why dont he/her respect this site and let site decide? these stupid arbitrary rules should go away
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additional rules are accepted by support beforehand hence they are totally fine to use. Also Blacklisting is totally fine with site rules - heck in SGv2 we have BlackList implemented to site itself - so tell me again - how using rules accepted by site official staff and blacklist that even got implemented to new version of site itself is not respectasble to site itself?
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I got rerolled on two giveaways that had a comment rule cause I didn't comment "thanks," even though I did comment.
So even if someone makes up a rule that you only have to comment, your comment still has to be what they want your comment to be or else you do not qualify.
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And what is your point exactly? GA creator got Support approved rule for this GA, you did not follow this rule = you did not meet GA requirements = you got rerolled. Serves you well - maybe next time you will bother spending 3 seconds of your precious time to at least read GA description.
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I did follow the rule:
"As usual, please comment when entering - rule validated by Rinarin from SG support."
My comment is right there, it's even the first comment. He said nothing about saying thanks, just commenting. If thanks is the required winning passphrase and it becomes a rule those who enter should at least be told beforehand.
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You conveniently chose a group giveaway that most of us won't have access to.
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You see the clear and visible link labelled "Blacklist", right under "As usual etc." ? Your name is in that list, which is the only reason why support granted the reroll.
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Why don't you read the GA description? Or at least read my comment. I said in my previous comment that I commented too, so you're just ignoring my comments and saying I'm wrong regardless of what I actually say in my comments.
It's pretty clear why no one can actually converse seriously on this site. The only appropriate comments are illogical spam ones and if the comments aren't kept to one or two words long no one will even bother reading them. Real smart, wonderful reading comprehension. A++
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Got caught? I commented.
What am I even on a blacklist for?
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You weren't eligible to enter, you didn't take 10 seconds to check the visible blacklist, and you're whinning on the forum about being an arbitrary victim of unfair reroll requests supposedly granted by SG support. So yes, you got caught.
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Did I rob a bank? Did m0l0 catch me jerking off? I want to know what I did wrong.
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You... want ? Too bad I'm definitely not there to serve you.
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Reminds me of how in Nazi Germany if people opposed the Nazis they would also get thrown into concentration camps.
You guys are so cool with your authority and superiority.
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based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
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i am talking about the really stupid rules, especially the "comment or blacklist" that does not add in any way to the giveaway, it just encourages spam. I can get behind things like "comment your last food" or "post your desktop" hell, even "post your clipboard" is better entry requirement than "comment or blacklist". that particular rule should never be allowed and frankly, I really dont understand why such a rule is allowed. in my opinion, its the most stupid thing I ever saw on this site. but hey, I dont run this site, cg and mods can do what they want with it. considers this to be a feedback.
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I explained it further in the topic, but let me repeat myself - comment-to-enter rule is not only for sake of mindless ty-spamming - it's also for ensuring that entrants DO READ GA description. You read GA description, you see rule, you comment - while it's possible that someone post mindless "ty" without reading GA description, someone not posting any comment is 99% guarantee he did not read GA description whatsoever. And description may be important and Contributor may post important things there (like game advertisement in dev-made GAs, additional rules, rules for entering if you have X/Y games from bundle/pack etc).
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That's just not true, as I have already illustrated in my comments.
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but that totally miss the point. spammer will spam and people will not start reading. all you get from that is bad karma. as for rules entering if you have x/y game, if you want to people know something like that, you wont achieve it with "comment or blacklist" rule. and when dev makes ga to promote their game, for that promotion to make most sense, to reach as much people as you can, you have to make it an publis giveaway, in which this all empty talk since you said that these rules dont apply to public giveaways. and I get what are you trying to achieve with these rules but as you can see, its not working. this is not the way.
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Some groups really care about comment to entry ratio. Which is now even more pointless than in the past since entry count is messed up and number of replies doesn't in any way relate to quality of community interaction, since you can farm post count via a thank-bot.
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I really only care about whether or not the winner comments. So what if I give someone the "chance" to win? For whatever reason, some people feel differently.
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It's not a special rule. A special rule would be "Comment or I reroll" which is not what's going on here. Don't comment and win? Fine, you get this gift. But you're on the blacklist for future giveaways for not commenting. All of that is within the rules.
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some people feel like they should get more for them and thinking of some people as "leechers" and perhaps such things would root them out or such.
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How does that make someone a leecher? If you don't want leechers you need to up the CV required, not force people to spam giveaways.
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well leecher might be a strong word in that case, but I would like to think that a lot of giveaway makers want the winner to play their game, not just enter, hoard, repeat. so asking for a comment is like minimal in the winner at least attempting to make time revolving around the game
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That's a bit of a different issue though, just cause someone writes a comment doesn't make them more likely to play a game or even if they do comment saying they will it doesn't mean they're telling the truth, they'll get enough time to play, or something else more important than playing video games might come up.
Them never playing it and hoarding seems like a valid concern though. I could see an argument for limiting the winnings of people that have many games (even tho I have quite a few myself) or a low completion percentage or very little game time in contrast to the amount of games they have.
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Often, people gift things here because they like to feel that they're connecting with people -- doing something to make a stranger's day a bit brighter.
In that mindset, it's depressing to picture people mindlessly entering huge numbers of giveaways, then throwing whatever they win onto a huge pile of games that they never play. Hence, demanding comments is a way to try and screen against that.
Of course it's hardly perfect; plenty of people post mindless "thanks", and as I recall there was even an auto-thanking script at some point, which definitely misses the point of it.
Still, the basic idea makes some sense.
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I'm more depressed by the people with 100+ wins more than their gifts. Had a few in the last month.
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I might not be quick to thank in GA comments but I certainly will give some sort of thanks when getting something I've won.
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Definitely, I don't see what people don't understand about this. I wonder how many of the thanks spammers feel jilted about not winning a giveaway after saying thanks so many times.
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This is how I feel on it as well. Whether they read them or not, I don't feel like contributing one more mechanical thanks in a stream of others does anything for the giveaway creator. But when I win a game I do try and communicate my happiness across to them, and even chat up conversations with them.
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99% of the comments are made by bots sooo. Also I personally think the whole blacklist thing is childish and weird (unless sb is a scammer or in any other way wronged you or others). However as the guys above said, their game their rules so deal with it.
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99% of the comments are made by bots
I HIGHLY doubt that.
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It doesn't take much intelligence to spam thanks thousands of times.
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I'm confused at what you are trying to point out. That users use bots, that users "spam" manually, or that I'm a spammer (due to my high comments count)?
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We started a World of Girls Und Panzer group? o.O?
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why did you think there is not have a Gun Und Panzer group on SG ... You should pray Emprah there is not a Strike Witch group..... because it will be so silly
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Having a blacklist on a public giveaway is, adding the winner of your public giveaway to your blacklist for future group/private giveaways isn't.
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You can enter without commenting. And the gifter is free to add anyone to a blacklist for any reason. In fact, you can't state the reason here on SteamGifts (falls under the "No Calling Out" rule).
There are pages and pages of giveaways. If you don't like this rule, then feel free to join someone else's giveaway. You're not entitled to enter every giveaway just because you want to.
(Personally I think commenting on giveaways is pointless. Comments are lost in the sea of endless "Thanks!", and you're not notified of replies. But I'm not going to tell other people how to give gifts away to this community.)
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My favorite giveaway group requites anyone that enters a giveaway to horribly insult the giver. It makes for some amusing reads, especially when the gifter insults the poster back. It's all done in good fun, and to make the giving of games more entertaining.
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Although I am really new here, I am in the same boat as @ilborghi. In fact, I have as yet to see this.
Personally, and @Aquillion touched on this earlier in the thread; it may just be from a desire to ensure the person getting it really exists. Related to that sentiment, I know in the handful of giveaways I have doled out I would have preferred to have given the title to someone that posted. Not solely because they took the time to do so, but many post their excitement at the prospect of winning as well.This is where Aquillion hit the nail on the head... I'd much rather know that the person that picked up XY game is enjoying it rather than adding to a library filled with stuff they will never play... and perhaps I just wish I could give everyone that entered the giveaway the title.
Another reason I get it... having played a fair amount of multiplayer titles over the years I have encountered numerous d-bags. If you have played online, you know about the toxic players I am thinking of here... anyway, it seems to me that the kind of person that would take the time to simply drop even a THX is not that kind of player.
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You guys are making so much fuss about commenting on the giveaways you enter. I won 4 times so far. Commented on one of those... I think. Too lazy to check. But I remember the one I commented on very well. I always thank the giveaway creator if I win. Be that with a mail or when he adds me to give the game. That's what matters really. I don't care if people comment on my giveaways. I only care if they reply when I send them what they won. Three giveaways made so far. Sent the keys via mail. Two persons replied with a thank you. But after my first giveaway the winner didn't even bother to send a thank you mail. He didn't even comment. And you know what? I didn't give a fuck ;)
So my point is - I don't understand this thing with creators demanding comments and stuff. People write many times: you don't like the rules of a giveaway, don't enter. And I agree completely! But I'd extend that to the giveaway creators. If you don't like that people don't comment, don't write thank you mails, etc - don't make giveaways.
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I think some of why it's done is for the bots/scanners that thumb through the forums without bothering to read the giveaway's description.
I remember 1 giveaway that had specific requirements (play the first batman game for x hours or have y # of achievements) out of the 100+ entries, only 3 actually bothered to do show they had bothered reading it and met said requirements.
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tried that, funny thing is... most of the entrants still said "Thanks" hehe
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So, basically...you're admitting to being a really stupid cunt. Congrats, I hope those generic thank you comments can help you sleep better at night. So do you masturbate looking at them?
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I can only get off from looking at other people's thanks. My own thanks don't do it for me anymore. Pretty soon, I'm gonna have to start trolling the Japanese and German versions of Steamgifts and watch other people get thanked in other languages.
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thakn you thank you thank you
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that kind of talk and attitude gets you blacklisted. It may not be an accurate prejudice of personality for everyone, but if you took the time to look at ozo's profile you would see he has a lot of CV, if you didn't know you get this by giving away games and having $5,000 CV, even with sales or traders ozo has probably used about $800 of his own money to giveaway to everyone. With that kind of money would you like it if some leecher came in and grabbed a game without at least having the decency to read requirements or comment.
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Hers a thought. He can just make giveaways for CONTRIBUTORS. That way he'll guarantee that no one entering the giveaway is a leecher. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH. That way he gets his wish(which is extremely valid and understandable) and he doesn't waste people's time with something so stupid and trivial, that it's borderline psychotic. Also, he will get the "thank you" from the person that wins. Does he really need more? That's why he's a dumb cunt. And your pathetic threats of me getting suspended won't make me change my opinion of him: which is DOUCHE. Oh yeah, and you're a douche for defending him.
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lol so im "a douche for defending him" now?.....sigh with a reply like that I don't even care to talk about this with you anymore -.-
if CV is going away in SGv2 I always wondered how normal people would get into nice groups that require a lot of CV or join really nice public giveaways with high CV, without CV I think people will end up making a bunch of whitelist giveaways and I worried for a lot of nice people who got late on the train and would be left unnoticed. But with people like you on the other hand, im slightly relieved, massive public bundle giveaways will be your domain since without CV most of the nice giveaways may be only enterable by whitelist....good luck with that. I just hope that nice people who might not be able to contribute as much but are a lot more deserving of free gifts are noticed and have a higher chance of being recognized than people like you.
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LoL, what awful stupidity.What does that have to do with anything? I don't even enter giveaways on bundle games. If I like a bundle game I fucking buy it. It's pathetic to try to get a game which can be gotten so ridiculously cheap for free Any bundle game that I don't own, I Clearly have no interest in, so why the fuck would I join a giveaway for it?
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I'm saying I don't expect a lot of people to whitelist you, so the few accessible giveaways you will have will be the public giveaways which are mostly bundled games. While games that are currently on par with their time's "Far Cry 4, The Evil Within, Borderlands: Pre-Sequal" are private giveaways that creators will for the most part not want to be open to people with your mindset
I separated my sentences to show that they have different topics, the second one was to do as I please so I just gave you some of my thoughts. calm down sir :P
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Big fucking deal. I never enter anything other than public giveaways. Not all of them are bundled games. If I have to run through hoops to enter a giveaway, it's not fucking worth the effort. And leaving generic comments on a giveaway that I have nothing important to say about is about as useless a hoop as it gets. Plus, I'd be indulging the power fantasy of the attention craving lunatics. Why would I do that? I can buy my games, you know. I didn't get to more than 300 games by receiving them for free. In fact, I only ever won 2 giveaways.
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I didn't say it was a big deal, I was just giving you my thoughts.... you can over dramatize them if you wish.
But ok, I think im done with you maybe, if you just start repeating the same basic thing with your cuss words and insults ill make it clear by replying "wall of text detailing the finest points of your stupidity".
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Does no one have common decency anymore? Is it such a big deal to just type out a "Thank you" or even a "Ty" to show that you appreciate the chance to win an absolutely free game? It's fine that you disagree with the whole thank you thing, but spitting venom at everyone that disagrees with your opinion is childish, stupid, and psychotic...everything you're accusing everyone else of being.
Have a good day sir, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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Yes, my thought's exactly. You want to make a giveaway for people more deserving than others(not leechers), you set up a minimum CV value and that's that. Wasting people's time by forcing them to write a shitty 2 word comment that loses all value, given that there are identical hundreds, is borderline psychotic.
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What's the fucking use of all the thank you comments? To massage one's ego or something? They don't help for ANYTHING. Only stupid people would enforce an idiotic rule like that.
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You know in what it help? someway or another, helps to show how interested is the person on the giveaway.
And this^^ only applies to Private/Group giveaways, since public ones are full of people with the eSG extension that copy-paste the same comment on every giveaway like if they where a bot.
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You do know they use bots that post that shit on each and every giveaway they enter, right? If you call that interest...well, ok...
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Interest? not to much, but as i said that only happens on public giveaways, and we are talking about private giveaways and their ''comment or get re-rolled''.
Also, You call ''shit'' saying ''thanks'' to someone who take their time and money to make a giveway for people who dont even know? wow...
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I like to read all "thank you" comments in my GA's and I'm waiting for each one. I think that it's just nice because someone spent some time to even copypaste this comment. I don't like when people just enter and doesn't give a fuck.
But I don't make any rules, it just depends on you.
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Here's a thought: why not make a giveaway that's just for contributors(like so many others on this site) and quit wasting yours and everyone else's time? That I can understand.
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So... when you make a giveaway you spend time reading generic comments that all say the same thing and you find that to be a good way to spend your time? O...K.... I have nothing else to comment on that. Your stupidity is beyond limits. And of curse I can complain. it's not like I enter one giveaway a week. Taking time to post some shitty, MEANINGLESS GENERIC COMMENT on each and every one of them is...IDIOTIC(to say the least). I'll thank the guy if I win. It's a giveaway the moment you receive the actual game. Up until that point it's a damn lottery. It should be implied that, since I like the god damn game enough to enter a giveaway, I also thank him for the chance. Requesting that especially and conditioning people with it just means that you're an attention whore. And someone that asks for my comment DOESN'T DESERVE IT.
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your last half of your reply had nothing to do with what I said.
Understand this, if you went to a restaurant you pay money to be served. A giveaway creator does the same thing except he only asks for a comment. Do you go into a restaurant and yell at the workers because having to reach for your wallet is a waste of time? this whole "phsycotic" point you are making has no relevance.
And for the first half, I do yes. I like making private giveaways with people who I think deserve it, be it through a puzzle or group/whitelist so reading through 30 comments is actually a nice experience.(it's a form of kindness) and if anybody chooses to spend their time like that, so what? are you jealous that you aren't able to have free time to do whatever it is you enjoy? If that makes us smile good for us, people benefit out of it also. What have you go to say for yourself?
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LoL. Stupidest analogy EVER. Running a restaurant is a BUSINESS, not a charity case. When one enters one it is implied that you'll have to pay. But if I see a giveaway marked with this shitty rule, I just won't enter it, because the owner is obviously a crazed dumb-ass seeking attention(like you). One from which, BY PRINCIPLE, I don't want to receive ANYTHING, anyway. Even for free. One should not beg for politeness. It just makes you a douche. Sure, you have every right to be angry when you don't get it. I can understand someone asking a re-roll for this thing, if he actually has that kind of expectation. I wouldn't even get mad if it happened to me. But to put it and writing and actually condition the giveaway on this? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK????
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Business has nothing to do with it. If you want a chance at what the giveawayer is giving out, you must give him what he wants. And just like you said, if you don't, then get on with your life.
Jeez do you just try to explain your thoughts with insults? is that all that goes through your mind? subconsciously full of thoughts on your own life or something? Grow up and idk, seems like you won't even attempt to understand. Maybe make a giveaway worth $200 in total and make it public, some people don't mind, I get that but that doesn't give you the right to bash people who do.
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i like when people comment private or group GA. I read all of them. This has to be fun for both sides so i make GA and want to read sth funny/sad/strange/stupid because it entertains me.
I think that entering private or group GA without saying anything makes whole GA making blunt. Even irritating when people who doesn't contribute anything are entering even without reading description. That's just rude.
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I very rarely comment on GAs, unless it's from a puzzle with a low amount of solvers, or the creator specifically asks for some special comment. I do always thank the GA creator if I win though.
And as for "thanking is nice", yeah, a copy-pasted "thank you so very much for the chance to win this wonderful game <333 XDDDD :)))" really shows how many fucks someone gives about that GA.
Recently, I saw an Indie bundle GA with one comment thanking for 'the chance to win this great game'... 'game' where it was obviously a bundle... yeah, and how again are those comments 'nice' or 'polite' again?
Got carried away lol, BTT: I stay away from those "comment or blacklist" GAs. It's basically attention whoring. If there's nothing to say, why force it? (bring on the blacklists)
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