Can we have some special rules like not picking a game from a series where I haven't played previous games ? Or I could just ask to swap it ?
Also can you clarify :
Failure to finish (beat the main story) of at least 1 game will result in 1 “punishment” GA
Does it mean we have to create a punishment giveaway if we didn't beat any of the games, or for each game we didn't beat ?
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We always ask people to avoid picking sequels, if a participant hasn't played the previous game in that series. However, sequels that have a completely different story is fair game, like Final Fantasy. With that said, every month, a member might ask for a swap. No questions asked.
Does it mean we have to create a punishment giveaway if we didn't beat any of the games, or for each game we didn't beat ?
Just 1. If you didn't finish a single game, you create 1 GA. For example, last month, no one failed the challenge. While, in august only 2 people failed and each created 1 GA.
GAs are just a bonus/extra incentive. The focus here is to help people play games and fight their backlogs.
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ok, it's just that I can be complicated about what I play and a bit obsessed with doing things in order (like right now I am doing 10tons shooters in release order, even though they have no connection besides they're from the same dev), so I'm not sure if the group would work out well for me but I'd like to give it a try.
I don't have a BLAEO profile though, but I have my beaten games listed on HLTB.
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I never used HLTB, I don't know how it works. You do have a considerable amount of games and BLAEO does help a lot to pick games because you can not only mark games that you've beaten, but also games you never want to play. As someone with a bunch of terrible games in my account, I really like that I can mark them as "won't play" and people will avoid picking them for me.
While, we could use HLTB for some time, I highly recommend joining BLAEO just because of that. It's a wonderful tool.
Anyway, if you have any doubt, question or just wanna talk about it, just send me a message on steam. :)
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yes I have one
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Oooook.... I am exactly at Ratio 0.5 right now. If that is not a problem, I would love to apply for the group! Here is my BLAEO profile.
Nice initiative, and cheers! :D
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I love the idea of the group. I'd like to join! Here is my BLAEO profile
Do unbundled humble monthly games count as an unbundled game or are they considered bundled now? For example, would Hollow Knight in the new monthly count as a punishment ga? Either way is fine, just wondering :)
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If the game is bundled here, we consider it bundled as well. Most monthly games are unbundled. Only two HB monthlies reached the 95% discount threashold to become bundled, iirc.
I'm gonna send you a friend request on steam to explain a few things and to invite you to the group.
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I beat all my Challenge Me! games this month a couple of days ago, so I guess I need more by hopefully joining this group. According to BLAEO, I've beaten 50% of my wins: May I join?
Edit: Also is it still possible to get a pick or two for October?
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How does it work?
"How do I join?"
Here is last month's event and our end-of-month stats
Q: Do I have to play 3 games every month?
A: NO!. The more the merrier, but just finishing one is enough to complete the "challenge"!
Q: Do I have to participate every month?
A: No. You can take a break whenever you want, you just need to report to us before the next picking phase starts. There is a thread called "Skip a month", use it whenever you need!
Q: Why is BLAEO mandatory?
A: It makes picking a LOT easier. As you can see here
Q: Why do I need to have played at least 15% of my wins or a total of 40 games?
A: We must see that you're serious into playing your games, not just joining because of GAs.
Our group was inspired by both the old PoP events at Quips/Beardtopia + the September is "play a game you won on Steamgifts" eventember-is-play-a-game-you-won-on-steamgifts-month-ended)
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