Huh, that is......pretty interesting. I never realized that or made that connection until you wrote it. So thank you random internet stranger for teaching me something new
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Only "almost"? Mine is EXACTLY as old... Still not sure how I even managed that. I know that I joined shortly after getting steam as this site was something I found doing my "after finally getting steam, what else can I do with it" search, but I also remember there being a minimum account age 🤷♂️
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I always felt it's obvious there is a certain element of selfishness in altruism. Not just the simple "I want other people to see me being altruistic", I generally see being kind to strangers as trying to increase the net happiness in the world and I live in this world so this is a worth goal.
On here it's mostly either the endorphin rush of seeing number go up or a case of "this would go unused otherwise so it costs me nothing to make some positivity". Though, thinking about it, there definitely are people being more altruistic then me on here, but I'm also ok with that 😉
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I know this is coming out of nowhere and it's not related to the post, but do you happen to read Dylan Dog?
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It's not easy being nice, and that's why a lot of people don't do it :)
I can't fault an opportunist or forlorn miscreant for existing, or continuing to exist unlike the mathematician stated in the OP, but I can show them the meaning of happiness and forgiveness everyday with the hopes they'll find it.
I hope they do because after that I can start telling jokes and perhaps even have those lips crack a smile or two :)
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Wasn't the Zack Snyder's Justice League way better than the original though?
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Reading about how this site was invite only at the start reminded me of when I was a new user here I had read about that and all the other drastic changes to how the site worked in the early days, even tho I joined back during the "1.0" days I kind of barely missed all of that core rules restructuring. In fact I had no clue that some of the recruiting of new users was done in 4chan of all places, that site always had such a terrible reputation. But hey, I can't criticize too much given than originally I created my Steam account because I needed to extract some files from the Steam client in order to properly get a pirated game running, yet about a year later I found myself just buying games from them, dropping piracy, and joining SG. Although I originally joined Steam Trades and just got this account as some sort of extra, yet I gave up on trading years ago while this is the only forum I'm active in.
I had up until now forgotten about that awful movie Sucker Punch, why did you have to remind me of it?
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Thanks for the early history of steamgifts, it was tastier than a lobster dinner !
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Oh, we can now see an exact number and not just 'over a decade'
I'm certainly not as active here anymore as in the beginning, so I can't properly compare it, but the first few years really were something special :D
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Combining my old account and this current one, I've actually been here 11 years myself. Kinda wild.
Instead of lobster, I'll just get crabs...oh. Wait. Forget I said that.
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when I joined SteamGifts at the same time, Portal 2 was just released, we also just got Batman: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Witcher 2>
TES V:Skyrim and Portal 2...that feels like multiple decades.Played Skyrim Special Edition in 2015 and been waiting for TES VI since then(still havent finished Skyrim or TESO tho).You being on the site since then is impressive.Credits to cg and all staff and users for such a great community.
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It is impressive that the community aspect is still here, sure, it's not as active as it used to be during the bundle boom, but, to still be here in this day and age is really impressive. I have lost count of the different communities I've seen decay and eventually die over the years.
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Frick...thats one way to end that penultimate para 😂
Nice to learn about SG origin lore.
Also yea Snyder should go back to before 2010. We want another iconic movie from him, not commercial trash.
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I still remember the unwritten rule that you could not buy Fortix for yourself. You had to win it. And when I finally did, I gave away 5 copies to keep the fun going.
And whenever there was a puzzle or sth people would write "Thanks for Skyrim" to tease (motivate? :P) those who didn't solve it :)
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Can I have some crab with my lobster?
Nah, I'm good, trivia about SG and its origins is what I like to know.
(the altruism "fun" fact is very depressing)
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(I actually wanted to put this into Deals category as a joke, but not sure if everyone would find it funny)
Anyway, I got you good. There is no free lobster dinner, no hidden giveaway even but now that I got your attention, I want to say something.
It just dawned on me that I've been on this site for more than a decade—13 years, to be precise! That's not a small amount of time for sure. Just to put things into perspective, in the year when I joined SteamGifts at the same time, Portal 2 was just released, we also just got Batman: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Witcher 2. Thor had its first solo movie in MCU, Zack Snyder showed that he can be really insufferable with slow motion as we could see in Sucher Punch, Fast and Furious 5 was playing in theaters and still wasn't batshit insane as now and season 1 of Game of Thrones was on TV.
And lil old SteamGifts was just starting, had to be invite only with invites being randomly dropped on 4chan and reddit. Fun fact, there was shortly later an underground ring of SG invites that were being traded for actual Steam gifts, that's how desirable we were! Site had 2 admins then, cg & [REDACTED], there was no rule at first that you couldn't win one game more than once and we all knew each other. It was also way easier to win games back then due to low user count, until we had to open the site public later for you TO LET YOU ALL IN SO YOU COULD RUIN IT (jk jk jk).
Anyway, years came and went, this and that happened, met some great folks here, funny and kind and smart and so on (btw miss lokonopa and Cult and Lina and Crossbourne and Mohs and wbarton and SleepyCat and icaio and etc etc) etc, but one thing never did change. My immense appreciation for this community for all the past, current and future users. When you think about it, you're in a really strange place. A website that's focused on gifting games that have to be bought with real money, your own hard earned money to the random internet strangers. I mean, that's pretty impressive, right?!!! The very definition of altruism (random fun fact: did you know there was a mathematician known for developing the most widely accepted mathematical interpretation of altruism. After realizing his equation implied that altruistic behavior serves an innate selfish purpose, he became increasingly depressed and eventually committed suicide).
What I'm saying is that you should all be proud of yourself, you're awesome just for being here and I hope Zack Snyder doesn't make any more 3 hour Netflix films or director cuts of anything ever.
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