Since I already have some games in the HiB #8 already, I now have some extra keys that every exploiter wants to exploit.

Here's the deal: You pick a number between 1 to 10000, and you might actually win.

You do not have the game in your Steam library.
You do not comment more than once in this thread.

The games are: Dear Esther, Awesomenauts, Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers and Oil Rush.

Good luck, I'll come back after an unknown period of time.


I will pick 3 numbers, not 1, which means you will not win all 3 games at the same time.

I will not let there be only 1 or 2 winners.

If you have the game in your library already, I'll determine if you can pick another one.

If the previous number has appeared already, picking the same number will get you disqualified.

Here are the winners!

sikendestroy - Dear Esther
immense101 - Awesomenauts
Natsirt2610 - Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers
z1ber - Oil Rush

They will soon be contacted.

1 decade ago*

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Thank you :)

1 decade ago

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I'm surprised that a stoner hasn't called 420 yet.

I guess this stoner will. Always on time!

Awww. It's over. Thank you anyway!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by simonli2575.