for example in Dwarf Fortress, which motto is "loosing is fun", learning from your mistakes, progressing, your own evolution and how it reflects in the game.
It's not about the game being hard. It's about learning and overcoming.
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It might be a personal thing that I lack then, because generally I get furious at a game after a few attempts or if I think I've missed something/screwed something up, and I won't play for days, sometimes even months or years (as Mass Effect 1 found out after the Benezia boss fight)...
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I think it is more that when it is too easy it becomes boring quickly. If the game has a linear and obvious path, and simply going through the motions is enough to complete it, then it is sometimes akin to watching a bad movie, but having to hold down the play button to watch it. This is just an exercise in futility and as masochistic as any incredibly difficult game you will find. However there are hard games out there for people looking for a challenge, ie. if anyone ever says super meat boy is too easy they are clearly lying. As far as complaining about it, those jackholes are just looking for attention and the chance to self promote.
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To be fair, the ME Benezia fight is messed up. The difficulty ramps up to quickly, and then falls down right after.
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A friend who plays dwarf fortress also re-started UnReal World ALSO HIS FAVORITE IS - CATACLYSM : DARK DAYS AHEAD. :)
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Don't capitalize like that, use italics, you ruin the code and it doesn't work that way.; they are case sensitive.
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I enjoy a bit of challenge in my game. So many are so easy you just fly through it without even being close to dying (cough cough FABLE 3!!!).
Games like Dark Souls let you challenge yourself how you want. The game is relatively difficult as it is, but once you've played it through and know the enemies & locations its actually quite easy. I decided I wanted to do a level 1 playthrough and am starting to get butthurt for my troubles. However, it does make me slow down, appreciate the level design, take more notice of things like enemy/item positioning, the soundtrack, and you get such an almighty sense of accomplishment when you actually beat certain enemies & areas.
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Except the point of dark souls is to keep dying and reviving - its not a game you can expect to complete without dying even once (if its your first time playing)
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I love games with permadeath. That moment where you spent days progressing, and die because of s stupid mistake = create a new hero and restart the game from 0.
It gives the game a wholy different feel, and you can become attached to your heroes instead of them being just part of the game.
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its not so much "hard" as a "challenge"... hard refers to an artificial difficulty (not the new generalised term coined from Dark Souls but instead its original meaning of "artificially increasing or decreasing the difficulty of something through modification") where a game is made more difficult due to a setting being changed or playing by a set of rules determined by the user. the only time artificial difficulty is good is when it is NOT the former of the two.
challenges, however, are something designed with a specific level of difficulty involved with no way to change it. This is commonly seen as unfair, however it is the type of game that requires a user to learn from their mistakes. It is very difficult to find a good middle ground between too difficult and too easy however, as either could put a potential customer off buying it which is why "hard" games tend to sell better than "challenging" games.
I know very few people who like hard games as you moderate how difficult the game is yourself, therefore losing any sense of accomplishment. however, you feel rewarded when you finally complete a difficult game or make progress towards completion. That is why people enjoy difficult games... it gives that sense of accomplishment which people look for
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Nothing more memorable than screaming at the screen and throwing a controller or mouse at the wall. Then calming down and realizing you might have overreacted.
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Your post resembles a false dichotomy. It might just be a lack of context. Can you provide some examples so that we can better understand what you're referring to?
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Ah, thank you - now I see what you mean. Those are all solid games in terms of challenge - they're very hard, but not about being hard. If I were to guess, I'd say it's a matter of expectations. People play those games and find them consistently challenging; some hear so many comments about the difficulty and jump to the conclusion that the games are about being difficult and hype themselves up for an extreme challenge, then get disappointed when they don't live up to what they were preparing for.
I noticed a similar phenominon with Portal. Not about difficulty, but quality in general. Portal is a smallish side-project that can be completed in a single sitting, but happens to be so good at what it is that just about everyone who plays it enjoys it and finds it very memorable. Then some others hear all the praise and try it, get disappointed because it's good but not the best game in the world as they "were led to believe".
Expectations are a double-edged sword.
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Your skill level isn't the standard. Just because you die over and over and over doesn't mean everyone else does.
Some people are just better at games and want to have a little more stimulation and excitement then regular press X to win difficulties provide.
Others might be in it for the satisfaction of overcoming a tough obstacle.
Take Dark Souls for instance, it's an extremely hard game for some. I beat up to NG+3 while dying only 6 times, excluding invasions. Yes I kept track.
Compare that to Yoshi's Island where I'll die 10+ times a level during later parts of the game as I try to collect everything.
Should Yoshi's Island be easier because I have ODD? Should Dark Souls be easier because you need to git gud? Should my health regenerate because I jumped from cover into a wall of enemies? Nope, nope, and nope. Stop caring that other people are better than you and just play games at a difficulty you find fun, that's why you're playing them anyway, right? Right?
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It's mostly the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of satisfaction that you beat whatever the game threw at you.
Well worth all the times you wanted to kick your computer in.
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I think it depends on the player quite a bit. The people who tend to enjoy really difficult games also tend to be the kind of people who don't get frustrated easily, or just happen to have really sharp twitch-reflexes. There are different kinds of hard games, and the appeal varies across the spectrum.
Games like "I Wanna Be The Guy" have zero appeal to me and put me in a really bad mood, for instance. The controls are sloppy, the design is (deliberately) crap, and the game is barely held together by string and sticky-tape. Though the appeal here would be just bragging rights, and more of a thing for masochistic speedrunners.
Games like "Dark Souls" have a lot of appeal to me, mostly because it moves at a slower pace and you get chance to analyse what you're doing wrong (or right), and even if frustration does creep in there for some people, you have the opportunity to gradually unravel winning strategies and build your way towards pushing past each wall as you encounter it. However, I had no issues with the controls and the camera never really fought me, so I had a pretty pleasant experience. Those who had difficulty with the controls/camera? I can totally see how they'd hate the game. I also feel a lot of my enjoyment had to do with my character's build (STR/END tank), and can see how a more complex or haphazard character might make the game teeth-gratingly unplayable.
"Super Meatboy" was actually pretty enjoyable to me too, and I think this is largely owed to the quick restart whenever you die. It doesn't force you to sit through a mandatory pause if you lose, you can just get straight back into the action without it needlessly rubbing it in your face. Early into the game, it shows you openly that you will be dying often and sometimes the odds are going to be unfair as hell, but it does a pretty good job of removing extraneous sources of frustration. Sure it gets pretty ridiculous later on, but it curbs a lot of the usual frustration elements.
So, really? I think it comes down to whether the game is intentionally difficult by design, how exactly the difficulty ramps up, whether or not the player has a means to understand WHY they lost/died and readily improve the next time around, and just how much of it comes down to bugs/bad design. Quite often, games touting "super hard classic action!" are only that way due to being too lazy to go through the full 'balancing' sweeps. "Super hard!" is one of the many cop-outs available, just like "Retro styled!" is, when they had no intention of trying to capture a classic/nostalgic feel.
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i like the challenge. and i am not saying that i am really good at these games. i play mostly hard platformers. other games dont need to be hard in my opinion. e.g. i liked running through Remember Me without too much of a challenge, simply because this is a story-driven game, and i dont want to die every 30 seconds. but i love hard games like The Impossible Game or Super Hexagon, because it is so rewarding, when you finally finish a stage. love it! ^^
right now i am playing The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures. not the hardest game, but also not the easiest. and a lot of fun. take a look:
Thy Farts Consumed
Beat it & Eat it (only for grown-ups!) ;)
and the king of hard games is probably I Wanna Be The Boshy! i love this game. i play it with a friend, when i am at his place. we always drink a lot then, which certainly doesnt make it easier. i am pretty sure we will never finish that game, but we're having so much fun trying. ;)
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Hard games require thought and developing strategies. When you die a lot you will try a different approach or pay a greater attention to your equipment or your gear. The fun comes when your own skills develop and become better in the game.
Also thx for the giveaway
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Challenge. Simple as that. Games that are too easy are just not fun. I was really upset with how easy the newest Donkey Kong Country game was on Wii, at least the old ones were a little challenging.
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Those games are fun because if you die, it's your own fault.
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Your so-called arguments contradict itself so many times it's not even funny anymore.
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Sorta like when I was playing Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, and I kept failing on one of the levels in E2, I looked up a guide on the Hub. Many people were like, "MAN I CAN BEAT THE ENTIRE GAME IN LESS THAN AN HOUR ON DAMN I'M GOOD DIFFICULTY, I DID IT ON MY FIRST TRY, NEEDS TO BE HARDER" and I'm stuck on Episode 2 on Let's Rock difficulty. :/
Although I do okay at Super Hexagon and I did beat VVVVVV on 3DS.
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i dont like hard games, i hate to do things twice, if i die two time in the same spot the game is on his way to uninstall...
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Let me give you an example.
TES V - Skyrim. As much as they say it's mature and shit. It's made for babies. Like in other thread, in Skyrim, all you do is smash keys.
No need for tactics, what to do, where and when. No need to learn what enemy does at which times. Quests are so simple that it hurts, and no description for them, but hell yea, there is marker for every quest item in-game. For a statue that is 10 meters tall and for a item that is hardly visible.
It feels bad playing that simple game. It just is.
Games are being more and more simplified, with better graphics, less gameplay, less new stuff. Today games are hard if it takes 10 rockets to the head for person to die. Fuck yea.
By hard, it doesn't have to be like Super meat boy, where I start to punch myself on how hard it is, or Dark Souls. But it can at least give you some challenge to not make you feel like you're mentally ill.
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I don't get it. Most of my forum life seems explicitly to be going through a huge amount of posts saying "This game is too easy, I'm playing on hardest and it's not even hard". 45 out of 50 posts in one thread I read all said the same thing in what I thought was a ridiculously challenging game. Hell, I'd warrant a guess that 80% of games are deemed to be "too" easy, even on the hardest difficulty by some gamers.
I'm not here to dispute if games are easier or harder now, because we all know they are, and I know I positively don't give a shit because I'm not masochistic enough to enjoy failing 40 times in a row on one section. What I want to know is why exactly people like a difficult game. I could understand if it was a puzzle game, where you're trying to solve problems with increasingly difficult logic, but when people start whining about shooters being too easy, it really confuses me.
What's so fun about dying over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? Why is it so fun spending 90% of your game behind cover, not paying attention to the story or the art?
It bugs the hell out of me, because wanting to become a game designer, I've never really understood challenge, and while I'm "slowly" coming to grips with it now and creating some-what balanced puzzles, I don't really find myself having fun when the difficultly goes to 11, and I don't understand how anybody else could either. Please help me out, peeps. Maybe also leave suggestions on what makes a game as hard as you want?
PS: I'm being quite serious; this is a Random Encounter.
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