Jogging -> shower -> warm milk -> sleep
optional: cut power to pc and tv
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Either tire yourself out or bore yourself to sleep, yeah.
Most likely you built up your natural clock settings so it's aiming to go to sleep at ridiculously late times, and not a second earlier :)
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Coffee, black with 3 heaped spoons of powder. Sorted for the next twelve hours or so.
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I'd suggest trying out ASMR. It doesn't work for everyone but you can read tons of positive feedback from people who regularly fall asleep using ASMR. I'm using it myself and i sometimes even fall asleep while sitting at my PC
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I read it and I have to admit: I have this ASMR feeling, if a hairdresser cuts my hair. o_O
Interesting indeed!
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ASMR is nothing new. It's just a new term for an old phenomenon :D
There are a lot of hair cut roleplay videos available at youtube btw, you're not the only one with that trigger :D
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Never heard of it before you wrote it. Didn't even knew that it is a phenomenon. I thought it was just me, because it was literally just me and nobody else. (At least nobody said anything.) :D
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That's what everyone is thinking until they discover there actually exists a large community :D
However, i can understand why nobody talks about it. People always think i'm weird when i tell them i like watching videos with girls tapping with their fingernails for 30 minutes
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For sleeping more easily:
+Do some exercise way before going to bed
+Have light meals befor going to bed
+Do not stay on computer and/or TV, these make sleeping harder
+Drink something warm (milk e.g.) before going to sleep.
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Did you by any chance, hit and run somebody on the road? Because I just finished watching The Machinist.
Like everyone else said, drink warm milk.
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Use this, it works very well.
For me, if I really need to sleep and can't, I lie down with a good technical book -- no matter how interesting it is, it switches something off if I try to concentrate on learning and I'm asleep in ten minutes. But that didn't work when I was younger.
Also, you really should do some exercise regularly.
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A couple people maybe misunderstood, i was actually wanting tips on the staying up\being productive at work part. But I do appreciate the advice on sleeping, cause I obviously need it :), and I wouldn't need the other advice if I was back on a regular.sleeping schedule
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You know though, caffeine is very very potent if you don't already have the addiction. For real. Once I stopped using it completely, even a single cup of tea when I really need it does wonders, raising awareness and ability to work efficiently. Though it can make you very nervous and twitchy.
But in case you are stimulant-addicted, it doesn't work at all or even makes you dumber. Most people don't get any benefit from caffeine because they consume it regularly.
By the way, you could say the same about sugar (as an energizer) or alcohol (as a relaxant).
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Energy drink(s) + walk around when you take a break and do take every break, don't continue working.
Also eat something around halfway through the day. Set yourself goals to the point of finishing the day, like every hour or half hour if you are watching the clock, you can't fall asleep before the first goal, feel good you made it but now you can't fall asleep before the next goal.
Listen to music while you work, fast bpm dance music should be around just in case.
When you go to the toilet or have a break splash your face with freezing water.
If you are still feeling like you are going to drop set off the fire alarm. It's a last resort but should hit you like a shot of adrenaline and also kill some work time for everyone. Just don't get caught. ps kidding. jk. no really. i'm joking don't do it. do it but blame someone else. jk.
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Watch a documentary about something seriously "interesting" like salt, and you'll have no problem falling asleep, I can grant you that.
As for staying awake, that's a toughie. I never managed to do it after some huge overnight parties, and I have this stupid condition where I start hallucinating after 48 hours of staying awake. Sometimes a bit sooner than that.
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That's not stupid at all. Most people have hallucinations when sleep-deprived. When I used to hitchhike and sometimes couldn't get any sleep in more than a day, I tended to catch some really interesting audial hallucinations. Usually, I could faintly hear any music I thought about, in great detail, like it was playing somewhere very close to my ear. That was quite sweet.
Before anyone wants to try it: I warn you kids, you need to sleep regularly when you are hitchhiking if you don't want to die along with a drowsy driver.
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Mephedrone if its still legal in your country, if not get caffeine tablets.
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I usually watch anime or read manga until I get tired and then go to sleep.
My brother plays video games (specifically farming things) until he sleeps. Example: Farm "The Warrior" in Borderlands 2 until he gets Conference Call.
I used to listen to music and end up falling asleep, but that's a little harder to do now :|, not sure what I could recommend some days I sleep very early! Must come with old age D:
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Hey sg.
So for the past couple weeks I haven't been able to get to sleep until about 6 am. Its now coming up on 530 am here, but I can't sleep today. Starting at 9 am I've got to work 14-16 hours tomorrow. I have to stay up today, but also be coherent and productive at my jobs. Any advice?
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