I'm casually into F1. If it happens to be on TV, I'd watch it, but I don't actively follow it. Preferred motorcycle races anyway.
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Is there an option to have the pit strategy managed by the computer?
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not really - for each GP you have to prepare your own tire and pit strategy, differentiating it based on many factors, like your starting position, possible weather, track itself etc but mostly on your own experience. What's even more - you need to be ready to adapt it at any moment to the curent situation ;) This game really isn't arcady driving - it requires knowledge of F1 or you will fail miserably ;p
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Dirt 2 I own, Dirt 3 and Grid aren't Steam (I like having games attached to an account, as I lose them otherwise) and I just won the Grid 2 contest on Facebook.
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Heh. I won with about 2:20 or something, during yesterday's bugfest.
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Did you like Blur? I heard Showdown was like that game, I personally loved Blur.
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That looks interesting...need to keep an eye out.
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Eh. I'm not too much fan of the hard-core sim-like racers. I'll throw in a few other titles to consider though:
Trackmania: It's weird as it's mostly time trial/ghost run based, but it's good at what it does, and there's at least one part of the series that's free.
Burnout Paradise: I don't think going more open-world was a big boon to the series, but as far as arcade racers go still one of the best you can get for PC.
Ignite: From the folks that made Fortix. Interesting in that you race for score - and your score is also what you use to fuel your speed boost. Do it well, get more points in the end. Screw up, and you might just burn off your lead. Also, it's on sale this week.
FlatOut 1 & 2: Older, but still hold up in the gameplay department. If compared to Burnout, these are slower but no less challenging. (Also, less elaborate. But these were conceived as lower-budget titles compared to bigger-budget triple-A stuff) Whatever you do, skip the one that was not made by BugBear.
Honorable mention:
Split/Second: It's a bit like BurnOut. Except that instead of a button that boosts your speed, you get one that turns the race track into a Michael Bay movie. The smaller explosions can be used to take out the competition if used well, the bigger ones are epic disasters that rearrange the track.
Problem with this game is that the PC version's not on Steam, and hard to find :(
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If you're recommending FlatOut 2, Flatout Ultimate Carnage is (as far as I am aware) an upgraded engine from 2, with more tracks - including 2's tracks (?).
Flatout 3 C&D on the other hand... Read the reviews, or initial release reviews.
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Yeah. Flatout 3 C&D is the one that I meant by "the one that was not made by BugBear".
I forgot about Ultimate Carnage - have to admit I never played that one though.
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I would give the free to play ridge racer on steam a go first, its pretty much unbound but cut up for unlocks and stuff. Its a racer, no money to start. Not as good as the pay for titles? Yea, but if your generally not into racers and just want to try your controller on something then I would try the free to play and then if you want more with less grindy races then buy one, if you get super bored fast then just not buy any o.o
Otherwise I would wait grid daily deal, dirt series is a mixed bag and more frustrating for new racers cuz dirt physics over street racing or get a non racer and wait for ur fuel key?
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I would recomend F1 2012, I really like the game. Been playing it on the ps3 alot, on the big screen and with a wheel and peddals. It is one of the few racing games that makes me feel like I am actually driving. It is a must have if you have a wheel and maybe are a bit into F1 or racing in general.
When I played Dirt Showdown it felt way to arcady for me, and a big dissapointment compared to the rest of the Dirt games. I am more into games that are realistic or atleast to some degree.
Have not tried F1 Race Stars, not really my type of game. But I have heard it can be quite fun with friends.
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If racing games are not your thing, start with Dirt Showdown, which is more arcady and less simulaty-kind-of-thing. but not too silly.
But I am talking a bit out of my cantaloupes -- I played a bit of F1 2012 in the PS3, and I played Dirt2. My opinion is based on reviews more than personal experience. :)
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Fuel is fun. Post apocalyptic open world racing.
Beyond that, Dirt Showdown.
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As others have said, if you want casual, don't do F1 series games. If it's only these three you're considering, then I'd personally do Dirt Showdown.
There are others I'd recommend above, but I won't stray from the question unless you request it.
I have a fair amount of experience in this genre, and work in motorsports IRL, FWIW.
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You are asking for the answer of a racing fan? Here you go!
Dirt Showdown -> Arcade Racer, may be for a bigger base but these people basicly play anything (casual, i personally don't like casuals)
F1 2012 -> Simulation Racer, you need to practise at least 40 minutes before every race, then quali, then race for over a half hour (simulator,worth 10$). Basicly just playable with Racing Wheel
F1 Race Star -> Is fun at stages. And these stages are when you invite friends to your home and want to play something like a quick party game while you wait for something. The animations are ok, but the Damage System made the whole Singleplayer unplayable (can just turn off in Co Op or Online, but Online is nearly dead) (Fun-Racer, not worth 10$). If you want to give away such a game for single player players, take Sonic all star racing transformed, that is worse for co op, but much much much much [...] much better for single player.
EDIT: just seen fuel is free if you buy codemaster games, take GRID (casual AND simulator and fun) and fuel. GRID is the best, just did not see it was in sale
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thanks :)
Comes from me having written F1 race stars, sonic, f1 2012 and grid reviews already :P
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I'm buying it for FUEL. :P Grid as stated below is already on my account. I think, since I'm relatively new to the genre, I'm only casually into F1 and I'm a singleplayer type of guy, I think I'll get Dirt Showdown. If I like it, I'll work on expanding my collection most likely.
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F1 2012 is good, but was cheaper on Steam sale afaik.
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How about the Flatout games? Except 3, since I hear its bad.
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GameFly's having a sale and the only games on Steam I don't have are racing games which normally aren't my thing, but I want to give them a go.
Which would you guys recommend? Dirt Showdown, F1 2012 or F1 Race Stars? What are the pros and cons of each?
Edit: I bought Dirt Showdown, but I'll leave this thread open for other people to get advice.
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