TEHURN.COM just to bump something.
Can you post for which game is each puzzle? Since they're bundles, and I ppl have most of them. Unless it's revealing some information.
Also latest question from Johto quiz seems impossible, tried every game name from HB, any hints?
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I can, but I won't as not only is that part of this concept, but puzzles should also be solved for fun and not only because of rewards. If you are too lazy to solve it without knowing what the reward is, then you probably don't deserve to win anything anyway.
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Whoops, already solved number 1 as anonymous. Sorry Jokin93.
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Of course I started with the bread themed puzzle... I got Q7, but I think the correct answer is something else.
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Got the "one word" one, and trying my hand at Pokemon and the artists one now, but I'm stuck at #7 (which seems like a trick question) on the former and #2 (even with the existing hint) on the latter. Any tips for them? Anyway, thanks for the opportunities!
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Well, I have deciphered it and solved question 1-3 but I can't figure out the last one. Actually I think I know the solution but it doesn't accept it. So maybe to the puzzle creator: Could you check that there is no spelling mistake in your answer? I can happened fairly easy here. Otherwise I just have the wrong idea and I'm not motivated enough to fight through more Lore for something I'm not interested in.
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Chrwil mmluwrlgillm keuulm lumuglgrillm keuumulm mluuluwrllwrchwr uuke chlguu lguulmlrwr. Llch 'wr wruuglilchrwlllurl chrwmmch mlmmlu gril ilmmwrllulgu keuumululr uulu Rluuuurlulil llke guuumu kellrlmulmillr chrwil uuchrwillm rgmuilwrchlluuluwr.
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Chrwil wruuulmuchlluulu ll rwmmeril lllu gllllulr rwmmwr chlguu lguulmlrwr, grmuch lruuilwrlu'ch mmmlmlilekch llch. Llch llwr wruuglilchrwlllurl lmilulmmchillr chuu chrwil uulmmlwr (Ll lgllulul lrilulilchil chrwllwr ekuuwrch llke guuumu chrwllluru llch llwr mm rwllluch).
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Llch llwr lmilulmmchillr chuu lguulg, grmuch llch'wr ilmmwrgu chuu kelllulr, llch'wr ilerillmgulgrwillmil. Guilwr, rwmmerlllurl ekulmmguillr lguulg lllu chrwil ekmmwrch lgllulul gril muwrilkemuul, grmuch llch'wr erillmgu lruummgrulil ilerillu llke guuumu rwmmerillu'ch.
Llch'wr luuuch lmilulmmchillr chuu uluulmil, llch'wr lmilulmmchillr chuu mm wrilch uuke rgmuilwrchwr mmlulr mm mlillmchmmlllu mlrwmmlmmmmlchillm mmlulr wrilch uuke rgmuilwrchwr.
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And yet, after solving the first puzzle, I am stuck on figuring out what game the giveaway is for..
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Bump for solving the bread one and the one word one. :)
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Hello, Steamgifts.
It's been over a month since I've made a puzzle giveaway and I decided that it's time I made a new one, only this time things are a bit different.
There are 10 puzzles/quizzes and 10 giveaways in total, but out of those only one giveaway is for a fairly nice non-bundle game whereas the rest are for cheap, bundled games. Each of the bundled giveaways has a minimum CV requirement of $5 while that of the non-bundle is $30.01.
I will not tell you which is which and you will only be able to find it by solving or by getting lucky. The order of the puzzles is quite random and so are the giveaways for most part. As Award would say: "Each puzzle requires a different kind of knowledge.", but Google should be able to help you overcome most of the obstacles. Some puzzles will definitely prove more difficult than others, but as we all know, difficulty is relative and subjective, so I expect to see at least a few solvers on each.
All current giveaways will end on May 24th at approximately 6 PM GMT. Right now, my plan is to make a second non-bundle puzzle and giveaway that will only be accessible to those who have solved ALL the previous puzzles and that will last until the end of the month, but this entirely depends on the number of people who manage to solve them all. It may or may not happen.
I've checked all the puzzles to make sure that there are no mistakes, but I did not manually solve them all as I believe that the first 10 solvers deserve their places on the Leaderboards. So if you are sure that there is a mistake in one of the questions feel free to post here and I will check it again for you, but because I want to avoid the unpleasant experiences from my previous puzzles, if you report a mistake, I check it and there is nothing wrong, your future reports will be ignored. I don't want to be mean, but I also don't want to see the thread filled with fake reports.
As per usual puzzle rules, please do not share answers, links, do not work together (this is not a group puzzle) and do not try to cheat in any way. If you need hints post in this thread and I will see what I can do. The more hint requests I receive, the easier it is for me to figure which questions actually do need them. I might also add additional giveaways to the puzzles that prove to be the hardest (except for the non-bundle one).
Please post here when you solve a puzzle and also bump it as often as you can because I want the puzzles to get as much exposure as possible.
The puzzles are completely unrelated and solving one will not help you solve another, please don't waste time trying to find connections between them as there really aren't any.
Solutions are now included here and I will also highlight the questions that some of you found to be more difficult.
Puzzle #1 - For the last question, the name of the game could be obtained by combining the first letter of each of the previous answers.
Puzzle #2
Puzzle #3
Puzzle #4
Puzzle #5
Puzzle #6
Puzzle #7 - Collective nouns
Puzzle #8 - The English version of my name was posted on my profile along with my country. All you had to do was to translate it.
Puzzle #9 - Nothing to add here, now that the solution is posted.
Puzzle #10 - This puzzle was created using the murloc translator that is available online, you had to answer in the Murloc language and the last question required some googling.
My Blacklist is being enforced on every giveaway so I am posting it here too as to save those on it some time.
Alright, that is all I had to say, the official starting date of the puzzles is May 16th.
Good luck!
EDIT May 18th 2014:
As some of you may have already figured, the initial non-bundle giveaway was #9. I've now made a few changes, so now #7 also has a non-bundle giveaway and I've decided to add an additional bundled GA to #10 due to how unpopular the first title was.
EDIT May 25th 2014 - Added the solutions.
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