So i was thinking that people who use bots are pretty greedy, and do you think it is a bad idea to blacklist bots?

9 years ago

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Should we start?

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nah dood, (im a bot)
Taco cat


9 years ago

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Too much time spent leveling my magikarps.

9 years ago

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the real problem is identifying bots from the real people who copy paste "thanx "

9 years ago

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P.s glad no potato option here so another +1 for you ;p

9 years ago

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Either way that is bad, if they are that lazy of course

9 years ago

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difference of opinion..personally I don't think the crime is worth blacklisting unless giveaway description specifically forbids from saying thank you

9 years ago

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what if I type same "thanx" by hands everytime?

9 years ago

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write name of the giveaway creator after thanx, write some joke..
idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯

9 years ago

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thanx kracken9 =)

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9 years ago

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Don't believe American pop culture :P
Even the famous Bald Eagle symbolic cry is false. (it's red tailed hawk)

9 years ago

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forgot to add joke

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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if you can take time to write code complicated enough to do all that..

9 years ago

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it's easy if you try)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i dunno, we should have a code or guidelines to tell the difference

9 years ago

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Maybe we should just let it be?

9 years ago

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You can chum, I'm not forcing anyone to think the way i do, (and I cant anyways)

9 years ago

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What's the point of having a bot type "thanks" into every giveaway they enter?

9 years ago

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some time ago ...
people were being persecuted for just entering giveaways without commenting anything("if you have time to enter the giveaway, YOU HAVE TIME TO SHOW SOME GRATITUDE ")
it was a way to weasel out of that. that's how"thanx" script got started.

9 years ago

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Really? I wonder how many blacklists I'm on then. I often don't put anything.
I figure with 500 other people posting 'thanks' mine wouldn't add anything to the gratitude amount.

9 years ago

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you are right, it doesn't. also you won't get blacklisted for that simple reason alone. :)

9 years ago

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You may use blacklist however you want. But you can never be sure if somebody uses scripts or not.

9 years ago

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Someone please link that giveaway where the creator directly stated he will blacklist anyone who enters. If I recall correctly, there was a lot of "thanks" comments, but I wonder how many non-bot-using people just didn't read it.

9 years ago

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whaat arre youuu tarlking a-bout, herrre, arrre nooo bots

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9 years ago

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that is fantastic

9 years ago

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I'll never look at Kermit the same way again. ;)

9 years ago

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Lovely Kermit-Bot! ♥

9 years ago

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Bots are people too! They should have the same rights! D:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1 :-)

9 years ago

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I don't really care. Unless the description has a specific discussion, I don't go around writing a novel just to prove I'm not a "thanks-bot" either. Sure, you could vary it by saying thanks/cheers/thank you/ty etc. with various emoticons at the end or whatever, but it's still the same thing in the end. In any case, I really only blacklist people that break the rules, and using bots doesn't fall under that category.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Bots as in auto-enter anything on the page without human interaction, or bots as in people using the one-click enter function of a browser plugin?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I remember back in SG1.0 there was an addon called EZSG or something like that that automatically entered you into any giveaway on your steam wishlist at a button press, it was quite popular. Now in SG2.0 I hear people cursing damn bots! blacklist them all! what changed? is it just that you no longer have access to said automation?

9 years ago

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This kind of bot I would be fine with, at least they are entering for something that they most likely want. It's the "join all" ones that I think are a problem.

9 years ago

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I'm not a bot and sometimes I just said Thanks ;)

Not easy to know if bot or not ^^'

I will not be blacklisted just cause i'm polite lool

9 years ago

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Honestly i don't care about bots. It's 300p for all of us to be spent around, so everyone has its way to spend them. Sure, bots are ethically bad, but a rigged system is way worse.

What i mean? I just marked my 270th entrance in cheap bundle giveaways without win, all in 3 days, all between 15-200 entries = mean chance around 1,5%. I'm this close to believe that the system is rigged or i'm being blocked from the "random" winner selection. For some days now i keep entering and entering giveaways to test the system's "randomness" of giving out gifts without considering any more variables than the entering ballot.

Please i reassure you, there's no whining here! It's just pure statistics, any trully random system will balance after a long run to mean chances eg. when i have 1,5% it means i'll get 2 gifts in every 300 entries on the long run, it can be 1000entries to get 15 gfits, or it may give me 3 gifts in the first 100 entries and then nothing. RIght now i'm struggling catching an 1:1 ratio but i'm constantly behind because of a peculiar jinx, while I can see more and more players that keep winning 3-4-5 gifts in a row , while their ratio is far from the ideal 1:1, it's feels more like leeching.

Just to be clear i enter GAs without using any bot or any other auto-entering mechanism. I simply click & enter giveaways, i comment on some of them. I only use SG++ when on firefox which is rather helpful. Also i've managed to make my own script to show "Chances" of a giveaway (a simple: copies/entries*100= chance%) which i'll make publicly available as soon as i beautify it. :)

Anyway, i voted YES which is morally correct, but from my point of view, bots are not disturbing me. Humans might. ;)

9 years ago

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Well, I enter only the less than 300 entries giveaways and it's still hard to win :/
Worst thing was not winning a 4 entry giveaway ..
I'd be interested in your script as I also use SG++ ^

9 years ago

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It's more than "unluckiness" , at least it feels so ;)

As for the script i originally messed with another guy's script to check how divs/elements work , then stripped 99% of it away and then rewrote to enter a simple text including chances. I strongly hope SG++ may include chance% before my -honesty, pathetic- try of a script. :p

9 years ago

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And I strongly hope Valve releases Half-Life 3 finally ;)

9 years ago

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lol i would give you a happy cat if i could .

oh wait i can!

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9 years ago

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Thanks :3

9 years ago

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Well i just won. :p

It seems that the flipping system must have needed a tilt-punch-kick-tilt-kick-kick-curse-punch sequence to start showing some respect to the player!

possible needed actions prior to win a game


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm not sure if they even exist.
What's the proof that a "bot" is not just a normal person?

9 years ago

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Well, according to my recent experience... There was a whole lot of giveaways, most of them said "please don't say thanks" or "instead of thanks ..." and still 2 guys said the exact same "thanks" under every giveaway...

9 years ago

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May be they just don't understand English?
They can search for games by looking at titles =\
For example,russian kids,you know xD

9 years ago

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Yeah, but there was like 10 giveaways and they had both commented the same message under all of them...
It's very unlikely to comment the same thing over and over and not notice the description ^_^

9 years ago

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Ah,I've created 2 cheap giveaways and got the same pair of comments in both too = /
So they use bots + secondary accs? Oo
Too greedy to be people...Or not =D

9 years ago

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Most likely bots, don't know about secondary accounts...
I think it's just rude to enter every giveaway, just for the sake of money...

9 years ago

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In my experience most "European kids" know English as well as "English/American kids"

9 years ago

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Personally I'm not convinced.
Auto entering giveaways. Yeah, that sound like something someone might do.
But auto posting "Thanks"? What's the point of programming that?

9 years ago

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Np, you don't have to be ^_^
The comments of one of the guys was deleted (don't know if by him or mods), but I guess that doesn't prove anything further :)

9 years ago

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Probably people who say "thanks" on every giveaway they enter and just didn't bother to read the description.

9 years ago

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" I think, yes ! "
-@The Man,Who Never Reads.

9 years ago

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i have no brain so i can not answer this question , sorry .

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not only people who use bots are greedy, a lot who do it manually are also greedy. Look at win/give ratios. Although some people can't afford to gift.

Is there an Option to get only entries from People who have the game on their wishlist?

9 years ago

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That would be nice actually .
I enter pretty much for stuff on my wishlist ( aside of some Massive GA's where i entered cause reasons :P )

So it would be lovely to restrict it to just people who actually want the game ...

9 years ago

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Pretty much this. A lot of people seem to treat accounts with only non-bta bundle games and free games as somehow suspicious. They are often accounts that haven't done a giveaway. That's cool, maybe they genuinely can't afford to do one.
Others I see have 40 wins, 0 giveaways created and when I look at their profile, they have half the AAA titles from the past 2 years.

9 years ago

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I mean ... i dont like anyone who is just Hoarding games for the sake of... reasons .
So yeah ... blacklisting bots its a nice idea.

I got a couple of my friends in steam in my blacklist here just cause they use bot to enter GA's .
(thats not calling out i think )

9 years ago

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okey i am kinda asocial skyrim player, i just ended my 39 hours of gaming session, so before returning to my virtual world, i am asking you humans


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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what do they do T_T

9 years ago

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I actually wanted to make a thread about this as well. Good I'm not alone with my thoughts, well, they expand to more than just the bots.

I recently bought the GMG birthday packs, because I am a cheap mofo and wanted to give them all away. So I am constantly making giveaways right now, because that are a shitload of keys I have. As I create multiple batches of giveaways I of course also get a lot of comments. This way I can see how people make similiar comments all the time. Most of them even in a row. When I open my messages it's just "user x: thank you" times 6.

I had a few giveaways in the past where I explicitly said that I don't want thank yous and that I can't stand them, and boy, I've got a lot of generic copy/pasted thank yous.
And of course I blacklist the shit out of those people, because I asked for one thing and they ignore it. It's a way of showing disrespect imho since they are getting something for free there.
(I told ppl in the GA that they should post something funny if they have to comment anything at all)

But back to my current giveaway spree.

I look at all the comments I get and take a look at each and every profile, because I want to know who these people are that thank me.
Not only that it's always the same comment on each and every giveaway, it's that people don't seem to understand the concept of this page.

I can't stress this enough, and I probably said it a million times, but I registered for karma related reasons to make it short and yes, I gave away mostly bundled shit but it's the best I can do atm, but when I look at all these profiles I come across people that I instantly blacklist.
People that, and I am not exaggerating here, have won games worth over 1.000,- $ and gifts sents worth nothing to 50,- $ max. Some even registered for only 6 months. Some for 3 years with one giveaway they made when they registered.
Some only make group giveaways and not one public, but that's another story.

My point is that it's not only the bots, but that I can't stand the permament thought that the games I give away go to people that are most likely not worth it. People who don't deserve it.
But still here I am, giving away games. Fuck me.

(Sorry for bad englush, my aporogeez.)

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9 years ago

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^I have tried telling people to say the word "chum" anywhere in their comment so that I dont blacklist them. It worked better than expected but still not good on the outcome.

9 years ago

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