so there was this beggar who thought can get some free game from me....well, I had a little fun but just a little...does anyone know how and why these people exist? o.O
and of course here is the whole chat as text, have fun xD
Sunday, 11 August, 2013
15:59 - Crystal: hi
15:59 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Hello
15:59 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: May I ask you a question please? =]
15:59 - Crystal: you already did xD sure, go ahead
16:01 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Hehe, that is true, anyway, I am 14 years old and there's a very good game that I really want to play which has today a very big discount but unfortunately I have no money and both of my friends and parents couldnt help me out :X.. I hoped although it is very rude, if there's any chance that your kindness may gifting it for me please, I will be more than happy =]]
16:02 - Crystal: sure :D what game?
16:02 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Woha this is really nice of you! it is Stronghold, this:
16:04 - Crystal: okey, everything ready
16:04 - Crystal: now i only need your email adress
16:04 - Crystal: and pass
16:04 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Oh okay, it is
16:04 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Why do you need password? xD
16:04 - Crystal: so i can send you the gif
16:04 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: You can with out password
16:04 - Crystal: we need for steam verification in this area to send gifts
16:04 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: lol, no xD
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: There is no such thing
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: You have there
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: email
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: And you can send
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: =]
16:05 - Crystal: I cant, it will ask me for a password to send you gift
16:05 - Crystal: it should give you then link for pass rest
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: This is weird
16:05 - Crystal: steam dont trust eastern european
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: lol
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: hmm
16:05 - Crystal: yea, we ahve it ahrd :(
16:05 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Why wont you just trade it with me?
16:05 - Crystal: *have
16:06 - Crystal: I cant trade, steam blocked my trading option except of people from my country
16:06 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Try
16:06 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: To accept
16:06 - You have accepted the trade request from dat beggar[not real name lol].
16:06 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: You see you can
16:07 - Crystal: didnt worked, as I tought
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: And you cancelled it
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Now I am 100% sure you want to hack my email
16:07 - Crystal: no, steam clsoe it automatically
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Dude this is really not nice :S
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: I've been trolled alot before
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: You could just said no
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: But why trolling
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: :S
16:07 - Crystal: you just come here want a game for fee and you thing Im not nice?
16:07 - Crystal: dude
16:07 - Crystal: now that just rude
16:07 - Crystal: you hurt my feelings :(
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: You hurt my feeling really much when you troll me xD
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: if you didnt want to help you could say no
16:07 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: I would understand
16:08 - Crystal: you look happy
16:08 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: I am not happy at all lol
16:08 - Crystal: compare your life to phill fish
16:08 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: but I have hope that some1 could help me get it, eventhough everyone I know did not
16:08 - Crystal: then buy yourself a game :P
16:08 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: What is phill fish?
16:08 - Crystal: I think its your dad xD
16:08 - Crystal: fish in yo pants
16:09 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: I have no idea what are you talking about
16:09 - Crystal: of course not, you have the guts to come here and ask for a free game just like that! what were you thinking that i would buy it for you?
16:09 - Crystal: dude, who would do that
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: ACtually I did not
16:10 - Crystal: just think about how much did you just fail
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: I asked for that game during the summer
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Asked it like 20 hours straight
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: And none helped, chances are hell low
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: but you see there is nothing I can do to get it, and if there is any chance I can get it, even if its like 0.0001% its here
16:10 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: This's why I try
16:11 - Crystal: if anybody would buy it for you, they would ask for your pass xD
16:11 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: Hehe, no lol
16:11 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: They would only try to steal my acc
16:11 - dat beggar[not real name lol]: :O
16:11 - Crystal: now you are just wasting my time xD it was fun, dont be fool, be a phill fish
16:11 - dat beggar[not real name lol] is now Offline.

11 years ago*

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God.. please delete his name.

11 years ago

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"Steam doesn't like Easter Europe" Sometimes I feel that this is true

11 years ago

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i think it's better without names

11 years ago

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Never trust Kyubey.

11 years ago

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I don't get it.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Is evil.
It's from manga Puella Magi Madoka Magica :D

11 years ago

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Delete his name or you can get suspended, nice trolling tho

11 years ago

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working on it

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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it seems to me like you were the rude one in that conversation

11 years ago

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Yea, you should have just told him no. Also why did he ask you?

11 years ago

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i dunno, he just add me beging for game, so who was rude in first place I guess

11 years ago

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You came across like a right twat.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That troll xD

11 years ago

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Reported both on Steam and on here. As much as people begging for games can be aggravating, phishing is not tolerated under any circumstances.

11 years ago

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I don't think he was trying to phish...

Anyone with a brain out there would know NOT to give out their password to random strangers.

11 years ago

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Irrelevant. You could say that of any real phishing too. The guy could have still given his password. Anyone who is really phishing can later say "I wasn't really trying to phish, I was just trolling".

11 years ago

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as i said before...more like teaching him a lesson...what I had in plan was pretending that im valve employer and pointing out telling pass is against the rules but I didnt get to that point...but I dont force you to believe me, believe whatever you want, its your choice

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that pretending to be a valve employee is against the rules.

11 years ago

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Oh and this is true also.

11 years ago

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It's not related to what I believe. I believe that you were trolling. However:

1) He could have still given his password (Which would have meant that the conversation progressed very much like a real phishing attempt: phish > get password). When a person who makes the call on whether something is phishing or not and gives bans etc. would hear about this, I believe he would ultimately consider it phishing no matter what the original purpose of it was.

2) Anyone who really phishes would get out of trouble pretty easily if all it takes is to claim they were just trying to "teach a lesson". So no matter if that was the actual case or not, that most likely isn't going to help the situation of any real phisher nor the situation of a troll.

11 years ago

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ye it can be seen as phishing, everything looks like it, right? not going to argue with that if you think im a douche, i was supposed to be in this chat, no mercy for beggars, why even should I? and as I see, you are not having fun so closing the thread...I thought that sg forum is more laidback place but it looks like I was wrong...well w/e, dont care too much

11 years ago

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Of course you did not need to feel obliged to to be nice to him or gift him a game, but that was just kind of unnecessary. Besides, what were you going to do with his password if you actually got it?

11 years ago

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I think I got my first beggar the other day, but I'm not really sure since he wasn't really sure either.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So, you tried to steal his account?

11 years ago

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more like teaching him a lesson...what I had in plan was pretending that im valve employer and pointing out telling pass is against the rules but I didnt get to that point

11 years ago

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I see

11 years ago

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I doubt that a valve employer would troll anyone so rudely

11 years ago

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Um...We can still see the beggers name in the screenshots. Get to blurring.

11 years ago

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well no offence but Instead of trolling him you should really be a Nice and Honest person saying "Ey look man im sorry but i dont know you" or some crap like that Lol

11 years ago

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So, you probably are not of proper age yourself and all, but I see you tried to be totally cool and funny, but you really were not.

Next time just tell him that this is not how it works and that some day he will have a job and be able to afford to buy games.
.. or just say no and be done with it.

Also: you tried to steal his account but failed miserably.
Phishing is forbidden, you should get suspended here and your Steam account should be blocked and a Steam staff member should post the log of your chat with him where you beg to regain access to your account.

Now THAT would be funny! ;)

11 years ago

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if I was really phishing him, what would a near empty steam account be good for me? hm? you really think that was point?
Now THAT would be funny!

11 years ago

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Hmmm... Beggars, the way I get games is just Steam trading cards. Anyone who comes across another beggar, just tell then about Steam trading cards.

11 years ago

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Personally, I think being a jerk is worse than begging. Begging's annoying and all, but being a jerk is hateful and rude. Also, your attempt to be funny really didn't work.

11 years ago

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Just because a scamming attempt fails, like with impersonators or shady websites, it doesn't make it less of a crime. You actually tried to scam someone, we have it right there on your screenshots. This is the classical old way of scamming. Give me your password and I will give you a free game.

This thread is stupid, even more stupid than beggars.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by PomstaZLesa.