Nope I am not worried in the least. Though most of my wins come from private giveaways with people I chat with daily.
May not be a surefire way to dispute, but you could use this site as evidence in the case of if they ban you due to receiving a gift from a stolen cc. Since it is random lots of who win and can in at least a small sense, prove you weren't part of the party who did the crime. Never been in that situation, so couldn't tell you if that would be sufficient enough.
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it must be nice to think the world is so innocent, even though there is vast evidence to the contrary
i mean, strangers are capable of genocide, theft on a widespread scale, and destruction of entire nations. what makes you think someone wouldn't scam people here?
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He did, he needed to play with PayPal nonsense to do so, but yes, he's back to normal.
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thing is there usually are no verified sources for things like these. Just things you hear from people that had this sort of thing happen to them.
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What if a gift I received in a trade was purchased with a stolen credit card?
In the event of this type of fraud the trade will be reversed and the offending account, not the receiving account, will be locked.
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Why would someone with a stolen credit card use it for Steamgifts?
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Good point. Then again, it is really only valid in countries that monitor these things closely and where the frauds can be easily be traced and caught, and are punished stringently :) Think Nigerian email scams at a new level :P
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For their Xbox live Subscrition.
The people you are referring to would buy a Steam game on an account if they had a stolen credit card, and just use fake details with it. They wouldn't buy a real game, just to gift it to someone else, just to get a couple points to enter a giveaway with hundreds, if not thousands of other people.
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:( that really sucks... also I just realized after posting that they might not be the same, as one is only failure to meet a commitment to pay while using a stolen card is theft and fraud and constitutes a crime (and steam might be responding more harshly to it because the thief may be using the stolen card to make purchases to his own account, for example)
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I'm worried about receiving CD-key's (instead of Steam Gifts) via due to the fact that if the gifter has the retail version, he/she can attempt to steal my account via posting a picture of said retail copy and claiming my account is theirs :(
Am I being paranoid?
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Im not worried if people want to take ownership of my steam acc ... I have proof that account is mine, I have retail copy of Orange box, Saints row 2 and Left 4 dead 2 that I can easy show to them.
But that credit card stuff is kinda bad i guess :/
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If you come to think about it, such problems are born because of human incompetence and weak system. The same shit as like if you would've won a prize in real life, say a toaster, and then a repo guy comes to pay you visit and says - "It has been stolen and then gifted to you. We're taking it back and in the meantime we're taking all you're kitchen stuff as well. Don't ask why.". The kitchen stuff stands for all legit games I own. But would anyone give a shit?
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The cdkeys you have to worry about redeeming are box retail copies. They want a picture of the cd key with your signature and steam support number handwritten on the box next to the cd key. If you are to be worried about receiving a gift this is the one thing you should best not redeem. If you know the copy was from a digital distribution it's probably safe. (like the amd dirt3 giveaway, or humble bundle)
If you have 3 physical keys to prove and all were before the game in question you should be fine. Will just suck to lose your account for a couple weeks until you can prove your case to support. Also, as long the bulk of your account was purchased with cc or paypal you can provide that information and that counts the same as having a physical cd key. If you use both cc and credit card at least once that would be wise too because then you have more proof. I heard a story once where someone got a hold of a guys original game he created the account with and steam almost thought he was a liar even after providing cc.
However that being said, Steam Support asks for more than just a physical cd copy. You have to provide the account name. I would make sure that your displayed name that everyone sees is not the same as your account login. If you have never changed it I believe it will be. The also ask for all email addresses that have been associated with the account. So make sure the email located on steamgifts has not been associated with steam. Also make sure your real name is hidden. Those are the best and easiest ways to protect yourself. I was really worried for a while but not so much anymore.
All that being said, I have never seen anyone post on the forums on here about any problems with loosing an account. Let alone a game from a stolen cc. I know I would blow up the forums warning people if something happened to me.
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Are you folks worried about receiving the gift that was purchased with the stolen credit card = ban of your steam account.
Or the second situation, where person that is giving you the gift has a scan of the key and claim the ownership of your account on STEAM.
Am I being paranoid of what?
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