Will I provide helpful links to the profile of every clown who enters the good giveaways without reading the description? :)
"You'll have to read faster than that... :) Hint... :)"
I waited a few minutes, but I can't type in five different tabs simultaneously... :)
And it's not a list of everyone who ever entered the giveaways without reading, it's current clowns, correct as of the time I typed it. :) I'll probably be updating it soon... :)
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Its pretty entertaining, but you must've missed when it was on humble bundle for like, $1 along with another game ): It goes on sale pretty often, so I'd say wait until one of the steam sales at least. It's been as low as like, $1.50 on steam. I'd say its worth getting on a sale just for a few laughs.
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Aah yeah I haven't bought a humble bundle in so long. Ever since they switched from 'pay what you want' to 'pay what you want but there are 3 tiers and the top one costs $15' I stopped looking at the site. It seemed like every time they had a new bundle there would only be 1 or 2 games that were of any interest to me and always in the top tier only.
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Custom rules aren't a valid reason for re-rolling any more just as a warning. So if someone wins one of the giveaways and doesn't do what you asked then you still have to give them the game unless you have a different reason to not give it to them.
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It isn't a custom rule. :) I remember those days, and I also remember that they are gone forever. :)
And I can assure you that I don't have to do anything. :) Any winning clown will receive a proper teasing, and an opportunity to play along, but if they aren't interested they can enjoy their $50 copy of "Not Received." :)
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I also remember the halcyon days of custom rules and pastebin blacklists and you-broke-my-rule-you're-not-getting-the-game-rerolls. Good times :)
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Just so you know - there is no such option as intentionally "taking the Not Received" (unless you don't mind being suspended over it, or potentially being banned).
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Does Rose and Camellia count?
That's a visual novel, right? Because it was a pretty visual (you get to look at things, even have to aim, etc.) and a rather novel experience!
Never mind if it's not on Steam. I'll write a review here:
"Very good game. Would bitch slap again. 優れました 10/10." [<-- even added some real Japanese, didya notice??]
I take it I may enter with impunity and without ridicule in the firm belief that I am eligible?
Sorry, not really the VN type, I'm afraid, so I will stay away, but please have a bump :)
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Fortunately, since I can't read, I'll never know how terrible it is!
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People are strange, when you're a stranger
faces look ugly, when you're alone
VN's seem wicked, when they're unwanted
Love when people know, that they're wrong aka can't read
Seriously, I love that you've aimed a "let's see who can read" stipulation to a game(s) that is dependent upon actually reading
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Used to listen to the Doors a lot, too much really... :) The sort of thing you should probably listen to young, or not at all... :)
Sadly a few clowns missed the whole point, being unable to read and all... :) I even spotted one special person who had previously won an Influent "Learn English" DLC giveaway, because they couldn't be bothered to read giveaway descriptions. :)
So, what do you buy for the clown who has everything? Rainbow afro? Red nose? Extra-large shoes? Pie in the face? Yeah, close enough.
How about an actual bundle game, for this bundle group? Let's hope he wins this giveaway and gets the joke. Because he's never going to read this description. :(
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Maybe it's a good time to dig my library and try some Visual novels which I've never played ;)
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I love reading. I actually had fun reading the requirements for entering, all of it without missing a single word. :D
Anyways, so yeah. Only played part one (well, actually I accidentally read part 2 first apparently?) of Narcissu 1 & 2. Not sure how to review the first VN I read, which is a "Kinetic" (is that what they're called?) visual novel, and that I only read one part, which accidentally, was the second part apparently...
Aside from that, I don't feel I would appreciate Clannad as much as some other user, so it wouldn't feel fair to enter. :P
Instead, have a bump for the neat idea.
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Well, I can't really call them requirements, since there's no magic power preventing clowns from entering... :) Although there may be some non-magic power preventing clowns from receiving... :)
Yeah, I think those visual novels with no choices or branching or decisions or anything are called "kinetic" but then it's just a picture book, isn't it? :) Why try to get fancy... :)
Since you can read, you would probably enjoy Clannad more than the clowns trying to win a copy... :)
Keep trying, clowns! Maybe I can't read, either! :)
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Bad - not free
Potentially bad - free
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Sakura anything, Beach Bounce, umm, let me check...
Ok, any visual novel I've played and given away is probably crap. :) The ones I haven't played are probably not crap. Hmm... Think I'm doing it wrong... :)
Oh, if you like match-3 games, HuniePop is pretty good, wouldn't call it much of a visual novel, though.
There's also a fair amount of free visual novels on Steam, Sunrider something or other is one I remember. I don't know if it's any good, but since I quit playing it's probably ok. :)
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can read but instructions unclear dick stuck in cdrom drive
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I've played only non-steam VNs (and they will never be on Steam ^_^"), and even if I played one, I don't think I will ever write a review for it (again T_T), I just wanted to say that the idea for the GA is great =) But wouldn't you get tired filtering those who can't read?
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Well, if you actually play visual novels, you have a whole month to find one on Steam, there are some free ones that might not be garbage... :) You may even own some already, with all the random stuff you get in a bundle... :)
Hmm, to be honest my main difficulty in replying to a mountain of people is finding something different to say each time... :) What do you say to the 500th variation on "thx!" :)
So if people write a review, they have done all the work for me, and I can just write something about their review... :) That's my plan, anyway... :)
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Now I'm unsure. Because there is a visual novel in steam that is both great and sucks (depending on point of view). Also, I played visual novels NOT on steam, and it was great...
Oh, I got the idea. I'll play one more visual novel, and write a review for it. If It would be good - I'll write negative review to the one I played before. If it would be bad - I'll write positive review to the first) This way I would have both positive and negative review either way. How cunning I am!!!
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Both great and sucks (depending on point of view) - that sounds like every boobie game... :) They are all garbage as novels, but full of boobies for people who don't care about reading... :)
That might work, or just use Idle Master to get some playtime, and write a review from the video on the store page. :) I don't think you would be the first to try it, though... :)
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No, writing review without playing the game is not my style (unless for games from orlygift site... but that was really bad reviews).
As for the game - it's not the boobies that make it suck or be great . Don't want to tell now, I would write it in the review)
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Turns out 101 people entered the just concluded G-Senjou no Maou giveaway. And here's a big surprise - 60 of them couldn't be bothered to read the description. I really appreciate the opportunity. Thanks.
I'll be whitelisting the following precious little angels for the Sam Hall memorial giveaway, details to be announced. Hey, Raoh got a funeral, be quiet. :) From some of these people I expected better, but from a few others I expected nothing less... :)
28032011 adambiser agsankazea Aliaksei Alientcp Boro666 bzhknight carbon7911 Cavalier313 Caveman26 crimson1dol csspro danielnotdan Dosy dsf EvokamiX3 fantis6 fitty1337 fosr Fragy frivoc Fruitbean Hulakai Hvezda Jun55 Kodek Kuromath LazyWanderer Lemistio LifeChan LittleCurly llsnowll LV5Death Makhaev MbahRyuki MikeNoraki Misanthrope3 MystTheMartianCat NajaNivea Nerazzurro Nintendy OmegaRozenkreuz PalmtopTiger PoobahGorg portusmagnus Raikorio rencete SC4LDER sein77 SilentIrk SirALike sjp SpaceClick sviat szkftw Torchbearer vempajor XSyncX Zafkiel Zarek
Did anyone forget to buy this week's Indie Gala Monday Junk Pile? That's ok, I have a spare junk for you. But first:
Have you ever played a visual novel on Steam? Did you like it? Great, here is your chance: :) I hope you can read... :)
Oh, but what if you played a visual novel on Steam, except it sucked? Is there nothing for you? Never fear, have a something else: :) I still hope you can read... :) [NON-JUNK GIVEAWAY #2 FINISHED] :(
What if you've never played a visual novel on Steam? Sorry, you get the junk: :) And I don't care if you can read... :) [JUNK GIVEAWAY #1 FINISHED]
Second junk giveaway added: Sakura Spirit. It's still junk! With boobies! And trading cards! :) Enter even if you hate visual novels, I don't care! :) [JUNK GIVEAWAY #2 FINISHED]
Third junk(?) giveaway added: Highschool Romance. And no, I don't actually know if it's junk, that's just a guess. Boobies all over the store page, though. Yeah, probably junk. :) [JUNK GIVEAWAY #3 FINISHED]
Fourth junk giveaway added: Not Shakespeare. Really, it's not. :) [JUNK GIVEAWAY #4 FINISHED]
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