A short story about cats
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There! I wrote a short story about cats over 100 words!
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There once was a cat named Cat. One day Cat went to go see his fellow Cat who also happened to live in his terriroty. This Cat was a full-on menace, glaring with a very pceuliar expression every waking moment Cat even so much as gnlanced at him. Cat, instinctively, glared back, and thus The War of the Glareses began in the year 2013. Cat lives in a small apartment with his owner, and the furtniture in the apatrment consists of a simple bed, desk, stove, and a floor mirror.
The End.
Hope you liked my s00per sp00ky st0ry. :D
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There once was a cat named "Tom". He lived with a lovely mother and he was adopted for 1 purpose. TO CATCH MICE. Tom was a master at catching Mice until one day, a new mouse decided to move in with them. A mouse named Berry. Berry was always a troll by, stealing Toms milk, pulling out his whiskers, and eating all the food from the fridge and that really blew Toms fuse. Tom gathered all the equipment to catch that wretched mouse but all of his techniques had no effect on Berry, that mouse was to fast for Tom and he couldn't believe it. How can a mouse be immune to all of Toms techniques? After 2 weeks, Tom finally gave up and hanged himself and now he is in sweet pussy heaven. While Berry is getting a sandwich from the fridge
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Literature is a world awash with reimaginings and new takes on stories. Indeed, some of the most prolific writers have basically been copycats, or won awards for their copycatting. Virgil, for instance, or Seamus Heaney, Shakespeare of course.
As such, this is a valid entry in the contest to win the bundle, and you may have an invite to my group. :)
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Thank you bump! Already own the origin thingamabob, so will leave the cat thing to other people... :)
Aha, forgot about this group, so have an amazon leftover. :)
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=== The Story Of The Cat Eleven =^..^= ===
Once upon a time there was a cat named "Eleven", waiting for his time to fly. Eleven knew he doesn't have any wings, but Eleven still tried to jump out of the window on the 11th floor, but failed. He tried again, but failed badly. He tried again, but still failed. But Eleven didn't gave up, after the eleventh try Eleven jumped out the window, he tried to reach the sky which was eleven kilometres away, but the gravity didn't like him that day, so he fell down eleven floors until he hit the ground.
Eleven months after this accident happened, the still injured cat Eleven tried to reach the sky again, he tried to do the same as eleven months ago. His first try failed. His second try failed. His third try failed. But after eleven tries, he succeeded on jumping out of the window again. Eleven tried to reach the sky, harder than before. But the gravity still didn't like him, the gravity laughed at him for believing in flying. Again, he fell down all eleven floors again... but this time Eleven died.
But wait! Now Eleven has reached his goal, he could fly with his cat soul. he could fly up all eleven kilometres and even higher. Eleven laughed at the gravity, he laughed at the whole world. Then he reached the cat heaven far up in the sky. Until today Eleven is a happy cat in the sky, he reached his goal. That was what Eleven wanted.
=== THE END ===
This was the story of the cat Eleven. I'm sorry for my bad English as English is not my native language, however I think the story is quite creative. =^..^=
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Once upon a time, there was a cat named Died. His four was black, his eyes where white, that was a cat that Died.
Died was stifft, but nobody cared, the kids liked him like hell.
Died was happy, he coud play with Tim, but as a dead cat, he never did win.
And there came a day, that died did win, it was just when a car hit Tim.
And Died the cat, and Tim the kid, where both stiff as my cold dead skin. So now i Win, but my name is sure not Tim.
The End
Sorry for spelling, its not my native language
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I do remember. Luckily for me and sadly for everyone else I've been busy with decent real-life stuff since then and have mainly been a lurker/occasional snark contributor.
As for Starbound, I wish they'd hurry up and early-release the shit out of it!
Anyway, have an invite to my group :)
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early access is probably going to happen by the end of the year- i'm not expecting a proper release until early 2014 or cram it in 31st dec :( i haven't really followed the updates either, but i think the composition system will go some ways to replace my little nostalgia for mabinogi.
not that i can write music worth shit.
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Okay lets see, since I am not native to english I would not be able to write up a good story about cats, but I am an artistic soul.
I prefer to either draw irl, on the computer or work with my hands (making something out of clay, modeling clay etc)
So i will provide you with some pictures of when i worked with paper mache.
The angler fish
The Turtle
How can i prove that theese are mine? Well, i could provite some WIP pictures
But if that is not enough as proof i could always just take one of the finished ones and make a picture with them while there is my name written on a peace of paper next to them.
The process of making them takes a long time actually, making the carcass etc, putting the paper around it layer by layer, waiting for it to dry out, then rince and repeat (so usually it takes me 2 weeks to make one)
But yeah as you can see I like to actually make shapes with my hands, and I do not like to use tools while doing so.
But yeah that is indeed my entry.
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Please examine my artwork on the bodies left in my wake back at Black Mesa! NOT the zombies, they were like that before!
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Sadly Resuru is correct. I cannot say from my judgement that this is a creative venture, since it serves too much practical purpose.
However, some tastefully shot nudes of Alyx Vance could easily be construed as art. Though you'd have to have some solid proof that they are your original work - I'm sure there's plenty of stuff floating about on the internet!
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Yay creativity!
So here's a photomanipulation I did around 2006 when I was taking photoshop classes. I quit my graphic design career long ago but i kinda like remembering the beginning... you know the simple things.
How can I proove it's mine? I can't cause I don't have the source files any more. But would anyone try to pose as a creator of something so poorly done? It's basically some pics stolen from the internet put together, I had no idea about clipping, and the text color was completle random (I had just discovered how to work on layers, yay!). But even if it's technically crap, I still like the composition and the memory of working on it :)
As for the cat story... I don't like cats (cats are for people who lack character to train a dog ;)) and I don't like origin games so I'll pass.
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Pyro and the cat(Excessive story in exactly 100 words ;))
Pyro saw a nice cuddly cat running around happy in his dreamworld. Cat seemed to glow like rainbow. Pyro liked the cat, so he tried to give it some candy but the quirky beast jumped away.
In real world - Pyro was chasing a cat on fire, trying to chop it into proper meal, with fire axe.
Finally Pyro was able to stick the candy to cats mouth in his dreamworld and shiny rainbows emerged from it's head.
In the real world - Pyro had just chopped it's skull open and it was dead.
Rest In Peace you little critter.
PS. I won't do your schoolwork for you ;) Good try thou:)
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Slightly grim story, but valid nonetheless. Have an invite.
Also, 1) I wish I were still young enough to go to school, 2) I wish my schoolwork involved short stories about cats and other creative ventures and 3) 100-500 words is about ten minutes work for me, so I really don't need help. :P
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A very good joke for a man like you.
One day there were 2 pals named Somebody and Nobody, they went to a bar and drink beers and "Somebody" killed "Nobody" because he was so drank... The bartender named Crazy called the police and said "Somebody killed Nobody" and the police said "What? Are you crazy?" and The bartender named Crazy replied "Yes, I am Crazy."
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One day, I was hiking, and then out of NOWHERE I saw a flying bobcat. It said : "Give me peanuts and you can fly with me." Of course as greedy as I am , I tried to give it tiny stones. I thought maybe I'll trick it, It's a cat, right? The bobcat attacked me with it's paws, as crafty as I were I couldn't resist. Then I fell down , in slow-mo and fainted. Then I finally woke up, thinking i was dead. But only to find out , that I had a hangover and slept on my own vomit.
The End - new Bestseller , copyright and shizzle.
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Here's the snake game I made with ActionScript last year. Pretty proud of it. And, the reflex test I created. Also, a simple target practice game.
As a side note, if you want to get into programming, I suggest starting with ActionScript in Flash. Easiest thing ever.
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There was once a cat with a number on his belly. 7. He didn't know what exactly that was, but he lived normally with that. He once thought so much about this one female cat he really loved, but he couldn't have her, for whatever reason. As a result, he goes all the way up and jumps off an 11-floor building called, disastrously landing facing the floor. Suddenly, a form of angel cat soul is projected from his body and flies away, playing a little harp. Weirdly, he is still alive. He gets really surprised that his belly has changed. Now it showed a different number, 6. Bringing together what happened, he knew the numbers meant how many lives he had. Nevertheless, he seeks for his loved one, wishing to try his best to win her. He finds her, and kills himself with a flower vase, only to catch her attention. I guess they were in a friendzone based relationship, but then she had a sparkle that reminded how bad she loved him, but she just didn't notice. Now he's apparently gone, and she starts to cry. Bam, now his belly changes to 5. "Don't worry, I'm here for you", says him in his cat language. She gets so happy they kiss, and eventually they marry. Getting to the honeymoon, everything it's perfect. When they finally get to the bed for the good meow time, he takes her dress off and gets really shocked: on her belly there was a number 1. Sad, he runs away and goes into a place that has this "Beware the dog" sign. (Un)Luckly finding a huge pit bull, he startles him and suddenly lots of cat souls fade away.. An angelical music goes through. He manages to leave before really dying, with a number 1 on his belly. What is strange is that he is really happy. He runs with a huge smile on his face towards his loved one, now knowing that he is exactly like her, having only one life. Getting home, he finds her loved one in the bed with a muscled duck. Betrayed, sad, and not knowing what is the purpose of his life anymore, seeing that his efforts were for nothing, he goes back to the area where the 11-floor building was. From then, nobody knew what really happened to him and his last life.
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Another story about cats dying.
What is it in the collective unconscious of Steamgifts users that takes the happy-go-lucky, whiskered and furry friends we call cats and likes to have them die in tales of heartbreak!? It's a legitimate entry but, come on, cats are subjects of mischief and humour not sorrow and heartbreak. Cheer the hell up you emo gits!
That said, have an invite. :)
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I'm kinda throwing this together at 2:00 in the morning. I have to get up early tomorrow, but I won one of your giveaways before so now I feel morally obligated to do this. Anyways, here's my very short story about a cat.
Fluffy was gone in the morning.
This didn't worry Tom too much. After all, cats were known to disappear for months on end only to reappear with dozens of baby kittens. Tom made a cup of coffee and moved his writing desk to face the back door.
That night, Tom stayed up an hour past his bedtime, sitting at his desk without writing, waiting for the familiar scratching noise at the back door.
The next day, Tom spent most of his time staring at the door. The deadline for his submission was in a week, but Fluffy still hadn't shown up. Once, there was a movement outside the door, but it was just a red-gold leaf being blown by the wind.
The story was finished several days later. Tom should have felt at least some sense of accomplishment, but the only thing he think about was where Fluffy was.
That winter, the story was published in a leading literary magazine. By this time, Tom had mostly gotten over Fluffy's disappearance. The desk was back in its proper place in the corner of the living room, the small flap in the door had been duct-taped shut to prevent the bitter drafts from stealing inside. Runaway cats aside, however, it was a good day for Tom. He went to the bar.
It happened when he was walking back from the bar.
There was a small shadow keeping pace with Tom about five meters from the sidewalk. At first Tom thought it was the alcohol playing tricks with his vision, but there was definitely something odd with it. He stepped off the sidewalk into the deep snow, and suddenly he was face-to-face with Fluffy. They stood there for the briefest of moments, looking into each other's eyes. Then Fluffy deftly leapt off the mailbox she was perched on and ran off into the night.
Tom slept very well that night.
The End.
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Nice story. Goes well if you're listening to Black Sabbath's "Fluff" (hah, the irony).
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Hello again all. It's been some time since I used the forums with malice, but I am back with another batch of games to giveaway in exchange for your creative output.
So, here are the rules. There are a lot of games available via my group (list to come). You can only get access to them by me saying you're good enough because I like having power like that. An invite will only be forthcoming if you exhibit some kind of creative output, whether it be audio, video, image, or even just creations in games such as Minecraft, Terraria, Kerbal Space Program even.
You must be able to show some reasonable evidence that the creative output is yours and then if I think it good enough, you'll get an invite. :)
The Special Prize
Win a full gift copy of Humble Origin Bundle (I think below-average), by writing a forum-size (over 100 words, max of around 500) short story about cats. The one I judge the best will win the bundle.
So. THat's it, please drop your creativity below and when I have some time and energy I'll sort out sending invites. :)
Peace, love, creativity and lots of time wasted gaming. :)
Teh Gibewais
Bad Rats
Just Cause
Just Cause 2
To The Moon
Age of Booty
Monkey Island Special Edition Bundle
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise
Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge
Europa Universalis III: Complete
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Leviathan: Warships
The Showdown Effect
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising
Brutal Legend
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