I remember hearing about one that allowed you to click to enter from the main list like you can with IG which would help save on bandwidth since you wouldn't have to load a page every time. Just not sure about giving access to browsing to random extensions. Is there a way to test to make sure it can only change the HTML for interacting with just this domain and not access input on other sites? Wouldn't want it stealing passwords.

2 years ago

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I remember hearing about one that allowed you to click to enter from the main list like you can with IG which would help save on bandwidth since you wouldn't have to load a page every time.

From what I understand extension loads page in background, there is no link like www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/skyrim-Vi/enter that could be generated by script. So you "load" said page without knowing it and script just shows the shortcut link to what it loaded in background. Someone correct me if wrong, but IMO you would not save anything by using enter from main page.

1 year ago

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It would save on bandwidth because you don't need to go into every giveaway's page to enter.

1 year ago

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Script still needs to load up all those pages in background to generate the link between "giveaway" and "enter button". So while it does not load images themselves, it does cause web browse to open more pages in background than it normally would.

Unless it creates "place holder" button that only loads giveaway page in background when you interact with it. But seeing cg had to curb number of requests that people can send per second, as people were making scripts that were broken in how they worked - don't think they think that much about limiting number of requests they make to minimum. But I may be wrong. Won't go now and try to understand javascript they use to write extensions.

1 year ago

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Some bandwidth definitely would be saved since only html part of the page is loaded without pictures, page scripts etc.

1 year ago

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What makes "enter" button work is not HTML but javascript.

And it's simple to check, as disabling javascript makes "enter" button unusable. It is there, but it's not possible to click it to enter. So scripts do not parse HTML only, they must load whole javascript.

1 year ago

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Unfortunately, you're not quite correct. To enter a giveaway the script doesn't need anything beyond html, because the script itself can implement any required logic without the original scripts. It just replicate the original behavior in a desired way. That's one of the reasons why third-party scripts can break if an original implementation changes.

1 year ago

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there is no link like www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/skyrim-Vi/enter that could be generated by script

There is. The information needed to enter is all on the main page.

1 year ago*

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Main page has only link to open GA page.

<div data-do="entry_insert" class="sidebar__entry-insert">

This is what generates button to enter, but it doesn't "exist" before you actually open GA page and see it.

1 year ago

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Yes, but a script can generate that and add it to the page, like esgst does.
The only unique data for each ga is the code from the URL, the rest is the same for all ga's

1 year ago

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Is there a way to test to make sure it can only change the HTML for interacting with just this domain and not access input on other sites? Wouldn't want it stealing passwords.

Not sure about other extensions and browsers but ESGST in Firefox requires to enable permissions explicitly for every site it can use.

Also you can try other extensions (like NoScript or uMatrix) which limit access to third-party sites.

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Yeah, but the more important question is whether they're sponge-worthy

1 year ago

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esgst is open source, so you can check what it does.
There is also the option to install it a userscript.

Some features of esgst actually increase the bandwith use, I think. But if you enable just the button on the main page it should be ok.

1 year ago

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+1 for ESGST

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by scap.