Don't know where you live, lad, but building computer parts that together will be able to run current games at an acceptable quality, its crazy expensive in latin american countries and other regions around the world.
So even if I love PC gaming, sometimes is just not realistic to build one.
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Anyone who makes his title console exclusiv obviously doesn't want you to play it.
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It really depends on the games you want to play the most, do a top 10 list and make your decision based on that.
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I have bough ps3 already two times( now i have it again, also PS4) I 100000% recommend you to play all the games you can of ps3 and later buy the ps4, the prices will be much lower then.
A lot of people say Ps4 is better, thats relatively true, its also so much expensive than the rest.
I had the Wii like one year too but then i bough xbox and after it the ps3 and im staying on ps3
So after all, get a PS3 , and if you can afford a wii too, buy it if you want, but you will have enough with ps3, have fun whatever you buy!
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PS3 has a great library of cheap titles (PSN is great for sales, and it even had a Humble Bundle if you can find keys to trade for) and still supports online gameplay. Wii had a smaller library and no longer supports online gameplay (the eShop might still work, but can't be sure), but still has some great games of its own.
PS4 might be a good choice with newer titles, but it lacks any sorts of backwards compatibility except through a game streaming service or the occasional title rereleased for PS4, and paid online isn't something I'd support. Wii-U bombed, but still has some stuff worth playing. Switch, can't say I'm interested (the introduction of paid online when Nintendo has been poor for that in previous generations doesn't help), and it isn't out yet.
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Indeed. The PS4 can always be bought later, maybe with the most recent model release and VR headset. :P
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Previously I've owned an XBox 360, PS2, and PS3. (Not including older systems like the Atari 2600, Sega Master System, and NES) ;)
Fanboyism aside (or more to the point, hating Microsoft aside), I found that the PS3 had much more in the way of "indie/alternative" games than the the XBox 360, so I assume that the PS4 would be the same. (Journey, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, etc, just as a few examples for the PS3).
Also, I believe I read that Microsoft recently dictated that all XBox One games must also be released for Win 10 (from what I understand, the XBox One actually runs Win 10 in a virtual machine to play games anyway), so I don't think you'd be gaining much over PC gaming other than convenience by buying an XBox one.
So yeah. All in all I vote PS4, Although Nintendo Wii & PS3 would be my second choice, simply from positive experiences with the PS3, rather than the Wii.
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Not all XBox One games need to be released for the PC. I think you're mistaking that for XBox Play Anywhere titles, which is only a very small portion of the games that have been released.
Also, the XBox One runs its own OS for apps, (similar to Windows, but not Windows), and one for games. I guess that guarantees that a very small minority of its games run both on WIndows and XBox.
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I probably am getting the details wrong. The XBox isn't something that I follow with particular interest, and just remember reading somewhere re: Microsoft making the decision to make all XBox One games release for Win 10, and about the XBox running Win 10 in a virtual machine for gaming along with it's other OS.
Thanks for the corrections.
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PS4 i'd say is a no go since most of its library seems to be remastered games from the previous gens and Bloodborne. The PS3 has a pretty decent library and some ok exclusives and you can get both the console and the games for cheap now. Plus they won't force you to pay for the online.
The Wii is only worthwhile if you are REALLY into nintendo games OR if you have friends over a lot, since it can be a good laugh to play some of the party or sports games in a group and i can vouch for it in that regard.
The WiiU is only for nintendo exclusives and it's getting dropped because of the Switch.
The switch is going to be absolute trash and one would have to be mentally ill to shell out for it.
Go for a PS3 and some games and maybe buy the Wii if you are actually interested in it's exclusives or party games. Or get a PS4 to play PS3 remasters.
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The PS4 does have other exclusives worth owning. I don't have many exclusive titles (though cross buy stuff does mean I have a lot of non exclusives) since I never owned the system, just used the one my previous flatmate owned, but there are some good games. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (lucky the PAL PSN purchase includes the DLCs that were US pre order only) and inFamous: Second Son / First Light are titles I'd recommend from my small collection.
I'm with you on suggesting PS3 though.
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Depends on what kinda games you like. If you're more interested in the family and locally competitive/party games, then go Nintendo. If you are after games that can be for the older audiences and generally focus on deeper stories, PS4.
That said, with Nintendo's Switch and their apparent push for 3rd Party games, should it be successful, might end up being a good choice for price and portability if you're one to commute or goto places where you have to wait around alot.
Personally, I'm interested in the Switch, especially since I'm entering Uni in the fall, but I really want to see more of it's games lineup before I think about committing. I would normally just hold out for the PS4, as I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, but my gf will be getting one herself, so I'm just gunna get the games and have couch parties with her and swap off whenever we die or something X"D
So it really depends on you and what kind of experience you are looking for.
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I'd pass on the Wii unless there's a bunch of games on it you really want to play. I had one and kinda regret it, it has a few gems... but mostly the games on the wii are just trashy. PS3 would be a worthwhile thing though. I like the ps4 but I haven't really found myself playing all that many games on it.
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Buy anything that pleases you and makes you happy. Don't buy something because we're telling you so. Check the existing library of games for each choice and compare it to your preferences and you got your answer. Spend a couple of hours to research your options and because nobody knows you better than yourself you are the only one who can decide the best choice you're going to enjoy the most. So, have fun! That's the most important thing in the end. ;)
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Just don't support consoles :D get everything on PC
But now serious...
PS4 has a few cool exclusives but they would probably cost 200$ and the console itself 300$ so for me that makes it not worth it.
I don't like nintendo anymore they are ruining their old games in my opinion i just like the old graphics. And i feel like their games are getting boring because they keep doing the same thing over and over.
I would defenitly not buy the Switch until we get some games reviews it could be really bad.
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I have Wii U, PS3, PS4. I will one day upgrade my PS4 to PS4 Pro when i get 4k TV.
I think Get PS3 and Wii U 1st and if you miss any games from Wii then just get them on Wii U. PS3 has heaps of games that not on PS4 yet. So yeah go with PS3 and Wii U 1st for exclusives or some 3rd party games that is not remastered on PS4 yet.
After you done with those then go for PS4 Pro cos it is latest console. As for Nintendo Switch don't bother yet. Wait about 2 or 3 years to see how it does in sales or how many games does it has before you find if Nintendo still supporting Switch even if it flops like they stopped supporting Wii U when it flopped.
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My GPU alone = 2*PS4. I also own a PS4 and a PS3 and not one but two 4K displays and lots of 1080p ones smart and dumb, 3D and 2D. It's not worth the upgrade from PS4 to PS4 Pro, at least not in the near future. Wait for PS5 or a better iteration.
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if your pc is powerful enough you can emulate wii perfectly and Wii u somewhat acceptable.
I'd skip the switch for now, the wii u will probably drop in price even more after the switch's launch. See which games you want to play some have been remastered on ps4.
It really depends which games you want to play.
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It's been said already but completely depends on what games you want to play. For me, there isn't a single game I need a PS4 for. PS3 had some but I haven't played it in ages. The Nintendo consoles at least have the better (IMO) first-party titles but even then, it still depends on the games. I'd probably have to vote PS3 (for PS3/PSN games) or Wii U (for Wii U / Wii games) depending on what you're after.
tl;dr, depends on the games you want to play the most, your budget, etc.
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PC it's better than consoles... so...... whit that prices in your country you should not buy any console. maybe if no one buy consoles in your country they will get lower price in a near future.
whit that prices i can buy 2 or 3 PS4 in my country
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