Well, Humble can ban you if you're giving too much gifts in some time. However for person who redeems it, then there are no penalties of course.
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Humble Bundle does allow gifting to your friends, but they consider SteamGifts a trading site and will ban people who use gift links here. I'm not sure I've seen anyone claim to have been banned for receiving too many gift links, usually for giving them out, but it sounds like this person already has a warning on their account and doesn't want to risk it.
When i give away HB games, I click the gift link to view the region restrictions, then close that window and grab the key since Humble can't tell who activated a key, like they can with a gift link.
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When you first click the option to create a gift link it will tell you the region restrictions, if any. If it says nothing, there are no restrictions. It does not tell you about region restrictions if you choose to reveal the key, which is why I recommend clicking the gift link first to write down the region restrictions, then closing the window and then clicking the reveal key button and using that for your giveaway. Also, if you are purchasing from a large bundle, there will usually be a thread in these forums that lists all the region restrictions.
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I kinda understand you, but the right choice / gold standard is just to send a steam key. Everything else is just bonus or even more complicated, i mean the site is called "steam"gifts, so you can't force people to use Humble Bundle to redeem their steam key.
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Once upon a time most people prefered humble links and i think the humble gift link could redeem keys better (like the region from the person revealing the key) until humble 180 started banning accounts. Perhaps the regional lock bypass was a factor and publishers complained (and i dont even know if that bypass is possible now).
Either way forget what makes sense. Humble link was a certainty of the source, but now humble is the issue- they can track and control the links, ban people because of them - but steam keys are on steam side only. Companies can and change hands, policy etc... Humble isnt cool with steamgifts anymore so avoid issues and use the keys instead
All those changes came around the same time humble behaviour changed all around. No more global keys for most titles, region locks all around; They changed their subscription pages in a way to make it harder and tricky for people to unsubscribe, increased the amount of deals via email(generally only to people who unsubscribed) to get 6 months or a year locked in... i think even the proportion from what humble gets vs charity changed. And some claim quality of titles went down(i think thats arguable). Humble changed hands and the new owners seem keem on squeezing more profit...
My guess they imagine steamgifts means potential buyers wining titles they want skipping bundles- wich may happen sure, but besides lots of luck involved at least from my experience SG made me BUY more bundles, humble above all. Im sure some on humble realize that- but getting through some suited CEOs head is very hard, they tend to know business only, not gaming or gamers mindset
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Humble changed hands and the new owners seem keem on squeezing more profit...
Nuked their partner program, yeah. For some creators it was a large part of their revenue, but that's not Impact's problem.
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Once upon a time most people prefered humble links
Was that actually a thing on SG? Could you actually bypass region restrictions that way?
The only times I've noticed what you said, was with trading. Cause gift links ensured the recepient, often times a re-seller, that the key was still unused. But on SG that doesn't really make sense.
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Youre probably right. I do recall someone on sg speaking for(in favor of) humble links- maybe memory fails me, ive been around 13 years now- but couldve been just one person or a newbie. It was the little trading i did years back where i saw humble links definetly being a thing. Im also not sure on the regional bypass- i recall that floating around but i could never confirm that myself. At some point i sent humble links to winners just in case(that before humble changed things).
For example on a quick google ive found this comment here on sg- link so 8 years ago a user saying they 'dont bypass anymore', someone else saying it was the only method theyve knew...
My guess it all comes down to steam and humble changes together. Once upon a time there werent even regional keys on steam save for few cases like countries banning games. Then they started popping up, by publisher decision, and even as steam rolled out more regional pricing there were still publishers not caring (row keys)- until steam started stepping up over crossregional buying. Heck if im not mistaken at one point people could change their profile to another country, buy cheap/activate then change back... things were messy at the start
Humble was probably the same- so publisher asks for regional keys to customers but then humble failed to realize gift links looked at the region of the people revealing(receiver) not the sender... when they realized they plugged that hole.
The idea stuck with me and ive sent humble links to sg wins because i got really mad when humble started doing region locks and that kept ramping up- i live on Brazil, one of the regions on a lower price then average (compared to US, EU etc)- and SG is international... so it only took me reading some game bypassed region via the link to prefer it, even on SG. But i think that was shortlived
Of course all that way before humble started banning people over the links. Regional locks is one of the things that made me dislike humble and skip even monthlies i had more and more... heck paying in dollars(no regional pricing by humble itself) and receiving SA keys makes no sense, unless they were making regional prices like steam do
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not a valid reason for a reroll.
they aren't rejecting the gift, they just want it as a key to protect their HB account
and to be fair all gifters here should just send keys to protect their own HB accounts(save gift links for gifts to actual friends and secret santas)
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save gift links for gifts to actual friends and secret santas
Is there a reason in doing this? Like any benefit? I've always just sent the keys directly. Maybe I'm paranoid but I have 0 trust in HB lol. I can see it the other way, as it prevents people scamming you, but those are the people I would feel safe sending a direct key.
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I don't recall the game, but I had a winner some years ago who could not redeem the key they got from a gift link I sent them because of an unlisted restriction. Apparently, there was a different sub or something. I contacted HB, and support was very helpful in providing a new gift link for my "friend" (I certainly did not bring up SG).
If I had just redeemed the key and sent it, I would have had to buy another key for this winner.
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Why HB offer gift links then? If they dont like it and it may endanger your and his account?
Its paranoia only, they banned few ppl once and looks like their plan worked well, ppl are worried now.
I have hundreds of gift links claimed on my account and iam not banned :) if someone is scared because of one (or few) links its simply paranoia.
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You're allowed to give links to your friends/family. That's generally a handful of people, for most people. I don't think HB is actively hunting people down (or maybe they are but not aggressively/quickly) so you're not banned yet, but if you ever need support, there's a good chance they'll look at your account, see all the links going out to hundreds of random people, and assume you're a trader or reseller.
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I'm with the recipient here, it's a topic that's been discussed previously:
Long story short, Humble Bundle doesn't like people trading games AND they don't like people giving games away. They have, at times, fully banned users from their platform for doing so... And every single time, they've realized that this was happening because they are able to track where their giftlinks are going. But they're not able to track where their keys are going.
Therefore, keys are safer for everybody!
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As a European citizen, you should be fine sending gift links, as Humble's TOS (and enforcement of them by banning people from their accounts and unredeemed keys) is pretty much against every consumer law there is in the EU.
EU citizens have gotten their accounts back after sending Humble emails saying they were in the EU and warning Humble against breaking the law but I tend to send keys instead of gift links myself when I make GAs to avoid having to tangle with Humble support.
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I have heard about that, however I do wonder how much of a get-out-of-jail free card EU ctizenship actually is...
I am also a EU citizen, but I'm not sure what I would do if HB banned my account... What happens if I show them my passport and they don't give a damn? Do I need to hire a lawyer? I don't have the money for that. Do I report them to some EU commision? Pretty sure they have better things to take care of at the moment.
Do you have more intel on what to do 'exactly' if that happens?
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As I said, I prefer not to tango with auto-reply support in whatever situation so I tend to use keys for my GAs myself but I have read accounts from many users on reddit and Discord, and a few here as well, who got the "bad trader, we are cutting you off" email and replied "well I'm an EU citizen so think again" and immediately got their account back. No need to show a passport or anything, that's how scared they are.
I think IGN wants to tango with the EU bureaucracy about as much as I want to tango with their support. Not at all.
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There is nothing wrong with you opening the steam key on Humble and giving the recipient the key directly instead of the gift link, but there are boons - possibly both for you and for the recipient.
While Humble Bundle do allow for you to send gifts (as gift links) to your steam friends they have some restrictions;
It has to be to your actual friends, not random people you've friended temporarily,
Not too many gifts to be sent (though where they draw the line I do not know, likely at some percentage level),
You can absolutely not use places like SteamGifts because Humble sees it as breaking their TOS, specifically third party re-selling rules in there (as they see the points we receive here and the levelling up to access more GA's as third party payment received for "their" games).
Probably more rules too that I have no clue about.
How do they check all that you ask? Well, I don't think they do really.
However, there are ways to get caught out.
For example - You buy a lot of bundles on HB, and you reach some threshold of a percentage on how many times you click on "Gift To Friend" vs how many times you click on "Redeem On Steam".
You give away a gift link and there is a problem with it, so either you or recipient contacts HB about it and mentions Steamgifts or similar site - that immediately alerts support a gift link is possibly used in third party reselling, and they can check both buyer and receiver of they have been friends for some time or not.
HB have in the past (actively and sometimes rather aggressively) banned people from HB for both gifting and receiving gift links in a manner HB finds suspicious - so if this guy is already warned by them once I understand his reluctance to receive the gift link.
And so should you. If his account gets flagged once again your account might get checked too, as the gift link CLEARLY identifies source - meaning you - and you do not want to be dragged down in someone elses mess.
Just click to show the Steam key on HB store, then even click to redeem your your own account - that now registers on HB site as you redeemeing for your own account.
On the Steam page that has opened while doing above you simply do not redeem, just copy key instead and use on steamgifts - or as in this case, give to the winner.
Hypoheticallly HB could possibly even trace the Steam key if they really wanted to, but I think most (if not almost all) of their alert systems are automated, and as such I doubt they get inside Valve information on individual keys. In a high profile case manual support might reach out to Valve and get some info, but for a key here and there I doubt very much they would do it. Gift links however, can easily be setup for automated check-ups as they contain information on buyer/sender, and receiver - couple that with public profiles on Steam and "whammo": Possibly banned accounts.
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I have a winner who does not want to accept a HumbleBundle Gift Link and insists i open it and send the Steam Key directly.
This feels totally off to me and I'm wondering what could be the cause for this.
They claim that HumbleBundle does not allow gifting and they got a warning from them...
Am i missing something here?
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