while nice as an entry programming excercise for you, sorry but it's not really useful for the rest of the community ;) We already have http://www.sgtools.info/ which grabs data itself from our profile, in your program we gotta check value and bundle status ourselves, while with SGT it's done automatically. nly usefullness I see for your program is predicting CV gain of not-yet-made GA, but then again - it doesn't grab data from our profile so it doesn't take into consideration that maybe we already gave away 10 copies in the past, so again it is not sure data ;)
but still, thanks for sharing ;)
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You cannot compare those two tools. They are two different tools with different goals. SGTools tells you the CV after you make GAs and this tool will tell you it before you buy the games. If you are deciding, for example, if you should buy 10 bundles on otakumaker or just 5, you will use this java tool, because SGTools cannot help you. Or it can tell you if it is worth to buy a bundle after 5 times - more precisely how many you can buy it so that it would be still worth of the money.
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like I said at the end of the 1st paragraph, I do get it and even then this tool is not good at what it does. It does consider copies but at the same time does not gather data about previous copies or don't even has an option to input previous copies. And no - if I want to decide I will use excel or google spreadheet beause these will at least let me add modifiers like previous copies and are so easy to make that DLing a program for a calculation I can do myself in excel in 2 min time is kinda pointless ;)
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If you want to maximise CV ratio then you almost certainly aren't buying ten bundles in the first place. Rather, anyone buying ten is trying to maximise their gifts sent/won ratio instead.
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No, it depends on the ratio price of bundle / price of the games in store. The CV for one game can be so high that even 10 copies can be convenient, because you won't get anything so cheap anywhere else. For example, if you buy 10 copies of a 20 euros game for 1 euro, it sure will be more convenient than to buy just 5 copies and for the rest of the money to buy just 5 copies of a 5 euros game elsewhere (the example is not too real, but the principle is the same).
A real example could be the Clickteam Fusion bundle, where the ratio price for bundle / price for products in store was so high, that even after the reduction for 5+ GAs it was still very convenient to buy.
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I think this program already has a feature to enter the number of copies from past giveaway. you can manually enter the number of copies from past giveaway in textfield. if you enter how many copies you have given away in the past, then the program will calculate total CV after the number of copies that have been determined.
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sure, good luck! and thanks for your advice, the function will be added when i have a lot of time to work with this program. :)
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hahaha, maybe you will need it when you want to create a giveaway with more than 5 copies. :)
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I would add it, but I do not know when, the problem is I had a lot of coursework. sad. :(
anyway thanks for your advice. :)
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Personally, i am just using a spreadsheet, just faster than developing a specific UI.
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ya, but you need to open MS Excell first to using a spreadsheet for calculation, but this program is more lighter than MS Excel. hehe. :v
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First... I am using LibreOffice ;-)
Secondly... it is already open, since I use other sheets to store keys ;-)
Thirdly, I can directly use formulas instead of single values. Like =discount_price/paid_price to know the CV ratio (CV boost per real spent money) which is generally more meaningful to know if it is worth it to buy multiple bundles to boost your CV :P
You'll learn pragmatism ;-)
Your program will still be useful for people that don't know how to use spreadsheets or any programmatic things, though.
Since it is easy and simple to use, and as you said, quite light. :-) though you load a whole JVM for it ! ;-)
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It's pretty simple really -
CV < 14*USPrice*(Not(IsBundled(Game))+0.15*IsBundled(Game))
Game is the game in question
USPrice is the price of Game in the US Steam store
IsBundled is a sinple function that returns
1 if Game has been bundled
0 if Game has not been bundled
Always works, no matter how many copies.
The hardest part is determining whether the game has been bundled.
;-) heehee
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but i think he is amazing when he said he did the calculation using his mind. hehe. :D
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Hi community.
I just made a light program to calculate the total CV gained from making the giveaway. This program was written with the Java programming language and compiled with Netbeans IDE. I make this program just for fun, so... sorry if this program is not perfect enough, but this program can help you to predicting how many CV gained from your giveaway before you actually create it, especially for more than 5 copies giveaway. The program is capable of:
The program is very easy to use. In order to use this program, you need the value of the game and the game status.
You can get the value of the game here
And you can get the status of the game here
I also made a giveaway to try this program. here
And by using this program, I knew that I would get a total of about $ 26.05677 CV, hmmm... not bad! :)
If you want to try this program, you can download the program here
The program is safe, and you can check and scan here
Thanks for your attention, Good Luck! :)
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