Will this reignite your love for Humble Monthlies?
Yeah, even if you're not a fan of the games on offer, it's still a brilliant month.
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"how can they cost $40"
Uh, the same reason why any game costs that much or more. Why should it be cheaper just because they are are 3D Platformers?
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Good point. Well as long as it's not some shallow mobile game or something. As far as that guy goes he was a teenager/young adult during what many regard as a golden age for 3D platformers so I don't understand why he doesn't get it. Seems like heavy personal bias there because he may not like the genre rather than looking at things objectively.
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Yeah, I just cancel my "subscription" every month so that when I buy one, I'll get the extra deal they offer me for threatening to cancel first. I've bought like 2 total. This one I'm buying.
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Wut? What are you talking about? It's one of the best HB Monthly ever.
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This is quite possibly my favourite ever, even before the rest of the games are revealed.
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I instantly subscribed to this one. I don't give a fuck about CoD, but Crash and Spyro have been at the top of my wishlist for a while. I would have bought it if it was just one of the two.
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As someone that purchased both Crash and Spyro on Playstation at close to full price, thinking they would never come to PC, this one stings a bit. Luckily I have no interest in COD WWII.
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Unlucky mate. Honestly makes me think I should just stop buying games :D
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Every single time it happens I do think that, but then another game thats never been bundled is bundled, and I'm afraid it'll be awhile before it is bundled again...or never xD with my backlog it shouldnt be a problem but i have an addiction SEND HALP
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Lol, I need HALP as well. Send them my way when they're done with you. I recently saw a guy on Reddit who decided to go a whole year without buying a single new game. I don't think I could ever have that much self control :/
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Someday we will make it...someday. I try to look at my backlog every time I consider buying a game, especially if there's already a game similar to it.
It isn't so bad to have spyro or crash in console instead of pc. When I first played them a long loooong while ago it was in the older PS consoles aswell xD it just feels different to have these games in pc at least for me.
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Same. And I agree, it does feel right to own them on console. Used to love the originals as a kid. Simpler times :)
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I hope you did at least not buy today's Fanatical (single game) "bundle" before the Monthly reveal ;)
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this almost feels like a conspiracy.
epic: hey HB, gimme the list of games for your next few HB monthlies cuz we're looking for games to give out for free.
"Luckily" that single game isn't my type...i guess, with my luck they'll get me next time xD
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I think there is a logic causality, because once a publisher has made the deal with either of the two (humble or epic), they know their game will be de-facto devalued a bit, so they take the opportunity to make some money with the other of the two before it becomes public (probably with the knowledge of the other shop, but they are ok with it).
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Yeah, it makes sense. There are other situations such as when a game is about to launch game nr2 or a dlc, so they bundle up the prequel/base game for some publicity.
Bundles aren't really money makers I would think, like with sales, it should be more about the advertisement or enticement in the lines of "hey, take this almost free base game, while you are at it, why not buy the new dlc?" I would think.
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Really surprised they managed to pull this off, this makes up for some less favorable months in my book
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Instant buy. Can hardly believe how awesome these early unlocks are. You're essentially getting 7 early unlocks, but they only count as 3. So awesome.
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I bought it day 1, I'm pretty annoyed by this tbh. Great for others tho.
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Damn, pretty fucking great. Spyro has been on PC for a month, how did it end up in a bundle so quickly?? This is honestly very weird, seeing 3 whole games from Activision since every other time they showed up in a bundle it was some bullshit like Blops 3 Starter Pack... Wonder what's going on.
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nope, only for cod
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Purchase the NOVEMBER 2019 Monthly Bundle!
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
📅 Important dates
💳 October 25th, 2019: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Call of Duty: WWII is region locked.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (SteamDB) cannot be activated in Cuba, Islamic Republic of Iran, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, North Korea.
Humble Bundle lists North Korea too in the list of countries in which the game is not available, yet according to the sub this should be redeemable in North Korea too.(the sub was updated after the bundle released and North Korea was added to the list.Call of Duty: WWII - Call of Duty Endowment Bravery Pack and Call of Duty: WWII - Call of Duty Endowment Fear Not Pack are according to HB "redeemable ONLY in Great Britain, United Kingdom, United States" and ONLY customers from these countries will receive them in the bundle. These DLCs are just cosmetics, and the proceeds are gifted to a U.S. based charity.
However, they can be redeemed anywhere in EU until Brexit (
31 Oct31 Jan 2020).Basically, according to HB: Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Myanmar (Burma), & Sudan will not receive any of the early reveals. Customers in these regions will receive a $5 Store Coupon as a replacement.
11-11 Memories Retold
Customers from Asia region (Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Macau) do not receive a key or any other compensation, even though a region locked sub exists for them.
Japan customers also do not receive a key or any other compensation. (source)
Customers from these restricted countries can activate the ROW key that everyone else gets.
🎮 Games:
Customers form Great Britain, United Kingdom, United States also receive:
Leaks (likely for December Monthly rather than for this month)
source - was removed in the meantime but here is the cached version.
Discussion thread
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
* bonuses are often offered for this type of promotion
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)
Subscriber bonuses (for all the above subscription types): 10% discount on the Humble Store, shareable with a friend
Past bonuses for new subscribers: $99 for an annual subscription (expired); Pathfinder: Kingmaker for an annual subscription (expired), Kingdom Come: Deliverance for a 3 months subscription (expired), 12 months for only $99 (expired), buy 12 months and get $40 Humble Store credit (expired)
💡 Humble original: Operator by Green Fly Studios
Game trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up3fZKKeuSU
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Rachel's Q+A
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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