1st. You post pathetic hate comments.
2nd. You don't view the very clear proof that I posted.
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erm, how is my comment a hate comment? just because I don't agree with you does it make it a hate comment? if so please explain to me what's so hateful about it.
All my comment does is pointing out that at first you've done something that can be seen as breaking a rules, and that now you're clearly breaking a rules of no calling out. And no, you're not allowed to call out in any circumstances. And defeating one witch hunt by starting another one is way to nowhere. Not to mention the fact that you can easily get suspended by creating this topic only.
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and sry but what does these proof links should prove to us? It's not about if members are allowed to post GAs for themselves, it's about did you or did you not take a game from other member and post it as your own, earning CV to you? And you said so yourself, which can be viewed as CV fraud.
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As you can see in the proof links, The users created the giveaways.
They are group exclusive and they made them using their own accounts.
It proves to people that I do not try scam into making the giveaways myself.
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Actually, I called your hate comments pathetic.
If you cannot read the text properly, Try moving the screen closer or turning up the brightness. I find it helps.
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I care. I do not like having my group defaced by an annoying kid who has no respect whatsoever.
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Well, I'm sorry that you left.
Next time there is some annoying little kid breaking the rules, Ill be sure to take hundreds of screenshots incase he decides to go and post a giant bullshit story public.
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Because there are haters who like causing problems for "The good guys".
I try do something kind by giving away games for free.
Not even three weeks have past and I already have people calling me a scammer, Even though every single winner has received their winnings.
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But you do get games from your members first even if that is completely unnecessary, don't you? Care to elaborate the reason why you asked them to do it in the first place? Well, the damage is done and I think rightly so...
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The main point of the group was I buy all the games, But there are a few members who WANT to donate a game or two.
I do not ask them to.
It is their choice if they create the giveaway or give them to me to create.
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"You may post your own giveaway as long as it is a group only giveaway AND you have told me (The Group Leader) before!"
You make no sense. Well, I guess with 17 if your brilliant plan blows off I'd also be hard pressed to defend it.
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Respect is earned. You show me no respect, Don't expect it in return.
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1st. You post pathetic hate comments.
2nd. You don't view the very clear proof that I posted.
First thing you do is hating. His opinion was different from your's. So what...? Everybody doesn't think like you, so deal with it. Secondly, your proof isn't clear in my opinion.
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1st. You come into a thread that I made to resolve an issue and you start another issue.
2nd. If the proof is not clear, Try taking your head our of your ass. It might make it easier to read.
Discussion closed. I will not waste my time responding to you.
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Well, maybe you should start talking little bit nicely? This is the main reason why I don't trust you. I'd understand if you'd say it to some kind of support that doesn't give answer to you for several months.(Not SG support. Support here is great :D)
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From what we can see so far yyou show no respect towards anyone. If anyone just tries to disagree with you he automatically becomes "pathethic hater", doesn't matter if he posted normal calm comment or hate comment (in which case you should report it to support instead of doing even more calling out). What's even more you avoid the main topic being you created a GA of someone elses games. All you do all the time is creating a smokescreen saying how XYZ is bad, how he deserves a ban, while the main case isn't that XYZ deserved ban or not but that you commence CV fraud asking XYZ for games to make GAs of. None of this actions doesn't earn you any respect in my eyes, it does something totally opposite, and well - you're getting what you earned yourself.
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Really? You might want to report this then.
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He never named you or your group. It was some other commenter who asked him if it was you just from hearing about it and he only confirmed it by saying yes.
So I can guess he did name you in a roundabout way. So take it up with the mods. Don't go calling him out.
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You know, anyone involved in this "drama" should just let it go already. We don't give a fuck about the whole thing actually...
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u wot mate. i se thut few days withut mur cv hurt u.
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Anyone want to tell me what cv is? I'm starting to think it has a second meaning.
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Exactly. I understand how you feel about this, and how you want to let everyone know about your side of the story.
But the Steamgifts forum is not the place for that kind of stuff. The most you'll achieve is getting the story around to anyone who didn't hear about it yet, which isn't what you want I assume?
Most of the forum users here don't really care about this, so you are basically losing your time and expending the witch hunt. The best thing to do for you would be to move on, and forget about this.
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Why are we having threads like these on SteamGifts forums? I mean whats the point of this crap?
The original thread itself was stupid but at least that bloke didn't call out anyone. It was some commenter who did that. Then it devolved into some kind of witch hunt without knowing the full story.
Now we have a retaliation thread. I mean WTF??! What are you people? preschoolers? Both parties hash it out in your own group discussion area. This isn't the place for airing your dirty laundry.
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K. I do sum brokun nunsens for u in thus wastlelund.
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As alot of you already know, The user mChaw243 was banned from my group.
What you don't know is the Truth.
Since I've been getting alot of people spamming comments and pretending they know things that they do not, I thought id clear it up here so that you all understand.
The user: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mChaw243/
Was banned for multiple reasons.
The first was plain disrespect to a staff member.
When approached to be reminded of the rules and given his first warning, the user proceeded to spam me in the chat box.
He was given two additional warnings before banned.
According to him, He was banned permanently.
This is also incorrect.
He has banned for one month, As clearly stated on the "Wall of Shame" page.
Secondly, mChaw was a donator.
He donated approx $2-$3 worth of games. As clearly stated in the rules FAQ, Users are allowed to give out giveaways to the group under the circumstance that they inform a staff member beforehand so it can be announced.
He was informed that he is allowed to create the giveaway himself
This was rejected, so I accepted the trade request.
Despite the false information he has spread and publicly defacing me and my group, I have not changed his ban time.
At the end of the one month ban, He will be allowed to continue posting and commenting in the group.
If you have any questions involving the matter, Please feel free to either post in the comments below or add me on steam.
I'd be more than willing to answer them for you.
Giveaway by Bedda [TT]
Giveaways By luuk123213
(There were more, But id rather not spam links)
Giveaways by Psi-trailing and Adam1224 and myself.
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