I do check out the music bundles. I'm not really interested in the unsigned bundle; none of the music caught my attention. I bought the 'Some Folks Groupee' and the 'Game Soundtrack Groupee'. Some of the music in the other bundles is great as well. I particularly like Professor Elemental and Noah T.
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Bought the Unsigned bundle but don't like any of albums there, would rather keep my dollar for a gaming bundle next time... I'd be happy to see another Celtic bundle though, the last one was great.
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Ehh, I fleetingly glance over at those, but never usually pick up anything since I don't know any of the bands represented. The only ones I was interested in were the Blue Stahli ones like, years back, but then I didn't have enough money to invest in that. The other one was Trapt, as I've known some of their songs already, so yeah, that was a definite buy-in. Still have yet to listen to them though.
If you accept a little advice, maybe you could create a tiny (4-6 songs long) selection on Mixcloud (I'd prefer this one, as it can be timestamped and I have a way of directly knowing which song is playing), as a preview. Include all artist, but like 1 or two songs at most, that should give us an idea of what their music is like. Previewing all of their songs can be a chore, and is generally a turnoff for me. Maybe it's just my preference though, you should ask around among other people too.
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I enjoy the music bundles when there is something that interests me in them. Groupees has turned me onto some great synthwave and trip hop artists and some good electro artists. Shirobon, Collide, Scattle, Sellorekt/LA Dreams, Lifeformed, Seamless, Street Cleaner, M|O|O|N, Celldweller, F-777, and Savant are the some of the albums I've gotten from groupees that I listen to on a regular basis.
The rock music bundles aren't bad, they're actually pretty good overall, but so much rock just sounds so generic and samey to me nowadays. The Diamond Light might be the one rock exception because they've got such a unique sound, I like them a lot.
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I'm very interested in music bundles but I will with 90% certainty ignore if I don't know any of the artists. Sadly, I know half the point about them music bundles is to meet new, interesting indie musicians, but that's how I function nontheless. The other 10% of the times is when the bundle is a genre I enjoy so I may be inclined to delve deeper and then buy it.
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I bought the unsigned bundle. It looked pretty interesting so I decided to take a chance since it was a low price. Really been enjoying the music in it so far. Missed out on the She Rocks and Celtic bundles, wish I would have grabbed those. The musical extras in other bundles I've bought have been good so far too.
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I'm not interested. I only get bundles with games in them, and never listen to the included music in mixed bundles.
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I usually don't even look at the music bundles. Not sure why since I like music. I'm intrigued about this Celtic bundle everyone is talking about, never heard of it. Maybe I'll pay closer attention.
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Personally, I don't care for music bundles and never buy them. I usually don't even look at the music items from game bundles either.
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Music-only bundles, no, I don't usually give them much attention unless they're all or mostly game soundtracks. In those cases, I'm likely to have some of the games, or at least heard of them, and generally know what kind of music to expect so I'll have a decent idea of whether I'll like the music or not. If the bundle doesn't involve game soundtracks, from what I've seen, it tends to be bands and songs I've never heard of, and that's not of much interest to me. I like what Humble Bundle often/sometimes does: offer games plus their corresponding soundtracks. I'm almost always buying them for the games and consider the music a bonus, but it's definitely nice to have the soundtracks for games in case I really like the music from them.
If you want to help music-only bundles draw more attention, maybe consider including a game soundtrack or few along with the indie bands or whatever you want to make up most of the bundle. I think if you have something people can recognize and think they'll probably like, it can catch their eye and get them to look at the rest of the bundle. I mean, The Unsigned Bundle has no one recognizable (because they're all unsigned artists), right? If you added the OST for a game or two that people know, maybe something that hasn't been bundled before and they're less likely to own already, people might go, "hey, I can get the SomeGame OST I know I'll like plus a bunch of other music for a low price -- this is worth a look!" I don't see a lot of draw when the bundles don't have something recognizable to catch people's attention. That's why I think adding a game soundtrack or two might be enough to make people take a second look.
Just some thoughts off the top of my head. I hope they're of some use.
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I don't pay much attention to the music bundles, although I do sometimes glance at them, and I actually did buy the Trapt one.
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I check Groupees multiple times a week. I'm not there for the music. I'm always on the prowl for good game deals.
I've bought at least 7 bundles since early July, only one of which had a music focus (Game Music Groupee).
I realize this is just my personal tastes, experiences, etc.
For me, extra music is okay to have for games like Beat Hazard and such, where the gameplay depends on the songs, but between Groupees and Humble Bundle, I think I've got enough music. I haven't even listened to any of it yet. ANY OF IT. I also don't pay any attention to this or that scene. I largely didn't check out the Unsigned Bundle because:
a) Music is not at all my priority
b) "Unsigned" is not a selling point
That being said, I think you could probably boost interest in the music by changing the look of the website. I know that sounds petty, but hear me out.
To listen to a clip, I have to go to the front page, click a bundle icon, click an album icon, and then pick a song to listen to. Makes sense, right? It's certainly functional... but it's boring. To boost sales, you gotta convince people like me that this bundle is worth spending money on. So first and foremost, it needs to be IN MY FACE. Don't expect me to be excited on my own. Don't tell me I should be excited. SHOW me why I should be excited, right up front.
Right on the front page, I need a big, well-designed image that accurately represents what the bundle is about, and a tiny bit of text to reinforce it--concise and engaging (easier said than done, amirite?). And right next to it: three or four bold, fat buttons that play the more significant clips (with song title and artist, of course). I can hear the rest when I click the bundle title icon. I'm not going to click the bundle icon if I think, "Oh, it's just another music bundle." The reason to buy the bundle should be one click away, not three, four, or more clicks.
Speaking of the front page, that giant sliding banner? Too big. Wasting valuable space. "We are in 155 Countries?" Nice, but that's practically a footnote--it should NOT look like a bundle icon. And the Social Activity.. thing? What even is that? And the bundle pages themselves--I hate how clicking on an individual product moves everything that's underneath it offscreen to make room for the info. Keep the info to one side, somewhere, and let the icons be static.
Anyway, the point is: if you cleaned up the site some more, I think it would do wonders.
I know it sounds petty, but having worked in retail, I've noticed little things can have a big impact. People would suddenly buy expensive things that aren't even on sale, just because they were put where they could see them better.
Now, I know you really didn't ask this, but you can put me down for not finding graphic novel pdfs and such appealing at all. Games! Music! Eh... other stuff! If I had a real complaint about Groupees, it would be padding bundles with pdfs.
Thanks for making bundles, and good luck. I hope this rant didn't come off as mean.
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Hey guys,
Eric again, do ya'll check out our music bundles or are you games only? Have you looked at our unsigned bundle? If you aren't interested, why not? Looking for some good feedback here.
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