So I saved enough pennies to get a PC that will run any game to its highest performance. I want to do this so I can start streaming games like ARK, DayZ, Arma 3, etc... Also play these games to its full potential. It would be amazing if you guys can help me out I can build it, but perferrably not. Just need to know what tower I need and all the parts to see if they are compatible. Thank you guys and gals!

8 years ago

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nais I built my $1200 gaming rig just a couple months ago

with a $3000 budget I can only imagine what that beast will look like

EDIT: also, always build,never buy pre-made

i7 5820k @4Ghz
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB
1TB 7200 RPM / SSD 240GB / SSD 120GB
Rosewill 650W Modular Power Supply, 80 PLUS Bronze Certified
Thermaltake Chaser Series Chaser MK-I

8 years ago*

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3k would be a lot of wasted money. 1200 would be a more than enough, unless OP needed 4k @ 60+ fps.

8 years ago

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you see if I wasnt limited by money I would definitely go for the 4k @ 60+ fps

8 years ago

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As would I. But, to me, spending money you dont need to spend, for parts you wont fully use, is a complete waste of money that could easily be used somewhere else. Its pretty easy to spend 3k on a dream machine/monster rig, and if OP wants that, then so be it, but OP appears to not know he can easily build a rig for less then half the cost to get the performance he wants.

8 years ago

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This I agree with. While I myself would go for the 4k @ 60+ fps does not mean the OP needs it for what he wants to do. My recommendation to the OP is to halve that budget and save some money. With $1500 you can get 2 (or 1 Great one) graphics cards with a processor of matching power.

EDIT: Don't skimp on the internet speeds.

8 years ago

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+1, after the ~$1500 mark, the whole entire price to performance goes way off. Save the money and then in 4-5 years just throw in a new graphics card and bam. Spending $3K+ on a PC is just way to much IMO.

8 years ago

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well, depends on where you live. building a pc more or less dupetank mentioned would cost around $2000 here. but since op is from the states as well, yeah $3000 seems like a waste. even if op was from where i am.

8 years ago*

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One tool that will be invaluable is It helps you find the best price on every part, and keeps track of compatibility for you. There are even places where people share their pcpartpicker builds.

8 years ago

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Make sure you have a good internet connection, lol :D.

8 years ago

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Exactly. You see with a slower internet connection the building process will also be slower xD

8 years ago

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Errr... I only said that because he said he wanted to steam games. ಠ_ಠ.

8 years ago

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NO! now he needs a Fiber Optics connection. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

8 years ago

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What if he doesn't have that where he lives D:...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I call upon all steamgifters to get OP a Fiber Optics connection.....somehow.....

8 years ago

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Fiber here for 125MBps is $500 a month. send monies pl0x

8 years ago

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That's slow for fiber... we can get 300MBps for ~$120 a month. Although, upload is only 15MBps and 1000GB limit...

8 years ago

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yeah. monopolies suck :(

Another plan had an 80gb limit lol so at least you get 1TB :(

8 years ago

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If you are streaming over wi-fi, you will want a dual-band wireless card/adapter, and a dual-band router.

8 years ago

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It is waste of money. All you need is just 1500...

8 years ago

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Using more than two graphics cards is still pointless right now, so plan to use two, or get one crazy one. You'll have to measure the cost/benefit. Either way, you'll need a great PSU. I recommend at least a 80Plus Gold (I would go Platinum, though), 1000W or greater.

Try to look for a motherboard that supports two x16 slots simultaneously--that is, most motherboards when in dual-mode SLI/Crossfire, at best have one slot run at x16, and the other at x8. There are a few mobos that allow you run both at x16, but you got to look for them. My board, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming GT does dual x16, for example.

8 years ago

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My rig can play all of that and it was only around $900 altogether, really

8 years ago

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Like others said.

Spend 1500. You can then upgrade whenever you want with the 1500 saved. :p

8 years ago

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This. Since 1 year later that 3000 system would cost 1500.

8 years ago

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Also, is it just me or are the games he mentioned aren't very high-spec. :V

8 years ago

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Learn about the performance difference between CAS latencies and RAM speed. Lower latency is better, but it tends to increase with faster RAM. It's a balancing act. My build won't be as cool as yours, but I went with DDR3 1600 (typical, not-overclocked speed) with a low latency.

Also, get a dual- or quad-channel kit to help ensure smooth performance.

8 years ago

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Unless he gets bottom barrel ram with terrible speeds and latencies, the typical person wont notice a lick of difference loading up a map or application between 1600 @ 8 cas, and 1600 @ 12 cas, an extreme example, the difference is in nano seconds. IF you can get a higher spec set of ram for a close price, go for it, but dropping an extra 20% on ram to get 1-2 ticks lower ram is pointless for gaming, and MOST applications.

8 years ago

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A very common misconception is that you need a LOT of money to play PC games. You dont. Even high end rigs that play very demanding games can be built for under 2k.

Unless you have a very specific extra requirement above simply gaming at 60FPS, you wont need more than half of that.

Are you planning on using a 4k monitor? Need 120FPS+? Compact form factor? Silent operation/liquid cooling? None of the above? Ya, 800-1300 would be plenty. Could probably cut it down to 6-700 if you buy used parts too!

8 years ago

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With that kind of money, I assume you'll be tempted to overclock. Either plan for it, or plan not to. It's not like adding another graphics card later.

8 years ago

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PPG113 brings up some good points. Here's some thoughts:

If your emphasis is on streaming, you won't need a 4k monitor. You'll be streaming in 1080p at most, and the less your PC has to do, the easier it is to output the stream.

You will want to maximize your FPS. This means fast processing on all fronts (especially if you use green-screening, showing yourself as you play)--not just CPU and GPU, but also RAM, and SSDs.

You will need silent operation if you want to send noise-free audio. I can't help much there.

Speaking of audio, you might want to get educated about quality microphones and headsets. This will also bring up the issue of whether or not you want a dedicated sound card, or rely on the motherboard's audio chipset (it will probably be just fine, but you need to consider connections).

8 years ago

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Titan card, all other parts high end limit too, Big case fitting the Beast & Watercooling not to forget :D

...and voilà: You should be able to burn 3000 bucks easily \o/

8 years ago

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If only you had the money for 4 titan cards.

8 years ago

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with that much money you really doing need help, lol

i built mine, like 2 years ago for like $800 tops and its still going strong. No idea what could you build with x3.5 that much though, maybe buy 20x g3258 processors and try to make it run at 5ghz. or stuff like that, one is bound to work !! or maybe not , idk (:

8 years ago

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With that money i will pay my current debts

8 years ago

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That kind of money would be needed only if you run it also as a high-capacity server and home theatre with NAS up the butt and projector as a fourth display.

8 years ago

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Just make giveaways for these money, which is much better than new PC

8 years ago

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Add to this bulid decent mic + Monitor and you are ready :)

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor[/url] ($369.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler[/url] ($79.68 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus Z170M-PLUS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard[/url] ($118.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill NT Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory[/url] ($86.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung XP941 Series 512GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive[/url] ($312.90 @ Amazon)
Storage: Toshiba 4TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] ($119.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Zotac GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB AMP! Omega Edition Video Card[/url] ($649.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Enermax OSTROG ATX Mid Tower Case[/url] ($39.99 @ Directron)
Power Supply: XFX 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply[/url] ($74.99 @ Amazon)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 OEM (64-bit)[/url] ($92.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $1936.50

8 years ago

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