So... why not post this inside the giveaways comments instead open forums?
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I see. well I think you don't have to worry. just contact the winners instead give them the keys.
I'm pretty sure level 04 is capable to understand.
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That's why I hope they come forward, preferable here in one spot, so I can check them and fix my mistake.
I am not ashamed to admit my mistaken openly. I'm only a human too ^_^
Just posted in all comments of the... Idk 90 gibs or so, time to change the topic and poke the edit button T_T
Oh god, this is a nightmare. I feel so bad and guilty, really have to be more careful next time I guess.
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don't you feel like that. happens often when you do lots of gibs. :P
these things is just everyday support issues.
don't you worry. users will understand and support will solve the problem. :)
(even if you and the winner agree to delete the finished giveaway - which is possible)
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there are even worse cases ;p Once a contributor of bundle GA I won put in a wrong key - a key for an AAA nonbundled game worth 20-25$ (one year old so saw some sales, but still had a high price). Turned out original key was already used. I felt so bad for a guy that I ended buying the said bundle myself and activated game myself marking as received so at least he didn't have to rebuy a bundle himself at top of giving me AAA game ;p
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Happened to all of contributors at some point ;) Worry not - at least these are cheap bundle keys, not pricy games hard to replace ;p
I once made 2 GAs for keys that were supposed to be region free but ended up being region locked to Poland - these were Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 3 and Remember Me (and before Remember Me got bundled) - replacing these with ROW keys with no sale available anywhere was an actual problem ;p
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"nothing to worry about" in this case ;p Until you put by mistake a key for a 60$ non-bundle game into a bundle GA ;p happened to me once - luckilly from winner's perspective ;p Instead of getting a key for a cheap bundle game I activated a key for a year old AAA title worh like 20-25 bucks ;p As it was a key I was not aware what it activates until it was too late ;p I felt so bad for GA maker that I bought a bundle myself to activate a key so he didn't have to buy it again and I marked as received (turned out his actual key was already used).
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haha i thought the same. when i read the first couple lines i was worried for her sake it was. but roll'd is an ez fix luckily. ^^
that was awfully nice of you to replace that one on his behalf. =) so far all my mistakes and stolen keys were all bundled though, iv'e been lucky in those regards.. i think just 1-2 mixup/used keys before (tremorgames easily helped replace those), and 3x keys from the same bundle when i didn't realize my bundlestars account was compromised. (ofc changed pass and rebought bundle to resolve that one)
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Did you ask BundleStars for replacement keys and revoke of older ones? 2 or 3 years ago there was a case of a lot of humble accounts being breached - including mine and quite a few big SG contributors - after reaching support Humble revoked all stolen keys and issued me a fresh new gift links - even for bundles that I bought over a half yesr earlier.
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i did on the first one, but then when i got 2more dupe messages from winners thats when i realized it had to of been a comprimised bundlestars account. they would of replaced all of them i know, but i felt it was my own problem really. i was still using the same password & email combo as the one compromised with DLH, so it really was my fault entirely.
well... sorta.. some of that blame could go to DLH too i suppose. ^^ lol
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but you look at it from wrong perspective - unlike traders or grey market sites BundleStars are official reseller, so it wouldn't be a problem for them, they would have lost nothing, revoke key A, replace with key B, as long as there's still only one valid key neither BS nor dev/publisher loses, there's still just one game available at the market.
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Most are a easy fix yes. Ugh, weird thing is some are correct and some aren't so now I'll never figure out which once are used and which once aren't xD
Guess they'll have to go to the Orphan topic or so after I am 100% sure everyone got the key they should have gotten @_@
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In the place I used to work, they shipped items from an online store. In those days, they printed a sheet of paper for each order, and would stick the paper on the box with the proper items so they know where to send the box. The papers and the boxes were supposed to be in the same order, so normally they take a stack of paper and just stick it in each box one by one, nice and easy.
One day a new employee accidentally got his papers mixed up and didn't realize it, and he put the wrong paper in the wrong box for over 100 orders. That means over 100 customers got the wrong items delivered in their box. We didn't even realize it happened until the deliveries started to land a few days later and customers started to call and email angry that we are trying to scam them by sending the wrong items... LOL, customers always think they are being scammed. :P Anyway, that was a customer service nightmare for a few days. We tried to coordinate having Customer A mail their package to Customer B, etc...
So, hopefully your keys mix-up was not that bad. :P
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Oh dear what a horror story.
And indeed hopefully this is not so bad. It seems some did get the right one.
I'm going from panic to confusion. I bet the next stage will be anger on myself tho o_O
drops face on desk I love SG so much but I should have stuck to my vacation I promised myself after already dealing with 600+ keys in less then a week. But nooooo, I saw a fun topic and went for it
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Don't be hard on yourself, mistakes happen sometimes! You made a LOT of people happy with the event and for that I would say it was definitely worth it! Every time I see the Space Cat pop up it makes me smile and do a little happy dance. If I'm using SG on my phone I'll usually show it to my wife to celebrate my win. :P
Now imagine all of the Space Cats you created for those trains! A lot of people smiling and doing happy dances and celebrating. :D
I've actually done a similar kind of mix-up myself. I have a spreadsheet where I put the game name & keys etc, and I must have pasted the keys on the wrong row. So I had a whole bundle where I got all of the keys wrong. Oops! Luckily in my case I hadn't made so many giveaways all at once, so it was a bit easier to solve the mix-up. Good luck ;)
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1) if I have to hand check 114 keys I'll be locked constantly out of my own steam due to many activation attempts.
2) since I do not know which once are wrong/correct for sure which I am trying to figure out now I hope the winner come forward so I can fix my mistake.
3) I didn't do it on purpose, this just looked like the right thing to do.. I'm sorry if that was wrong.
Edit: and since I never had this issue before, I didn't know how to solve it otherwise then calling out winners to come forward..
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You can contact them on steamgifts if you just go to a random public giveaway on each of their profiles and direct them to the giveaway page where you explain it.
They'd get a notification and you're a hell of a lot more likely to actually reach the relevant parties.
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Good idea, atm I grabbed IG back up, opened all the bundle tabs I used and trying to figure out if there are more wrong keys or not.
I honestly hope not but... :/ If needed I will poke the winner their steam to make up for my mistake.
I did not mean to cause drama or such but I do admit, I made a mistake which I never experienced and trying to figure out the correct way to solve this asap so I'm sure everything is correct.
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I've done the same thing before. Yes, it feels awful. Luckily it was on a game where I had multiple copies or was able to rebuy another copy of a bundle, and on the other I just had to cancel ongoing giveaway where I already gave away the wrong key. I think what happened was I had copied a key into the copy buffer, and then somehow didn't change it when creating giveaways as I was toggling between sites to copy/paste the keys.
I have a process now to try and force myself to .copy paste into both a tracking file and into the giveaway page just so I might notice if I paste a duplicate key (visually it'll look the same as one above it), but sometimes I'm jumping around and don't notice. It's easy to do especially when trying to put up alot of giveaways at once.
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soo bad :/ i'm always paranoid about this. i double check the keys everytime before sending them.
hopefully everything will be fixed.
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Thank you for understanding everyone. That truly means a lot to me.
I'm still half in shock tho but slowly getting there. I already cleared 1 train, now for the big 5 copy one.
Maybe I can fix some things before I get notified about it and close this topic soonish.
I'm so very sorry for the horror everyone :$ and the fuzz.
I just want things to be correct. The winner should get the correct key, and I do not want false CV if said game has not been delivered :$
I'm sorry if I do not reply on everything. Trying to work hard and fast to get this sorted out asap <3
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First of all, I am SO SO SO SORRY!
Do not mark received if you have got the wrong key!
Of course it was never my intention to mix up keys and I'm not sure how it happened as I prepped everything in a spread sheet..
But I will make it up and replace them with the correct key! Cause that is the right thing to do!
If you had a wrong key from either this giveaway then pls post it here so I can check and fix it!
Again so sorry and thank you for coming fort so I can fix my mistake :$
Do note it might take some time, I will check the keys in my own steam (already own the games so I will see the correct name of it, but there is a chance I will lock myself out a couple of times and put on cool down due it.
But if that's what it takes to make my mistake right, then that is what it takes, all I ask is patience to let me fix this <3
(Technically I have seven days, right?)
Edit: My 1 copy train seems to be clear, I checked every copy there. Time to start the 13x 5 train, maybe I can close this topic soon then and take some rest. Again so sorry!
Last edit:
Closing the thread, normally all keys should be ok. IF it happens you've have gotten a dup, do not hesitate to post it in the comment section of the GA you've won and I will find a replacement key for it! Again much apologies and I'll pay more attention in the future to avoid mix ups like this.
Thank you so much everyone for the support and understanding and so horrible sorry for the panic attack and mini drama. I'm still half in shock but I'll recover. I'll learn from it!
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