Most of you know that IGN Prime is currently giving away some games to those that subscribe to it, and that there are giveaway of these games being held here. However, how come people are giving away 5 copies of Choplifter HD or 4 copies of QUBE if they receive a single key for each game per subscription? Don't tell me they paid for 4 or 5 different subscriptions. They probably found a way to fool IGN Prime, didn't they?

12 years ago*

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Maybe his friends gave it to him.

12 years ago

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That's highly unlikely.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Sure it's possible, but there is an exploit going around which basically gives you the games for free...
So it's very likely that the copies are coming from there.

12 years ago

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Also, few people would have lots of friends who paid for an IGN Prime subscription and gave the same game to this one person who already had it.

12 years ago

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Why are you sure theyre from IGN?

EDIT: Seems they are, also the one that is giving away QUBE is russian so no wonder.

12 years ago

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The QUBE giveaway creator himself said his copies were from IGN Prime. And why would multiple copies of Choplifter HD, QUBE and other games from the IGN Prime promo suddenly show up?

12 years ago

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He also said somewhere he has about 40 copies left.

12 years ago

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"is russian so no wonder."

Excuse me?

12 years ago

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Russia has the highest credit card fraud and identity theft numbers in the entire world, that's nothing new.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Interesting questions. If you check the past giveaways, you will see there were more than 4 copies of QUBE from the same user.

12 years ago

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Yeah, hadn't noticed that. Definitely fishy.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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Definitely looks like it.

12 years ago

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It's possible to make IGN think you have a 7 day trial.
And no, don't ask me how to do it.

12 years ago

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how to do it?
jk i couldn't possibly care less

12 years ago

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there is no trial anymore anyways

12 years ago

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Look at what I'm saying.
Don't ask me about what I'm saying.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I know some people who were able to exploit IGN yesterday.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

12 years ago

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Yeah the free 30days or 7 days trial is still going for IGN Prime.


12 years ago

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5 more qube omg

anyone knows how to get the 7 days trial on ign prime?

12 years ago

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Also interested on that method

12 years ago

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I'd like to know that myself :/

12 years ago

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There is a method many of you might not have heard of called supporting the developers instead of screwing them over, Q.U.B.E isn't worth $15 (The first 5 chapters took me 32 minutes to complete (going by Steam's timing), the rest of the game was fun and interesting) but the devs worked hard to get a product out the door. Screwing them over isn't helping anyone, if you want the game for free pirate it, because it hurts the developers less than taking their product directly from them.

12 years ago

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While I'm not supporting exploiting IGN, I must point out that it's not the developers of the games getting screwed over, it's IGN. IGN will have bought the keys from the developer.

12 years ago

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[removed and suspended]

12 years ago

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highly illegal!
cheating with credit cards is not a minor case!

12 years ago

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it full legal... I consulted with an attorney familiar

12 years ago

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It really is credit card fraud.

You're tricking the system into thinking you paid for a subscription, when you haven't, then getting items that only someone who paid for the subscription could get. Try doing this in a shop and you'd get busted for fraud. It's just the same on the internet.

12 years ago

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Well... Then need to close all giveaway: QUBE, Choplifter™ HD, Hacker Evolution: Duality, King Arthur.

12 years ago

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Try doing this at a shop and the card says "no funds".

There is a process to check funds on a card. Usually they put a hold on the money and after 48h the payment process complete. It's their own fault accepting credit cards without funds, beacause their system is shit.

12 years ago

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Exactly, but it also depends on the agreement. Normally there's a clause like "by accessing this product you agree that you are currently able to pay your subscription" or something like that; I'm not a lawyer mind you.

Paying or not, if the agreement doesn't cover void credit cards it's their own fault.

12 years ago

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People using any public internet access and some impersonal Visa-gift card wouldn't care about the terms.

It's just a serious bug on their payment process. Well, they took months to fix the infinite trial thingy.

12 years ago

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Intentionally using a credit card you know doesn't to have sufficient funds to pay for services is fraud. A shitty credit card checking system is not a valid excuse to commit fraud. By analogy, if a bank doesn't have any security, it is still a crime to steal from it.

12 years ago

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When did receive something you didn't pay for became legal? It may be legal from the Virtual Visa's company view, but from IGN it isn't.

12 years ago

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The law ain't the same in every country... Potato is most likely located in Eastern Europe, so just imagine what IGN would have to do to catch him... file a complaint, then wait for the US to demand his country to participate in the chase, then hope they get him.

Plus considering the relationship between the US and Russia/its surrounding countries for the past 25 years I don't think they'll be eager to devote their resources for this. Especially since Potato doesn't threaten his country in any way.

As for our Steam accounts, normally they just remove the game as per the agreement we all signed when signing up.

12 years ago

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Fraud is fairly well prosecuted everywhere that matters...

If your country doesn't take action, it becomes a place not to do business. Business = money, and money talks.

12 years ago

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lol know, people can have troubles because of your giveaways

12 years ago

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First of all, if you're doing this, it's against the law.

Also, if IGN will contact Steam, accounts with these keys can easily get banned.

12 years ago

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Good I got the info. i was about to trade with someone for those games. Only thing I need is banned account.

12 years ago

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No, it does not.

You know, IGN account(created by this bug) closes in 2 hours, and they do not care what we did during that time.

12 years ago

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Steam don't ban accounts for this. They just remove the game. My alt account with Dirt 3 (2 different leaked keys) and Dead Island only accout isn't banned. Only that the games vanished for library.

The worst scenario here is if someone trade for a key and after some time the key dissapear.

12 years ago

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Going against the law for those games? Does not worth it. Thanks for the guide tho

12 years ago

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Now I'm glad I didn't win. :P

12 years ago

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are those steam keys?

12 years ago

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Yes This is

12 years ago

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oki thx. i wonder if its illegal if i get one for myself. =/ and how to get one key. whatever

12 years ago

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You can do it in the legal way, but in this case you have to pay some money for their services. More info here.

The illegal way is not recommanded at all.

12 years ago

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And yet again our prejudice of your origin has been validated

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Trials work even with one email/CC
IGN knows this.

12 years ago

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I don't see how it's exploiting if IGN allows people to do it. You don't even need a card with zero balance. Upload an actual card and before the trial wears off remove your information. You get free games and don't have to pay anything.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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IGN letting you cancel a subscription before you are charged isn't a flaw though because they put the option there, it's kinda like when I signed up with Netflix and they told me it was okay for me to cancel my account before 30 days was up so my card wouldn't be charged.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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What trial ? I thought they removed the trial ?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Fraud is fraud no matter how you turn it around. While using the trial to get a free ROCHARD and King Arthur keys was a mistake from IGN's part, using a "flaw" in the payment system to get as many keys you want and then trade/gift them is not okay.

12 years ago

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This is an issue that we originally discussed, but after removing many of these giveaways, several support tickets with members proving their innocence. Instead, we've now been banning anyone that shares the exploit. We hope this doesn't last much longer, and if anyone suspects foul play, please report it in support.

12 years ago

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So many questions, but it's best not to ask/provide any ideas to the community.

12 years ago

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I know some people were committing credit card fraud, but they were banned.

12 years ago

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That's not exactly an exploit, just stupidity. :( haha.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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publishers not used to digital distribution yet it seems

12 years ago

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Yesterday I saw some guy getting new keys with legit account only by using F5, so this is IGN's problem.

12 years ago

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Unless there's a clause "Only one per account" (or "per person"). IGN really had to think this through.

12 years ago

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so if anyone can help get qube i'd be greatfull lol

12 years ago

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My god...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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What are the possible legal repercussions for using a dead credit card?

12 years ago

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I guess that would heavily depend on where you actually live.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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It's credit card fraud, so if you're in any country where you can obtain a credit card you'll be facing penalties similar to those if you committed theft. Of course, if the companies want to push it even farther with civil litigation they can do that too.

12 years ago

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Makes me not want to do it.

12 years ago

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I have 50 IGN Prime accounts, bro.

12 years ago

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Care to join Mr. Potato?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Again an exploit? Really? That holds me up from buying prime again :(
I mean, the "exploit" with the trial was there for like... half a year? Even longer afaik (< sadly I didn't knew about it before Rochard/KA^^). It might take them that long again, or they just don't care. And if I'd buy the 1 year now, and soon everyone is using the exploit that would really suck :|

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by a100Axolotls.