Hints given so far:
1) there are 110 GAs in total
2) read the actual text of each GA and see if any of it is noteworthy
3) are you looking for hidden links?
4) sometimes, links are missing parts, other times, parts are on their own
5) there are some misleading parts, but also some shortcuts
6) The areas / puzzles are all self-contained, i.e. all the pieces you need in an area can be found in that area
7) if you can't figure out what to do with the basket, head back into the coal mine
8) For the Cyclops, Google is your friend, it's pretty easy if you know Mythology
9) at the bank, if you use the wrong pin, bad things happen. So you need to convert the bad pin into a good pin. Look at the stuff you find in the bank and look at how they relate to the bad pin
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I haven't actually started any of it yet (except entering Starion Tactics), I didn't have the time.
Tomorrow is when I will finally have time.
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if anyone is stuck because of blacklist, let me know and I'll see if I can guide you around it
Further, an apology. I had plotted out the entire game, including puzzles throughout. But when I started putting things together, there weren't enough giveaway contributions. So, I cut out some areas and a number of puzzles. But then a miracle happened. As I was putting the GA together, somehow the GAs stretched much further, lasting all 8 days of setting up the event, and all the rooms got completed.
in relation to this, a handful of puzzles didn't quite make it. So there are a few texts that might allude to a puzzle but there's nothing underneath
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This will be rather interesting. Thanks for the giveaways. 3 Weeks remaining, and me with my trusty Magician's Arcane Pointer.
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with some minor adjustments, yes, it's the whole Zork.
it's the original MIT version, so if you're only used to the commercial release, you might be in for a surprise I cut out parts of the coal mine. If someone were to donate half a dozen copies of Bad Rats and a big prize, I'll consider putting it back in
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Does anyone remember Grand Inquisitor?
Zork: Grand Inquisitor the acting was so hammy and awful, I loved it!
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Cool will have to start exploring tonight, praise dingbat for creating the event :)
Also for users who might be on my blacklist, add me on steam and we can talk about it. You might even be on it by accident since my blacklist/whitelist indicator colors stopped working for a few weeks a while back.
Happy holidays to all
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finding lots of pieces, but idk how any of these things fit together
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welp, that's a little too vague, but let me try a few hints:
1) are you looking for hidden links?
2) read the actual text of each GA and see if any of it is noteworthy
3) if you use the wrong PIN at the bank, it won't end well. Figure out how to change it to the right PIN
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finding the links are nice, its finding parts of links that are more difficult :P
Ive started writing them down in notepad and managed to figure one out already :) Just made it past the cyclops too ^_^
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Noooo! You beat me to the comment.;) Grues...they always like to eat...just like Jughead!;)
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i have the bank still to solve and I have only found 3/5 letters from the maze... so i think I will have to try to find my way back to it and have another look :)
of course, maybe there is more things i missed entirely :P
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I'm also missing a few letters in the maze... I think that's all I'm missing, did the bank, the mine, the river etc.
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There are 110 giveaways, of which over a hundred have less than 100 entries - and plenty of GAs are still in the single digits.
Seems like most people don't bother looking for / solving puzzles, and that means they only touch the surface. Anyway, there are some really good giveaways here, and at phenomenal odds, for those willing to venture a little further
I want to thank the contributors without whom this event wouldn't have been possible: blackendEvn, Delisper, DrP, epica, Goldes, HiroHiro, KingJZ, MancSoulja, Nask0, quan1503, rayl1ght, thecrzyguy, Traqie, Zogrob
I'm sorry there's so little interest in it.
Here's the original game
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