Hello guys!
I need your help. I was playing Black Mesa but then reinstalled my Windows and forgot about backing u my save files. I was around 6 hours in into the game. Somewhere around this part. This was my first experience with Half-Life, therefore i want to finish it, but i dont feel like playing the first half of the game again.

Also this - TgPse.

10 years ago*

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I think the second post in this forum might help you. In any case you can also always try this for further suggestions.

10 years ago

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I could try, but then again, I'd need the chapter. Can't watch the video due to capped internet.

10 years ago

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I was on "Power Up" or "On a Rail" chapter. One of those. I believe they are 7th and 8th chapter.

10 years ago

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Huh... that's the Power Up bit. I might have been even a bit further on, but alas, my installment straight up disappeared along with every Source and GoldSource mods that I had there installed. I'll see if I can dig up a save though, I don't think I touched it because I didn't want to lose it. brb

10 years ago

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i think i was further too anyway, i may have even finished "On a rail" chapter. Anything that would is at least close would be great. I’ll watch playthrough if i was to miss something.

10 years ago

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You're in luck!


Like I said, I might be a bit further on, but just load the chapter anew from a new game if you must. Extract it straight into the BMS directory.

While we're on the subject, is there anyone with a save file for Aquaria? I'd be happy to continue that game, I think I made my way up slightly furhter than meeting Lee or whatever that guys name is, but I'll be thankful for any savefiles before that.

10 years ago

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Thanks a bunch! I’m gonna try it out. And sorry, i never heard of Aquaria.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by kubqo.