do that you cannot launch that app.
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You feel that you are probably reading something different or not understood.
First, let's get back to the start.
You may have some inherent problems, so I will not propose any more.
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I am trying to overwrite original file of that game, but access is denied. I have deleted original file, but when I have tried to copy my edited file on its place, access is denied. I have tried to restore original file from bin, but access is denied... So redownload deleted file via aplication reinstall. and I am at the beginning again.
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I have tried to make installation file with my translated files, but when I set path to game directory in Windowsapps folder, it told me that I don´t have permission and instalation will be canceled. I could try to hack it but I don't know how, it is shame that people who bought that game cannot used that, because they probably won't want to do this.
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No, I'm telling you that putting your app into the store is the only way you will ever get it in that folder. Putting it outside is super easy if you make it an actual program instead of a crappy app. You can change the drive letter the apps folder is on, but that's about it.
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I have asked creators of that game if they could add another language to their game, but they just ignored my email. So it is unlikely that I can add my installation file to Windows store. Almost all creators ignor my language, so most of games are translated only in this way. As I said it is shame that it isn't working for Windows store version, I hope steam version of that game will be here soon and there shouldn't be problem with it. Thank you.
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After changing the owner, make sure to add your own user to the list, select it and click View, then set Type: as Allow and Applies To: as This folder, subfolders and files. After that, click the Show advanced permissions link and make sure you can select Full control (as to allow every administrative action). After closing the permissions window, do not forget to also select "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object", then click OK.
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Thank you. I have done as you have written, but it still same, I can make new empty directories and copy file into them. Permission to other folders containing apps is still denied. It is some type of security barrier to protect apps against viruses etc. I lost all my hopes that I will find any working solution.
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this folder?
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
in windows 10, you need to take ownership of it.
download this reg file and right click on the windowsapps folder > take ownership.
then you can copy/cut/paste stuff inside it.
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Thank you for your answer. Yes that is the right folder. I have tried to take ownership with windows commands through security. And I have also tried that reg file, but unfortunately, that doesn't work. It write every file in directory and it will close automaticaly. Then is everything same inner folders with apps have full permission, but I cannot edit files or copy another files inside.
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You're playing with a pretty heavy DRM protection, basically. Ignore the 'take ownership' suggestions as they won't work in this case. Even if you are be able to edit those files, the app most likely won't start because file checksums will be different which will render the signature certificate invalid.
If you want to edit them, you'll need to get the installation folder with all of its files, decrypt them, edit them, then repackage them into an appx file and sign the package with a new certificate. After which you will be able to install it by enabling sideloading.
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You are right. But I think there shouldn't be problem with checksum, because I have tried that edited file in "unofficial" version and everything work fine. I am looking for simple solution for everyone who want to enjoy that game, but it looks like no solution exists :( If instructions will be too difficult for most people, they won't try it.
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Does the game support modding (officially or indirectly by reverse engineering) though?
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This game will likely support modding through the Steam Workshop. But as for the Windows Store version... Do you know which game engine it uses? Could you post a screenshot of the root folder of the game?
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In steam it won't be problem because steam allow users to change files. But Windows Store version is quite a bit complicating... I am not an informatik I have just take out text files a translate them. So I practicaly don't test the game a can ask someone who has tried to use that translated files, so after that I will tell you more, it should be something like c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MSDallas
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I meant to enumerate which files reside in the path you provided. Although, the beta is probably under NDA so you might not be able to share the content of the game folder.
Depending on how the program was designed, it could attempt to read files outside of the game folder, allowing the game to use your custom files. And this game probably supports mods.
Also, have you tried asking developers or community managers in their discord channel?
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I have send email to developers through email adress that they have on their web page, but after 3 weeks I don't get any answer from them. I am not a programmer so I cannot edit game files in way, that they can read text files outside of game directory. Game has 8420 files and 17.2 GB.
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Browse the folder at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\ActiveSync\LocalState\Games\
(open a new window in Windows explorer and type that in the address bar), you should have a folder for Age of Empires DE
, modding files probably go there, although I'm only speculating. You better join their discord here and check the #modding channel.
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You can't mod games in the WindowsApps folder no matter what you do. The games folders are locked beyond any ownership permissions, I have already tried with Shenmue mods. Microsoft has released a statement that they will allow mods sometime in the future.
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I have translated game from Windows Store to my language, but after that I found a major problem. I can't copy any files into WindowsApps folder and that game folder. I have tried to find any solution, but nobody shows how to paste files into this directory. I have set full permission for every user, but still I cannot do that, I have deleted one of the file from that folder, but I cannot restore it from bin, too.
Maybe someone had same problem before and has found solution for it. Thank you for any advice.
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