to be fair to the op it'd work alot better here than gala, since here in sg we're all pulling from the exact same pool of points rather than gala's points for games thing.
on gala its unequal, here it would still be equal since points used in one giveaway are points not used in another.
and it'd potentially cut down on some of the people entering things just for the sake of entering and using points to prevent "wasting"
(not that I'm saying i'm for it... I'd rather it not, just that the comparison to gg isnt quite fair since that site was broken long before the multi entries, and in itself that might not have been such a bad feature if it weren't for all the other crap they also did including their site's core mechanics)
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Oh yeah, totally would work in theory, but if we're going into theoretical territory, I'd wager that it'll also make the community even more hostile due to uneven grounds. Private/group giveaways would be treated as point sinks since they have the lowest number of players... hm.
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You mean you want to use all your points on the same giveaway to gain multiple entries? I don't like that.
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Didn't found the hidden giveaway. :(
If you like that idea than use GG, i guess one of the reasons the side is death (even at the SomerSale!) plus the refills. Its good that SG dont have such a "feature".
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No, this is a very bad idea. That's why I don't like GALA Giveaways. They ruined their site with all these crappy additions like multiple stakes, poker and stuff. You should use GALA Giveaways if you like this kind of stuff. Steamgifts ftw.
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everybody else either has that option or can make the decision not to blow all their points on a single giveaway and use those points to enter some others instead that that guy isn't because his points are used up. we've all got the same point pool unlike gg.
of course they'd probably end up getting points dumped into private because of the odds anyway so it probably wouldn't change much other than making secret giveaways work out to being more expensive, just that it'd go about it in a way that would still be fairly equal
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Well, that would allow to farm points for later usage with incredible ease. Then you can dump thousands of points in a specific giveaway and...well, you get the picture. That could be fixed, of course, but I still prefer equal chances for everyone.
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Everyone who enters a giveaway has the same chance. That's one of the founding principles of the site, and it will never be changed. This has been true the other umpteen times some doorknob who thinks they have to spend all their points or who thinks they should get more chance to win the games they want has suggested the same thing. The answer is still, and always will be, no. Also, suggestions belong in the support section. I'm closing this.
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I have few hundred games, and I can not participate in giveaways for a game that I already own. At the same time a person who has only few games can use their points more "efficiently".
Why can I not use my 300p several times on same game? That way people could prioritize on games that they actually want instead of wasting points for the purpose of wasting them.
Another option is to lessen the points people have or increase the "prices" for participating.
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