What would you vote
ZOMG Darth Renzi inizierà il suo regno del terrore, restaurerà lo ius primae noctis e darà il via all'ordine 66, manda a tutti gli amici o le banke ti ruberanno il futuro :s
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Remember when America could laugh at Italy for having a ridiculous tycoon as president? American government was bad, but we never elected a bozo like Silvio Berlusconi. And I can't laugh at Italy anymore, just cry for America.
Anyway, I haven't kept up with Italian politics for a while, but this should be interesting.
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But what will I do what all my pennies I've been saving?
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Renzi made the huge mistake of binding the outcome of the referendum with his own job as prime minister.
He stated that he would have resigned if "no" won... And most Italians do not like him, and thus "no" won.
I am not sure this was for the best. I never particularly liked him as a politician (not even when he was just a mayor trying to climb the ladder of his party) and I know several people the do not like him, BUT this result kinda promotes stagnation, and we needed some change.
I honestly don't know which option was best.
A victory of the "yes" would have had some negative aspects as well, like the fact that the proposed change wasn't exactly the best they could have come up with...
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"No", because we don't want a dictatorship, which is what would have happened if "Yes" won.
The Senate as we know it would have been abolished, and turned into a representative of people elected from the regions.. basically leeching without having any kind of decisional power.
The executive power would have been completely in the hands of the Chamber of Deputies, where, with the current electoral law, a party or coalition just needs the relative majority of the votes to have 55% of the seats.
These numbers are made up, but quite similar to the latest national elections... which is the reason why we have a technical government right now, because a single coalition couldn't hold the senate and create a stable government by themselves.
The idea behind this proposed change was to avoid situations like that, but imagine what would happen if a single party/coalition could make laws by themselves, with virtually nobody able to stop them... on top of being able to seemlessly modify our constitution, which is almost impossible right now, but would have been made easier that way.
Of course, the easier constitution modification was skillfully hidden behind the supposed "reduction of parliament members", but luckily, smart people who studied the entire text before voting outnumbered the sheeple who vote what they're said to do.
No wonder "Yes" got a lot of votes from uninformed Italians abroad, who, according to rumors, received flyers with instructions on how to vote (how to vote Yes, of course).
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It's not really like that, yeah, it makes the faction in charge more powerful, but that's just out of context
In the last 70 years we changed government 63 64 times, this is not democracy this is being instable as fuck
This referendum was a joke, the propaganda on both sides was shameful
Both yes and no were valid choices, but only a few % of people knew what was going on, I've seen some serious shit on facebook, I'm not sure yet, but I guess I'll never vote again
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i'm not so sure about elections. i would bet more on a renzi 2.0, be him or someone else (grasso? alfano?), or another unelected "technician government". in case of election we would probably have another "big coalition government". we are screw either way.
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meanwhile italian sjw are crying and raging all over the internet, just like they did with trump. long live democracy! ... unless voters vote differently from me. poor little :c
(he's disgusted) I always said it and I won't stop thinking it. Universal voting right is wrong. It should be gained by merit, not by birth. Fuck you and your fucking democracy.
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Ha ragione, il diritto di voto andrebbe guadagnato, per evitare che gente come lui faccia danni votando quello che gli viene "consigliato".
Comunque, ti consiglierei di trasformare l'immagine in un allegato, ho anche fatto una veloce traduzione, se vuoi aggiungerla al tuo post:
![(he's disgusted) I always said it and I won't stop thinking it. Universal voting right is wrong. It should be gained by merit, not by birth. Fuck you and your fucking democracy.](http://i.imgur.com/kBmnpax.jpg)
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Italy will hold a referendum on Sunday on whether or not to change the country’s constitution.
What is this referendum about? Matteo Renzi, who came to power two years ago aged just 39, wants to streamline Italy’s political system so he can push through a major economic reform package. He wants to reduce the number of senators and limit the senate’s power relative to the lower house of parliament. ... So what happens if Mr Renzi resigns? The government falls. But the real question is what happens after that. salsa
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Dai, quello è uno dei dank meme di Grillo, non saremmo diventati una dittatura, anzi rende i referendum più 'facili' abbassando il quorum e da più strumenti diretti (obbligo di esame delle leggi di iniziativa popolare)
Certo non avrebbe fatto risparmiare i miliardi, non era perfetta, si poteva lavorare meglio sulla campagna pubblicitaria, è diventata una questione politica
TLDR è andata all'italiana
P.s. Giusto per essere chiari, non sono renziano, non votati pd, ma è da riconoscere che ha fatto un lavoro discreto considerando il tutto, inoltre è l'unico leader politico (decente) che abbiamo in questo periodo
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brexit, trump, e ora questo... buonanno si è perso le migliori cose
celebriamolo per l' uomo calmo e riflessivo quale era e che abbiamo avuto il piacere di conoscere
r.i.p. gianluca, che la terra ti sia lieve. non ti dimenticheremo mai.
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Saddest part it's that a large number of italians voted pro/cons Renzi, giving no shit about the constitution.
That's how italian people take democracy and our own constitution seriously.
Now, a lot of those "Renzi at home!" will take the results as a mission accomplished, a prize to their indifference.
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