6 years ago*

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For the record, I read the entire post - First of all I just want to say that it's okay to vent. The thing you need first and foremost is a place to vent your anger, frustration and thoughts, and SG is just as good as any. Feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable about sharing your feelings with others will just bottle it all up and won't help you at all.

Second, I see you're going through a lot, and I understand that your options are limited - However, do you have any options that could help your situation? I'm thinking seeking professional help for depression, cutting ties with family members who cause you harm (move away from them), and even moving to a neighboring country? I honestly don't know your (and your country's) exact situation, so I can't give you much advice regarding that. Most importantly, what are your options in terms of psychological help as well as the ability to move away?

In any case, I wish you the best in maintaining your strength in this challenging time. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want to vent - It isn't an inconvenience to me and if I can do anything to help you, then I'll be happy to.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I see. It's kind of a tough situation to be dealing with, since typically people are depressed and it's a mental illness/state that can be softened with psychological aid - In your case, you're dealing with a lot of difficulty which results in your depression, something that is one step up from normal depression. In any case, I do believe there should still be places you can call, or at the very least write, simply to talk with someone for a bit and blow some steam.

Regardless, the good thing is that for now you made the decision to share your thoughts with people so you can vent somewhere. I'm not sure whether or not this will help (typically it does) but for what it's worth, you made an effort - no loss there.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Well, sadness=/=depression even being depressed have levels, a ton of factors are key between one person to another to experience different things, sure life sucks, is your choice how bad or how soft you want it to suck. Understand it your life may have similarities, but if you keep comparing yourself to others

6 years ago

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I read the entire post, I understand your problems I live in egypt and I have some of them myself , try to travel even to another arab country I wish you good luck with your life.

6 years ago

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I read it entirely too, i can relate to most of your problems because i live in Venezuela, and... even if it's not something as hard as a war, here we have a pretty strong dictatorship who is destroying our economy like if were only tearing a piece of paper.
I'm having real trouble maintaining my hopes and my will to do something at all, i spend my days just browsing around because i never feel like doing anything productive.
I used to pass time playing online but recently my internet is getting so bad, and my PC starts crashing more and more everyday.
I know I'm not the appropiate person to try and make you feel better, but i just wanted you to know that you aren't alone, so please...
Stay strong.

6 years ago

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I read it all. It was actually hard not to read it. It's a train wreck and you have every reason to be depressed. But being down about this isn't helping you, because you need to get out of there. With no one in your family to support you, what is the point of staying? Why not go to Djibouti? I understand that could be pretty rough, but with your education and command of english, you may find opportunities there that you don't yet realize.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Deleted-6129065.