How much you spend in this sale?
lol same finally picked up monks and mystic and jade dragon. only thing I bought from steam sale.
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The other day I played offline out of shame after realizing my playtime hours had breached 2,000 >__<
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Excellent, did you pick up any DLCs? I recommend: Charlemagne and The Old Gods
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Haha no, the joke was that I haven't bought anything this sale because I'm still playing Crusader Kings. It's probably the sole perpetrator stalling my backlog.
Though I must say, Conclave is probably my favorite DLC overall. I gave away my wallet to Paradox ages ago, just waiting on Holy Fury now :P
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I figured after you mentioned the 2,000 hours playtime :P
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I only bought one game this sale with most of the trading cards cash I had left - Ghost 1.0. Really enjoyed unEpic, and with a full voice-over and tons of stuff to do, at 4.54€ I had to grab it :)
Usually I buy about 4 or 5 games on average, but lately I've had less time to play. With almost 1,500 titles on Steam and at least a 100 of those being must-play ones, I have a big backlog to take care of in the next year or two :D
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I bought the following during summer sale while keeping true to my own rule: only buying games under 5 € and/ or at least discounted 75% if original price is under 7,50 € :)
Mirror's Edge
Renowned Explorers: The Emperor's Challenge
Renowned Explorers: More To Explore
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
The Painscreek Killings
Odyssey - The Story of Science
Maniac Mansion
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Good rule.
Good taste in games.
I've played/completed Firewatch (SG win) and Homesick (KS backer).
I own Candle, Mirror's Edge, original Renowned Explorers.
République and The Painscreek Killings on my wishlist.
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I usually only buy games that reach a discount threshold of 70% or higher, but since my backlog is doing a lot better I've allowed myself to buy a more than just the average amount of games. I do think I went a bit overboard, though... xD
The Curse of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Rusty Lake: Roots
Rusty Lake Hotel
Flood of Light
Rusty Lake Paradise
Rogue Quest: The Vault of the Lost Tyrant
The Painscreek Killings
The Mind of Marlo
Shadow Bug
Four Last Things
The Low Road
Midnight at the Celestial Palace: Chapter I
The Rivers of Alice - Extended Version
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
I think I spend some $40. Most of them are cheap games, but $3-5 add up really quickly. Celeste was by far the most expensive one. (and it's amazing btw. What a game!)
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I've actually played all of them, except the last one (the fifth game, the episodic one. I forgot the name) a long time ago. Tbh, I had completely forgotten about that 4th game. I'm sure I have the cds somewhere, but I guess I'll just get the 4th one again as well since it's good to have digital copies. Thanks for the reminder! :)
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I like your taste in games. Celeste does look good - I think you'll also really like Ori.
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Thanks! xD
Celeste is really, really good. It's hard, but the controls are tight and the game itself is fair. I was told that even scrubs like me can beat the game with assist mode, but I haven't needed it so far (I'm in chapter 3 - almost half of the game)
Ori does look good.
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I just beat Hob, which I also loved. Once I get around to finally playing Hollow Knight (not sure why I haven't really started it yet - I think it's because it's a BIG game), Celeste will be what I target next.
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I know, I know - but 20+ hours? I bought the dang thing, I might as well play it. It's up next - thanks for the pep talk.
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Great! Just when I get the resolve to finally play Hollow Knight, I get A Hat in Time in the latest Monthly :)
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ah, darkest dungeon, what a great game. I never said so many curses in a game like in dd
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Picked up some classic indies that I never got around to playing before, plus a couple of newer ones that were dirt cheap.
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Nothing. Actually, every day was the same discount on every game, only changing those 'highlighterd'...
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I pulled the trigger on buying Life is Strange after hearing so many reviews about it saying it's good.
I like it, though the constant pressure about thinking about my decisions and sometimes some of the monotony moments are a little annoying to deal with. I kind of wish I could do more than just talk to people and walk around and interact with objects. Guess what i'm saying is I wish there was some kind of mini-game or something to help break things up.
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Seems like Telltale style games are not your thing, then (yes, I know Life is Strange is not from Telltale, but is basically the same thing). I honestly don't really care for Life is Strange. It's on my list of very, very overrated games. I also find it hilarious there are games now that call themselves "in the Life is Strange universe".
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I think people just liked how it's a callback to younger days, I like how you can rewind just about whenever. And the topics in the story are a bit serious and real. Iunno, it's kinda nice when I don't really want to have high interactivity in a game. And just want to enjoy a story. I think the story kinda drags on sometimes and there's inconsistencies with the characters and how they'd realistically react to such a thing happen, you're kinda thrust into it and kate kinda just embraces it even though she's had the ability for like 2 or 3 days. Also that being said, a lot of serious shit happens in those 2 or 3 days and it's reeeeallly unrealistic and kinda stresses me out cause you're thrown right into a mess whenever everything was peachy hours before the start of the story.
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Kane and Lynch 1 and 2
Hitman Absolution
Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide
Max Payne 1 and 2
these games were so cheap i couldn't resist lol
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Motorsport Manager + 2 DLCs
All 5 Stellaris DLCs which are relevant for gameplay.
2 EU4 expansions
Dominions 5
That was actually a lot more than I planned to spend, but so far there is nothing I regret. I already spent 35h with Motorsport Manager and it's not very complex but fun. And now I'm playing Stellaris ... and will be troubled to play anything else in the next weeks. :D
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Waiting for the Final Fantasy games to go on bigger sales before I spend anything out of the steam wallet. 50% is still too expensive, especially when I already own the cartridges/discs and can legally just use emulators if I want.
Spent nothing.
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D4, Color of Madness, Crimson Court and Shieldbreaker dlc's for Darkest Dungeon.
Many hours playing and many heroes dead.
Stress and everything we love from Darkest Dungeon <3
The art is soooo cool
Fanatical is hard, the true challenge for me. The collector wasn't a problem.
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*When they make a new DLC: Slowly, genlty.... this is how a wallet is taken"
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Yoku's Island Express is a freaking delight. Colorful and cheery like a Yoshi's Island game, with the mechanics of a Metroidvania and a pinball game. All the platforming is controller by your use of flippers and special parts of backgrounds. Really fun to move around it. It could use more fast travel, but is still cheery in a way that not enough games on my radar are. It was worth the eighteen bucks I shelled out. I wasn't really waiting for a discount so much as for free time.
Meanwhile Subnautica is utterly overwhelming to me. Movement with the controller is frustratingly floaty, I can't aim to grab things or hit things worth a damn, and I have no idea what things I need to build first. It turned out the "air bladder" I built didn't expand my air tanks; it just let me surface faster. The game has a gorgeous aesthetic and I love the day/night cycle under the sea, but I think the mechanics might just not be for me.
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I got AC syndicate, but I traded it for a game which I got cheaper on the sale and didn't bought it directly
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Ultimate MvC 3 for $9.99 US
Fallout 4 Season Pass for $24.99 US (FINALLY!)
Batman Arkham Knight Premium (season pass/DLC included) for $9.99 US
Total of $44.97 US
All in all, not bad for someone that just spent their first paycheck's budget for games.
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Well, I have other things I want now. Like saving for some other preorder games.
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Of course, it's on my whishlist. Unless something bad will happen with the game, I think I'm going to buy it as soon as it'll leave Early Access. Although, I have to say to say that since Amid Evil, unlike Hexen, has no player classes, a hub area that allows the player to move back and forth between maps or a portable inventory it looks much closer to Heretic rather than Hexen.
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I've bought only CHUCHEL and The Misadventures of P. B. Winterbottom. CHUCHEL's already down – I've had a great time, fun short game.
I've received from friends Quantum Condurum and OneShot. OneShot is already installed and I'll try to tackle it during the weekend.
Next in line will be either The Misadventures of P. B. Winterbottom or Quantum Condurum. I'd like to give them a try when I'm still hyped.
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I got:
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition
Slap City
Gremlins, Inc.
I've been wanting to get into the AC franchise since about 2016, the first game hadn't gone past 66% off on Steam since 2015. Finally caved in and got it...
Everything is on hold for now as I try out Rocket League during free weekend though.
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So. What are the new games on your library?
My games are:
Until I Have You
Sonic Generations
RE Revelations 2: Chapter 1
Black Desert
Worms Mayhem
I was on a budget, so little games this time.
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