Well, this train had a different purpose originally, but drama ensued, and I dislike drama, because it creates stress.

Unlike movies, drama is bad in a lot of ways. Actually, I did a little research about stress and found a nice article about the side effects stress may have in the human body.

The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it's your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can't package stress, touch it, or see it. There are only people engaged in stressful thinking.

Because I know some of you don't care about the text above.... which is fine, worrying about it would create stress anyways

All cd-keys in the SALBT are actually row, if that matters.. sorry about the region restriction ;_;

Also drama-free

Just tell me something sciencey. It must be something I don't know to qualify, so avoid commonly known facts. It can be related to any science field, and the information must be written in your comment, just linking something won't work.

I don't care if you're level 0 with 1040 wins, so don't worry about your ratio.

Giveaways will be running until July 10th. Good luck everyone!

8 years ago*

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Some of the most amazing facts about space.

  1. Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.
    Neutron stars are one of the possible evolutionary end-points of high mass stars. They're born in a core-collapse supernova star explosion and subsequently rotate extremely rapidly as a consequence of their physics. Neutron stars can rotate up to 60 times per second after born. Under special circumstances, this rate can increase to more than 600 times per second.

  2. All of space is completely silent.
    Sound waves need a medium to travel through. Since there is no atmosphere in space, space will always be eerily silent.
    You may be asking how astronauts can talk to each other in space. Lucky for them, radio waves can travel through space. No problem there, Houston.

  3. There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe.
    We basically have no idea how many stars there are in the universe. Right now we use our estimate of how many stars there are in our own galaxy, the Milky Way. We then multiply that number by the best guesstimate of the number of galaxies in the universe. After all that math, NASA can only confidently say that say there all zillions of uncountable stars. A zillion is any uncountable amount.
    An Australian National University study put their estimate at 70 sextillion. Put another way, that's 70,000 million million million. This figure is basically a guess, though.

  4. The Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon will probably stay there for at least 100 million years.
    Since the moon doesn't have an atmosphere, there's no wind or water to erode or wash away the Apollo astronauts' mark on the moon. That means their footprints, roverprints, spaceship prints, and discarded materials will stay preserved on the moon for a very long time.
    They won't stay on there forever, though. The moon still a dynamic environment. It's actually being constantly bombarded with "micrometeorites," which means that erosion is still happening on the moon, just very slowly.

  5. 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun.
    Our star, the Sun, is so dense that it accounts for a whopping 99% of our entire solar system. That's what it allows it to dominate it gravitationally. Technically, our Sun is a "G-type main-sequence star" which means that every second, it fuses approximately 600 million tons of hydrogen to helium. This means that it also converts about 4 million tons of matter to energy as a byproduct.
    Being the type of star that the Sun is, it also means that when it dies, it will become a red giant and envelop the earth and everything on it. But don't worry: That won't happen for another 5 billion years.

  6. More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.
    You should be sad to know that solar technology produces less than one-tenth of 1% of global energy demand. This is due to several factors, including how much land is required for solar panels to capture enough energy for a population of people to use, how unreliable it is in bad weather and at night, and how expensive the technology is to install.
    Despite all these drawbacks, the use of solar energy has increased at a rate of 20% each year for the past 15 years.

  7. If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be permanently stuck together.
    This amazing effect is called cold welding. It happens because the atoms of the individual pieces of metal have no way of knowing that they are different pieces of metal, so the lumps join together. This wouldn't happen on earth because there is air and water separating the pieces. The effect has a lot of implication for spacecraft construction and the future of metal-based construction in vacuums.

  8. The largest asteroid ever recorded is a mammoth piece of space rock named Ceres.
    The asteroid is almost 600 miles in diameter. It's by far the largest in the asteroid belt and accounts for a whole third of the belt's mass. The surface area is approximately equal to the land area of India or Argentina. It's so big, there's actually some debate over whether to refer to it as a dwarf planet instead of an asteroid, even if it has mostly asteroid-like qualities.
    Ceres piques our interest specifically, as water in the form of ice has been spotted on its surface.

8 years ago

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Oddly, 7 is the one I found the most interesting. Thank you for these.

8 years ago

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Kangaroos use their tails for balance, so if you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground, it can’t hop.

8 years ago

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Sounds like sad kangaroos :(.

8 years ago

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  1. It can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to its surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth
  2. The known universe is made up of 50,000,000,000 galaxies. There are between 100,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 stars in a normal galaxy. In the Milky Way alone there might be as many 100,000,000 planets.
8 years ago

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These are kind of posted above.... but I'll pass it since you gave me different numbers

8 years ago

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LIFE after death has been "confirmed" by scientists who have discovered consciousness continues even once a person has died.Sounds so awesome :-S

8 years ago

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Cool, so I'll get to regret my life decisions!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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all the time, 98.4% of the time.

8 years ago

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The Mpemba effect, named after Erasto Mpemba in 1963, is the observation that, in some circumstances, warmer water can freeze faster than colder water. Although there is evidence of the effect, there is disagreement on exactly what the effect is and under what circumstances it occurs. There have been reports of similar phenomena since ancient times, although with insufficient detail for the claims to be replicated. A number of possible explanations for the effect have been proposed. Further investigations will need to decide on a precise definition of "freezing" and control a vast number of starting parameters in order to confirm or explain the effect. (from Wiki)

8 years ago

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This one is odd...

8 years ago

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South America (Latin America in fact) train, weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanks for that!

8 years ago

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The resistance of materials decreases as they approach absolute zero

8 years ago

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Ex's heart would disagree!

8 years ago

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Earth rotates at a speed of 1,609 km / h, but moves through space at an incredible speed of 107,826 km / h


8 years ago

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Actually read this one before, but good luck in the train ^^

8 years ago

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The Lowland streaked tenrec is a small mammal from Madagascar and the only mammal to make noise through stridulation, i.e. rubbing together body parts. It makes a high-pitched noise by rubbing together specialised quills on its back.

8 years ago

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I didn't know what a tenrec is....

8 years ago

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Just tell me something sciencey

Did you know that recent code compilers can optimize the resulting machine code for maximum performance for given CPU model?

Every CPU has it's own set of instructions that it supports (such as SSE2), as well as caches (L1/L2/L3) with various size. When e.g. a Steam game is compiled from various resources into final executable, it's always targetting generic CPU, which assures that it will work on every possible variant. By targetting specific CPU instead, we can optimize code far more aggressively by not only utilizing every available CPU function without a need to check if it's available, but also generating code that will fit beature into L1/L2/L3 caches of given CPU better - minimizing cache misses and dramatically increasing performance.

Depending on actual program, it can lead even to 20% faster code without any effort needed. Imagine +20% more FPSes in your favourite resources-intensive game.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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20% free fps does put some perspective to it! Thank you.

8 years ago

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Time to point out the reason why compilers target a generic CPU, instead of optimizing for your individual processor!
There are two ways to optimize for each processor individually:

1.) Have an executable made and hosted for every processor. Steam has over 10,000 games on it. Multiply every game by the number of processors that would optimized for. This is an absurdly large number, and is completely impractical. So maybe you decide to optimize by processor family instead of every processor. You lose some of the speed gains in the process, while still having absurd storage demands. It's a lose-lose situation.

2.) Have every computer compile the executable itself, thus allowing for optimization for every processor individually without ridiculous storage requirements. This could take a very long time, potentially, especially on older hardware—the very same hardware that would potentially stand to gain the most from this optimization. Or you could compile using a JIT (just-in-time) compiler, eliminating the need to wait for the compiler to make an executable—but also most likely negating any speed improvements, and possibly making the executable run slower. Then there's the fact that the vast majority of developers either wouldn't or can't agree to having the executable compiled on the users computer, because doing so would mean allowing the users access to the source code. Middleware developers (think SpeedTree or such) would never allow developers to freely distribute source code for their software, and if it's an in-house engine, they might not want to share that code with everyone either.

So what it boils down to is this:

  • Making and storing executables for every processor would be time-consuming and require a lot of storage.
  • Having the computer that will be running the executable compile it would be time-consuming for the user or have no advantage to them, while also potentially leaving the developers open to lawsuits.

That "20% extra FPS" isn't free...and probably wouldn't be anywhere near 20% anyway.

8 years ago

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Basically how consoles achieve their visual fidelity at such low prices.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Neat. Thanks for the read!

8 years ago

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Sciency, huh?

What about... vampire numbers?

8 years ago

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Big bang bump hehehe

8 years ago

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Each hemisphere of your brain processes half your movement and vision. Left hemisphere controls your right whereas Right hemisphere controls your left. Each hemisphere of your brain coordinate with each other through a wire of nerve which can be cut and was used as a treatment for epilepsy.

After having their brain split in 2, these patients seemed the same. Except some post split patients reported that while selecting their morning outfit with right hand, their left might disagree by grabbing a different outfit. Split brain patients can also draw 2 pictures simultaneously with each hand in a way that unsplit brains will find challenging.

8 years ago

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So, a cool party trick for the modest price of a broken brain? Awesome!

8 years ago

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CGP Grey video? :P

8 years ago

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When sunlight hits the surface of earth , every square inch , is pushed with a force about a billion of a pound ,which is very small , but with a large surface area it has huge effect..
For example,in a sunny days , cities would weigh more , because of sun rays , and a space ship going to mars would be pushed by light, 1000 km off course , so this effect must be counted and this is why comet's tail would point away from the sun.
So technically , an area with shadow would weigh less than surrounding areas being pushed by light and an object in the dark would weigh less than a lit object

8 years ago*

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Cool, didn't know sun rays had such an effect.

8 years ago

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Thanks a ton ,same for me , very interesting information .
Nice idea btw , enjoyed reading the other posts by the participants ;) .

8 years ago

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I'll tell my wife that if she turn off the light she'll be happier when she step on the scale

8 years ago

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First thing came to my mind once i knew these information ;) .

8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride brother! ^^

Sciency-Fact: "People are strange" -Dr. Jim Morrison.

8 years ago

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Genetic computing works by joining acceptable answers together, the best possible answers of a pool of answers are selected and then they form 1, this process continues hundreds of thousands of times, genetic computing allow us to find answers we could have never think of, this year a genetic mathematical software managed to find knowledge completely new to the human race by finding a new equation that explains the behavior of cells

8 years ago

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so adiabatic quantum computing is is basically just genetic computing applied to qubits?

8 years ago

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not really, genetic computing is much more "simple" as it just joins answers by its define basic elements, could be just by binary numbers, it relies more on "luck" and certainly can not explain its answers, apparently this equation was found in 2010, but since the program did not give any explanation they couldn't present the findings until very recently.

8 years ago

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Awesome. I also like your name, I think i'll whitelist you for both the name and the info.

8 years ago

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Fulgurite is the name for fossilized lightning. They are natural hollow glass tubes formed in quartzose sand, or silica, or soil by lightning strikes and are formed when lightning with a temperature of at least 1,800 degrees Celsius instantaneously melts silica on a conductive surface and fuses grains together.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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That looks so nice, yet so unnatural.

8 years ago

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I know right!!
I'm also fell amazed when I found about this.. :3

8 years ago

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Belarus is the only country where the most popular web browser is Opera.
But scientists still do not understand why the web browser Firefox is so popular among the penguins in Antarctica.

8 years ago*

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A Volcano from Indonesia erupt "blue lava". The high temperatures of the volcano burns the sulfur, in liquid state sulfur changes the red lava to blue.

8 years ago

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I can see myself running into blue lava without thinking it may be lava....

8 years ago

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The word "Antares" means "anti-Ares" or "anti-Mars," likely because astronomers in ancient times thought the reddish star looked similar to the red planet.

8 years ago

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That's simple.

8 years ago

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No chance of a real-life Jurrasic Park : Scientists unable to extract DNA from sub-fossilised insects

8 years ago

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Space facts because space is awesome :)
-According to astronauts space smells like seared steak, hot metal and welding fumes.
-10000 light years from Earth, astronomers have discovered a massive cloud of alcohol more tahn 463,000,000,000 km across. It contains enough alcohol for 400 trillion trillion pints of beer
-According to the best estimates of astronomers, 275 million new stars are born every single day
Thanks for the SALBT!!

8 years ago

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methanol. That's probably enough alcohol for that amount of antifreeze, but drinking beer made with it is probably going to kill you.

8 years ago

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Can I try again? :)
A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days (that's how long it takes Venus to make one rotation), while a year on Venus (its revolution period around the sun) is shorter, at just 224.7 Earth days

Winds swipe across Venus at super-fast speeds that can reach 450 miles an hour (724 kph) in its middle cloud layer. These Venusian winds are faster than the speediest tornado on Earth.

8 years ago

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Edible alcohol, though?

8 years ago

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Have a bit of an interesting biological fact that impacts me personally: Despite how bad breaking your collar bone/clavicle can be, there is a number of people with very little (basically just a nub) to no collar bones that can almost touch their shoulders together, possibly even being able to touch them together.

Backscratchers are also unneeded, can reach any spot on my back and almost the full opposite side with either arm.

8 years ago

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That sounds disturbing....


8 years ago

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(not really scientific, but its terrific!)

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8 years ago

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