Do you want RaChart™-like bundle threads to continue?
Thank you for taking on this challenge and providing this kind of information for the community.
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Thanks for the chart, Rachel will be missed, but charts are a huge plus on this website, so thank you for the work and the future work.
Thanks for holding down the hate of some guys? But it comes with the job i guess :)
Only missing CV and the givenaway games, Unforgiving Trials was given away btw :) hope i can help
EDIT: As for the bundle itself, well it's otaku, pretty good but then they put in a freebie so you can refuse to buy it i guess
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Yes it does help (it's almost 7am here and I'm having a busy day, I'll polish the OP later).
I saw Rachel's post and I really don't understand why someone would dislike her, or what he was doing with her threads. To avoid burning myself like Rachel did, I think I will refrain myself from commenting in the discussions. I'll merely create the bundle post and modify it according to users' feedback (corrections, additions, etc.). But I'll try to not be involved in the discussion, as I said this posts are very useful when the bundles are running, but they are also a great archive of ended bundles. Rachel's threads contain information and comments from people that are unavailable anywhere else and come really in handy if you need to go back to what happened with a specific bundle (if you got a duplicated steam key, one game is apparently missing, you're not sure if there were region-locked items, etc.).
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Some people just want to be arseholes, sadly. Doesn't matter how nice she is.
Saw a friend on another site dealing with such a twat, the kind of person that will enrage people then report them. Taunted the friend over a recent death in the family just for kicks.
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Exacly, people on the phone reading like this is much better then in a website and click the game to see on steam, and repeat this process 5 times or so..
I Think it's the "mentality" of the person, that let's you or not be affected by the critics, the "hate" is controllable on most cases, if i were you i would worry about the 99% of people that i help and comment on my stuff rather than the 1% the hate for no reason. But probably rachel's personality is more of a perfectionist or artists that usually worry more about that 1% than the other people, some people want to please everyone, and that's utopic in my opinion, you can't please anyone. Just keep this charts up and most importantly don't stress yourself out!
Good Luck!
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I totally agree here. I did read the other post regarding her being a lot less available (and counting on other users' help with the bundle threads) because it was her last year at university, but I didn't expect such a goodbye post. SG haters aside, I hope everything will be fine in her Real Life™.
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I never really read the posts in her thread other than her first one and my eventual comment... were people giving her grief if a bundle was bad? Like she had something to do with it?
I always respected the time and care she put into ReCharts and it's sad to see anyone throw any kind of "shade" at someone willing to do that work voluntarily, even if they need help in doing so.
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Some, note I said some people were making snarky and sideways remarks about the fact that Rachel was kind of the unofficial official bundle thread creator, and they kind of implied a resentment towards that, as if she were controlling things and keeping other people out. The idea was that anyone should just jump in and create a bundle thread, but the problem is, no one else ever put in the work to make their threads as useful as Rachel's were, which is why she became the de facto thread creator. She was popular for a good reason, but too many people didn't seem to get that. Anyone can create a thread about a bundle, but making that thread useful to people who purchase and follow bundles closely is another matter altogether. On Reddit GameDeals, there is a person who also creates charts for most bundles, although the difference is that they mainly create the charts after the thread is started, and then people upvote it so it tends to rise to the top of the comments. The point is, charts are absolutely necessary these days with the plethora of bundle sales, and while a single person doesn't have to always be the one to create the threads, someone should be willing to create a chart of some kind to go along with it, otherwise, it's much less useful.
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Absolutely agree and some people are really stupid and don't realize what they have until it's gone.
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CV: 5.09 (without the freebie)
Thanks for the chart :)
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CV is tricky to calculate because the retail price doesn't always match the CV points ($9.99 usually equals 10 CV, a game worth $18.99 might have a CV of 20 -I'm not sure how accurate is that, but I think I saw that sometimes). Taking the retail price (taking the freebies out) and doing the 15% calculation is not always exact. Shouldn't be a lot of difference (+-0.01 CV), unless there's a game with more CV than the retail price should indicate.
Adding to the OP, thanks!
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Sighery hasn't updated it yet to whitelist devotee's posts. Read here:
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The script needs an update because it's specifically checks for "rachellove" as the author of the thread. I updated it on my system but Sighery will need to push an update so everyone gets it.
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For quick fix, edit your script as this :
Line 482
if (author == "rachellove" || author == "KTS" || author == "devotee") {
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Yes, you have the option to change condition to be always true or to be bypassed, but it was there for security reasons ^^
You may as well just delete or comment the if statement with its brackets in that case.
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sorry for my very stupid question but what script are you guys talking about and how to get the script? :)
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Thanks Sighery. I should've done that before I asked. Will let u know if there's anything I don't understand :-) .
EDIT: I'm glad I discover this. Not gonna use it atm but wow, congrats for the good work. ^_^
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Sighery made a Python script for Rachel so she could format the charts more easily. I'm planning on modifying it a bit. I'd like the "bundled times" to be a link to the IsThereAnyDeal page for the game (if bundled at least one time), and the cards heart to be a link to the showcase page of cards, badges, emoticons, etc. (if cards are available for that specific game).
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I hereby award you the title of Big Rachel.
You are a true patriot.
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Somebody cared enough to delete all of their comments.
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I have no idea what the comments were and was not implying that they were yours. It was just an observation upon looking at the thread. I found the thread useful when it was first posted.
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I always thought of her as some kind of Skynet sub-product.
Totally know what you mean there, buddy! :D
and yes, totally awesome nick for this purpose, devotee :D
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Thanks you sre doing us a grat favour :D lets be the next rachel
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it's totally not going to be free in a few days! /s
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Important note
More information on Rachel's decision here (thanks SickTeddyBear)
OtakuMaker Bundle #16
Lasts from 10 September to 16 October 2016
$1.49 for 6 games!
OtakuMaker Bundle #16 contains key download for Steam
Your bundle will be sent within maximum of 24 hours
Retail: $38.94
CV: 5.09 (thanks ChewbaccaZ)
Warning: Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade was free before
(thanks GodFeelling and i2apier)
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer, created our fellow SG member Sighery!
For more information and to Download, please click here for the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Thanks Rachel. Thanks Sighery.
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