Why buying Overwatch when you could play Dirty Bomb

I played both now, and even though Overwatch is a little more diverse, less FPSy and has funny characters i don't think i would throw 40€ at Blizzard/Activision for such minor differences .

Do you know any similar games? post the links!

8 years ago

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It's not on steam, but Paladins has a similarish feel, but obviously free. You can sign up for beta, it's more fun than I was expecting.

I still really want to play Overwatch but I can't dish out $60 atm.

8 years ago

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I like Overwatch but Blizzards our Games will never be cheap policy kind of sucks.
in two years from now it will still have the same price.

8 years ago

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well, they have 50% on their site sometimes. if you wait for one of those, you'll probably get the game for 20$, which is really not too bad for a game you will most likely play many, many hours.

8 years ago

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that's true but blizzard sales are always short and years after release .
Overwatch may be the exception because of the huge competition.

8 years ago

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I still really want to play Overwatch but I can't dish out $60 atm.

Just a heads up, only the "Origins Edition" is $60.

The regular edition is $40.

8 years ago

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I'll probably get hate from some users for this but the Origins Edition can also be bought for the same price as the regular from g2a/kinguin and probably other resellers.

8 years ago

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I checked it out and it says Europe edition. Somehow it annoys me lol.

8 years ago

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Came here to say Paladins, the cards make it seem much more interesting!

8 years ago

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TF2 is the same and it's free

8 years ago

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They could look the same but they feel completely different imo.

8 years ago

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the only diffrence is ultimates, more characters, less players per team, everything else is literally almost same as tf2, even some maps are similiar, though imo tf2 has better maps, too many single choke point places on the payload maps in overwatch with no way to walk arround it.
I did enjoy some character designs though, Roadhog is hilarious to play.

8 years ago*

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Hmm strange i thought the opposite, looks different but plays the same lol

8 years ago

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dirty bomb is full of cheaters

8 years ago

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i played it as it first came out and i have never seen any cheaters.
but things always change.

8 years ago

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it's not so bad lately

8 years ago

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That's just the internet in general

8 years ago

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Seeing as how Overwatch is trying desperately to be Blizzard's Team Fortress 2, I'd say Team Fortress 2. ;)
(People seem to like comparing Battleborn and Overwatch as well, but it'll probably be a while before Gearbox put a big discount on it. It was just recently released.)

8 years ago*

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I've played Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, and Dirty Bomb....and I like Overwatch way more than the other two.

So to answer your question -

Why buying Overwatch when you could play Dirty Bomb

Because I like Overwatch way better, it's worth $40 to me, and my friends are going to be playing Overwatch?

8 years ago

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Overwatch feels great there is no denying that .
but i dont think its worth the pricetag.
and because of that it will probably never find its way into my library like so many other blizzard titles like Diablo 3 or the 3 Star Craft 2s .

8 years ago

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Well, that's fine, obviously. I'm just saying there are people like me who feel like it is worth the pricetag.

8 years ago

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yeah I can see how it can be good with friends as team comp and actual planning is more important than twitch skills in overwatch, but for the same reason it's easily the worst of the alternatives when it comes to solo play, it can go from being pretty fun with good team into worst game ever with bad team.

8 years ago

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Fair enough. I've only played with friends, and only plan on playing with friends, so I can't really comment on the solo experience.

8 years ago

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You can buy Battleborn for $30 just get that.

8 years ago

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Battleborn will get a steep discount in the near future.
Overwatch won't. Diablo 3 is still 35€ 4 years after release.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thats crazy. how is this possible?
even evolved had a larger player base after release .

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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game is super niche as well, personally I cant stand the graphic style, would give me headaches

8 years ago

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a MOBA-style game with graphics roughly comparable to successes like Overwatch and Garden Warfare is super niche? i don't think so. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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no. no! NO!

8 years ago

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Why no. no! NO?

8 years ago

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worst game ever

8 years ago

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Why worst game ever?

8 years ago

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yeah but why :o

8 years ago

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best game ever, played almost 2k hours

8 years ago

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This Game is amazing!

8 years ago

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there's many hero shooters coming out this year, from what I remember:
TF2, Dirty Bomb, Ghost in the shell smth(f2p,heard its good but its by nexon), Lawbreakers(going to be full price, but looks really cool), Paladins, Gigantic, Paragon (f2p,looks cool, but it's basically 3d moba shooter)
Sadly, most of the upcoming ones are still closed beta/early access, there might be more but those are the ones I remember.

8 years ago

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great list thx.
Ghost in the Shell

i personally look forward to this one its more like Left4Dead
HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age

8 years ago*

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good job on links, I was too lazy :D

8 years ago

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i guess we can thank attitudes like this, that we get flooded with f2p crap instead of high quality full-priced games lately. ^^

Overwatch will get you hundreds of hours of fun, if you like it and keep playing. the value is immense. you also can be sure that Blizzard will support it for quite a while, as they do with all their games. i am not personally interested in that game, but i can see that it's clearly worth the asking price (which is not even full AAA price).

8 years ago

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there are a lot of great f2p games.
i could say because of attitudes like that blizzard is able to make a lot of money with a game that isn't even an original idea but has been done by a lot of companies before them.

8 years ago

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but not every game has to be original. if that were the case, we would have like 3 games every year. ;)

i wrote quite a big post on f2p. maybe you're interested in reading it: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/rsZ5h43

8 years ago

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you know that Overwatch is basically the remnants of Titan (Blizzards canceled game) repackaged into a
contemporary popular game type. sure not every game has to be original but the point is, there is no real reason to buy this game
when there are enough similar f2p games that do what it does almost or just as good as overwatch does it.
overwatch will have microtransactions too . and you can be sure that blizzard won't give you many free maps or characters.
you will have to buy them. Blizzard is under the top earners in the business.
besides Ubisoft and EA but in reality there products ( i mean Ubis and EAs too) aren't that much better than the products of their much smaller competitors . in my opinion they just don't deserve what they ask for. as you said yourself Diablo 3 was bad at release and kept on being bad for at least a year after. and this is a company that has the resources of thousands of smaller ones that make good working and polished games.

8 years ago

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overwatch will have microtransactions too . and you can be sure that blizzard won't give you many free maps or characters.
you will have to buy them. Blizzard is under the top earners in the business.

as far as we know, this is not true. Blizzard officially stated that they will not charge for any of the maps and heroes that will be released post-launch. it might get microtransactions, but those will be cosmetic then.

as you said yourself Diablo 3 was bad at release and kept on being bad for at least a year after. and this is a company that has the resources of thousands of smaller ones that make good working and polished games.

well, i said "everybody hated it". i didn't say i hated it. because honestly, i thought it was pretty good. i was no Diablo 2 veteran (i think those were the people who complained, mostly). never played it, so i didn't have the direct comparison to that one. i played Diablo 1, but that was like '96. so my memory of it was vague anyway. i loved D3 for quite some time. played 200 hours of it, then quit after some months. the funny thing is, many people who complained about the game how horrible it is played way more than me. they invested hundreds and hundreds of hours into a game that is horrible. xD so yeah, i enjoyed it a lot. even if there were obvious problems with the auction house, and the droprate of good gear (inferno act 3+4 were sooo hard...). but i had 200 hours of fun, and that was definitely worth the money i spent. most games cost the same and i play them like 10 hours.

so if someone buys Overwatch for 40 bucks and plays for 200 hours, i consider his investment well spent. and it absolutely does not matter if there would have been a f2p alternative with a "nearly as good" experience. hundreds of hours of fun for 40$ - that's really not too much to ask.

your second point has positive and negative sides, i would say. you say it took them too long. ok, maybe you're right about that. but that also means that they did not abandon the game and kept working on it. that's something Blizzard does with all their games. they support them for a long time. there have even been Diablo 2 patches lately. think about how old that game is. ^^ so i am confident that Overwatch will be well supported aswell. you cannot be sure about this with many modern full-priced online games. think Battlefront, Evolve and so on. but you can be pretty sure that you will still be able to play Overwatch in 5 years. and that it will get updates even then. i would bet my money on that.

8 years ago

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the amount of money you want to pay for a game is your own choice . for me overwatch doesn't deserve the price they ask for.
you do ,that's fine.
i don't think it has taken them too long, i think the fact that they spent millions of dollars on a game concept then stopped working on it because they thought it wouldn't work very well and then used parts of that to make a game that they knew would sell because its a popular genre at the moment . is in my opinion a cash grab move .
i played it , i liked it ,but i don't think blizzard deserves the money they ask for.
you think they do.
and about the free future updates. when was any blizzard activision add-on ever free?
im almost sure they have one or two paid updates already in planning .
and i doubt that you will play overwatch for the next 5 years without big paid updates?

8 years ago

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the amount of money you want to pay for a game is your own choice . for me overwatch doesn't deserve the price they ask for.
you do ,that's fine.

sure, we're just discussing opinions here. nobody is forced to do anything. ;)

i don't think it has taken them too long,

i was referring to what you said regarding Diablo 3, not Overwatch.

i think the fact that they spent millions of dollars on a game concept then stopped working on it because they thought it wouldn't work very well and then used parts of that to make a game that they knew would sell because its a popular genre at the moment . is in my opinion a cash grab move .

i think stuff like this happens regulary in game development. if you read news and stories about games often, you must have heard those stories quite often. games change during development. sometimes completely. and that's often a good thing. if a design doesn't work out, they change it, until it does. or completely abandon it and make something else. i don't see a problem here. your criticism is, that they changed it into something popular. well, what else should they do? change it into something unpopular? ^^ every company has to produce something the customers want. even indie studios do that. they think about what people would like to play. the difference is, they have the luxury to produce a game for a relatively small minority, while big companies have to work on a bigger scale (because they also have way more expenses, so they need to sell more copies). again, i don't see a problem here. if something is popular - that means people want to play it! you speak as if it is bad to produce games for popular genres. no, that's actually what the majority of gamers want.

and about the free future updates. when was any blizzard activision add-on ever free?
im almost sure they have one or two paid updates already in planning .
and i doubt that you will play overwatch for the next 5 years without big paid updates?

if it happens, how is that a problem? they said they will not charge for DLC that includes heroes or maps - for the base game. of course, i guess it might be possible that there will be an expansion in 2 years or whatever. and that's totally fine. the players that will still be playing then probably have lots and lots of hours played. they got their moneys worth. and it's not unreasonable to ask for some more money then by adding significant content. but if you want to hear my guess: i think they will earn money with cosmetic microtransactions. i don't think any expansions are planned right now. i wouldn't even know how an expansion for that game would look like, if heroes and maps are free anyway. ^^

may i ask you a question? how much money do you invest into f2p games every month on average?

8 years ago

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i'm not twelve years old . i have not spend any money ever on f2p games in my life .
i play hearthstone and would never buy a card pack.
i haven't bought a game directly from steam in years, because i think they are too expensive.
you are probably in a financially very good situation. (you have a lot of dough!)
otherwise you wouldn't just assume someone spends money on some shity specials for a f2p game.
most people have to carefully think about how they spend their money , especialy for entertainment .

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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i know that a lot of people buy stuff for f2p games.
they don't need my extra money to survive.
i never wrote all multiplayer games aren't worth buying.
i wrote my opinion about overwatch and how i wouldn't spend 40€ for it.
i bought rainbow six siege for 25€ (and i hate ubi)from a friend who had it bundled with his new graphics card, after i played the beta.

8 years ago

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otherwise you wouldn't just assume someone spends money on some shity specials for a f2p game.

actually i was hoping for this exact answer. ^^

i have not spend any money ever on f2p games in my life .

so you try to explain to us why Overwatch is not worth the money and why we should play f2p games instead. but on the other hand, you did not ever spend a cent on the f2p games you play. if we all follow your example, there will be no more games. ever. like it or not, games cost a lot of money. if we want them to keep coming, we need to invest some money now and then. and if your preferred type of payment modell in games is f2p, then you should be aware that they will also die, if no one pays anything. so i guess you just want to play all the games for free and let others pay for you. this may be absolutely fine in extreme financial situations. but your account doesn't look like you have absolutely no money to spend on games. you definitely invest money in games. and i have to say, i am sad that many people think like you regarding f2p games. "why should i pay for a f2p game, i' not stupid!" or as you say "i'm not twelve years old." if more people would be willing to pay for f2p entertainment, as they do for normal games, f2p games would maybe even be better overall. lower prices for content, less paywalls, less altered gameplay for the sake of tricking people into buying stuff. i play Hearthstone nearly every day, for 3 years now. so many, many hours of fun. and i spend money on it. i think i would feel bad, if i didn't.

you are probably in a financially very good situation. (you have a lot of dough!)

no, absolutely not. i work, so i get some money. but i am the opposite of rich, believe me.

8 years ago

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The difference between how much big companies spend and earn is huge.
there isn't much info about aaa titles spendings and earnings the industry seems very hush hush about it .
but i can make an comparison to movies , aaa movies cost way more in production than games and cost less for the consumer.
the movie ticket and the blu ray at release will cost you about 40€ which is a difference of 20€ for most aaa games on release in europe.
aaa movie production companies make profits of 200% to 500% i don't think that anyone you know personally makes even a 50% profit on anything they produce .

its just my opinion to not spend the asked price for games with huge companies behind them because it creates this "we deserve it"
in the end most of the money doesn't even end up with the people that have worked the hardest to get them there.
most of it doesn't even finance their next big title .

8 years ago

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Even if I play, say, 250 hours of Overwatch, the entertainment hours per dollar figure is worse than a bunch of other games I have and do play. F2P like TF2 and Warframe, or indie games where the cost is two to five percent of Overwatch all have better ratios.

I'm not saying that that's the maths people should apply to games, but that's what I keep coming back to for myself.

Also, "f2p crap" - I disagree with your broad categorisation there. F2p has the potential to work really well when a developer is willing and able to commit resources to a game to improve and expand on it. It keeps the playerbase interested and the coin ticking over. On the other side of the coin, a cynical cash-grab from a preorder-driven developer for a product they know isn't ready but they chuck it out the door at consumers anyway can be pretty heinous.

In short, don't class something as crap just because it's free-to-play, and don't assume anything is polished just because it's pay-up-front.

8 years ago

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implying Blizzard games after being bought by activision have great value, for example Path of Exile being f2p is way better and has more content than blizzards Diablo 3. Same with Overwatch, currently theres only 3 game modes, with very few maps for each, which imo isn't nearly worth 40$, the game is basically hype and little substance, sure it's quite polished but there's many problems that might or might not get fixed. Matchmaking is complete mess at the moment, matching lvl 60+ players vs lvl 4 that just installed the game, some characters outperform others, choke points on payload maps, game is completely unbalanced when playing solo que, due to it being so team focused and team size being forced to only 6, most of the time it's incredibly one sided. Sure they did promise more content for free, but there's no information what will happen in the future, and there might be characters as microtransactions, since basically the game was supposed to be f2p before they switched and it shows, there's even microtransaction lootboxes with rng skins.
My point is, f2p/b2p doesn't affect the quality of the game, beacuse people preorder based on hype we get flooded with broken full priced games just as much as bad f2p one's, diffrence is you don't have to commit money into f2p and just move on.

8 years ago

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implying Blizzard games after being bought by activision have great value, for example Path of Exile being f2p is way better and has more content than blizzards Diablo 3

great example, actually. first - what is better lies of course in the eye of the beholder. some like PoE more, some like Diablo more. and that's fine. but what is so great about Diablo as an example is the fact, that everybody hated it when it was released. and they kept patching and updating it for years (including, but not limited to Reapers of Souls) - and now the same people love the game. many returned to it, after uninstalling and telling everyone how bad it is. that is the type of support i was talking about. Blizzard games are generally considered pretty good. and even if they release a game that is not, they keep working on it until it is. ^^

f2p is a dangerous concept in my opinion. yes, there are positive examples. but there are also many negative ones. what i don't like about it is, that this concept has a very big potential of altered gameplay for the purpose of getting people to invest money. many f2p games are full of paywalls, consumables that need to be rebought over and over, and all that stuff. even some of the games that are considered very good and fair f2p titles, like Dota 2, have some questionable elements in it. the whole case/key construct is very similar to gambling. so even the games that offer only cosmetic stuff to buy try to use well established ways to get people to pay. i can't say i like that. and again: with f2p there is always the risk that the gameplay will be adjusted to get you to pay. i mean, it's an easy calculation. if you slow down leveling, people are more likely to buy xp boosters. mobile games are a prime example of that.

i am not saying all f2p titles are bad (i play Hearthstone myself; i love it and i also invest money in it). and i am also not saying all full price titles are good. f2p concepts have already been injected in our normal games. CSGO has the same case opening shit like Dota or TF2 now. and it obviously works out quite well for them. our apprentice here at work was out of money at the beginning of the month some time ago. when i asked him why that is, he said he was a little sad on the weekend and bought CSGO keys for more than 200€, in hope for some good skins. well, gambling... ^^

i guess my point is, that f2p is always a risk. it has a lot of potential to produce games that are altered to pull money out of your pocket. the risk with standard, full price titles is not zero, but just way lower. in most cases you pay one time and get what you paid for. i like that. and i find it very saddening, that today many people have the opinion, that a multiplayer game should be f2p, and a full priced version is not worth the money. that's why i love that Overwatch is 40$. it seems it's almost a bold move to do that nowaways (for new IPs anyway). and i hope it does extremely well. this also can have some advantages for the players. i would imagine the game is way less vulnerable to cheaters with that price point. f2p or very cheap games (CSGO) always suffer from lots of cheaters. i guess the 40$ price point will help with that.

8 years ago

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I agree with what you said, but the problem about full price multiplayer only games is the risk of it losing players, they rarely last longer than 3-6 months, due to entry barrier, and those games need playerbase to be even playable, while f2p kinda guarantees if the game isnt complete turd that it will have some people playing at least. Though, still the most important factor is the game itself being good in the first place, no matter the pay model. At least with Blizzard the fanbase is so big, not matter what overwatch will have people playing it, so theres that.

8 years ago

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Played Dirty Bomb for a while when it was released. Had some fun hours. However, it got too grindy and monotonous after a while.
Not competitive enough for my taste. Wish there was something like CS:GO without the cancer that is its community.

I miss CS 1.6 and Quake 3 times when kiddies and "poorly educated/mentally handicapped" people aka trolls & simple idiots hadn't access to computers and/or internet.

How is TF2's community nowadays? Enjoyed TF classic a lot back then. Never liked its successor's childish comic style which targeted a younger group of players I thought.

8 years ago

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i never played Tf2 (should check it out)
but dirty bombs grindynes is what makes a lot of people stop playing it.
i was never interested in CS:GO but i love rainbow six siege.

8 years ago

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Visually and character wise Battleborn is kinda similar to Overwatch but regarding gameplay, TF 2 is almost the same as Overwatch.

8 years ago

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Lmao there is nothing to replace it. The game is crack and I am suffering withdrawal.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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After the open beta ended just now, I can say that Overwatch worth every penny it costs. That's all.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just started playing it yesterday, pretty nice, but i wish i had some more mercs, and i havențt figured it out if there is another way to get them beside buying them with 50k credits.

8 years ago

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sadly you have to unlock them with the points you earn so it pretty grindy.

8 years ago

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I decided to quit it anyway. The community is more toxic than the CS:GO one.
I need to find another multiplayer, probably will go back to BO2 if people still play it.

8 years ago

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really, more toxic than CS:GO?
Haven't played it for a long time now, the community has probably been overrun by 12 year old russians !

8 years ago

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Haha, actually, the russians seem quiet and just don't talk, the toxicity comes from Americans mostly... and they aren't 12 year olds either.
This sacred me.
As for Insurgency, i played it, i like it, but i don't know, seems a bit boring compared to Dirty Bomb

8 years ago

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yes insurgency is kind of slow but a great tactical shooter.
my fps thirst is currently quenched by rainbow six siege .
its just awesome fast paced. tactical. class based. destructible environments.

8 years ago

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why don't you play insurgency?

8 years ago

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Well, there is few things. In example, Dirty Bomb and Ghost in the Shell are region-bound (I can't even sign up for them).
I've played beta of Gigantic, Battleborn, Overwatch and Paladins, and Overwatch is the most polished one.
Voiceovers on your local language? Sure. Neat UI without any glitches? Yeah. Nice and unique in their own way heroes? Sure.

True, Paladins, Gigantic and Battleborn have unique heroes too. I personally like Battleborn, but it's not free too and costs the same 30$ as Overwatch - and I have friends who want to play in Overwatch with me, not in Battleborn.
Gigantic is nice too, I like the visuals, the heroes, Giants - but it's sooo hard to find anyone to play with. You can literally search for match for 30 minutes - without any results.

TF2 is the most close call for Overwatch, but TF2 is already an old guy, still good but with too many details, that discourages the new players (someone, who haven't played before, can be crushed by someone, who has "better" - read, "unusual" - equipment. In Overwatch you have fair terms: all heroes have their own kit, and it can't be changed. It's both good and bad. You can't change weapon for your hero - that's not good for someone. But you can be sure, that enemy will have the same weapon as you expect them to have.

Also, Overwatch is fun, and I suppose, Blizzard will make it into another franchise - they've already released few comics

8 years ago

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look for dirty bomb in steam.
where are you from? i can't imagine that there are any region restrictions.
except if you are from North Korea.

8 years ago

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I've tried. I've even won key for Dirty Bomb from giveaway a long time ago. Even with key - I'm not able to play it. I even can't see it in Steam at all. I'm from Ukraine.

8 years ago

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i didn't know that.
probably only american and european servers.
you could try a eu vpn to download it.

8 years ago

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Even if I've tried VPN - will it give me better experience? With lags, and delays because of VPN? Overwatch in this case is great, because it's fully localized, it has nice ping, nice visuals, works perfect even on my laptop and while I had some issues with package losses - I had such issues with any game, BF4 or LoL/SMITE included.
But Overwatch has greater enemy in face of Battleborn here - because both they costs 30$ for me (local prices), and while I'll need to pay more for Battleborn's DLCs, it's a very solid game, that will be good for all, who played Borderlands - similar controls, similar modification of abilities, even the same key for melee - with the same loooong delay, so it's so hard to put into in intense fights.
I've tried Paladins, but they are far from Overwatch - yeah, game-play is similar, similar idea (charged ultimates, special weapons for everyone) but with some downsides. First of all, is graphic. Overwatch is very - very - polished game. I haven't ANY issue with Overwatch, any glitch and it run smooth and neat, and it was nice experience. Paladins are... raw. The overall experience of yet-unfinished product. It has nice ideas, some heroes are interesting, but mounts? It looks silly, the same as mounts in HotS - and I don't like HotS mounts too :D IMO, Paragon has the most interesting idea of fast-movement without boring mounts. But Paragon is mostly SMITE in SciFi, not shooter or something. And Paragon is unfinished too, with some very noticeable issues.

8 years ago

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Because they are very different games? Dirty Bomb is very fast paced and the FPS skill is much more important than clases (that doesn't mean they are not important).

Overwatch is a lot slower and while FPS skill matters, classes are a lot more important to counter.

Dirty Bomb for a more pure FPS feel with classes.

Overwatch for a better feel of MOBA/Dota style within an FPS. (no item or level worries)

Also why i love Dirty Bomb their servers are a piece of shit in South America.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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btw, do you able to play it? I've received newsletter, that it will be published with Arc (Perfect World Entertainment), but on site I've read, that it's still available through Windows Store, but I can't connect to the server when trying to run it.

8 years ago

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iits not out yet, played the beta.

8 years ago

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Because Overwatch is insanely awesome maybe.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Shootme.