How long is your whitelist?
I made a birthday thread giving away my favorite game and asked people to post if they were interesting and when I thought they might actually play the game I temporarily white listed them so they could enter. But I don't use the white list in a conventional matter.
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Good taste. I remember enjoying Strife back when I was a kid, I think I played a demo version though. I have it on steam now. Gave it a try but the mouse-look wasn't smooth which made it uncomfortable to play and the enemies in veteran difficulty would kill me before I can kill them so I couldn't even get out of the cell (which is not what happens to other players as I checked on youtube, weird).
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The mouse-look never bothered me, but maybe that's because I'm used to playing that way.
The first two guards were always annoying on higher difficulties because you only have the dagger and you have to kill them before you can continue. The best strategy is to grab the health kits (have auto heal on or make sure you use them) and just keep punching until he goes down. It depends on luck for the rest. After you defeat those two the game becomes much more enjoyable though.
Just remember to save often and in different slots, because there are several times where you can make the game unwinnable (by killing or trusting the wrong people).
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I whitelist mostly for contributions to the site but sometimes I also whitelist if I had a nice conversation with somebody but only if they have a somewhat decent ratio. Sadly I don't do enough WL giveaways because I made the mistake of whitelisting a whole group I like very much only to find out later that being member of a cool group doesn't automatically makes you a cool person and so far I was too lazy to go over my whitelist and remove everybody who doesn't deserve to be there. From what I've heard it's also not a good idea to whitelist everybody you've won a game from for the same reason you shouldn't whitelist whole groups.
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This one is tricky, but I'm confident the answer is blueberry.
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I whitelist people that have been very helpful to me and others, been a positive vibe in the forums, organised interesting stuff etc etc
It's basically my "I like you, keep doing what you're doing" list with not one specific thing that gets you on it. I also try to keep my whitelist as small as possible(still below 100 \o/) so they have good chances of winning in the few GAs I make for them which makes me unable to whitelist back every person that whitelists me.
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I don't whitelist anyone. Why, you may ask?! Because I never make whitelist giveaways, so it wouldn't help anyone if I'd put them in my whitelist.
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I have to find my way on to this whitelist. I'd be the coolest guy here.
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Well, you would be special for sure, because I swore to myself to never make any whitelist, group, sgtools, or level-restricted giveaways. ;P But you're special in my eyes already. ;_;
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I don't whitelist people because I don't have any expensive, valuable games to give away as whitelist GAs. Only bundle leftovers.
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My whitelist is quite big (sometimes I feel like it needs cleaning up, but I'm too lazy and soft for that) and I whitelist people for various reasons. I often whitelist people from whom I won something, especially if it was public giveaway, 'cause I don't do much of those and I'd like them to have chance to win something from me. Other than that I whitelist my friends and people whose posts I enjoy reading. I once whitelisted someone for blacklisting me.
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I've never been much of a conversationalist, so I'm glad I can let the giveaways do the talking for me. Could be that is why I like spending my time here. I suppose how I choose who to whitelist reflects that.
What I did at first was a whitelist recruitment thread where I had a SGTools giveaway with certain rules and those who passed them could apply for the whitelist. But having a thread like that had a few issues and I abandoned it after two months. I cleared my entire whitelist and let everyone know that they had been unwhitelisted. Since then I have been slowly adding people to my whitelist, still based on certain rules (stricter this time) that they must fulfill, and eventually I will start making whitelist giveaways again.
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While my blacklist constantly pushes the limit on members, my whitelist rarely has users added, as I only use it for a few small things. Only three giveaways have used it in the end.
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Whitelisting is for noobs. If you want to be one of the cool kids, you'll start blacklisting everyone!
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I have 73 users in my whitelist and I am whitelisted by 19 users.
I add...
...people I had fun times with (mostly in games).
...the GA creator of GAs that I won.
...the creators of GAs which I only entered in events that I enjoyed. (E.g. The Halloween Mansion or the Londoner Tube).
...people who dropped a key and I was able to grab it.
But I also check via sgtools if people have a(n almost) clean record. (The higher the level the more I will forgive, like allowed offences = level number. Level 0, no offences at all, level 10 up to 10.)
I really need to make a train some day to improve my karma and ratio.
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I WL for random reasons, usually whatever catches my eye at the time, but I am also keeping it smaller (Well under 75 right now). I will go back and look every once in a while (have not yet) to see if maybe I should give a spot to someone else.
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Mostly whitelisting guys i´ve won games from. The other reason to whitelist would be people who simply surprise me with their kindness - the perfect internet role models so to say. It all just counts as preparation though, as i´ve not yet made any whitelist giveaways (there are questions i´ve avoided by just unticking whitelist again :E).
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I use the whitelist quite often, its quite huge. I need to update my wl (maybe going to do this today)
There are various reason I wl people, some for just being nice to me or others, some because they contribute much, and sometimes I return the favor because someone else has wl me:)
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I whitelist people who I win from, and then if they win one of my WL'd games then I sometimes try to talk to them.... sometimes... rarely....
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I whitelist people I come across who have good ratios, or people who have whitelisted me, but it doesn't really matter because I've never given away anything that was worth using my whitelist for. It's really something I do just in case I ever make an important giveaway.
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So I'm on 3 people's whitelists. Wooh! Only I can't seem to find out who has whitelisted me? Great to see that people are enjoying the content, but I've only been able to track down one of them to whitelist back.
Which got me thinking...
Why do you whitelist? Do you try and whitelist people back who whitelist you? Do you whitelist anyone whose giveaway you win? What etiquette do you follow?
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