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Wow, you do! Epic music taste!

12 years ago

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Not enough music threads in existence yet

12 years ago

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Not enough with epic music taste.

12 years ago

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Nirvana? +10000000000 Respect points!

12 years ago

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i used to listen nirvana , then i heard about death/melodeath metal... divine music

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Same, but I got into Jazz influenced Death Metal.

Great stuff.

12 years ago

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animals as leaders!?

12 years ago

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Never heard of this song before, and it's epic. Thanks!.

12 years ago

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Meh. Nirvana was one of the most overrated bands ever. I'm not saying they were bad, but they didn't deserve anywhere near the amount of praise they received at the time.

12 years ago

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surefire way to gain legendary status as a band? have your main guy die off through overdose or suicide..
doesnt really matter if the band has talent or not..

12 years ago

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Doesn't always work, though. Look at Blind Melon. In Nirvana's case, they rode the wave of the shifting trend toward "alternative" music of the late eighties and early nineties and then did it before they inevitable spiraled back down. On its own merits, their music didn't really stand out from the pack very much. I believe it was one of the earlier harbingers of the way our culture, and popular music in particular, has become increasingly dominated by the "tastes" of teenage girls.

12 years ago

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id very much agree with you. and of course, the record industry's ability to pick up on the "tastes" of teenage fandoms..

12 years ago

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Agreed, The Smashing Pumpkins > Nirvana. Just sayin'

12 years ago

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id jump on this bandwagon.

one of my life-long regrets is i discovered gish (and then the rest of the discography) around the time of machina/machines of god and the end of the pumpkins. i still openly weep for this fact.

12 years ago

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/me neighs positively

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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noooo, this era TOOL is useless! where the fuck did Pushit and 4 Degrees era angry TOOL go?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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well played.. me gusta muchisimo

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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"...systematically removed them like you would any kind of termite or roach..."

such potent rage, wasted in the later years.

12 years ago

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and sorry about poo-pooing your musical tastes. i used to be a big TOOL head back in the day.. and 10,000 days just made me want to piss all over Maynard's dead mother's face.

12 years ago

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It's not that bad in my opinion. True, it's nowhere near their earlier work, but I'd still place it well above and beyond the vast majority of what else is out there.

12 years ago

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well considering bands like Meshuggah have released 3 decent albums, Mogwai have released 3 decent albums, DFA1979 came and went and then came back (with around 3-4 albums under their belts) and even NiN released 3 incredible albums.. all since 100000 days have come out.. it's my strong opinion that TOOL's time to be relevant or even interesting is long since past.

NiN is a good comparison, since both bands have been around for roughly the same timeframe and have gone through roughly the same career path pre-2000 (dark cult-ish outsiders who gained a mass following despite little to no airplay).. and yet, NiN/Trent Reznor is still going strong and producing some work with a little bit of merit behind it.

12 years ago

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Personally i met Tool at that particular stage (100000 days), so its not my place to talk much about it, no worries about the bashing though, its far better to see someone having the ability to critique a band like Tool and not Rebbecka Black.

12 years ago

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dont get me wrong tho, i WILL be picking up their new album when it drops [maybe this year, maybe next] and giving it a try. cause deep down inside me, i still want TOOL to be relevant in the music industry.

and be glad you came into them around 10000 days era. you got to miss the snobby-shithead-maynard that floated around in the beginning of the 21st century that made his fans really uncomfortable.

12 years ago

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I'd say the comparison with NIN is very apt, and one I've considered myself. I feel like I'd have to disagree on the direction you went with it. I have to admit that I'm working from a partially uninformed opinion, though. I've felt that TOOL's music retained quality much better than NIN, personally. That said, I was so turned off with their direction after The Fragile that I haven't really heard anything after that, and I'd be willing to believe that it was a one-off situation that at least partially recovered. I also have absolutely no idea if sales figures and the like agree with my tastes either. I don't tend to look at those things.

12 years ago

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Well, with TOOL you have to remember it's one main guy with 3 voices around him giving opinions and shaping songs.. with NiN, it's really only ever been TR and his vision until recently. So obviously NiN floundered in creative vision for a while. But if you listen to With Teeth or Year Zero [even their latest, The Slip, is a solid album. although it had to grow on me.], theyre incredibly solid albums with no bullshit in between. I thoroughly enjoyed The Fragile's sound sensibility, but I know what you mean about the direction taken with Fragile, its remixes and the cd of Still. Just sort of "lets see how experimental and glitched we can get" with no real meat behind it.

12 years ago

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haha apparently my only purpose in this thread is to be the negative nancy. dons the negative nancy dress

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Percy.