If they haven't activated it in 7 days then report them. Otherwise just forget it, nothing you can do about it.
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You can report anybody who hasn't activated a won game after 7 days. You don't have to be the GA creator to do that.
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It's ok if they bought a bundle with the intention of potentially giving it away...why not see if you can win the game instead of registering the one from the bundle? Then you can give the one from your bundle to someone else!
Either way, the person in question gets a license and someone else gets a license. It's not much different than buying a bundle full of stuff that you already own. No harm done.
Now, if they're re-gifting the license you just sent, then yeah...they deserve to get kicked in the pants. And probably blacklisted. ;)
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Actually, it's perfectly fair...check this out:
Scenario 1
characters: GA creator, GA winner, and 3rd party (future game winner)
situation: GA winner is sitting on a license for the GA game. After they win, they give away their unregistered license.
outcome: GA creator gets their CV credit. GA winner now has the game in their library. GA winner gives away their (now) extra license, so a 3rd party also gets a copy of the game. GA winner also gets CV credit.
Scenario 2
characters GA creator, GA canceler/non-participant, and 3rd party (now the winner of the original GA)
situation: GA canceler/non-participant realizes that they already have an unregistered license for the game, and either doesn't enter or leaves after the realization takes place. This person goes ahead and registers the license they already had.
outcome: GA creator gets their CV credit. GA canceler/non-participant now has the game in their library (because they registered their copy). A 3rd party gets a copy of the game (because they are now the person who won the GA).
So, as we can see, the exact # of copies of the game go into circulation, and some 3rd party gets one of them no matter what. The original GA creator gets the same CV in either case - they don't care who won. And, the person with the unregistered copy ends up adding the game to their library in either case. The only thing that happens if they add their own copy to their library is that they eliminate the GA CV potential of that game to help themselves rank up, which makes what this person did really pretty smart in realizing that. They have not taken anything from anyone, and a 3rd party still got a copy of the game. Essentially, if they're willing to sit on the license for a while, they can try to win the game...if they get lucky after some time, then they can GA their other copy. If they don't get lucky, well...then they just eventually register the license they had laying around to their library once their patience has run out.
So while this may seem a little shady, from an objective standpoint, it's actually totally fair. It just allows for some up-ranking of an additional person. Considering how you can lose rank value for games that you spent money on in the past (and GA'd while they were valuable) because their status changes later, I'd say that this is a perfectly fair way to hedge things back toward the givers' favor.
In any case, I hope that helps. No one got ripped off. Everything is okeedokee.
But if someone straight up re-gifts a game that they won (especially if they never even add it to their library or already had it registered there), then that's really icky. Those people have missed the spirit of SG.
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If he gives it away to the same group and level, sure, (nearly) perfectly fair. (Aside from costing the others some more points to enter again.) Sounds like he didn't, though. I can see a valid complaint about that.
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Yeah, I agree that it might not be fair if his GA is not available to the same group of people as the original one. However, we still have to keep in mind that this person only had a slim chance of winning in the first place...unless the GA only had like 10 people in it or something, having the person in question enter the GA doesn't statistically make much difference. But, if it's a very limited audience in the GA (which it sounds like it might have been), and then the winner also GAs their own copy to a different exclusive group, then yes, I'd agree that it puts that original group of people at a disadvantage...not a huge one, but a disadvantage nonetheless.
In any case, I don't think this person broke any rules, but depending upon how all of those factors align, what they did might not be very cool. You can always blacklist that person so that they're no longer part of your GAs. Just remember that if they're a big giver, you'll no longer be part of theirs, either.
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:D Yeah, definitely.
Oh, and hey...I whitelisted you, so something good came out of this. ;)
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there's a lot of people who do that here. they try to win some games in a bundle, then buy and give them away for cv.
it makes no sense. they make giveaways to balance their ratio... but if they're winning them, it "hurts" their cv as much as not giving them away. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
life of the concealed leech is hard on sg, lots of thinking to be done. *facepalm*
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I won The Walking Dead Season 2, but haven't won any other games in the BTA tier of the current Telltale bundle. There's still a chance I'll pick it up before it ends, since it's still a really good deal and I'm interested in the other games, but I'm still on the fence. If I do get it, should I not give away TWD2 to avoid being called a "concealed leech?"
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Agreed, I see that. I mentioned free-as-in-beer below, since that's an illustration that's been used in the past: If you go to a party, and they are giving away free beer, you are free to have a beer...but not to take a beer then sell it to someone at the party who's waiting in line for beer (or someone who can't get into the party).
In Latin, there are two words for free: gratis and libre. Gratis has the free-as-in-beer meaning, where it's given as a gift, which may have a somewhat limited set of rights associated with the giving (you may take a free copy, conditionally, such as for personal use). Libre is taken to mean free without restriction - free as in air, which you can breathe in as much as you like and even bottle for sale.
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To be clear, I wouldn't enter to win a game for which I already have a key (or know I'll be buying shortly) just to boost my CV. I do see why that would be objectionable: like regifting, you shouldn't be taking a win just to make a giveaway on your own terms. It's contrary to the free-as-in-beer philosophy behind Steamgifts. However, deciding to buy a bundle after winning a game it contains, in spite of having already won that game and making a giveaway of it, I don't see a problem with that.
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it's not about the ratio but about + 0,01 to user lvl progress :)
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OK another way to look at this ---
That person only had a small chance to win a giveaway for the game he/she wanted.
That same person gave away that game, providing a 100% chance that someone else would win the game.
That person may not have won the game he wanted at all, and still given that game away to someone else.
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Technically, if you win a giveaway and create one for the same game and the same user base, you can gain cv without downsides for others.
A bit different could be if you win a group/whitelist one, then create a level 0 public one. Anyway, there's nothing wrong in that, you give the exact thing you took. In this case the giving back was instant, however it happens many times to win a game and only after that to buy the bundle which contained the game. Or, maybe like this case, it may happen that you enter giveaways, then decide to buy the bundle from phone or work but can't activate from there, forget to remove entries, win one before coming home...
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Maybe you just need 1 little game to get to next level so maybe you would sacrifice this game to get to next level then thinking about winning it after that
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I have given a few games away that are on my wishlist and that I am trying to win.
If I win it here, I will play it for sure, if I buy it, it just might end up in my backlog for the next 50years.
With a bit better (worse?) timing I would have been in the same situation.
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