Hey Guys. Just saw that torchlight is marked on the giveaway list. Like the bundle games are.

Just would like to know what the Value is, i would get for giving the game away? I got it from the Torchlight2 Pre-Sale and don't want it to add 0 to my Value, like all the Bundle games i was giving away.

Well. If it ads 0 i will still give it away.

just want to know it in before.

12 years ago*

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At this point it will add 0 to your contribution.

Give away more non-bundle games, and you'll start receiving contribution value for the bundle games you've already give out.

12 years ago

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But Torchlight1 was no Bundle Game...i bought torchlight 1 a while ago and got the free copy from the pre-sale...don't know, sound kinda unfair to me...

12 years ago

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Was being the key word. Now it is a bundle game. If you had given it away before the HIB6 started, it would have counted as a non bundle game.

12 years ago

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But you can't give away the HIB6 Game. HIB wont give you individual Keys for each game.

12 years ago

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Yep that's true. Indie Gala gives you individual keys but HiB give's you one key for all below average games and another key if you pay above average.

12 years ago

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People have given away the Humble Bundles as one of the games in them to gain more contribution. For HIB5 the game was Amnesia. It's against the rules to do so, but it's hard to catch people doing that. That's pretty much the reason why the individual games don't give you full contribution.

12 years ago

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Those people should be suspended. It is possible to check the inventory of players with the SteamAPI. So it shouldn't be a problem to detect the people that own a game as gift.

12 years ago

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People like having their inventories private (I for example made it private since I had 3 people begging games from me in a matter of days), and SG shouldn't force them to change that. That's why the inv checking system should and could not be implemented.

12 years ago

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I think there should be an option which you have to check when making giveaway. For example if you give away game key then check "Key", if gift - check "Gift" because I don't think it's fair to people who buy game gifts. I gave away BIT.TRIP.RUNNER gift but since it was in a bundle some time ago I didn't get contributor value for it. It's kinda stupid I think. I don't have a chance to buy that many games so of course I'll buy bundles and if I have keys I'll give them away but when I actually have gift not key then I should be able to get contributor for it no matter if I gave away bundle games or not. That's one of the minuses for this system. I would have never given away BIT.TRIP.RUNNER here if I would've known that I won't get any fucking contributor value for it!

12 years ago

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100% True words. I don't have that much money. Well. I don't have a job, where should the money come from? But still i know that there are people with less money then i have. So i am giving games away for them. And yes. I gave away 99% bundle games. (I think the only none bundle game was Sanctum).
But now that i want to give away a gift game i shouldn't get my contribution value up because some idiots are buying a bundle and give it away as a single game to get more value?

Those people should get suspended and we, who give away the gift, should get our full value!

12 years ago

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Relying of user input would be stupid. Because, to quote Dr. House: Everybody lies.

Sanctum was in an Indie Royale.

You don't need much money to contribute. Buy a game that's 75% of and give it away. 2.5 EUR really ain't much.
Plus giving away single keys from bundles is against the TOS of most bundles, and was forbidden on SG until recently. Now you even get credit for it, but to get it to "full value" you need to give some non bundle games.

12 years ago

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People aren't honest enough to check the correct boxes. Why would they check the box that gives them less contribution, when they can check the box that gives them more?

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the bundles and I think the solution we currently have is good. You can search for the bundle topics, if you want to read the previous discussions.

12 years ago

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Well it is possible to check ones inventory. so this option should only be able to be clicked if the game is in those peoples inventory. TF2R is doing this to check what TF2 Items a player has.

12 years ago

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That would increase the workload of moderators a lot and you can't really have a public gift inventory as a requirement for using this site.

12 years ago

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You can. Why not? Why should people be against it? It won't hurt them.

And with the open inventory you could just use the SteamAPI to check if they own a game or not. Moderators would not have more work to do. You choose a game and the api checks if you have the game in your inventory. if it is so you will get the full value, if not, you wont

12 years ago

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the winner of the giveaway could say if he recieved a gift or a key

12 years ago

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But there would be a new problem. Would the winner hit the right button?

I guess the solution to check the inventory would be a great way to solve this problem.

12 years ago

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So you give games to receive contributor value instead of giving for the sake of giving?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That i got it from the presale? Just take a look at my inventory:


12 years ago

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Ctrl + F + torchlight = ????

12 years ago

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Read the above. You can't give away individual keys from the HIB6, so i don't really get it why i shouldnt be able to get my value up if i give away the game i bought.

12 years ago

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You can giveaway individual bundle keys, that's why they don't give you "much" contribution value.

It's not forbidden.

12 years ago

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Not from the HIB6. It is giving you one key that contains all games.

12 years ago

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Alright. Well, I don't know then, but as it is marked as a bundle game, you will get 0 cont.value from it. Those are the rules, you can contact support about it if you like. But I don't think that will solve anything.

The reason why it won't give any cont.value might be that it was given free for those who owned TL2 and so it was added to the bundle list because people would start giving it away and get lots of cont.value from it.

12 years ago

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The System isn't really fair on that point...

12 years ago

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It's on the bundle list because it's in Humble Indie Bundle 6. The individual games are on the list because people have given away the Humble Bundles under one of the games to gain more contribution.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RenokK.