Ahoy Space cats of all horizons!
I found a strange letter by my doorstep this morning, supposedly it'd open the doors of some foreign domains. Ah, who cares?
Puzzles am i right?!
It reads:

Within nebulous haze, the demoness sways,
Her crimson eyes, a glowing blaze.
With predatory grin and voice in swarth,
She lures the lost with whispered warmth.

With nefarious whispers, the demon misled,
Amid covert plots, she shaped his dread.
Her titanic will bound him in chains,
A defiant pawn in dark domains.

He met a queen, auguste and fair,
Yet thwarted dreams obscured his glare.
Through agonized trials, he withstood the fight,
With unshaken alacrity, he reached her height.

By potent will, her curse was slain,
And cupid’s grace broke love’s refrain.
Through iron storms, he carved his fate,
With kryptic strength, defied his state.

In balanced peace, his heart held true,
As modest hands claimed love anew.
With serene joy, his soul took flight,
And fragrant dawn embraced the night.

There was a note too:
Oh, and I should tell you that only the start holds sway, that gold lies within those lines and probably that only duos shapes the way.
Whatever that means.

This gibberish eludes me, perhaps you, space cat, might find the way forward ?

A single word cannot bring more than 118. Undiscovered, and hypothesis do not count.

Oh space travellers, time seems to have an impact on the letter, another line appeared ! It reads:
Fine wine age well = __, Well, I knew that! Nothing too stricking here, oh wait! This seems to be written in a special ink... silver ? Yes, it's silver I'm sure, maybe it matters somehow.

There seem to be more still, but i cannot deciper it from now.
Ah ah! I knew something would show up if I actually waited long enough !

Let's see.. few lines, numbers, uh uh.. does it..?! Oh right, it says:
A teacher broke, his hope ran dry, = 242
Turned to meth as bills ran high. = 204
With cancer's clock, he chose to stray, = 39
And Heisenberg was born that day. = 92

Is it really Heisenberg ? The... german physicist? Although, why cancer then ? I'm not sure anymore; the deeper we go in this letter and the less it makes sence to me, but I'm counting on you to have a better understanding of this gibberish, travellers!

Oh, there's a picture below that, but i can't see it properly yet. Don't worry travellers, I'll find a way if need be!

I tried my hand at a SGTool protection, I hope i did not mess it up. All games are level2+ and the GA runs until the 30/03 3:30pm ( too many 3s).
I got inspired by the many puzzles that appeared recently, thank you SG, you're great!

I sincerely apologize for those of you who got the right number but the lock didn't budge. I failed you all, feline travellers. This should be corrected now, but again, sumimasen 🙏

Oh, and as always, GL space cats! 🍀

6 days ago*

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Using the second hint, I think I found some clues. Buuuuuuuuut, it should be solvable WITHOUT edits 1 and 2, so still stuck.

22 hours ago

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Tbh, everything is there but I'd have been amazed if anyone could have solved it without even the first hint.

21 hours ago

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How dare you to make a so difficult riddle!!!

Oh wait...

21 hours ago

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Nope, no clue. Might take another look later.

20 hours ago

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Hmm, I'm now getting a 4 digit number, but it seems I'm still missing some rule, as it's not working. So many steps without a means to validate partial results :(

20 hours ago

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Actually, you may have input the correct number but the lock did not open, this should be corrected now. Accept my apology.

20 hours ago*

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Yes, everything seems clear, Hints match. I double checked the list and the latter math and still nothing. May I ask about the number of "blocks" we should be using to build the solution?
If we're already into history do Teutons have something to do with the solution?

19 hours ago*

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Nope, not teutons no.
And to answer your first question: there are 50 blocks to be found.

18 hours ago

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So i have extra 2 🤔

18 hours ago

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Right you were. Blind af aparently. 52, and corrected.

17 hours ago

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Bump for solved! :)

17 hours ago

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bump for solved! my brain hurts XD

16 hours ago

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bump solved whew

14 hours ago

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