A bit similar like this https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/1747891953082270104/

I filed in a ticket shown money was taken from my bank, one problem is the game i wanted (Realms of Antquity) to purchase is only on sale for 24 hours, with 12 hours to go , i tried buying another cheap game but that didn't help, i have waited more then 2 hours.

Do i buy it again and can be confident i get my other money back? As far as the bank goes it seems paid, and to steam that it failed, it stuck in limbo?

3 years ago

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Have you tried simply calling your bank?

3 years ago

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Not yet, was thinking about it, i thought there was a way to ask for money back online like paypal, but don't think that's an option.
Also it's 20:50 but they might be open still, still a bit groggy after fallen asleep, but think its actually a good tip thanks.

3 years ago

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Okay well just tried their "chatbot" (before a real person and being put on hold for 20 minutes) apparently since it went through a third party it's not possible and i have to ask the seller for my money back.

3 years ago

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This happened to me one time. It took 10 business days for the money to reappear on my account.
I did do another purchase cause the game was on sale and was running out XD

P.S. Before doing another buy check if the transaction rly failed, it will say so in history.

3 years ago

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Yeah it definitely said failed after 2 hours: "This purchase failed, Steam was not able to accept payment from your payment provider."

"If you see a charge for this purchase on your statement, it will be removed when your payment provider resolves their transactions. Steam has not accepted funds for this purchase."

So even if my bank took the money off (you paid through it too or paypal/CC?), they for sure will return the money?
Exactly what i am facing now, and it's safe to buy it again now?

3 years ago*

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I paid with a card that time.
The only thing I can say is that I saw my funds as reserved, so being processed for paying the receiving side, so might be a thing you could check if it is the same (if your bank has that option of reserving funds).
And it stayed like that for around 10 days after which the funds were refunded to me.
I bought the game 1 hour after all the fiasco with the failed purchase and it when through :)

3 years ago

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No it doesn't have that option, on my bank account it already withdrawn the money, and my total money left confirms that.
So money taken from the bank, steam says it didn't receive the money, and the middle man between (ideal) which is a widely used method, doesn't have an account with a history like paypal nor even a help desk.

3 years ago*

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You will get your money back and you can make a new purchase.

The only problem is if it's a big thing missing the money for however long it takes (no idea if that will be 10 business days but I can't imagine it will take any longer).

3 years ago

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Well I can totally understand if somewhere it says pending, but my bank already took the money and have the understanding that then it wouldn't refund anymore but i could be wrong, i had so many steam transactions and this is also the first time it happens.
The whole middle man called Ideal, is the issue and i think there it gets stuck but they don't help with individual issues and both them and the bank says go discuss this with the seller.
Maybe Ideal when they get their transactions straight over time they could still say hmm something isn't right we give either the money to steam or give it back to me maybe.

The big problem as you mentioned, could also be steam received the money but for some reason it didn't register with them (unless they check their transactions manually? And again that's just a guess on my side.

It's also that i am not bulking with money, if i bought the game again, steam support (already send in a ticket) they might go see you already have it on your account, it's nothing on our side.

3 years ago*

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I wouldn't worry about. You're dealing with Steam, Ideal and your bank, not some shady back-alley merchant :)

Annoying? Absolutely, but aside from having 13 Euro less on your account for a little while, there should be no problems.

Edit: Ideal will eventually be notified that Steam didn't get the money, and then they'll return it to where it came from.

3 years ago

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Yeah, but maybe sometimes something still could be lost in limbo? I dunno, in the end it's all software (on 3 sides) there could be glitches, bugs etc.

I totally gonna trust you and buy it again then, thanks. :)

3 years ago

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It happened to me on Fanatical a few times, the money went back to my account the next day.

3 years ago

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Thank you.

3 years ago

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No prob. You can try to buy again without worries.

3 years ago

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Note sure but I think Steam keeps whatever sale for items in the cart for a day or two, same thing for recent failed purchases, so you might still get it after sale ended for a short period of time.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago*

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Well with PP or CC i understand it will withdraw or try to eventually later, and it might succeed or not, but i paid through my bank directly through Ideal (it's like a middleman our banks use but without an account, support etc), and the money is already withdrawn from my bankaccount, that what makes it different and more directly (and slightly worries me).

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago*

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According to your profile you live in the Netherlands. If your payment went through Ideal this might be the problem. Complaints about failed purchases surface on the Steam forums occasionally.

3 years ago

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Yes exactly Ideal, and they got no support whatsoever, and bank too they both say go to the seller, and steam is like we didn't seem to have received any money.

I had over 50 maybe 100 steam Ideal transactions, this is the first time it happened, and never even read it before.

Was there any solution, like did people get their money back automatically?
Steam support says to wait 5 days else respond to them again.

3 years ago

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I think if you wait long enough (10 days?) it will get sorted out automatically. Maybe consider another payment method? I'm using paysafe and hadn't any problems so far.

3 years ago

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Okay thanks, really hope it does.

I did pay with ideal again (which kinda not fit in this months budget though), this time fine, now it's just a matter of getting the other money back.

3 years ago

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I hope it gets resolved for you! I've had so many purchases declined by my current new bank that I've missed out on a ton of solid sales. :C

3 years ago

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Thank you, and that sucks. :( Paypal not an option or switching banks even?

3 years ago

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It was getting denied through even PayPal. :c

3 years ago

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You need to have money in your account to buy stuff :D

3 years ago

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I think when there is a failed purchase, Steam gives you another chance to buy this at the sale price for 24 hours or so, as another user mentioned. This happened to me a couple of months ago. Fingers crossed!

3 years ago

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Thanks but already bought it with another payment (just hope it doesn't lead to more confusion with steam support).
But good to know in case of a next time (hope it doesn't, knocks on wood).

3 years ago

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it takes less than a second to charge ur card or bank but it takes days to reverse the payment back to your account. So my guess is 7 business days if you wanna get the money back. But in your case, it looks like a simple callback api issue that sometimes occur in cases like this, ur payment was successful but something happened on steam's end is the reason it didnt get credited. Or the payment could be on hold. I advise you to call your bank and get details about the transaction first.

3 years ago

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Thanks, well as several suggested waiting, including steam support i will wait some days, else i will call my bank.

3 years ago

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Sometimes, when purchase fails, it seems as the money had been taken but it's only 'frozen'. Once the system recognises that it didn't go through, it will reappear on your account. ;) Happened to me before, it sucks a bit to have your money not spent yet not available but that's how it works, unfortunately. :////

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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You shouldn't worry, even though bank transactions appear (near) instant the reality is that they aren't. What your bank has actually done is put that amount of money in a reserve (so you can't use it to buy anything else) and then attempts to send the money to the recipient, if this fails it will return the funds from the reserve (eventually). Since it's the weekend now I don't expect your money to be returned until monday at it's earliest. I'm assuming a real person has to check what went wrong or look for fraudulent behavior before allowing the money to return to your account.

3 years ago

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Thanks, yeah it seems a matter of waiting what everyone is saying.
About real persons checking it though, i dunno, we had a bank scandal coming out in the open, just recently, in which people could have 50+ accounts for money laundering and noone that checked, let alone alerted the police.

3 years ago

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Well I certainly don't know the finer details of the whole banking system (which is fairly complex). Though I'd assume having several accounts with "questionable" income is more advantageous than disadvantageous to a bank, so they aren't highly motivated to investigate it past their legal obligations. Losing money because of a scam however they would be more highly motivated to prevent. I could be wrong of course.

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Lugum.