Diablo 3's alternative auction house, where you can pay with actual money, launched today for North American players. Someone paid $250 for a high-level weapon. No, really.

Since Blizzard gets 15% of all transactions, that means they earned roughly 38 dollars for that one item.

The RMA is still "coming soon" for other regions such as Europe and various Asian countries.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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I won't, and I imagine nobody here will, but I remember seeing virtual items go for more. This question is easily extended to other things. Would you pay $1000 for a Kickstarter project? Would you pay $3000 for an old graphics card prototype? I wouldn't, but people do.

1 decade ago

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Wouldn't pay more then $20 for a REALLY good DLC let alone $250 for a single item.

1 decade ago

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I won't pay that high for any in-game item, period.

1 decade ago

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damn what a stupidity

1 decade ago

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For me, I won't do that.but for people who's got a load of money,I bet they will.

1 decade ago

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Not really. Apart from the story (which was kinda average) and the item drops which need to be worked upon a little, Diablo 3 is a great game. I played Diablo 2, I enjoyed the f**k out of it and I'm okay with the changes in D3. However, monetizing upon what used to be a great item system isn't what I'd call pleasing to me. I won't spend a dime in the real money auction house, even if I'm waiting for the PVP multiplayer and am aware that the RMAH will influence who wins in the arenas quite a lot.

1 decade ago

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I sold an item within 1 hour of launch for $250. It was a 1102 dps 1h spear with 80 str, 220 dex and ~80 vitality. Didn't actually expect it to sell, but was pleasantly surprised. I chose to get the money sent to my paypal instead of my Blizzard account, since I don't have anything to spend the money on with Blizzard, so they took a 15% cut. You get just over $211 after all is said and done if you sell an item for $250.

1 decade ago

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Wow. 1 hour?

1 decade ago

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I would sell, but I wouldn't buy for that price

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't pay even 1cent. Isn't the satisfaction of Diablo finding loot?

1 decade ago

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Quite sad. I remember a time when games were being made for profit and to please the players... now they're just made for MORE profit and nothing else(because it looks like we're dumber and willing to play crappier games). Also apparently bribing your way to victory is the new definition of "fun".

Sorry if I misunderstood the idea of the thread, but that's how I see the whole scheme.

1 decade ago

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I sure would. To resell it to monkeys that would actually buy that. I mean seriously. 250$ would buy you so many AAA games since summer sale is close.

1 decade ago

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No I wouldn't even pay Diablo III, I prefer Sacred 2 and I'm waiting for the 3. They're better Hack& slash than Diablo guys ;)

1 decade ago

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I'm glad I didn't buy D3. The game itself is nowhere near to be worth 60€.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I would give my last used shorts for any items in diablo 3!

1 decade ago

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i wouldn't pay $50 for diablo 3... (40 or lower since australia is overpriced as s***)

1 decade ago

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Only reason I'd do that if I was certain I could resell it for more. Considering how many AAA games I could get during the summer sales with 250$...

1 decade ago

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paying $60 for the actual "game" is already a waste

1 decade ago

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Absolutely not, it's kinda stupid spending more money in an item than the game itself. Like the wedding ring in TF2, a single use item for the price of 85$. 85? Valve, are you stupid or what?

1 decade ago

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Yeah...Valve are IDIOTS! I bet they're too stupid to count the 100% of that $85 that is profit...what chumps...

1 decade ago

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People bought those wedding rings in TF2 a little while back too. Just goes to show that more and more people need a heavy beating.

1 decade ago

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hell no

1 decade ago

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What I don't get is why the HELL did he buy the one with 1239DPS for $250 rather than the one at the top with 51 more DPS with no buyout and a low bid?!

I haven't got, and won't be getting D3 so couldn't say whether the top one is much better than the one he bought.

1 decade ago

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Might have to switch regions, can't imagine anyone in EU paying that much for a virtual item. US ppl on the other hand... Sigh and I have just dinged lvl 60 a few days ago :<.

1 decade ago

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Did you intend to look like an idiot or you pulled that off by mistake?

1 decade ago

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And you feel offended why? :>

1 decade ago

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I'm not offended. I'm not from North America nor Europe, but it was a moronic statement. I've seen people offer £1000 for a tf2 hat.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ErrEff.