You can create white light by using a blue LED and down conversion materials e.g. phosphor particles in a silica matrix. The blue light is absorbed by the phosphor particles who get electronically excited and re-emit the light as yellow light. Finally you get blue + yellow = white light.
So this is a method to substitute old fashioned "white light" light bulbs with energy efficient LEDs.
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The human genome, the genetic code in each human cell, contains 23 DNA molecules each containing from 500 thousand to 2.5 million nucleotide pairs. DNA molecules of this size are 1.7 to 8.5 cm long when uncoiled, or about 5 cm on average.
You have about 10 trillion cells in your body, so if you stretched the DNA in all the cells out, end to end, they'd stretch over 744 million miles.
The moon is about 250,000 miles away, so all your DNA would stretch to the moon and back alomst 1500 times.
The sun is 93,000,000 miles away, so your DNA would reach there and back about 4 times!
(I read that in the morning and i was like WTF! xD)
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That is nice, will probably look for more info on this later, thank you.
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Thank you!!!!
By the way biomedical research will be my next post graduate when i got the programing degree.
Have a nice day!
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Rhenium – this metal is not as well-known as other metals but it is one of the densest metals in the world and has the third highest melting point. Rhenium is a molybdenum by-product which means it is a by-product that comes about when people mine for copper.
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20% of Oxygen in our body is used for brain
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I actually read that before ^^. And um... thank you I guess?
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Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.
A single sperm has 37.5MB of DNA information in it. That means a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of around 1.587GB in about 3 seconds... and you thought 4G was fast.
The surface area of a human lung is about equal to that of a tennis court. Roughly 750 sq ft.
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I actually wonder how thin that nail would be... whitelisted!
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It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to its surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth.
And here's how it happens:
A photon travels, on average, a particular distance, d, before being briefly absorbed and released by an atom, which scatters it in a new random direction.From the core to the sun’s surface (696,000 kilometers) where it can escape into space, a photon needs to make a huge number of drunken jumps. The calculation is a little tricky, but the conclusion is that a photon takes between many thousands and many millions of years to drunkenly wander to the surface of the Sun. In a way, the light that reaches us today is energy produced maybe millions of years ago.
I read this a while ago and thought it was very interesting. I had to search for it again and copy it here, there's just no way for me to remember the whole thing by heart.
In any case, bump and thanks for the train, I entered a few of those :D
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That's pretty cool, didn't know about that ^^
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The exact Rainbow any of us sees in the sky is entirely our own personal, yet communal gift from the laws of optics.Rainbows are always the same angular size in the sky, they are various segments of a circle that is 84-degrees across.A Rainbow forms only broadside to your line of sight, that's why the pot of Gold at its base remains eternally out of reach.
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Guess we won't ever find out if there's gold or not :/.
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Some ideas:
The wavelengths of microwave ovens have are fine tuned to heat up liquid water molecules.
The world is moving close to the point where the current electronic paradigm can't progress putting an end to Moore's law. Circuitry as it's being built is nearing the nm scale, the point where quantum mechanics takes over. Fixing this is one of the more interesting rising challenges in engineering.
Physics refers to EM emission spectrum of the sun as a black body which is a model that approximates that of a black hole .
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Read the first one and second one before (I'm a PC nerd...), but didn't know about the third one, it is pretty interesting, thank you.
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The adult human skeleton has 206 bones. The smallest is the stapes or stirrup, the innermost of three bones in the middle ear; the femur (thighbone) is the longest and strongest, and the tibia in the lower leg is the second largest in the human skeleton. What you may not know is that babies are born with about 270 bones. Some fuse together as their bodies grow. O_O
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The part of the brain that handles speech is different than the part that handles singing. Therefore someone that ends up with an injury to the speech area can be taught to speak again through singing, eventually rewiring the brain into using the singing area for speech.
Neurolinguistics is still science!
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..... Okay that is oddly fascinating and unexpected, thank you!
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You're welcome! I already have the game so I won't be partaking in the giveaway, but I felt like adding a cool fact from a field not many people know about.
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Tongue rolling is the ability to roll the lateral edges of the tongue upwards into a tube. The intrinsic muscles allow some people to form their tongues into specific shapes. Popular belief holds that variation in this ability is the result of genetic inheritance. Rolling the tongue into a tube shape is often described as a dominant trait with simple Mendelian inheritance, and it is commonly referenced in introductory biology courses. There is little laboratory evidence supporting the hypothesis that tongue rolling is inheritable and dominant. In 1940, Alfred Sturtevant observed that aprox 70% of people of European ancestry could roll their tongues and the remaining 30% could not do it. A 1975 twin study found that identical twins were no more likely than fraternal twins to both have the same phenotype for tongue rolling.
Cloverleaf tongue is the ability to fold the tongue in a certain configuration with multiple bends. To the extent to which it is genetic, it is probably a dominant trait distinct from tongue rolling
Btw, my sisters and i can roll our tongues as my father, but my mother cant do. Are you try to roll yours?
Even when i know this fact since long time, i not felt secure on how to write it properly on english so i use the explanation from wikipedia about this fact.
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I can't roll it... nor can I whistle ;_;
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i recommand you somme scientist youtube chanels!
Minute Physics,
Smarter Every Day,
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That is sciencey and also pretty awesome, thank you!
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I can add another fact about metals, and actually about one of my favorites ones: Iridium (actually a transition metal, but still a metal...)
It's not only among the 4 rarest metals obtainable by normal methods (not "secret alchemy" mumbo jumbo like Mercury to Gold, which is possible in some experimental modified small nuclear reactors, and with a long of energy wasted to just make little little gold, another fact BTW) in the world, it's between the 5 metals most costly per Troy Ounce on this days, and why? Simple, because it's basically an extraterrestrial material, you will find it only in places where a meteorite impacted longgg ago, and the quantity of it in the normal Earth's crust is minimum. Keeping in mind Iridium is used for a lot of thing due to its high resistance to corrosivity, it's widely used since some decades ago, from tips for classic ink pens (costly ones, I can assure you, asked once just for curiosity for the price of one and I could bought a good PC for that :P) (and real tips made by Iridium, there was in the past many famous brands of pens with a branch "dubbed" Iridium but it was actually just a high-end normal pen, not a real one made of the metal...those cost a lost, and generally come with other luxuries like gold-plated covers and such >.<), to NASA space-based items, and now it's increasing even more it value due to new uses found on many types on industries.
Source: myself, I love that metal, is the best investment on long term this years, instead gold or silver like many people tend to think (of course, if you have enough money to buy a lot, hahaha) (or if a WW3 breaks open, then gold will have more value than any other metal just for the fact of the regular knowledge of common folks -.-)
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This is actually pretty cool, didn't know about anyone with a favorite metal other than gold or silver, although, I think ill probably just regret not purchasing some of that in the future like bitcoins a few years back ;_;
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Hola, ante todo me disculpo por 2 cosas, una por escribir el mensaje directamente en español (pero creo que asi nos podemos entender mejor, ya que ambos somos de Latinoamerica) y la segunda por preguntarte un tema como este por aqui (lastima que SG no soporte algun tipo de sistema de PMs...) pero al fin y al cabo estamos en el mismo topic que lo generó, asi que espero que no te sea ni de molestia ni que te ofenda de manera alguna, pero te queria hacer una consulta: podria saber porque de pronto me agregaste a tu lista blanca por entrar en este topico de ciencia y luego a los dias me pusiste repentinamente en tu lista negra? Lo noté ya que solo suelo entrar en los sorteos cuando me dan los puntos, y cuando quise chequear pum pase de estar en tu lista buena a la mala...estoy como desconcertada de que hize mal, me sorprendio bastante :$. Nuevamente espero que no te tomes a mal nada de lo que haya dicho, solo es que me da curiosidad el cambio brusco en tu decision (no se si fue solo conmigo o con toda la gente de este post que tambien blanqueaste, no tengo forma de saberlo), me gustaria una respuesta solo si es que te sientes con ganas y a gusto de hacerlo por supuesto, y no me olvido del titulo del post, "Drama-free", o como me gusta decirle tambien, "Cero dramas" :) (a mi tampoco me gusta tener problemas con la gente, de hecho evito siempre el tener lios innecesarios con los demas, ya sea en Steam o en la vida en gral., bastantes problemas inevitables de por si tiene la vida misma...) Un gran saludo, y todo va con la mejor onda n.n
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Hola. Di black list a todos los miembros de TSL debido a los comentarios de un miembro en un GA. No revisé nombres, lo siento, te reintegré al whitelist! Lamento el mal entendido.
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Human Saliva Contains A Painkiller Called Opiorphin That Is Six Times More Powerful Than Morphine.
When the researchers injected a pain-inducing chemical into rats’ paws, 1 milligram of opiorphin per kilogram of body weight achieved the same painkilling effect as 3 milligrams of morphine.
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Guess I just need to swallow a lot of saliva next time my head hurts?!!?!?11?
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There's a thing called biological computing, which consist in a system based on biologically derived molecules (mostly DNA and proteins) to perform computational operations (storing, reading and processing data).
The Biological Computers based on that are divided into three categories:
As I haven't read that much about it myself some things might be misleading, sorry about that.
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I wonder if there are any practical uses for that....
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Actually in some test they did pretty well on computing complex graphs problems (the most famous of them being the hamiltonian path), a thing that normal computers have a hard time doing and depending on the level of complexity considered incomputable. That kind of problem have a lot of applicabilities as veryfing what's the best route on a complex transit system.
Of course, that technology is not on a usable level yet.
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IIRC what they did was making all paths possible and putting enzymes solving that path. It can still be faster than current computers for large datasets, but it's still a bruteforcing approach AND it's hampered by current limitations in molecular assembly.
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The hottest planet on the solar system is not the closest to the Sun.
Many will think it's Mercury, which orbits at 58 million kilometers away from the sun, and reaching 430ºC degrees during the day. But it has no atmosphere to "trap" the heat, so during the "night" it's temperature drop to -170ºC while the poles remain constantly around -93ºC. Venus is actually the hotest planet on the solar system, orbiting at a distance of 108 million kilometers from the sun, much further than Mercury, but because it has a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide(96%), the heat is trapped within the planet, with temperatures averaging 460ºC~, be it "day" or "night", pole or equatorial regions. So it's 100% of the time hell there!
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Cool, i did read mercury doesn't have an atmosphere, but I still thought it was the hottest....
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Dancing mania is the name given to a phenomenon that occurred mainly in mainland Europe from the 14th century through to the 17th century, in which groups of people would dance through the streets of towns or cities, sometimes foaming at the mouth or speaking in tongues, until they collapsed from exhaustion. The first major outbreak of the mania was in Aachen, Germany, in July 1374. The dancers went through the streets screaming of wild visions, and even continued to writhe and twist after they collapsed from exhaustion. The dancing quickly caught on, and spread rapidly throughout France and the Low Countries. The mania reached its peak in 1418 in Strasbourg. At at least one point, so many people had either been afflicted with the dancing mania, or caught up in the dancing, or were trying to give assistance, or simply watching the events unfold, that the town was brought to a complete halt.
Although no real consensus exists as to what caused the mania, some cases, especially the one in Aix-la-Chapelle, may have had an explainable physical cause. The symptoms of the sufferers can be attributed to ergot poisoning, or ergotism, known in the Middle Ages as "St. Anthony's Fire". It is caused by eating rye infected with Claviceps purpurea, a small fungus that contains toxic and psychoactive chemicals (alkaloids), including lysergic acid (used in modern times to synthesize LSD). Symptoms of ergot poisoning include nervous spasms, psychotic delusions, spontaneous abortion, convulsions and gangrene; some dancers claimed to have experienced visions of a religious nature.
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Reminds me of some similar religion with random-possesed-dancing parties.
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Your eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve passes through the optic disc, because there are no cells to detect light on the optic disc, the corresponding part of the field of vision is invisible. You eye compensates this by taking information from the other eye. Also because your brain needs time to process information you are constantly seeing the past.
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This is the one I didn't read before ^^ thank you
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If you hold a pen/pencil in your mouth (between your teeth (horizontanly) and look to funny pictures, videos, etc, you will peceive them more funy that if you are not holding the pen/pencil. The fact that your body is "laughing" makes your brain "laugh" Yes, it has been proved though experiment.
Is psychology/psychobiology a science?
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Apparently, it isn't.
psychology often does not meet the five basic requirements for a field to be considered scientifically rigorous: clearly defined terminology, quantifiability, highly controlled experimental conditions, reproducibility and, finally, predictability and testability.
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The actual size of the transistors in processors is 14nm, they are like bridges (the smalest == faster information pass trough it) made of semiconducter material.
The smalest size can a transistors from semiconducter material can take and be funcional is 3nm (its smalest than the width of a cell membrane) but some scientists have created a transistor made up of a single molecule! (The transistor is made of a single molecule of phthalocyanine surrounded by ring of 12 positively charged indium atoms placed on an indium arsenide crystal).
Each indium atom is 167 picometres in diameter, which makes them 0.167nm wide or 42 times smaller than the very smallest circuits currently possible.
TL;DR: ITS NOT THE END FOR THE TRANSISTOR TECNOLOGY ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) (and its small as hell)
sorry, fast writting english
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Cool, maybe we will someday have PCs able to run ARK properly with such technology!
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And while its reassuring that the quantum effects aren't affecting that transistor design too much yet so its functional, it still needs to be manufacturable and exhibit good properties. I assume leakeage would have to be like a dream in such a configuration but what about its switching speed. This kind of stuff needs DNA like manufactoring instead of light pattern litography + acid etching like as its used in current semiconductor production.
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Well, this train had a different purpose originally, but drama ensued, and I dislike drama, because it creates stress.
Unlike movies, drama is bad in a lot of ways. Actually, I did a little research about stress and found a nice article about the side effects stress may have in the human body.
Because I know some of you don't care about the text above.... which is fine, worrying about it would create stress anyways
All cd-keys in the SALBT are actually row, if that matters.. sorry about the region restriction ;_;
Also drama-free
Just tell me something sciencey. It must be something I don't know to qualify, so avoid commonly known facts. It can be related to any science field, and the information must be written in your comment, just linking something won't work.
I don't care if you're level 0 with 1040 wins, so don't worry about your ratio.
Giveaways will be running until July 10th. Good luck everyone!
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