Could you guys check it out please? its my first time so nothing fancy yet.
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10 years ago

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Pretty nice m8! The only problem I can think of is that on 0:19 that suddent stop feels weird to me ·-·. Kinda felt okay at 1:05.

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10 years ago

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thanks a lot!! it an amateur attempt but the next one will be much better :D once again thank you for your time and comment!!

10 years ago

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Sounds nice but like mentioned before the sudden stops somehow appear in the middle of tacts. That makes it sound weird

10 years ago

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I just heard it I think it's some problem on YouTube's end still thank you :D

10 years ago

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I think what the respected commenters above me mean by saying 'stops' are not pauses per se (which could indeed be written off as YouTube glitches), but rather changes in timbre as your piece moves from one pattern to another. Consider the pattern change at 0:19: you're removing the drone pads, the marimba-like loop of the C Major triad, the piano, and the treble strings - but not in a meaningful way. You cut them off without any sense of progression as you move onto the next pattern, with a different drum beat and lower strings.

It usually makes sense to carry over one or two instruments into the next segment (if for just one measure) when you're changing patterns; otherwise the piece just sounds disconnected. I guess the problem at 0:19 specifically is that you're using such a slow attack on the strings that the second pattern simply feels empty for about a second or so, until the strings kick in. Consider either prolonging the treble note on the strings into the second pattern, or playing the mid notes from the second pattern half a measure earlier.

10 years ago

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you know your music pretty well^^ teach me master /\

10 years ago

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Sure thing, young padawan. I only record minute-long teasers of the full songs that I never release and enjoy hearing how promising those sound. Works wonders! ;þ

10 years ago

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the drums and percussion needs work, slightly more punchier sounds would be good without taking away from the softness, louder and more crisp percussion is the main thing to improve really, your melodies are pretty good! check out some of my stuff you wanna :P

10 years ago

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piano is nice... maybe you should try to add a bit more (small) details. Breaks, more variations in the drums and stuff.
maybe you should also have a look on ambient or "idm" (stupid genrename) music like Ludique, Kettel, Boards of Canada... Think it fits more the mood of the track

10 years ago

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"idm" is an unfortunate name for the genre, it makes it sound sooo pretentious

10 years ago

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thats why i put the "" and the "(stupid genrename)" on it. but if you didn't know this kind of music you can find some stuff with this "name" on youtube ;)

10 years ago

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I'm fairly well versed in music, I make music of various genres, including ambient and idm :)

I'm also currently working on an album, it has lots of acoustic stuff, orchestral stuff, some post rock, and black metal, among other genres :D

10 years ago

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i was talking about the op ;D
but i allready checked out your stuff. it is not bad but i "played" alot with fl some time ago and i think there are a lot of sounds that i remember and that sounds a bit "old" for me. If you finish your album, you can send me a link if you like ;)

here is a link to a dj mix i did a long time (7-8 years i think) ago. Fell free to listen:

10 years ago

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Nice mix! My album is going to be very different, more organic in sound and such :)

10 years ago

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Do you mix? Your bar structure needs some work unless you're going for something totally different. I can answer any questions you might have. btw

10 years ago

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k2 sounds great! also very good sounddesign. the start reminds me to mobys go (not shure why ^^)

10 years ago

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Thanks <3.

10 years ago

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Pretty good.

And while we're at it, I'll post my stuff.
My Soundcloud.

And yes I knowww... It's pretty bad. Not doing it as a professional work, it's just one of my favorite pastimes. :)

10 years ago

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why am I in your blacklist :(

10 years ago

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You are? No idea. I blacklists users usually for breaking rules or being particularly rude. So you probably did either one of them a while back. :P

I'm willing to give a fresh start to users in my blacklist for the release of SGv2, so... You're off the blacklist. For now. ;)

10 years ago

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It's my general impression that the people pre-empting their music with saying that it's just a pastime usually end up publishing something that I actually enjoy. What can I say, it's happened again. )

Thematically varied music, with a wide range of instruments, tempo changes, crescendos, and - thank you, thank you - not a single beat utilising a preset FL patch. It's a manual labour of love. Ta for sharing.

10 years ago

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Aw, thanks for the nice words. ^^

10 years ago

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Guys I really couldn't thank all of you enough for your comments !! I never knew we had such a versatile group of people on SG and I am really happy to know you guys! Could I add you guys up to learn more about making music? because with holidays approaching this is something I would to devote my time to !! Once again thank you guys !!

10 years ago

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That imovie intro though. (at least i think it is lol)

.19 is kind of weird just because of the sudden jump.

The up-down sound you have at .38 has the same issue. I'd drag it out over at least twice the length, and slowly put a low-pass filter on it until it fades out rather than suddenly stopping it.

1.24 also has a sudden start of your piano. Suddenness doesn't work too well with the ambient sort of music you're trying for.

Drums are nice and subtle, matches the mood well.

10 years ago

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:D thanks !! i will try my best to make next one better :D

10 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by AlphaBetaGamma.