With all the hilarity concerning how shitty this game is, as well as the atrocious, contemptible attempts to censor and silence people across the web (Youtube, Metacritic, Steam discussion forums - see here and here for full details) from this dev., let's not overlook other horribad things about this game that can give us all a wonderful, deep chuckle. Let's look at the store page for the game, and the high school freshman level writing of the story:


Garry Friedman, a veteran bush pilot in his early 40’s , still broken down emotionally after a tragic accident involving his wife and his little girl, drowns himself in alcohol every night to escape his torment (wow such edgy character development, so compelling and unique, tell me more). Now numb to the constant dangers he faces, Garry keeps signing up for impossible jobs; he gets the cash, doesn’t ask questions, business as usual (sounds like a real tough guy, this Garry - super cool). Some doubt his motives but Garry needs this danger now, he needs the adrenaline, it’s the closest he gets to feeling alive again (again, riveting writing, I'm on the edge of my seat here).

On Friday, June 13, 2014, a transport job has him going to a research facility in Yellowstone and bringing the some cargo to Nevada; the drop coordinates would then be updated during the mission. But Garry would never reach his destination… (I don't even know what this means - is he going from Yellowstone to Nevada to drop some stuff? Is he going to some unnamed drop location after that, from Nevada? The writing's so bad, it doesn't even make sense, here..)

0700 hours, slight ground vibrations, not strong enough for anyone to notice.
0735 hours, Garry has loaded the cargo and is flying off
0740 hours, The Yellowstone super volcano starts erupting

The sudden gushes of poisonous fumes send Garry and his plane spiraling through the skies. While he tries to regain control, the artifacts inside his cargo start to activate. A sudden burst of energy explodes and suddenly Garry`s plane, and everything with it, crashes into the Amazonian jungle; the drop slowed down by the enormous flora.

(Let's see here - he went from Yellowstone, to Nevada, and somewhere close to the Yellowstone "suuuper volcaaanoooo" he lost control of his plane, then started spiralling out of control, spiralling until he crashed in the Amazon jungle.. Let's see what that looks like on a map, shall we? My my, that sure is some sick-ass spiralling going on, for a couple of hours! Dayum son!)

0750 hours, Garry blacks out. The carcass of his plane lies amongst the trees. (Poor dead plane carcass, hope it didn't suffer :( )

Wild Games Studio presents:

An extraordinary adventure awaits, where you will need to survive through hostile environments, explore ancient civilizations, and discover a truth that will change your understanding of the world, forever!

This cargo might have saved your life once, but what happens next?

It’s all up to you …Day One

Seriously, how could anyone have actually spent money on this? Aren't there enough red flags of "90'S BARGAIN BIN GAME" on the game's store page alone to drive any potential interest into the pit? Still interested in the game, at all? Let's see what happens to that interest when I list the game's "Key Features" and link to actual in-game footage after some of these "features":

◾ Start with nothing and craft, hunt, fish and fight to survive.

Hunt panthers for their meat

◾ Catch fish and find fruits

◾ Build fire and cook your food

Search for water sources

Sneak behind enemies to perform stealth kills (you even see the prompt pop up yet fail to work, and it doesn't even give him away :D)

World Exploration & Survival gameplay

Craft tools and weapons to survive in the jungle

Patch yourself up with makeshift bandages

◾ Adjustable FOV

Let's all join together in ridiculing this ass of a dev., his despicable attempts at censorship, and this pile of steaming garbage he's put together under the misnomer of "a videogame" :D

1 decade ago*

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I would have to agree that what the developer did was something I do not approve of, but I think this type of bashing is going a bit far. We all know what happened, the developer has gone through quite some shit and this has already gotten a bit old. This post is written solely for the purpose of kicking up a shitstorm directed at the developer, which ironically makes the OP look rather immature, and is already too late. Please stop trying to keep the party starting and win some internet fame by making a thread that has been made and finished long ago. Just leave it. You are too late.

BTW, how do you know all these bad things without buying the game?

1 decade ago

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Cause of TB's review video.
Edit: Also because of all the other "reviewers".

1 decade ago

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Oh no, this is pure, unadulterated indulgence in bashing the dev. and this horrible game, with no intent other than sharing chuckles at how bad the game and the entire situation the dev. created around it is. Also, my final decision to actually click "Create Your Discussion" was motivated largely by wanting to post it as a cautionary tale of sorts, so people can see precisely why the game is so bad, and why this dev. deserves not a penny out of any of our pockets, if they perhaps have friends considering giving this dev. some of their cash.

This game, nor its' dev., warrant any form of defence or respect, from anyone.

"BTW, how do you know all these bad things without buying the game?"

Really?!? Have you actually seen the videos I linked to?

1 decade ago

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Also, how does this bashing go a bit far? The level of skill in the writing is atrocious; a 3rd grade high school student could do better than that drivel. It's banal, boring, stereotypical, derivative bullshit with horrible structure, grammar, and style that any sober fool could come up with in 15 minutes.

1 decade ago

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I agree with this comment- I'd say most people here are already quite aware of what has happened and the consequences that have ensued, and therefore have no need for a thread meant to be a "cautionary tale"~

As for the bashing, the game is already pretty much done for, the developer is pretty much done for, and there are already multiple, multiple videos demonstrating how it sucks As for bad writing- there's bad writing everywhere If you want to make fun of mediocre writing go ahead- there's quite a lot of it on the internet nowadays Once you've had your fill maybe you'll see why making another thread bashing the rather idiotic and poor decisions some people make is rather pointless, especially if those idiotic and poor decisions have already been brought up, discussed, and heavily criticized again and again

In other words, "You are too late."~

1 decade ago

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I want a refund of the waste of oxygen that it took to make this game. Anyone who buys it should get a refund. And if you grow tired of the drama surrounding this game by reading and viewing all the stuff that shows how bad it is... just remember, these guys didn't nuke the fridge to begin with. Just be grateful that they have no more influence over our lives than making a bad video game.

1 decade ago

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Here's a petition if there's any use.

1 decade ago

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Imagine if the dev. your city's major / office. What they'd all do to try and censor people, silence dissent.. And how bad everything would be in general.. OMG.

1 decade ago

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tl;dr probably talks about everything TotalBiscuit has said,ergo...

1 decade ago

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Congratulations on missing a) the entire point of the thread, by b) assuming literally everything about the thread's content instead of even skimming over it to see what it's about, then c) posting a useless and obtuse TL;DR comment that's entirely wrong in its' basic premise.

You win an "internet idiot" point!


1 decade ago

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Never said I was good at the internet, thanks for flaming :p

1 decade ago

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In this thread, while I was expressing my point of view about "reviews", a guy replied with this: "Other people =/= you. Not liking something does not mean it should be taken away from others.". I think this is fair and I will tell you the same: if you don't like a product, just ignore it - other people might like it even if it is full of bugs.

PS: Nope, I don't own that game; nope I don't like that game, but I don't get this kind of threads.

1 decade ago

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.. It's like people's eyes have gone and somehow broken, all 'round.

  1. This thread isn't a review of any kind, nor does it pretend to be..
  2. I have earlier in the thread already described precisely what the intent of the thread was, in my reply to NoobsDeSroobs..
  3. This game's lack of quality isn't merely an issue of taste of preference - the game is fundamentally flawed in core design elements, and bugged. Similar to a coffee grinder with blades so blunt that they can't grind coffee. Hence, it warrants absolute avoidance and commentary encouraging such. It will feel like a waste of your money if you buy it, and it doesn't deserve any profits.
  4. There's a larger issue with the dev. being an unethical asshole who doesn't deserve revenue for his products, based on his unethical practises.

Congrats on not bothering to properly read the thread, or familiarise yourself with the game enough to understand the critique levelled at it by me, here - which is critique you'll see all over the 'net from others, also.

1 decade ago

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-I read about 3 paragraphs of your post.
-I didn't say that this thread is a review, and if that's what you understood from my post, you have a huge problem.
-There are a lot of products in real life which I see as useless, but if they sell it means someone buys (needs /. enjoys) them.

"There's a larger issue with the dev. being an unethical asshole who doesn't deserve revenue for his products"
Again, there is something wrong with you.

1 decade ago

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Let's do this dance again, shall we? Let's deconstruct your post, bit by bit:

  1. You are the one who referred to a reply on a comment of yours, where the topic was reviews. "In this thread, while I was expressing my point of view about 'reviews', a guy replied with this: 'Other people =/= you. Not liking something does not mean it should be taken away from others.' I think this is fair and I will tell you the same." What that says is that you are telling me the same thing the guy replying to you was telling you, concerning reviews. You're quoting a reply and directing it at me, where the context of the reply was opinions on reviews, suggesting you saw my thread as a disparaging review of sorts, trying to convince people not to buy the game. If you didn't see my thread as such, you shouldn't have told the whole story about your comment concerning reviews. If you don't see my thread as a review, the situation is different, so you can't apply the reply you received to your comment on reviews to my thread, in the context you yourself gave by describing the story about your comment and its' reply. Try brushing up on your skills in semantics and syntax, and look up the definition of "context".
  2. Sure, there's something wrong with me, because I don't like the idea of giving my money to a dev. who uses underhanded tactics to promote his game such as putting up loads of fake Metacritic reviews, banning any form of critique on the Steam discussion forums for their game, and even going so far as to deliver a DMCA takedown request (which was not only wrong in its' premise, but immoral as it abuses Youtube's takedown procedure to censor rather than actually protect any copyright / intellectual property) to someone who makes a living off of making these gaming videos. It's comparable to going to the boss of a guy you know, at his work, and telling the boss he's been stealing from you, only because he criticised you for doing something bad. The dev. made a broken, shitty game, that has various serious qualitative issues with it that can even prevent completion of the game, or otherwise break gameplay, TB made a video showing some of these issues, then got a takedown notice from this asshole of a dev. You do know that after three such strikes, a person's channel can get removed from YT entirely, right? If this jackoff is prepared to stoop so low to defend his game and try to quickly rake in a little more cash before word of how bad his game spreads enough to halt sales, I don't see how saying he doesn't deserve a dime for what he makes means there's something wrong with me - rather, it seems there's something wrong with you, for defending someone who does such things.
1 decade ago

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Once again, you fail to understand - the point of my reply was "Not liking something does not mean it should be taken away from others.", not dafuq you are saying. This whole discussion is a non-sense.

You talk about morality, but you say "there's a larger issue with the dev. being an unethical asshole who doesn't deserve revenue for his products".

PS: You are from Holland. Do you ever buy products from Nestle?

1 decade ago

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Let's go again, then.

  1. It seems my first point in my previous post went entirely over your head; that what I was explaining was simply too complicated for you to understand, with your limited mental capacity. Let's try to explain it in a slightly simpler form: As you say, "..the point of my reply was 'not liking something does not mean it should be taken away from others". Right, OK. So, I was saying, that if that's what you wanted to get across, that you should have stuck to only providing that quote (or better yet a paraphrase to make your point), and left the context of it being a reply to a comment you'd made about reviews entirely out of the equation. You supplied the context, giving it an implied meaning, that's why I replied with "This thread isn't a review of any kind, nor does it pretend to be" in my original reply to you. I was adhering to language rules that make perfect sense when reading and trying to understand someone else. You, however, failed to properly express yourself, making a syntactical / semantic error, then proceeded to claim there was something wrong with me, for doing nothing other than reading the information you presented to me, as you had presented it to me.
  2. "You talk about morality, but you say "there's a larger issue with the dev. being an unethical asshole who doesn't deserve revenue for his products". OK, yes, I did say that. What's your point? Are you saying it's immoral to say that someone who is prepared to ruin anothers' livelihood, censor people, and lie about their product doesn't deserve to thrive by selling their products? I think the clue to your meaning lies in your next line: "You are from Holland. Do you ever buy products from Nestle?" I think what you're trying to say is that we all buy stuff from people with dubious moral standing, and to some extent, that's true. However, that is entirely irrelevant to the current discussion. First off, Nestle is a giant conglomerate that owns many subsidiaries, and people can and will buy from one of these subsidiaries without ever knowing they're buying from a Nestle subsidiary or daughter company. That isn't the case with this games dev., at all. Not even close. Secondly, Nestle makes foodstuffs, a basic need - not videogames. Videogames are entirely optional in life, a luxury, an indulgence. Hence, judgement of the person behind the product vs. purely judging the product, is far more relevant. Third, your attempted "argument" by suggesting that because I maybe buy Nestle products, my opinion of "don't buy products from an unethical company / person" was invalid, was a fine example of a number of rhetological fallacies. More precisely, an appeal to ridicule through a perfectionist fallacy. Even if I bought only Nestle products, all day, every day, that wouldn't make my point of "don't buy stuff from this dev. because he's an asshole" any less valid.

Congratulations on your lack of reasoning and reading skills, and lack of understanding of basic language and semantic rules.

1 decade ago

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You just argue for the sake of argument. Beside that, I'd avoid writing blocks of text which can be summed up in 30 words, unless I was Marquis de Sade or I had Dumas' talent.
-If you don't like this game just MOVE ON, some might like it or they might simply like the concept and what it could become one day - don't insult those people.
-If you think they did something unethical or they censored people, I only think they used LEGAL methods to survive capitalism - everyone does.
-If you think that Nestle* is fine after they put melamine in chinesse milk (among other stuffs) just because they are a huge conglomerate and they provide food, not entertainment, but these guys "don't deserve revenue for their products" because they failed to advertise properly, you are a hypocrite.

PS: (1) It's hard to use a linguistic logic when you think in your native language, but it's not hard to understand MY POINT.
PPS: I also think that today critics are mostly retards with no actual skills and that Tristan Tzara's work is lame, but I don't make threads about that - I just move on.

*you can replace "Nestle" with any other successful company - there are these kind of issues everywhere.

1 decade ago

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Garrys accident is the new war z?

1 decade ago

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It's "Incident", but then again, who cares? It's crap, although not as bad as the War Z was (barely). The controversy surrounding the dev. and his behaviour also isn't as bad a spectacle as the lies and bullshit surrounding War Z were - although the unethicality of the dev. is similar in this scenario.

1 decade ago

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But they are working on a new survival mode and after reading the comments seems like everybody loves the game so far. :D

1 decade ago

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Nicely written.

1 decade ago

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greatest new game of all time, 10/10 ~ IGN

1 decade ago

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So many good games this year - Ride to hell: Retribution, Aliens: Colonial Marines, this...

1 decade ago

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Revelations 2012 looks more fun than this xD...also Total Biscuit's video is up again ;)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ansatsunin.