These are all SGTools protected giveaways so if you arrived at this giveaway without passing the SGTools check HERE at the beginning of the train, please leave now because I will see your invalid entry and all invalid entries will be blacklisted and reported to Knsys, the creator of SGTools, who can permaban you from all SGTools giveaways. I will check all the winners if they have a valid entry. Also know that invalid wins are granted a re-roll by SG support.
I will check every winner after I send the game(s) that they activate their win(s) on their own Steam account.
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Thank you all for taking the time to ride on this train, for all your comments and your bumps!
I will try to respond to all questions and comments but please don't be upset if it takes some time as I'm a one man army here! :-)
Have a great Easter weekend!
The first bunch of cars will be ending at 12.00 GMT+1. Then I'll be starting to do the gifting from car number 1 => upwards.
You'll get your game(s) but please keep in mind that I have no staff helping me and that by SG rules I have up to 7 days to deliver the gifts.
I'll work as fast as I can to deliver your gift(s) but I will not be slacking on the checks.
When you receive your gift(s) please activate them on your main Steam account and mark as received on Steamgifts.
I hope you have had as much fun riding this train as me making this train. ^ ^
UPDATE 26/03/2016
289 cars stopped at their end station today at 1200 hours GMT+1
125/289 are not yet gifted and it's now 1700 hours GMT+1
Will probably do those 125 later tonight as I now have to go for some while.
I apologize to those 125 winners but you will get your games!
I'm pleasantly surprised by the few SG support tickets and SGTools Gatecrashers to date.
Thank you all for riding this train in a proper and honest manner!
Please don't forget to activate your wins on your own Steam account and mark received on SG. :-)
UPDATE 1 27/03/2016
It's 0200 hours and there are 70/289 winners that have not yet received their gift.
Those will be done today in the afternoon.
27/03/2016 Update 2 1330 hours
Gifts send out on 298/300 cars
300 cars have ended today 1300 hours
0/300 of those done but I'm gonna do some now.
I'm having fun! ^ ^
27/03/2016 Update 3 1515 hours
230/300 gifts remaining
The smaller side track runs for two more days!
My right wrist hurts and my mouse need a recharge. :-)
I'm still having fun! ^ ^
27/03/2016 Update 4 1615 hours
199/300 gifts remaining
I'm taking a break while mouse is recharging.
If you have any problems like for example already owning the game please post in the individual giveaway page of that game
Having fun FTW! ^ ^
27/03/2016 Update 5 1800 hours
150/300 gifts remaining
27/03/2016 Update 6 2130 hours
75/300 gifts remaining
Having so much fun gifting out these gifts and I'm enjoy doing this.
27/03/2016 Update 7 2245 hours
55/300 gifts remaining
Please activate your gift(s) to your own Steam account and mark received.
Going to take a break now.
The smaller side track isn't ended yet!
28/03/2016 0145 hours
590 gifts send out!
10 gifts remaining with SG support.
Please activate your gift(s) to your own Steam account and mark received.
The smaller side track runs until 30/03!
I'm happy to say that SG support tickets and SGTools cheaters/leakers are few thanks to SGTools, good SGTools requirements, SGTools disclaimer notices and the participation of by far mostly honest and proper SG users!
28/03/2016 update 1000 hours.
Checked and gifted the re-rolls from SG support.
599/600 gifted
100+ cars are still running for 2 more day!
Please activate your gift(s) to you own Steam account and mark received.
28/03/2016 update 2 1800 hours.
A few more cars ended where the timing was of.
1 car I'm waiting for SG support and for 1 car I'm waiting on IG support.
100+ cars are still running for about 1 more day!
Please activate your gift(s) to your own Steam account and mark received.
I answered all users to date. If you have any problems or have a question please post them in the individual giveaway page or Main thread.
Sidetrack entry ticket added in the OP/Main post!
This is to save your souls fingers and mice! ^ ^
28/03/2016 update 3 2245 hours
Thank you to the users that have taken this train ride!!!
Congrats to the winners of this train and a big thank you from me to you!!!
I managed to check and send 599/600 gifts in 2.5/7 days!!!
The winners have managed to mark received 570/599 gifts in 2.5/7 days!!!
29/03/2016 1415 hours.
Smaller side track is running for 22 more hours!
600/600 gifts send out.
578/600 games marked received.
After this train is fully ended and seven days have passed I will check that all games are activated by the winners to their own Steam account.
29/03/2016 2045 hours
Smaller side track is running for 16 more hours!
600/600 gifts send out.
583/600 games marked received.
After this train is fully ended and seven days have passed I will check that all games are activated by the winners on their own Steam account.
If there are any problems post them in the individual giveaway page or in this main thread!
The footie between Portugal and Belgium has just started!
30:03/2016 0900 hours
At 1300 hours GMT+1 this train will stop.
600/600 gifts send out
587/600 gifts marked received
Final 2 hours left! ^ ^
The ride is done! ^ ^
13 gifts of the main train not marked received yet.
99/127 not gifted yet but I'm working on it!
30/03/2016 2100 hours
724/726 gifts send out
655/726 gifts marked received
679/726 gifts marked received, thank you!
Please don't forget to mark received and activate your win(s) to your own Steam account!
31/03/2016 1415 hours
706/726 gifts marked received. All gifts send out.
Will post some train statistics here later.
Thank you all again for taking this ride! ^ ^
02/04/2016 0005 hours
720/726 gifts marked received!
Please don't forget to mark received and activate your win(s) to your own Steam account!
When seven days have passed I will check that all games are activated by the winners on their own Steam account.
02/04/2016 2030 hours
723/726 gifts marked received! Thank you all!
Tomorrow is the (cycling) tour de Flanders!
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Not counting some SGTools testing, asking questions and insights, some tickets to SG support and gathering and building the giveaway games and keys list on Excel I began last Sunday with working on the actual train.
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Thank you Knsys!
And it's the longest SGTools protected train to date. ^ ^
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Oh no, I already spend too much time on SG!
cheers :)
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This time it took me 260 giveaways to realize they were ordered ><
On a side note: the bold giant text is actually very hard to read. Maybe because of lack of spacing between the lines, don't know.
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Thank you for the headsup.
Maybe it's a resolution thing, I'm running on 1920/1200 16:10.
Edit: In any case on second thought It might me too much over the top.
I will rectify this. Should be OK now, I went for standard text instead of the ## header.
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bump for the crazy long train and your hard work :)
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8 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by lostsoul67
47,318 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by misterhaan
134 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by wigglenose
6 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Mayanaise
371 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by LhorXhor
27 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by tobiasreich82
14 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Cim
44 Comments - Last post 47 seconds ago by cg
65 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by MellowOnline1
1,091 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by herbesdeprovence
7 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Aydaylin
983 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by gladkagrazyna
374 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Mayanaise
86 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
During the last weeks I’ve reached some milestones like doing my 500’ giveaway, having my 75’ win, reaching level VIII and I’ve also retired from SG trading.
And some things to look forward to. In May of this year I’ll be having my second SG Cake Day and in March of this year I will be 12 years on Steam.
Also I’m having fun in 2 groups that I like so much: BAA and CL. It’s fun to be a sheep and a loser! ^ ^
So I have made a casual train with mostly bundled games for you to enjoy.
The train will be getting to it's final destination between 26/03 and 30/03 so you have three weeks to ride the train so you can replenish points if you need them and return to spend them if you choose to do so.
Please bump this thread and if you come here more than once please bump this thread again.
This is a fully SGTools protected train with several SGTools gates with varying requirements.
The minimum CV requirement is 2+ and for those that are lower consider this as an incitement to participate in SteamGifts giveaways, discussions and community.
Thank you to Knsys for creating and user supporting SGTools!
SGTools General Thread
SGTools Report Center
UserScript SGTools Helper
Talking about me personally I’m fully transitioning most of my giveaways to SGTools giveaways!
Thank you to JustArchi and ArchiBoT for helping to maintain SGTools. With Idlemaster that’s now going the way of the dodo, ArchiBoT is now one step closer to world domination! ^^
Thank you Cjcomplex and jbmccune for the inspiration.
Thank you Rachel for all your bundle posts and master list as they are a great help and very informative when buying bundles/bundled games.
Thank you to Yirg, Mille, BlueWolfCA, Trentjaspar, Aurorable, Student123, Keksinator7, Tristar, Eeev and everyone else for their insights concerning SGTools, SteamGifts and making things clear to me.
Thank you to SG support for giving me a few more giveaway slots, for answering my questions concerning this train and for (most probably) giving me support to clear up the tracks when the train has passed. Hopefully as least as possible! ^ ^
There are some notes please read them fully to fully understand them before you enter this train:
These are all SGTools protected giveaways so if you arrived at this giveaway without passing the SGTools check HERE at the beginning of the train, please leave now because I will see your invalid entry and all invalid entries will be blacklisted and reported to Knsys, the creator of SGTools, who can permaban you from all SGTools giveaways. I will check all the winners if they have a valid entry. Also know that invalid wins are granted a re-roll by SG support.
I will check every winner after I send the game(s) that they activate their win(s) on their own Steam account.
You can comment, post funny gifs and images or not that’s up to you. I’m good either way. However I most strongly appreciate that the winners post a simple thank you in the giveaway page of the game(s) they won!
It’s just me alone and I don’t have a squad helping me so please remember that by SG rules I have up to seven days to deliver your game(s). I will try to do so sooner of course.
Besides some Steamgifts where I will add myself the winner on Steam all the games I have bought myself (not traded for)and they are all virgin keys meaning the keys were not used and hidden until I clicked on them (Humble, IndieGala, BundleStars,Groupees,...) and used them for these giveaways.
I’m not responsible for any peripheral hardware failure and/or Medical interventions concerning things like tendonitis, finger fractures, dislocated fingers and other hand injuries.
Achievements unlocked:
First consecutive double maxed out SGTools train with 600 unique Games and DLC's.
Longest SGTools train to date.
Double maximum giveaways per day on SteamGifts.
The first bunch of cars will be ending at 12.00 GMT+1. Then I'll be starting to do the gifting from car number 1 => upwards.
You'll get your game(s) but please keep in mind that I have no staff helping me and that by SG rules I have up to 7 days to deliver the gifts.
I'll work as fast as I can to deliver your gift(s) but I will not be slacking on the checks.
When you receive your gift(s) please activate them on your main Steam account and mark as received on Steamgifts.
I hope you have had as much fun riding this train as me making this train. ^ ^
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